TCW Au Prologue Story Part 5/??
Most voted option: Help Hat Girl.
Ellie: I already made a mistake leaving someone behind, and I won't do it again, we have to help Hat Girl.
Carol: Alright!
Nicole: Yay!!
Burt: Ellie, I respect your decision, but we don't have enough time.
Ellie: Then let's split up, you guys go to the escape pods while Carol, Nicole, Megan and I help Hat Girl.
Megan: Why me?
Nicole: Simple Megan! You have super speed! Once we help Hat Girl you use your super speed to arrive the escape pods!
Megan: Sounds fair.
Reginald: If that's the case, be careful and once you help Hat Girl come back as fast as you can.
Ellie: We will Reginald, now let's move guys!
Everyone else: Alright!
*Ellie, Megan, Nicole and Carol went to help Hat Girl while Reginald and the others went to the escape pods, after almost an hour looking they arrived to the area where Hat Girl was, they notice the girl was on the ground with a pipe crushing her left leg, unable to move*
Carol: Hat girl!
Nicole: Ha-Gi!
Hat Girl: C-carol! N-nicole! Guys! Please help!
Ellie: It's ok kiddo we are here! What happened to you?
Hat Girl: W-well as soon as I heard the evacuation warning I run as fast as I can, but everyone in the clan was running very fast that it made me fall on the floor, and to make it worse and pipe fall right on my left leg! And it hurts so much!
Nicole: Oh god you're even bleeding! Hang on we're going to help you!
Hat Girl: Please... I don't wanna die!
Ellie: Carol, help me lift up the pipe! Nicole you help Hat Girl to get up!
Carol: On it Ellie!
Nicole: Understood miss Rose!
*Ellie and Carol lifted up the pipe that was on Hat Girl's left leg, as soon as they lift it completely up Nicole rapidly help Hat Girl to stand up*
Ellie: There we go.
Carol: I'm glad you're alright Hat Girl!
Nicole: Yeah same! We thought something really bad happened to you!
Hat Girl: Yeah... But I don't understand what's going on!
Ellie: Well... It's a quite long story, but if you come with us we'll explain everything!
Hat Girl: Alright! *Feels pain* Ouch...
Megan: That doesn't seems good, can you walk?
Hat Girl: N-no... I'm trying to but I feel so much pain...
Carol: here let me help you kid. *Gently takes Hat Girl into her arms*
Hat Girl: Thank you Carol..
Carol: Anytime ki-
"Warning! Critical damage to core! Please evacuate immediately!"
Ellie: We are running out of time! Let's go with Reginald and the others in the escape pods!
Nicole: Yeah! Megan! You know what to do!
Megan: everybody hold on tightly!
*Megan grabs Ellie, Carol, Hat Girl and Nicole and then uses her super speed to arrive to the escape pods as fast as possible*
Megan: We have arrived.
Ellie: Reginald! Guys!
Reginald: Ellie! Girls! Thank goodness you're all alright!
Bonnie: Hat Girl looks injured!
Carol: Yeah, she is, she got an accident, but that's not very important, Burt how much time you we have left?
Burt: we have at least 10 minutes before the airship explodes! We have to get inside the escape pod and fast!
Sven: There are only three here! One of it it's broken, the other one is a bit small but the last one has the perfect side for all of us!
Nocciola (The Witch): which one are we gonna use??
Mercudi: the broken one doesn't seem very useful! I suggest the one with perfect side!
Earrings: I agree with you Mercudi!
RHM: Whatever we do we have to do it fast before Henry arrives!
Hat Girl: H-henry's alive? I thought he was dead.
Nicole: Yeah well... That's a long story Ha-Gi, but if you trust us we'll explain everything!
Hat Girl: Alright.
Burt: Enough talk! We have to act fast!
Sven: Yeah! Ellie which escape pod should we use?
Ellie: *sees the three escape pods left* (馃挱which escape pod should we use?)
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TCW Au Prologue Story Part 4/???
Most voted option: Reactor.
Ellie: Burt mind if I ask you something?
Burt: Sure miss Ellie, what is it?
Ellie: What happens if I sabotage the reactor of the airship?
