toothsomedental · 5 years
How Much Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost By A Specialist?
Thanks to the advances of modern dentistry, most of us do not need our wisdom teeth. Intended to be back-up teeth to the molars, if they are not required to replace missing teeth the wisdom teeth may present with complications. At Toothsome our highly specialised team aims to deliver a smooth wisdom tooth extraction process and keep your wisdom teeth removal cost affordable.
  What Are The Wisdom Teeth?
As the last teeth to emerge in the mouth, your wisdom teeth will probably emerge in your late teens or early twenties.
Sometimes the wisdom teeth may only partially emerge from the gums. In other cases, the tooth will become impacted or get stuck. For some patients, the wisdom teeth grow too long or a piece of gum remains over the top of the tooth.
When there are problems with the wisdom teeth they need to be removed. If they aren’t removed some complications can occur:
  Infections May Develop
When a wisdom tooth is stuck or impacted it makes cleaning the area very difficult. Poor dental hygiene can lead to infections.
  Tooth Decay May Occur
Tooth decay is common in impacted and partially erupted wisdom teeth, usually because of the difficulties associated with cleaning.
  The Benefits Of Working With An Experienced Dental Surgeon 
  Dr Willis is both a dental surgeon and medical practitioner who is able to assist patients holistically, and he specialises in wisdom tooth removals. While wisdom tooth extractions are common (everyone has four wisdom teeth and most people need to have them taken out) there are scenarios that require the expertise of a dental surgeon.
  Consulting with a specialist ensures a smooth extraction and an affordable wisdom teeth removal. Should any complications occur, Dr Willis will be able to manage them expertly.
Wisdom tooth removals near nerves
Removing a wisdom tooth safely that is close to the nerve is a more complex procedure that requires a higher degree of skill.
Extracting wisdom teeth that are damaged or decayed
Extracting a tooth that is damaged or decayed also requires a higher level of skill in order not to break or damage the tooth further. Working with a skilled dental surgeon is also advisable if an infection or gum disease is present.
Avoiding bone loss
You may not know this, but bone loss does occur in the jaw after a tooth is removed. Dr Willis can assist with ridge preservation after extracting your wisdom teeth. This process entails placing bone graft material into the tooth socket to prevent bone loss.
Patients who have been missing teeth for some time and who want to move forward with dental implant treatment may need a bone graft to be done before their implant procedure if their jaw isn’t thick enough to support implants.
  Keeping Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost Affordable
At Toothsome we’re able to offer our patients cost-effective wisdom tooth extractions because it is one of our three core services. By being so specialised our practice is well equipped to assist our patients efficiently.
Even though there are plenty of general dentists who will perform wisdom tooth extractions, we understand the risk if something does go wrong, and can act quickly to manage it. A smooth, efficient and well managed wisdom tooth extraction procedure means a smooth recovery for you.
  What Complications Can Occur?
The majority of wisdom tooth extractions go smoothly, however some complications may occur. These include:
Pain, bleeding or swelling at the site of the extraction
A little discomfort, swelling and bleeding can be expected on the day of your surgery. In the days following your procedure these side effects will clear up.
An infection at the site
Poor dental hygiene or undiagnosed gum disease can lead to an infection at the site.
Dry socket
If the blood clot that forms over the wound comes off, an extremely painful condition called dry socket can occur.
Damage to nerves and surrounding teeth
By working with a skilled and experienced dental surgeon patients can avoid the risk of damage to their nerves and the surrounding teeth.
  How Much Does Specialised Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?
At Toothsome we’re pleased to offer our patients a complimentary wisdom tooth removal consultation, so we can create a treatment plan and cost estimate for you. You do not need a referral from your dentist to visit Toothsome.
  To find out more about wisdom teeth removal cost and what you can expect, kindly contact us for your wisdom tooth consultation: Please call us on:
Chatswood (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 8203 8786 Baulkham Hills (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 9158 6637 Sydney (Dr. Willis): (02) 9159 3728
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toothsomedental · 5 years
Dental Implant Procedure – What Are The Expectations
A successful dental implant procedure provides a welcomed replacement for missing teeth. Patients can look forward to being able to chew without pain and to be able to smile with confidence in their smile. A successful implant procedure requires careful planning and meticulous attention to detail. At Toothsome, we are committed to providing tooth replacement procedures that work to our patients’ long term benefits.
Dental Implant Surgery
Dental implant surgery takes place in stages, and at the end of each stage your mouth needs sufficient healing time before you can progress. This is because your dental implants need to perform the job of replacing your tooth roots and, in order to achieve this, the dental implant needs to fuse with your jaw bone in a process known as osseo-integration.
How Does A Dental Implant Procedure Work?
All dental implant procedures begin with a thorough evaluation and medical history that will include x rays and scans. Based on the outcomes of this your dental practitioner will prepare a treatment plan along with the associated costs.
The treatment plan will break down each stage of the process, the implants recommended and the timelines for each.
