topahri · 4 years
Evelynn’s heavy laughter echoes in Ahri’s throat. What an odd sensation, the low vibrations traveling down her tract using Evelynn’s tongue as a fleshy pink bridge. Ahri would quiver if she weren’t so occupied with choking on Evelynn. Her claws sink deeper into Evelynn’s thighs, drawing blood if Evelynn has any today. Her whole body feels like its convulsing, knuckles white, fists clenched, joints jerking, muscles strained, tails and toes curled. When Evelynn finally draws away, her whole body shudders with relief in the same moment that she coughs up a lung. Ahri’s face is a mess of drool and drivel, lips still parted as she desperately sucks in as much air as Evelynn’s firm hand will allow her. Practically panting, she can’t even kiss Evelynn when Evelynn comes back in to lick her lips. Much as Ahri wants to, she never knows how long her little breather will last. So for the time being, she enjoys it while she can, taking simple pleasures in the pressure at her clit and the delectable words Evelynn serves her. She always eats those right up.
"kiss me."
Evelynn reaches up settling her hand on Ahri’s cheek, then she slides her fingers down, caressing along her jaw. She uses that to pull Ahri closer but stops just before they can kiss. “Beg for it.” 
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topahri · 4 years
Ahri’s hips reactively jostle as Evelynn’s hand nears her core. Her hands immediately find Evelynn’s thighs, right below her ass, nails digging in deep. Ahri keeps her claws clenched, gripped hard where they are to keep herself from struggling too much. Evelynn’s hand is on her throat now, and she knows it won’t be leaving anytime soon. However, she thinks, for a moment, that Evelynn will allow her a relief breath before they continue. But it would seem Ahri is entirely too naive, somehow, after all this time. The thrust of Evelynn’s tongue has Ahri tearing up, throat tightening as she gags. And yet she still pulls Evelynn in further, swallowing their mixed saliva, as if instinctually trying to clear up her airway so she can breathe. At the same time, her hips buck once more, right into Evelynn’s hand. If she could moan or plead, she would. But every sound she makes is muffled by the devil herself.
"kiss me."
Evelynn reaches up settling her hand on Ahri’s cheek, then she slides her fingers down, caressing along her jaw. She uses that to pull Ahri closer but stops just before they can kiss. “Beg for it.” 
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topahri · 4 years
It isn’t easy, but Ahri takes Evelynn. Inch by inch, contracting wet muscle slithering along the walls of her throat. Invasive and alien. A feeling most unnatural and unbelievably... hot. Ahri can feel herself throbbing between her legs. Drool starts to pool around the corners of her lips, but they’re not the only set growing wet. Her whine is only cut off when Evelynn puts a hand to her throat, replaced instead with a short strangled gasp and the sound of Ahri struggling to swallow.
"kiss me."
Evelynn reaches up settling her hand on Ahri’s cheek, then she slides her fingers down, caressing along her jaw. She uses that to pull Ahri closer but stops just before they can kiss. “Beg for it.” 
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topahri · 4 years
“Airing your promiscuous position preferences so publicly? Shameless as always, Evelynn.” 
"What happened to a little mystery behind closed doors, Evelynn?"
Coyly she smiles, all innocuous intent. “Whatever do you mean darling?” 
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topahri · 4 years
“You.” Ahri answers plainly. “My reward should be you. I want you. I need you.” She leans back, pulling Evelynn by her hair down with her. The kitchen counter isn’t too comfortable, but when Ahri wants something, she isn’t going to wait around for it. Her other hand goes flat against the marble, elbow folding as she lowers herself. A soft hiss is let out when her back finally touches cold marble, shirt thin enough for her to feel the frigid stone surface.
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
Oh, yes. The terms of endearment she’s so fond of; she does know those words. Even 'good’ and 'girl’ and the implications of such words in combination. The last part escapes her, however. “You like when I’m clueless, don’t you?” Ahri shakes her head while she twirls her fingers further into Evelynn’s hair. “Does that do it for you, hmmm? I wonder...” 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
“Yeah? Do I get a reward?” Ahri grins, eyes narrowing as she drops her gaze to Evelynn. She sets her other hand against Evelynn’s waist, legs propped up to hug the back of Evelynn’s thighs. The tip of her tail flutters at Evelynn’s ankles. 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
“Mmmm, something about... we have fun?” She utters the last phrase in English, rather pleased with her pronunciation, though it is heavily accented. Her hand finds the nape of Evelynn’s neck, fingers playing with the roots of her hair as she gently keeps Evelynn in place. 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
Mm, that’s nice. The tip of her tail waves excitedly. “I don’t think memory and patience are the same thing, Evelynn.” She cranes her head a bit further, letting Evelynn have all the access she could possibly want of Ahri’s neck. 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
Ahri tilts her head a bit back and a little to the side, letting Evleynn trail kisses along her jaw. She shivers as Evelynn touches her tail, and her tail curls into Evelynn’s hand. “What does that have to do with patience?”