Burt: Well basically no one has ever sabotaged the reactor of the airship, but if it ever happens we'll have at least three hours to leave the airship before it explodes.
Ellie: alright, everyone listen, I'm going to sabotage the reactor of the airship, once it's done we'll go to the escape pods of the airships as fast as we can! Understand?
Reginald: Yes Ellie.
RHM: Yea'
Sven: We'll be ready.
Megan: Let's do it properly, I don't want to lose any of my closest friends.
Ellie: Alright, here I go.
*Ellie sabotages the reactor and then a warning communication was heard*
Reginald: That's our cue! Everyone to the escape pods!
Carol: And do not separate from the group!
Nocciola (the witch): Yeah.
Bonnie: Alright!
Nicole: Let's get out of here!
Mercudi: I don't wanna die!
*Meanwhile in the cokpit*
Thomas: Oh no! Someone must has sabotage the reactor!
Geoffrey: The airship is gonna explode!
Henry: Let's go to the escape pods then! And fast! I am not leaving anyone here! Not today!
One hour later.
Everyone was running to the escape pods before the airship explodes, there was only one hour and a half left before the airship explodes, Ellie and her group were running as fast as they could, until they heard an help scream.
Ellie: Huh? *Stops running*
"Someone please help me!!"
Reginald: Ellie what's wrong?
Ellie: I'm hearing someone calling for help.
"Somebody please help!! I'm injured and I can't move!!"
Nicole: Wait, you are right miss Ellie! But that voice...
Carol: It sounds like...
Nicole and Carol: Hat girl!!
Earrings: It sounds like she's in problem!
Nicole: We have to help her!
Burt: But there we only have one hour and a half to escape before the airship explodes!
Carol: Quit is Curtis! That's our little-sister-friend were talking about!
Nicole: Yeah! We can't leave her!
Nocciola (The witch): What shall we do Ellie?
Sven: Yeah! What are we gonna do Ellie?
Ellie: Hmn... (馃挱Leaving hat girl here would be very selfish of my part, and it could make me lose the only loyal friends I have, but there's not enough time to escape on time, what am I gonna do??)
Warning: You MUST choose WISELY in this one! Because this actions could alter the rest of the story.
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TCW Au prologue story.
Most voted option: Communication.
Ellie: Let me try sabotage communication.
*Ellie sabotages communication*
Nicole: Uhh... Was something suppose to happen?
Megan: M-my si-sistem is fa-fa-fa-fail... Ing...
Everyone: MEGAN!!
Ellie: (馃挱 Whoops...)
When you sabotage communication you literally sabotage The Internet System.
Sorry guys but Communications was not the right option, but no worries I'll give you all a second chance.
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TCW Au prologue story part 3/???
Most voted option: Nicole.
Ellie: (馃挱I got it!) Hey Nicole!
Nicole: Yes miss Ellie?
Ellie: Can you try to explain Megan what's happening? Maybe she'll listen to you!
Nicole: I'll try my best. *Looks at Megan* Megan!
Megan: Yes Nicole?
Nicole: Listen to me closely! What your about to hear might freak you out but... There's has been a really bad situation in the Toppat clan, all because miss Ellie made only one mistake.
Megan: Really? What happened-
Toppat Orange: Don't listen to that traitor Megan! She just want to make you think that Ellie's the good girl!
Megan: ... Keep going Nicole.
Nicole: You see Megan, Miss Ellie left Henry alone because she didn't like him, but due to that he convinced the entire clan overthrow her away!
Mercudi: I-it's true! It was only a mistake! She didn't deserve this! None of this deserve this!
Toppat Orange: No Megan! They're lying! Ellie just wanted Henry's leadership for herself! She's not worthy of being our leader! And you know what we do to traitors like them!
Megan: ... Yes I know what we do to the traitors.
Ellie: (馃挱Oh dear...)
Nicole: Megan no!
Toppat Orange: Megan ye-
Suddenly, something happened that nobody except to occur, they all heard an shooting noise, and they all saw that the Toppat Orange was dead, like someone shot him in the head.
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Nicole: I knew you would trust us!
Megan: I don't care on what side you are, I will always be your friend.
Reginald: Y-yikes...
