toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Sweetners are KILLING US ALL……WEAPONIZATION OF FOOD AND DRINK. SUGAR IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/7H9nQMGfs4
We are in the middle of a MASSIVE CULL
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“THE ORDER OF THE JESUITS……….” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/Op2tF11ds4
Maybe, it's NOT the Jews!?
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“The Jewish Bolshevism.” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/brDPt8Zzl4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Legal Basis for Claims Against the Police!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/8rwYbmZzl4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Scots Law……. British law……all a Scam!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/g252buXzl4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Hatred EXISTS!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/6edKZnWzl4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Numbers, demons and all things 9/11 in history!!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/ceg9puR9h4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“THE W.H.O, AN ETHIOPIAN TERRORIST AND NOVEL CORVID19.” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/4bFs7fFej4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
Radical left
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
The totalitarian view has been challenged by revisionist historians from the 1970s onwardsIt is also called ‘decisionist’ because it sees the terror as a result of decisions made by the Communist leadership in reaction to a series of crises in the mid 1930sJ. Arch Getty, in his book The Origins of the Great Purges (1985), put the most extreme case of the revisionistsIn his book he seems to take a lot of responsibility for the purges away from StalinHe argues that focusing on Stalin alone has, for too long, provided simple and convenient interpretation when the real story is much more complicatedOther historians who have taken a revisionist or decisionist line on the terror are Sheila Fitzpatrick, Graeme Gill, and Roberta ManningStalin did not have a master plan for the terrorThe NKVD was riven by internal divisionsUnits within the organization often acted on their own initiativeThe Soviet state was chaotic in the mid 1930s - There was confusion and conflict between Moscow and the rest of the USSRThe centre used the purges to try to get control but they spiraled out of control and gained a momentum of their ownThe machinery of terror was not well organized - Many people were selected at random, denounced or implicated by their colleagues or other peopleTerror was generated from below as well as aboveStalin did not exercise the personal control of the process ascribe to him and he himself had little idea about what was going on in some areasStalin is responsible for the terror and set it in process, but his personality alone is not sufficient explanation for its scale and form
TOTALITARIAN THEORY:This view has been popular in the West since the Second World WarIt is sometimes called: A) The ‘top down’ view of the terror, because instructions were given by those at the top and carried out by those belowB) The ‘internationalist’ interpretation, because Stalin intended to kill his opponents and increase his personal powerRobert Conquest is the prime exponent of this line in the WestHis book, The Great Terror: A Reassessment (1990) sets out the caseLiberal historians who were dissidents in the old Soviet regime like Roy Medvedev, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Trotsky also share this viewStalin used the purges as a weapon to establish control of the partyStalin used terror in 1937-1938, as a mechanism to control the populaceStalin’s personality was central to the way the purges and terror were carried outStalin sough to get rid of old Bolsheviks who might be a threat to his leadershipThe NKVD was the instrument of a disciplined state apparatus which carried out orders passed down from the topStalin was the architect and planner of the terror
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“The Pentagon "Attack" and Other Isis (Sirius) Rituals!!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/DZJS6cqai4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Numbers, demons and all things 9/11 in history!!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/ceg9puR9h4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“SOCIALIST HOPES…depop and eugenics Now!!” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/m3pbw4j4h4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“Aspartame - Rumsfeld’s
Bioweapon Legacy.” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/g76VeFg4h4
Rumsfeld is the worst war CRIMINAL EVER!!!!
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY OF BRITANNIA IN 1066.” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/QVmXKLrLh4
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toothlesswonders · 4 years
“ZIONISTS, WESTERN SOCIETY AND HOODWINKS” by Toothless Wonders https://link.medium.com/3LQZZwFIh4
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