If you have been missing a tooth for some time, you have probably experienced some bone loss in your jaw. If your jaw bone is not thick enough to provide anchor support for the implant, you will need a bone graft.
Tooth extractions
Patients who still have a dead tooth that needs to be removed must first have it extracted.
Bone grafting 
A bone graft is performed by taking bone from another part of your body (or another source, if this is not possible), making an incision into the site of the implant, and placing the bone matter into the space before closing it up and waiting for bone to grow.
A sinus lift is a type of bone graft that is performed in the upper jaw when there isn’t enough space to embed an implant. The sinus is lifted up to create enough space for the implant.
Placing the implant
If you had a successful bone graft, your dentist will open the incision up again, and drill into your jaw to insert your implant. The dental implant is a titanium screw that first needs to be incorporated into your jaw before it can take the full weight of an abutment or crown. This means that unless you put a temporary crown, you will still have an empty space there.
Placing the abutment
After a few months your jaw should have healed enough for your dentist to place the abutment, which is an extension piece between the implant and the crown. In order to place the abutment, the incision must be re-opened and, once again, you will need to heal well before your crown can be placed.
In some cases it is possible to place the abutment at the same time the implant is inserted. In these cases, the treatment time is reduced by a step.
Preparing For Dental Implant Surgery
Your dental practitioner will give you specific care advice to prepare you for implant surgery but if you are a smoker, one of the best things you can do is to quit. Success rates are significantly higher in non-smokers, and your recovery and healing time can be sped up significantly if you do not smoke.
How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?
While you might only spend a total of two or three hours in your dentist’s chair, the time intervals between each stage of your dental implant surgery can span in a number of months. Everyone’s case is completely different, but you can expect anywhere between 12 and 18 months for a treatment plan.
What Can You Expect After Dental Implant Surgery?
As with any kind of surgery, there are some side effects to consider. Some degree of bruising, tenderness and discomfort at the site is to be expected.  The side effects are usually manageable and quite mild. At worst patients find they can be managed with over-the-counter medications and an ice pack.
Most side effects start to improve after dental implant surgery and have generally disappeared seven to 10 days after a surgical procedure.
Still have questions about the dental implant procedure? We’d love to answer your questions about dental implant surgery. Please call our practices to speak to a professional:
  Chatswood (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 8203 8786 Baulkham Hills (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 9158 6637 Sydney CBD (Dr. Willis): (02) 9159 3728
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toothsomedental · 5 years
How To Get Rid of Gingivitis – Maintain Healthy Gums
If you would like to know how to treat gingivitis, the good news is that gingivitis is treatable when it is detected early enough. If your gums are in good health they should be a good shade of pink, be firm and not bleed or get irritated when you brush and floss them. Gum disease or gingivitis develops when plaque is not removed from your teeth. Ιf left untreated, gum disease can affect your gums and tissues, as well as the bone that supports your teeth.
  Why Does Gum Disease Develop?
Every day your teeth develop a film of plaque over the surface. Plaque is a sticky and colourless substance that hosts lots of bacteria. It builds up along your gum line and in the spaces between your teeth. When the plaque is left build up, the bacteria mixes with food particles and acids are formed. These acids begin the process of decay and cause irritation to your gums.
Sometimes gingivitis can be caused by poorly fitting or misaligned bridges or crowns.
Even though gingivitis is fairly common and affects most people at some stage of their life, it can be avoided by practicing meticulous dental hygiene and by visiting your dentist regularly. When your dentist performs a dental clean, he or she will remove all traces of plaque and tartar to minimise your chances of developing gum disease.
  How Do You Treat Gum Disease?
Even if your gums bleed or become irritated with brushing they still need to be cleaned; not brushing will make it worse. If you find your gums are inflamed, red, swollen or bleed when brushing or flossing, you may have the symptoms of early gum disease.
Patients may also experience bad breath or a foul taste in their mouth. Sometimes it is possible for gum disease to be present without symptoms but regular visits to your dentist will help you to identify it early.
Your first course of action is to make an appointment to see your dentist. He or she will be able to remove all traces of plaque and tartar from your gums and, if it is detected early enough, you may be able to reverse the signs of gum disease.
  How To Get Rid Of Gingivitis
Your dentist may employ scaling if it is necessary to remove plaque from below your gum line. It is a deep cleaning procedure that can help to remove the signs of early gum disease.
Root Planing
Root planing smoothes out the teeth roots where bacteria are likely to lurk. By creating a smooth surface the gums can reattach to the teeth.
Through scaling and planing your dentist can stop gingivitis from advancing further, manage tooth decay and protect the roots of your teeth.
  What Happens If You Don’t Treat Gingivitis?
Gingivitis will not self resolve and will only get worse if you don’t treat it. If it is allowed to become more advanced it may develop into periodontitis, which can cause permanent damage to your gums and soft tissue.