Ellie: Thanks Megan.. *Grabs the key and opens the cells*
Sven: Thanks Ellie, we could've never escape without your help.
Carol: Yeah, thanks Ellie.
Ellie: ...
Nocciola (The Witch): Are you alright Ellie? You don't look happy at all..
Ellie: Well... *Sigh* I'm really sorry guys...
Burt: For what?
Ellie: For all of this! I should've never left Henry in that darn prison!
Nicole: Miss Ellie, don't say that, it's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault.
Sven: Yeah, she's right, we still have each other.
Nocciola (The Witch): And it was not right what they did to you.
Earrings: No matter how hard the situation gets, we're always gonna be together.
Ellie: Thanks guys...
*Suddenly they all heard an announcement*
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Bonnie: We have to come up with a plan! But how?
Reginald: Any ideas?
Sven: Nope.
Earrings: I'm out of ideas.
Carol: Not really.
Nocciola (The Witch): Sorry boss.
Ellie: Burt, you have any ideas?
Burt: Actually yes miss Ellie.
*Burt grabs an tablet and shows it to everyone*
Burt: I usually use this tablet to monitorate the airship all around, but it can also be used to sabotage any part of the airship.
Ellie: Really?
Burt: Yeah, you can sabotage the oxygen, the communication, the energy, and even the very own reactor of the airship.
Mercudi: but wouldn't that cause the entire airship to explode??
Burt: Yeah, it will.
Mercudi: *Gulp*
Nicole: Don't worry Mercudi, I know miss Ellie will do the right thing, right miss Ellie?
Ellie: I'm gonna think which one I will sabotage. *Grabs the tablet*
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Ellie: (馃挱Let's see here...)
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I don't care if it's random! Please! I'm bored! And I'm having a terrible case of art block!
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TCW Au prologue part 2/??
Most Voted option: Jump.
Henry: I won't repeat it again! You two either jump or I'll make you jump!
Ellie: (馃挱Shot! Time's running out...)
Reginald: (馃挱Wait... I have an idea!)
Ellie: *sighs in defeat* I guess this is it... We'll have to jump...
Henry: There we go~ what a very obedient girl you are~
Ellie: Reginald, I'm sorry, but we have to accept our faith, there's nothing we can do..
Reginald: Oh yes we can!
Ellie: What?
Reginald grabbed Ellie's arm and they both jump out of the plank, surprising Henry, Thomas and Geoffrey.
Henry: Woah...
Thomas: They really jump..
Geoffrey: Well looks like your leadership is back again Henry.
Henry: Yeah, I could've never done it without you two, and I think you two should be promoted to my right-hand and left-hand man.
Thomas: Oh my sweet God! Of course!!
Geoffrey: I accept boss! You won't regret this!
Henry: *chuckles* I know i won't.
Back with Ellie and Reginald, the two Toppats were falling really fast.
Ellie: Reginald what on earth you were thinking?? We're going to die!!
Reginald: Trust me Ellie! I know what to do!
Ellie: Then make it quick before we die!!
Reginald: There's an bottom on your tophat! Press it!
Ellie: What is it going to do??
Reginald: Just press it!
Ellie without thinking twice pressed bottom in her tophat and it immediately got an helicopter out of nowhere, Ellie was really surprised because she didn't knew that her tophat and Reginald's could do something like that.
Ellie: W-wow...
Reginald: Surprised, huh?
Ellie: Y-yeah... I didn't know our tophats could do something like this...
Reginald: Well the Toppat Clan is full of surprises at every corner.
Ellie: Hehe, yeah I just notice tha- Woah!!
Ellie suddenly began to lose control in her helicopter and she jumped into Reginald and they both lose completely control and they crashed right into the cells of the airship.
Ellie: Ow...
Reginald: That hurt a lot...
Ellie: Sorry Reg...
Nicole: Miss Ellie? Boss-Reg?
Mercudi: Miss Ellie? Mr Copperbottom?
RHM: Reg?
Ellie: Eh??
Reginald: Righty!! *Hugs RHM*
Nicole: You two are alright! That's a relief!
Mercudi: Y-yeah! We thought you were dead!
Ellie: I'm just glad that you guys are on my side..
RHM: Yea' well we're not the only ones..
