toreen-m · 14 days
Don't fuck around with hardcore kink if you won't take it seriously.
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toreen-m · 14 days
Hey has tumblr heard about the Chase “Infinite Money glitch” debacle from tiktok yet because
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toreen-m · 15 days
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toreen-m · 15 days
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toreen-m · 16 days
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toreen-m · 16 days
Danny, unable to get a scholarship due to his grades, has another plan for college funding. He's going to do an insurance scam.
It's easy.
He's a halfa, and he can slow down his own healing factor as much as he needs to. He learned how to do it to stop the school nurse from asking questions about bruises disappearing.
So he's going to get hit by a bus or car owned either by the city or by something owned by a rich person, ham it up since he's human on paper, sue, get money, and go get his education.
He keeps getting saved by the Flash.
Or; Wally has never met anyone as accident prone as the guy that works on landscaping at the park, Danny Fenton, but now he does rounds just to check on the guy along with checking on everyone else who's safety he's invested in. Honestly, it's getting concerning; even his regular villains, if they see Danny walk nearby, will stop whatever crime they're committing to safely escort him to wherever he's going.
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toreen-m · 16 days
Heacanon idea:
Of course the newer generation of Gotham would doubt Damian’s Parentage not just because of racism but because of his pretentious, reclusive, almost feral and posh-like personality compared to his father’s fun and charming personality.
But the Old elites of Gotham have no doubt in their mind that’s Bruce’s son—not because if you squint enough he looks like him. But because they remember a time when 10yo Bruce ‘came-out-of-trauma’ Wayne acted eerily similar like that.
He’s stoic and even more reclusive, touch him and he’ll bite. Hell they’d gladly accept Damian than a 10yo Bruce, at least Damian would only glare and threaten you.
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toreen-m · 16 days
Dani is in a pickle.
She accidentally got the attention of a small GIW branch in the middle of nowhere, probably a prison or containment unit, and they hunted her straight into the town she managed to find.
They also used their weapons on her. Their weapons...tuned for Danny. Her template.
Dani is down an arm and a leg, powers on the fritz because of the weapons they shot her with, sprawled in the middle of the road while horrified onlookers scream, with the GIW agents bearing down on her.
She closes her eyes and braces, and hopes it's at least less painful than melting. The adrenaline has already numbed the pain of losing two limbs, and she's grateful for that, but she's not sure it'll be enough to stand up to...well. Getting shot over and over again.
But nothing happens.
The screams slowly die down, and a hush falls over the area. The air itself seems to go still
She peeks open her eyes, and the GIW agents are still and tense, staring at something behind her. The people on the street still look scared, but now they look scared in a different way.
It's a struggle, but she manages to turn her head to see what stopped the GIW in it's tracks.
She's expecting Danny, or one of his rogues. Maybe even Vlad, in her wildest dreams.
What stands behind her, though, is none of them.
There are four people, all wearing similar outfits, not saying a word as they stare down the GIW with red hot glowing eyes.
She thinks she recognizes some of them, but the blood-loss is catching up.
The last thing she thinks before she passes out is that she really, really hopes she didn't hallucinate being saved by the Supergirl, cuz that would be really cool.
Or: Clark, Lois, Jon, Kon, Kara, Ma-basically everyone, immediately family or no, is in Smallville for a cookout. Then the screams in town start up. What the Supers see is a young girl gunned down in the road with government agents moving in, unable to save herself. She's clearly not human, if her green-tinted blood has anything to say about that, and the government agents were speaking to each other like she didn't have any rights. They were talking about experimentation. About removing her other limbs so she couldn't fight back. And. Well. Clark, Jon, Kara, and Kon might be, just a little bit, pissed off.
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toreen-m · 16 days
things I've noticed so far about my poll where you name jewish holidays:
• a lot of people are very worried about misspelling things (dw abt it everything is misspelled as soon as you use the English alphabet anyways)
• a solid amount of people know about sukkos and tu b'shvat, although many of them know those as the "shake a lemon at god" holiday and the "happy birthday trees" holiday
• a lot of people asking if shabbos is a holiday (it is to me) and if b'nei mitzvos are holidays (they are not to me)
• people know about tu b'av? I was not expecting that
• I haven't been reading EVERY answer but so far I'm pretty sure I've only seen one person name Lag B'omer
• multiple people have said Easter (waht)
• multiple people have named Muslim holidays (I understand that a lot of people on this site don't have a lot of contact with religions other than Christianity but like. You really can't tell? Whack.)
