topgunmatchmaking · 9 months
And it's closed! Seems like the flying will be truly smooth and we'll just be a couple of pilots having a bit of fun, which is fantastic!
Emails will be rolled out tomorrow!
TOPGUN Artist/Writer Matchmaking Event! Applications: OPEN (update)
Making a new post, because I was looking at the form and realised there were a bunch of details about the content to be created that were missing so I've updated it! Sorry about the inconvenience! There were some technical issues with the engine due to some manufacturing issues and it being pretty beat! /lh But there's plenty of time, still, so nothing to worry about! This jet is still very much airborne and flying smoothly!
Find it in the following link: https://forms.gle/KUt38PXiKkvozjDb8
Again, don't forget to read the further guidelines. It's nothing I haven't already said, but it's more detailed. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. And if you don't want your ask to be posted, say so in the ask and I will not post it. /gen
Apply TODAY, Uncle Silas needs you! /lh
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topgunmatchmaking · 9 months
TOPGUN Artist/Writer Matchmaking Event! Applications: OPEN (update)
Making a new post, because I was looking at the form and realised there were a bunch of details about the content to be created that were missing so I've updated it! Sorry about the inconvenience! There were some technical issues with the engine due to some manufacturing issues and it being pretty beat! /lh But there's plenty of time, still, so nothing to worry about! This jet is still very much airborne and flying smoothly!
Find it in the following link: https://forms.gle/KUt38PXiKkvozjDb8
Again, don't forget to read the further guidelines. It's nothing I haven't already said, but it's more detailed. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. And if you don't want your ask to be posted, say so in the ask and I will not post it. /gen
Apply TODAY, Uncle Silas needs you! /lh
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topgunmatchmaking · 10 months
TOPGUN Artist/Writer Matchmaking Event! Applications: OPEN (update)
Making a new post, because I was looking at the form and realised there were a bunch of details about the content to be created that were missing so I've updated it! Sorry about the inconvenience! There were some technical issues with the engine due to some manufacturing issues and it being pretty beat! /lh But there's plenty of time, still, so nothing to worry about! This jet is still very much airborne and flying smoothly!
Find it in the following link: https://forms.gle/KUt38PXiKkvozjDb8
Again, don't forget to read the further guidelines. It's nothing I haven't already said, but it's more detailed. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. And if you don't want your ask to be posted, say so in the ask and I will not post it. /gen
Apply TODAY, Uncle Silas needs you! /lh
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topgunmatchmaking · 10 months
TOPGUN Matchmaking event! Applications: OPEN
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And here we are, hot shots! I have closed the interest gauge form and there was a bit of interest shown in this event, so, I'm rolling out the application form.
Some notes before linking: The matches will be purely based on tastes (and the other factor you'll find in the form, to ensure the flight is smooth) and you can be paired with anyone who applies. I don't know many people in this fanbase, which will be good, in my opinion, because it removes the bias. It's like when teachers made pairs in class, only that you'll be paired with someone you feel neutral towards (at the very least) and you will have the same tastes as this person based on the details provided in the form, which should be as honest as possible, and will be shared with that person just like that person's will be shared with you! Transparency is main policy here. There are no cliques, no leaders, no biases and asking if you can be paired with xyz is something you can do, but I can't guarantee that you will be paired with that person. I want this to be fair and I want this to make people mingle with one another in a friendly, safe, and casual environment. If you want to have a duo project with a friend, you can do that any time, it doesn't have to be in the context of this event.
With that out of the way, here is the link to the application form. Make sure to read the linked guidelines and rules in the header, please!
Once again, if it flops, it flops. Applications open until next Friday! Anyone who applies will get something out of it even if the whole thing is minuscule, so don't worry about that. Smooth flying, aviators! See you on the other side.
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topgunmatchmaking · 10 months
TOPGUN Matchmaking Event! Find and become a RIO, hot shot!
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Hello and welcome to the first post about this potential event, aviators! Excuse the overly enthusiastic navy/usaf lingo, I know the army isn't the best thing in the world, but I'm a nerd.
Anyway, this first post serves only to share a link to gauge interest in an event that is relaxed, open to everyone regardless of amount of clout and all that, with almost no restrictions (save for age restrictions), and where you will be matched with someone who writes or draws depending on what you do yourself (it's always a writer/artist match) based on what you both like and matching ideas and/or headcanons. You will be put in contact with your match and you will have the chance to discuss what you want in detail.
This interest gauge will occur between today 25 of August 2023 and next Friday, 1 of September 2023. After that, depending on the interest shown, a new form will be sent out that you can fill out and the rules will be posted on this blog.
In general the rules for the works produced are very simple: fanfics don't need to be finished works, but there must be at least 1k worth of text to post during the posting week. For art, the only requirements are that it's a complete piece, either full colour/fully rendered, or a finished piece with clear lineart and a bit of shading. No need to go crazy!
You may post your work wherever you want but there will be no official account on "twitter/X" from the organisers of the event. A discord server will be made available as soon as interest is gauged. We're not particularly worried about this flopping, but it'd be nice if it didn't!
Here is the link to the interest gauge form: https://forms.gle/LyPtHmhc8ZQGDAPe6
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