Ellie: Huh? What do you mean?
Reginald: Yeah Righty, what do you mean about that?
Nicole: Look outside and you'll see.
Mercudi: Y-yeah!
Ellie and Reginald kinda unsure about it went outside the cell and for their safety they noticed an Toppat knocked down on the floor, somehow when they crashed in the cell they knocked him out.
Ellie: Well at least one of Henry's allies was knocked down..
Reginald: Yeah..
"Miss Ellie? Mr Reginald?"
Ellie and Reginald looked to the cells where they heard the voice and they both got a huge surprise.
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Ellie: guys??
Bonnie: Miss Ellie!! Help us!!
The witch: Henry's bastards locked us here just because we were loyal to you!
Carol: Yeah!
Sven: It's true! You have to get us out of here!
Earrings: I don't like this place!
Burt: None of us like this place Earrings!
Ellie: Don't worry! We'll find a way to get you guys out of there!
Reginald: She's right! Any tips?
Bonnie: That Toppat guy who you guys knocked down has the key!
Ellie: *looks at the Toppat guy* He?
The Witch: Yeah!
Reginald: Don't worry! We will release-
"What's going on here?"
Everyone got completely shock by hearing the voice and they saw that it was the andro- I mean cyborg Megan.
Everyone: Megan??
Megan: Miss Boss Ellie? Mr Copperbottom? What's going on? And why are Nicole and Mercudi in the brig?
Ellie: Megan! It's not what you think it is!
Reginald: She's right!
Megan: ... I'm sorry but I only trust-
Just in that moment the Toppat with the orange hat woke up.
Toppat Orange: Megan! Thank Goodness you're here! You won't believe what did stupid redhead did!
Megan: What?
Reginald: Don't listen to him Megan!
Toppat Orange: They're traitors Megan! You have to destroy them!
Megan: Silence! I won't listen to any of you and I don't care of which one is saying the truth!
Ellie: (馃挱Crud... What are we gonna do??) *Looks at Nicole*
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(I forgot to add few more details to this but i was feeling lazy to fix it so I'll leave like this... DEAL WITH IT!)
This story sets two months after Fleeing The Complex.
"Hey... My name is Ellie Rose, current leader of the Toppat Clan, but i wasn't always the leader, i actually stole the leadership to the original leader, Henry Stickmin, we meet each other in the Wall two months ago."
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"He suddenly asked me for help so i helped him escape... And he helped me back, but i didn't trust him very much that time because i had a feeling that he was a jerk (Like any other boys i met) so i... Left him there..."
"After that i arrived to the Toppat Airship and Reginald asks me about Henry... I panicked because if i told them the truth they could kill me, so i lied to them saying that Henry give me his Toppat leadership right before he died, i though they weren't going to believe me but... They all fall for it, including the RHM"
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"Soon i became their new leader and everything was going awesome! I became feared and respected by everyone in the clan! And i made so many friends! Although... Most of the time i feel insecure hiding them the truth that i left their real leader in a complex, they're my friends and my family and I'm lying to the-"
Ellie's thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone calling her out, it was Reginald, it seems like they were in the middle of an important conversation and Ellie somehow got distracted with her thoughts.
Reginald: Ellie? Are you okay?
Ellie: E-eh? Yeah Reginald, I'm okay..
Reginald: Are you sure? We can take you to the medway if you want.
Ellie: No no I'm fine i swear, i just got distracted..
Reginald: If you say so.
Ellie: let's just continue with the reunion...
Reginald: Of course, as I was saying, once we have arrived, we should be able to launch the orbital station before we get attacked by any government trying to take us down.
Ellie: yeah, but most importantly we need to be prepared in case of an surprise attack, any suggestions?
Toppat #1: Nope.
Toppat #2: Sorry Miss Ellie.
Toppat #3: I think Geoffrey might have an idea.
Reginald: Ah yes! Geoffrey Plump! Our man idea! Has anyone sees him?
RHM: Last time I seen Geoffrey was like two months ago.
Reginald: That's weird, because as far as I know Thomas Chestersire was not seen in the past two months.
Ellie: That's very weird.
Reginald: Indeed, i wonder where did they went...
