top10dog · 7 months
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Poodles are known for being smart and social—and for their beautiful, high-maintenance coat. As one of the most intelligent dog breeds around, Poodles also need lots of exercise and brain games to be content.
Poodles come in standard size, miniature size, and toy size. Generally, poodles tend to be proud, playful, friendly, and bright. They’re good with other pets, strangers, and children, making them quite versatile.
When it comes to their coat, poodles need a lot of care. Rather than poodles being big shedders, their hair tends to get matted. To prevent this, you’ll need to brush them every other day. They will also need to be professionally clipped and groomed about every six weeks.
As far as health issues go, poodles are prone to gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), Cushing’s disease, eye issues like progressive retinal atrophy, and more. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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Labrador Retriever
The Labrador retriever has long been synonymous with the perfect family dog. As playful, energetic and loyal dogs, they’re ideal for almost any living situation. They’re also easy to train since they’re eager to please their owners.
An intelligent dog with boundless energy, the Labrador retriever will need a good amount of space and time to exercise. More than two hours of exercise per day is recommended for this breed, according to The Kennel Club. They also need mental stimulation—think puzzle feeders or toys, training and sports.
Labs have a thick double coat so they are prone to shedding, but you can reduce this by brushing them at least once per week. During high-shedding seasons like spring and fall, you may need to brush them daily.
Labradors also have certain health issues to look out for. “Larger breed dogs are more prone to ACL tears…hip dysplasia and knee injuries,” says DeMarco. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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The Bulldog is known to be one of the gentlest and kindest animals. They are especially known for their compassion towards children. This 40-50 pound doggo can be easily identified by their broad shoulders and chest and their thick, sturdy limbs. Bulldogs are so kind and gentle that it is difficult not to love them. They are very friendly and playful towards everyone they meet. One small warning if you do decide to get a bulldog, you might need to wear earplugs at night as they are notorious snorers! Read More
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top10dog · 7 months
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The dog breed that will make anyone passing by have an ear-to-ear smile. With its long body, short legs, barrel chest, and intellectual-looking facial expressions, the Dachshund will instantly put you in a great mood. These pups make great family dogs and are nothing short of entertaining. They are very playful, and their fun mood is contagious. The Wiener dogs' popularity does not come without reason, they are extremely fun and loving. This pup usually gets very close with one family member in particular, and they can potentially become very protective if they see this person giving attention to other dogs or people. They might look small, but their wide chest and big lungs produce a powerful bark, and they will not be afraid to stand their ground against just about anyone. Read More
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top10dog · 7 months
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Yorkshire Terriers
The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred around 200 years ago in Yorkshire, England. Many “Yorkies” are black and tan, but they also come in other varieties such as yellow or gray. These dogs are tiny—usually under 7 pounds—but full of life and energy. Yorkies don’t shed as much as many other breeds, so they’re ideal for those with allergies to pet hair. They tend to get very attached to their owners. This means they’re excellent company when you’re at home, but they do get very anxious when owners are away. For this reason, Yorkshire Terriers often do best when kept in pairs, so they can keep each other company when needed. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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Poodles come in four varieties or sizes: Standard, Medium, Miniature, and Toy. Their thick, curly coats make them ideal water dogs, and historically, they were often used to retrieve game while hunting. For people who are allergic to dog hair, poodles’ coats are often less irritating than other breeds. However, poodles do need to be groomed every month or two. They can be clipped in many different styles, from simple to complex. Some traditional styles feature puffs of hair, like pom-poms, on the dog’s head and ankles, and these can make for a dramatic look. After all, poodles have often worked as circus performers throughout history, since they’re athletic and agile. Despite the fancy haircuts they sometimes sport, poodles are among the most intelligent and hardworking dogs on the planet. Read More..
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top10dog · 7 months
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German Shepherds
German Shepherds originated in Germany, as you might expect, as a working breed. Before the Industrial Revolution swept Europe and America, German Shepherds were often found on rural farms, herding sheep and cattle. When the German people began leaving their villages and farms for larger, industrial cities, they brought their beloved farm dogs with them. German Shepherds proved to be ideal dogs for home protection—they’re loyal, territorial, and powerful. Today they make ideal police and military dogs. Although they can also be family pets, they’re happiest when they have an active job to do. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers, like Labs, are commonly used as working dogs. Intelligent and helpful, they’ve been trained to sniff out narcotics, rescue crisis victims, and provide emotional support in stressful situations. Golden Retrievers can work hard, but they also play hard. They love to swim, fetch balls and Frisbees, romp with children, and take long walks or jogs. Their beautiful golden coats, ranging from the palest yellow to a dark reddish tint, have also made them a global favorite. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever easily tops the list of the world’s favorite canines. With coat colors including yellow, black, and chocolate, Labs come in a variety of looks. Their high intelligence and even temperament make them perfect helpers for those with sight impairment or other physical disabilities. They’re often used to provide comfort and reassurance for anxious humans. Students during finals weeks, patients in the hospital, and traumatized children in courtrooms often benefit from the calming presence of a Labrador Retriever. They also make ideal family pets, since they’re protective while also being kind and patient with children. Read More...
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top10dog · 7 months
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French Bulldog
The French Bulldog is known to be one of the best companion dogs in the world. These dogs will become extremely attached to their owners and will shower them with love and affection. The 'Frenchie', as they are often referred to, will expect and thrive off of the attention that they will receive in return from their beloved humans. Despite this dog's name, they actually originated from England. The dog, however, thrived in France, and so the French Bulldog it remained. The Frenchie makes an unbelievable companion if this is what you are looking for. They are the type of dog that will follow you into every and any room, yes, even if you don't have treats in your hand. While they require some daily exercise and love to play, the Frenchie will be pleased to sit by your feet all day while you get some work done at home. As long as they get to spend time with their people, they are happy. Read More......
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