If your gums are weakened due to gum disease, spaces can open up in between the root and gum. These spaces are referred to as periodontal pockets because they can hold lots of bacteria, and this can cause further damage.
When periodontitis is not treated in time, your teeth can loosen and ultimately be lost. Treatment for periodontitis is invasive and may involve flap surgery or bone grafting procedures.
Smokers and people who have uncontrolled diabetes are at higher risk for developing periodontitis.
  How To Maintain Healthy Teeth And Gums
Once your dentist has helped you to treat gingivitis it is essential that you maintain good dental habits to prevent the infection from recurring.
Brush twice per day. Brushing before bed is very important because lots of bacteria accumulate in your mouth while you sleep.
Brush well and floss twice per day. Make sure you remove the plaque from around and between your teeth.
Don’t avoid brushing if your gums are sensitive. It is essential that you keep your mouth clean particularly if you have an infection, and that you get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible.
  At Toothsome we believe that early detection and treatment is essential for your dental health. If you want to know more about how to treat gingivitis call us for an appointment –
Chatswood (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 8203 8786 Baulkham Hills (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 9158 6637 Sydney CBD (Dr. Willis): (02) 9159 3728
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toothsomedental · 5 years
Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery – What Can You Expect?
The experienced dental practitioners at Toothsome apply their skills and expertise to ensure our patients a speedy wisdom teeth removal recovery.
Despite the anxiety that the procedure might conjure up for some patients, wisdom tooth removal is a relatively common procedure and, when performed with the appropriate skill and care, most patients are able to recover to full function quickly.
  What Are The Wisdom Teeth And Why Are They Removed?
Your wisdom teeth are a second set of molars, located at the back of your jaw. In some people the wisdom teeth present problems or complications and need to be removed. If your wisdom teeth do not present with problems, there is no reason to remove them.
Some of the most common complications include the wisdom teeth becoming impacted, misalignment of the teeth and infection.
Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to infection because the tooth only emerges in part; the other part is under the gum. This can allow bacteria access to the gums, creating a higher risk of infection.
Furthermore, when your wisdom teeth are impacted, it’s more difficult to brush and floss between them, making them more susceptible to infection. Impacted wisdom teeth may erupt partially, horizontally, vertically or at an angle. Each case presents unique problems that make dental hygiene more challenging for the patient.
Your dentist will take an x-ray to determine the position and angle of your wisdom teeth, speak to you about your medical history and inspect your mouth before attempting any extraction.
How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Cost?
Your wisdom teeth extraction cost will depend on your personal circumstances. The longer or more complex your extraction is, the longer you will spend in the dentist’s chair and the more expensive it will be.
The cost of wisdom tooth extraction in Australia averages around $500 per tooth, according to the results οf 2017’s National Dental Fee Survey. A procedure where all four are removed at once, averages $2322. If you require general anaesthetic, your procedure is more complex and you can expect to pay between $1500 and $3000 per extracted tooth.
Are Wisdom Tooth Extractions Covered By Health Insurance?
Typically, only policies with high levels of extras will cover wisdom tooth removals. A wisdom tooth removal is considered major dental, so you would need to check your status with your provider.
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Wisdom Tooth Removal?
At most it should take a week or two to recover from your wisdom tooth removal. Some people find they recover faster but having a few days to rest is important to help your body heal.
It should take up to a month for the socket to heal with gum tissue. The bone underneath the extraction will heal fully in around six months.
  Recovering From Wisdom Tooth Removal
Managing pain and discomfort
Your dentist will numb the area before extracting your tooth so you will not feel anything when it is pulled out.
The day after your procedure, when the anaesthetic has worn off, you might feel some mild pain or discomfort but this can be managed by taking the painkillers your dentist prescribes for you.
Managing bleeding
You might experience some light bleeding so it’s also important to stick to the liquid-only diet your dentist will recommend. If you need to manage any bleeding you can apply light gauze with gentle pressure, or bite down on it.
Managing swelling
Some people find their cheeks or gums swell up after their wisdom teeth have been extracted. Applying an ice pack to the swollen area is an effective way to manage this.
  Avoiding An Infection
In the event that you experience any of the symptoms below, you should contact your dental practitioner immediately as it may be a sign of an infection
Bleeding that doesn’t stop under pressure
An increase in swelling
A fever
A bad taste in your mouth or bad breath
Swelling in the neck or jaw
An increase in pain that doesn’t improve
Do not rinse your mouth until 12 hours after the extraction and do not touch the site with your tongue or fingers.
By following your dentist’s post-surgical advice, your risk of experiencing an infection is significantly lower.
To find out more about wisdom tooth extraction recovery, please contact us for the closest available appointment:
Chatswood (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 8203 8786 Baulkham Hills (Dr. Willis & Dr. Chou): (02) 9158 6637 Sydney (Dr. Willis): (02) 9159 3728
The post Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery – What Can You Expect? appeared first on Toothsome Periodontics, Dental Implants and Oral Surgery.
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