"Oh you wanna know?"
Everyone turned to where the voice sounded, and for everyone's surprise it was Geoffrey Plump along with Thomas Chestersire and.... Henry Stickmin!?
Thomas: We went outside to took for the REAL leader!
Everyone (except for Ellie): HENRY?!?
Ellie: (馃挱O-oh no...)
Reginald: Henry?? You're alive?? Ellie told us you died!
Henry: That was a pathetic lie from that dumb redhead! She abandoned me and run away! I was about to give up and let myself scum in the Wall but then Thomas and Geoffrey manage to burst me out of there!
Geoffrey: That's right! *Looks at Ellie* He helped you escape and you just left him!
Everyone in the airship (except for few Toppats) were completely shocked about what they all heard, the girl who has been their leader for 2 months has been lying to them the whole time, they felt angry and betrayed, so mostly everyone looked Ellie with an anger look.
Ellie: I-i can explain-
RHM: Silence Ellie, we already heard enough.
Reginald: And I need to ask you something very serious.
Ellie: (馃挱I-i'm so dead...)
Henry: (馃挱Heh heh, bye bye Ellie Rose.)
Ellie gulped and brace herself for her destiny but things didn't go like she thought.
Reginald: Why didn't you kill him instead?
RHM: Yea.
Ellie: (馃挱E-eh??)
Henry, Thomas and Geoffrey: (馃挱WHAT!!??)
Ellie: Y-you're not mad a me??
Reginald: Why would we mad at you? What you did was something that I should've done so long ago.
RHM: Yea I agree with Reg.
Reginald: Plus we didn't wanted Henry as a leader in the first place, after what he has donde to Righty.
Ellie: *Sighs in relief* (馃挱Thank goodness...)
Henry: (馃挱I should've know those two didn't trust me!)
Reginald: I'm sorry Henry but Ellie's still the leader, she's a lot better than you.
RHM: Yea.
Toppat: Even if she lied??? That's selfish!
Other Toppat: Yeah! She's not worthy of being our leader!
Another Toppat: Yeah! And neither you two are worthy of being Elite Toppats!
Henry: Well now, looks like the entire clan is on my side~
RHM: Grr! Not for long!
RHM in an attempt to attack Henry he suddenly got attacked by Henry who knocked him out with a hammer that he mysteriously got out of his pocket.
Henry: Don't even try.
Thomas and Geoffrey: Wow...
Reginald: RIGHTY!!
Henry: Someone take this guy to the brig, and has for you two. *Sees Ellie and Reginald* You two will be thrown overboard.
Ellie and Reginald we're soon in the plank of the airship, very close to jump off, Reginald was very scared while Ellie was trying to figure out a way out of this mess, meanwhile, few Toppats we're giving their opinions about Ellie being dethroned, Reginald being kicked out and RHM being in the brig.
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Bonnie: We can't do this to them! It's not right!
Nicole: I know!
Mercudi: I don't like how this is going...
Sven: Yeah! This doesn't really feel-
Sven was soon interrupted by Geoffrey who overheard what everyone said.
Geoffrey: Take any loyalties to the brig! Those who are loyal to Ellie are traitors as well!
Carol: Y-you can't do that! Some of us are Elite Toppats!
Earrings: Yeah! It's true!
Geoffrey: Not anymore, you guys are gonna be in the brig for the rest of your lives!
Back with Ellie, Reginald and Henry.
Ellie: (馃挱 This is bad...)
Reginald: I-i don't like this! I really don't like this!
Ellie: Don't worry Reginald! I'm gonna find a way to get out of this.
Henry: Oh no you won't! You either jump or I'll kill you!
Thomas: Yeah! What he said!
Geoffrey: You better listen to him lady!
Ellie: Bring it on then!
Reginald: E-ellie be careful! (馃挱Righty I miss you...)
Henry then got angry and grabbed an gun and pointed to Ellie and Reginald.
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Ellie: (馃挱What am I gonna do??)
WHOOO I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PART OF THE PROLOGUE! I'll wait for the results in one week so I can start the next part.
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"I just wanted his Toppat Clan's leadership... I just wanted to be respected like him... But instead... I've caused a war... An Toppat Civil Warface..."
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