toothpiick · 10 years
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                            "right. of course it is." he's probably not going to get                              out of this unscathed, if he tries punching the guy.                              man, why does this shit always have to happen to                              him? "i think, as someone who actually has work to                              do, for once, and in this particular situation, i can                              suggest moving to dolphin boy's desk. he won't even                              be needing it, today. you could, like, nap all over it,                              and not get in my way. how great would that be?"
"Of course, that’s true," he agreed, stroking a fabric chin. "I think, as an adult, and in this particular situation, I can make the decision to push this off. Plus, this isn’t exactly a pressing issue.”
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toothpiick · 10 years
that bastard iwashi’s on his turf, hugging his people. not happening. not today
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what. what is going on. why is this happening. why can't he just have a smoke break in peace.
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toothpiick · 10 years
somewhere in the distance, iruka feels the overwhelming urge to strangle someone
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somewhere in the distance, genma is genuinely very confused
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toothpiick · 10 years
throws 3 more
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stares at in confusion
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toothpiick · 10 years
The genkan is a little more cluttered; sandals cracked with sunshine and silt inches from his house slippers. Relief; Raidou's pack dangles gracelessly from its hook, steps eager and quick. He moves past the empty living room to put the kettle into sorts; tea is better when following a bath, Genma no doubt exhausted.
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                                         The bath is too hot. But then, he made it that hot,                                          didn’t he? Raw skin aches under the heavy barrage                                          of water and soap, steam billowing in the chill                                          provided by an opened window. The world is                                          dynamic, crackling with life and will and the returning                                          strength of his limbs. It’s always something of a                                          bother, coming home from a mission two months                                          late and with your significant other being assured                                          you are dead. It’s happened one too many times, of                                          late—— he’s slipping. No longer the graceful entity of                                          old, but then, he never was that graceful, anyway. It                                          mattered not how he got the job done; he just did. And                                          rarely did any question it, at the end of the day. They                                          gave him the jobs that meant long months spent away                                          with little to no contact— he’d gotten used to it, really.                                          They all had. He would leave, they would claim he was                                          dead because of some shitty protocol, and he’d pop                                          back up again, the process repeating itself. He’d gone                                          a full year away from home, before. This was nothing.
                                         And even if it was nothing, his bones still ached, rattling                                          about as he coughed, hollow but wet. The steam is the                                          closest thing to cigarette smoke he can rightfully give                                          himself, at this point. He hadn’t really stopped at the store                                          to get any. It’d been straight back home the minute he’d                                          reported in. No unseemly injuries, this time, save the                                          unshakable sensation that something is different, that                                          something has changed. It doesn’t help that the                                           gift is waiting, patient, upon the counter for Raidou. So                                          maybe he hadn’t forgotten—- so what? He could be a                                          good fiancé, when he wanted to be. And he wanted to                                         be, after yet another collection of months spent apart. 
                                         The sound of movement in the kitchen brings his eyelids                                          to creep open, gaze sweeping toward the opened doorway                                          in hopes of catching a glimpse of life. “——-Nn. Namiashi!”                                          The teasing that slithers its way into his tone is weak, but                                          still present, a smile appearing on his face as he attempts                                          to hide his own anticipation. There’s that dreadful urge                                          again: the one to splash his way out of the bath and                                          embrace the other nin with all his might, ignoring the                                          shouts of ‘Stop dripping water everywhere!’ It’s a fantasy,                                          an indulgent one, but he’s too exhausted to rightfully move                                          from his resting place within the pool of water. He could                                                         probably settle for a kiss or two, instead.
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toothpiick · 10 years
Hugs him, tightly, like a child with a stuffed animal. Ibiki's testing some... mood altering drugs on him. "You're back! How was the trip? Did you pick up any good souvenirs?"
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                                        What? Oh. It's---- right. Iwashi. He rubs a knuckle                                         across the bridge of his nose, blinking blandly down                                         at the other as he's swept up in a hug. "I am. How                                         astute of you." He's not exactly in the best of moods.                                         But then, rarely is he in a good mood. The last                                         comment draws a long-suffering sigh out, smoke                                         mingling with spent breath. "I was legally dead for                                         a month and a half, you brat. Go ask Raidou for a                                         souvenir, not me." The trip, in short, sucked. He                                           doesn't see why Iwashi even has to ask that.
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toothpiick · 10 years
throws a paper ball at him. the paper ball has a small rock in it.
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blinks as the ball hits the back of his head. what? ------ oh. just dolphin boy. bends to pick up the paper ball, staring down at it. 
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toothpiick · 10 years
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"go be tired some other time." he's quick to reply, gaze narrowing in with sharp disapproval. "we're all tired. you can lounge about on someone else's desk, now."
"Maybe some other time," he waved off the request, and continued: "I’m incredibly tired, you see…"
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toothpiick · 10 years
that's not your job. 
fuck you genma
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toothpiick · 10 years
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toothpiick · 10 years
bc bend it like beckett is bae
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i'm bae 
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toothpiick · 10 years
yes it is it is the exact same damn thing. except i'm cuter. obviously.
shut up its not the same
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toothpiick · 10 years
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"i've been-- y'know. on a mission. legally dead. the usual. what, you doubt my skills at sticking around and annoying you to death? harsh."
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          “and here i thought you’d never show up.”
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toothpiick · 10 years
Why did you come back???
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because i am the trashcan konoha deserves
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toothpiick · 10 years
i left raidou behind to take care of you
did he not tuck you in at night or something
to be fair
you still abandoned me
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toothpiick · 10 years
good friends??
i'm going to pretend that i didn't hear you so that i don't have to answer that
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toothpiick · 10 years
to be fair i had a reason you just don't agree with it 
not the ones who abandon me for no reason
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