• a lot of people who wonder if they count as jewish or, conversely, if they count as goyish. Obviously I can't answer that for you, but go with whatever you think suits you more.
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toreen-m · 17 days
Danny is captured by the GIW. He's bound in anti-ghost containment shackles and trapped inside an anti-ghost cage, in the back of a truck, on it's way to a place he'll probably never be able to escape from.
His mom and dad won't know what happened to him. His friends will have an idea but won't be able to do anything about it.
There were no ghosts around that saw him get captured aside from Boxy, who is in the Thermos that the GIW have placed in another cage across from him.
Danny is well and truly fucked.
"...So they probably didn't think to make this soundproof, if they were focusing on making it so I couldn't even try to Wail. Hey, Superman, if you can hear me, I swear I'm not a bad guy; and even if I was, I don't think you'd think it's okay to vivisect me. Or experiment on me. Or, like, torture me for the rest of my existence, basically. You don't seem like that kind of guyyyyyyy-!"
Danny tries to brace himself as the truck is jerked into the air and stays there.
Then it lands in the middle of nowhere, the two GIW drivers are yanked out of the truck, and the back door is ripped open.
Supergirl stands there, and after taking a few deep breaths to stop looking so terrifyingly angry, she waves at Danny.
"Hope you don't mind, Superman's off-planet right now."
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toreen-m · 17 days
I either pretended to be a werewolf or a dragon...or a dragon wolf. Or a vampire-
Anything but a bride actually.
“You never pretended to be a bride when you were a little girl?” No???? Like literally never?
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toreen-m · 19 days
🐯 🐯 🐯
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toreen-m · 19 days
Danny sets up a small at-home business in Gotham that specializes in "Vibe Checks".
All he's doing is using Fenton tech disguised as things like "Energy Crystals" or "Cleansing Wands" to leech the excess ecto contamination off of everyone.
The problem is that because he does this, no one quite remembers why they went there or what happened.
Of course, since this happens during the day time, Signal hears about it and decides to investigate.
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toreen-m · 20 days
I don’t care what anyone says about it, Avengers Assemble is my favorite show ever because it said “what if the Avengers loved each other unconditionally and were happy” and nothing has ever matched that anywhere since. It also said “what if Iron Man and Cap were married” and refused to take judgement on that. This is the best animated show of all time
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toreen-m · 20 days
funniest shit is going down on discord rn
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toreen-m · 20 days
the biggest tip i can say about trans inclusive language when discussing anatomy is to just say what you mean without trying to find a euphemism, and to be specific to the conversation that you're having. if you're having a conversation about childbirth, say "people who can give birth". not everyone who can give birth is a woman and not every woman can give birth (both trans and cis), so don't say "women" or "mothers" or "females", you don't even have to say like "womb haver" or whatever. "person who can give birth" is specific and clear if you're talking about childbirth.
if you're talking about penis and testes, just say that. "men" in that context is cis-centric. "amab genitals" means nothing, since trans women can have bottom surgery, and intersex people exist in all kinds of physical expressions of sex.
avoid sexualized terms like tits/boobs (use breasts) or dick, balls, etc. those terms take on a context that can make folks feel uncomfortable about their anatomy due to the sexual context. I feel uncomfortable when people try to be inclusive and say shit like "pussy haver" but if I'm reading a medical article about vaginas I'd much rather it be addressed to "people with vaginas" rather than "women"
the more we separate language of body parts from gender identities and actually start speaking frankly and respectfully about anatomy without acting like its some taboo, the better it will be for trans and intersex people. it can help cis people too. you can be a cis woman who doesn't have a womb, you can be a cis man who doesn't have penis or testes. imo this kind of language is inclusive not only for gender non-conforming people but everyone with a physical difference in their sex characteristics, due either to genetics or a lived experience!
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toreen-m · 20 days
went on the most insane grindr date of my life last night hold on
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