torichia-week · 4 years
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I thought I could finish this yesterday, but at the end I couldn’t ^^’. This was for @torichia-week, and I decided to do the prompt “Lazy day”.
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torichia-week · 4 years
New beginnings
Day 5 @torichia-week: Free AU | Sickness
AU explanation: Yoshino was diagnosed with acute otitis media (AOM) at age 10 and is set to receive cochlear implants at age 28 to regain majority of his hearing abilities. Hatori had learned Japanese sign language (JSL) so they can communicate. Now Hatori is constantly teaching Yoshino how to speak. Also ‘Italics’ is when either one is signing something.
Word count: 1384 words
{Ao3 and Wattpad}
‘Don’t panic. I’ll be here for you.’ Fingers ran through Chiaki’s soft brown hair in an attempt to calm him down. A glimmer of uncertainty filled his innocent blue eyes but the feeling of those familiar fingers had somewhat calmed him down. A kaleidoscope of thoughts pounded in his head, some positive, others negative. The thought of regaining the chance to hear the sounds people could only describe was the basis of his dreams, everything he hoped for. But the thought of something going array during the surgery or it not working in the long run was the stuff of nightmares.
‘What if something were to hap-’
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torichia-week · 4 years
Betrayal (rape trigger warning)
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torichia-week · 4 years
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Domestica Week- Day 1
♡ Childhood
Childhood friends checking out a little frog they found while playing out in the rain~
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torichia-week · 4 years
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Happy Domestica week!!! This isn't really a prompt or anything but I'm just happy about Chiaki and Hatori,, been working a lot so I don't have time to draw normally 😭 rip! @torichia-week
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torichia-week · 4 years
Day 1 of @torichia-week: Birthday | Childhood
Note: Both are 7 years old for clarification. Hooray for young Domestica! Also expect this one to be a short one.
Note #2: Happy birthday to the best boy Yoshino Chiaki! Love you so much💜💜💜💜
{Ao3 and Wattpad}
“Tori! Look at all the pictures.” He cried out, jabbing his finger to emphasize his point. The colors weren’t that appealing to Hatori but to Chiaki, each and every colour caused amazement to bounce off his blue eyes. He anticipated each turn of the page and the new display of pictures. “Well I can see you’re both enjoying yourselves.” They turned their heads to see Hatori’s mother standing beside the opened door, a soft smile played on her face.
“Yoshino-kun. It’s getting late, come with me.” His excited expression turned into an adorable pout upon hearing those words. It’s already bedtime? So soon? Yoshino hopped out of the bed, Hatori was about to follow but was stopped by his mother.
She kneeled down and whispered in his ear. “Stay with him, a thunderstorm is going to hit today." 
Yoshino entered the spacious bathroom -completely unaware of the conversation that happened- a stepping stool was set in place for him to prepare for bed.
Another lightning strike flashed before Chiaki’s eyes. Darkness suffocated him like those huge teddy bears that were on display at carnivals and whatnot. With each flash of lightning and roar of thunder caused him to flinch or a soundless cry to be ripped out of his throat. Bits of moonlight spilled into the small bedroom, blue eyes gazed up at the rain covered window, another crash of thunder filled his ears.
His brain didn’t register light breaking the darkness of the room nor the whisper of his name. The owner of the voice padded towards the small bed, a finger tapping his shoulder finally turned Chiaki’s attention to his best friend Hatori. “Yoshino? Why are you sitting in the dark?” The bed dipped slightly when he applied his weight onto it. Chiaki simply turned away, leaning his head on the wall not paying any mind of the pain he would inflict on his neck.
"Well…mother said we should go to sleep now." 
Chiaki turned his head towards his blue eyed friend, as tense as could be. "A-aren’t you..scared?” His voice was so small -completely unlike him- and filled with fear, but the question threw him off. He shook his head, his head making contact with the soft pillows. Another roar of thunder broke the ensuing silence, Chiaki jumped, his heart dropped to his stomach. A choked sob from deep within only confirmed Hatori’s suspicions.
Warm arms wrapped around him, that being the first thing that came to his head. “Yoshino. What’s wrong?” He whispered as they laid down, Yoshino shook with each sob.
“L-Lightning…” Was all he could force out of him, the pitter patter of the rain helped him figure out what was happening.
Soft cold hands covered his ears, the world around him turned muffled. “I’ll cover your ears for the night. Go to sleep.” For whatever reason, his heart fluttered comforting his best friend. Yoshino’s eyes fluttered close, his heart rate returned to normal. It pained him to see his normally smiling and laughing friend huddled up in a corner all scared and alone. 
He would do absolutely anything to make sure he would continue to show him that smile he had grown to love and adore. Does he know what the future will hold? Of course not. But would he continue to be Yoshino’s savior? Of course he would. After all, that’s what friends are for.
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torichia-week · 4 years
Two days left!
Hey guys! Two days left before Torichia week officially starts and I’m so excited. 
I can’t wait to see all of you talented people’s creations haha. Hope you started on the prompts~~
Lots of love!
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torichia-week · 4 years
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Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between. Hello and welcome to Domestica week! A whole week dedicated to the ship Domestica (Chiaki/Hatori) 💜💜
Hello hello hello and welcome to Domestica week! A week of appreciating the creativity of the Sekaiichi hatsukoi fanbase and most importantly, to appreciate all things Domestica! From October 12th to October 18th, you get to see an influx of fanart, fanfiction, comics for Hatori Yoshiyuki and Yoshino Chiaki.
♤How does it work?♤
Each day, there will be two different prompts and you can choose to do either one or even both. Any type of fan content is accepted {fanart, fanfiction, comics, AMV ect} so long as it's original and it fits the prompt.
Be as creative as you can!
Day 1: Birthday ♡ Childhood
Day 2: Hotsprings ♡ Children
Day 3: Video games ♡ White day
Day 4: Nightmares ♡ Lazy day
Day 5: Free AU ♡ Sickness
Day 6: Rainy day ♡ Music
Day 7: Cooking ♡ Engagement
♤The rules♤
Rules go as follow!
• HAS TO BE ORIGINAL WORK. Any stolen works will be immediately reported
• Homophobia, transphobia, racism and derogatory slurs will NOT be tolerated
• Please put proper warnings for mature or triggering content as well as a read more bar
• Submissions must be tagged domestica week
• Late entries will be happily accepted until October 23rd! Please do not be stressed out by this
• Have fun some fun! This is supposed to be a fun event for the SIH fandom💜
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask! Or private message either me or Isaac if you are uncomfortable with sending an ask.
See ya then 💜💞
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