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
Quite accustomed to Evelynn’s sudden proximity, Ahri is unfazed by being abruptly jerked closer. She only offers Evelynn a small chuckle and a head shake. “I’m not as clueless as you would like to believe, Evelynn.” Ahri raises her other hand to cup Evelynn’s cheek, thumb rubbing gently against Evelynn’s skin. “Though, I’m starting to think you’d prefer it if I was.”
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
As she’s kissed, Ahri starts to lean forward, only for her enjoyment to be cut short. Aw. Evelynn usually kisses her much deeper and for much longer than that. What a tease.  “Wait, where are you going?” Ahri reaches out to grab Evelynn’s hand as if to tell her not to leave. They were in the middle of something... “We barely started...! I can be patient...” 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
Such possessive hands bring a shiver to her spine, rolling down the length of her tail. More. More, more, more. She’s about to bring herself closer again, but her arms keep her distanced. A small space between them. Ah, right. That. They’re doing something important. Hm. She can’t help but suspect Evelynn is playing some sort of game with her now, purposefully teasing her – as if she isn’t always. Ahri almost didn’t notice at first because it comes along so naturally. Evelynn’s hands are almost always on her when they’re together. Or hers are on Evelynn. But now that she’s actually trying to keep from touching Evelynn too much, she’s much more aware of all the sensuous contact. It’s very rare that Ahri would ever draw away from Evelynn’s touch, after all. “So, what did that mean then?” Ahri raises a brow. “What were you saying?” It’s still too many words for Ahri to have kept track of, so really it’s pointless for her to ask. Still, she’s curious. 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
It’s the touches that start to get Ahri wondering if Evelynn is playing a game with her. She almost didn’t notice at first because it comes along so naturally. Evelynn’s hands are almost always on her when they’re together. Or hers are on Evelynn. But now that she’s actually trying to keep from touching Evelynn too much, she’s much more aware of all the contact. It’s very rare that Ahri would ever draw away from Evelynn’s touch, after all. “So, what did that mean then?” Ahri raises a brow. "What were you saying?” It’s still too many words for Ahri to have kept track of, so really it’s pointless for her to ask. Still, she’s curious. 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
“... Could you go slower, please? I don’t know what you’re saying,” Ahri tells her. She’s determined to get through this lesson. They can always fuck later. A step further, Ahri lets her arms slide away from Evelynn’s waist. No need to hold on anymore; Evelynn’s agreed to help her! And... maybe she’ll be less distracted if they’re making less contact. Hopefully her body will calm down a bit if she puts just a little space between them... as much as she would love to keep hugging onto Evelynn. Her hands remain at Evelynn’s hips, however, not quite ready to tear away from touching Evelynn entirely. Maybe at forearms’ length is enough? 
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
“Ah... Evelynn?” Ahri’s cheeks tinge with a faint rosy flush. They’re so close too, pressed up against each other. So intimate. It always was, but she feels so much more aware of it now. Evelynn’s curves snugly complimenting hers... She can’t hold Evelynn any tighter in a way that wouldn’t get uncomfortable quick. But she wants more. More Evelynn. And she isn’t sure how to get it. These thoughts are so distracting from this English lesson... Why does she have to feel like this now of all times? Oh, how she laments her pathetically poor control over her lascivious impulses.
"Evelynn. Teach me how to write in English."
“Why would I do that?”
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topahri · 4 years
“I can’t smile? It can’t be helped. You make me smile.” Untrue. But she’ll say it anyways. Evelynn does a lot things, makes her feel a lot of ways, has her making a lot of different faces and expressions and sounds. Usually not a smile, at least not this kind. A smirk, if anything. But this time, she’s smiling. Even chuckling, because she’s amused with herself. As Evelynn continues to play with her chest, Ahri considers reaching over to mimic the gesture. It seems fun. And Evelynn shouldn’t have all the fun. But before Ahri can follow through, she’s hoisted up onto Evelynn by her hips.
What a wonderfully tight grip. It has Ahri biting her bottom lip while she shifts into place, straddling Evelynn’s thighs. This isn’t the cuddling she asked for earlier, but she’s getting into it now. Riding Evelynn will be intense, but at least she’ll be in control of their pace. She can work with this. Except, as quickly as she was propped up, she was pushed back down, shoulder blades dropping into pillows, back into the sheets. She looks up at Evelynn, a brow quirking in confusion, waiting for an explanation.
📱[Evelynn]: Darling, I found a toy to play with. Want to join?
📱[Ahri]: sned nuudes
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