torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
TRP3 Revamp
Stand for what you believe in, even if you stand alone.
Stå for det du tror på, selv om du står alene.
 Before the Curse
Torunn's story begins when she was small. Born a runt and destined to die to wolves in the harsh snow of a Fjord winter, she was found as a crying baby by a Blacksmith of Halgrind named Einar Ironaxe. He was a well respected man among the Dragonflayer clan, he supplied fighters with top of the line armor and weapons. He was tough and very hard headed. He had a soft spot for Torunn though. Knowing that as a runt she was suppose to be killed he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Something had held his hand from doing so. Instead he returned to Halgrind with his adopted daughter and decided to raise her as his own.
King Ymiron was not pleased to see a runt that lived and Einar did all he could to protect her. Ymiron eventually agreed that if she could prove herself to still be a strong warrior despite the fact she was small and not as strong as the others, she would gain respect as a true Vrykul and with that she began training. Growing up she helped out at the anvil with her father. She became stronger swinging the hammer and in the off days Einar taught her how to fight. But she wasn’t always training or working. She had two best friends, Leif and Fil. The trio would always run off to do childish things and they would always dream big about their lives.
The Curse of Flesh
Many being began to notice the Vrykul children were being born weak, small, and by their standards, ugly. Ymiron, thinking that the Titans have cursed them became outraged and turned on his gods and ordered to keep the Vrykul bloodline strong. Parents of children affected by the curse were to instantly kill their children to prevent the spreading of the curse. Some parents did not follow his orders and escaped their own death with their children, later to create what is known as the Human race. Those who remained and were strong were granted Enchanted Slumber in Gjalerbron . By this time Torunn was about 18 years old when this happened. She had gone through her path to adulthood and had taken her Oath to her Jarl. Ymiron still saw Torunn as weak and in his mind he still wanted her dead. But her father fought for her. To him and surprisingly others she had proven herself a strong Vrykul like the others and after much bickering she was granted slumber.
The Awakening
After 10,000 years of slumber the Vrykul were beginning to be awaken. Torunn was finally awoken and happily reunited with Einar and eventually with her friends Leif and Fil. From there they continued their lives and welcomed the other Vrykul that too awoke.
After returning from a Month long hunting trip with her friends they soon found their beloved villaged plagued by the undead. Ymiron and other Vrykul either scared or greedy for power had completely turned on the Titans and followed the Lich King attacking humans. She had lost her two friends and for a long while she continued to fight for Halgrind. At the peak of the battle she had met with the forces in Westguard Keep. They did not trust her at first but after many years of working with them and keeping the scourge at bay they finally granted her paperwork to find work in Stormwind and start a new life, just in time for the Legion to return and for her to face her first of many demons
Even though she is a Vrykul she stands around nine feet tall. She has very defined muscles in her arms and legs, Her exposed midsection shows very formed ab muscles that cut very sharp. Torunn has a decently wide hips and smaller waist, her chest was evenly formed and firm but cleavage was always hidden behind her armor. Her face was a bit long with sharp features and a well cut jaw line that complimented her smile. Her eyes were a piercing blue with beautifully long lashes. Torunn for a woman who had scars of her own was almost shockingly beautiful. Normally she had her long strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail but as of lately she let it down all the time. On the back on her neck she wore a crudely burned horde mark that she had gotten when she was take by the Undead’s for a short time. She had escaped when being shipped back to the Orcs.
On her shoulders she has runic bands that flow to her shoulder blades flaring out into Val’kyr wings.
Going down her upper arms she has two large tattoos of roaring bears
The upper parts of her forearms are wrapped with runic dragons
On the inner part of her left forearm she sports a fairly new tattoo of a complicated run of Protection, balance, beauty and health.
From the upper part of her stomach (Almost right under her breasts) Flowing down her waist to her thighs are bands on runes reading of her life story in Vrykul tongue. The bottom of the bands are unfinished and leave room for more to be done.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The seer smiled with her eyes closed. The blue flames danced wickedly infront of her and she spoke. 
“Yes I see two children, they bare eyes of blue and green and they will be great.”
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
Bjorn Riders
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Bjorn Riders are a group of fighters who chose to protect the land they live on. Though many of them are warriors they all have purpose in the warband. These riders of bears, charge into what ever battle faces them and threatens those they swore to protect. They had no claims to land but they lived on the same planet as everyone else and no Demon was going to take that away from them Now in Stormheim they are ready to push back the demons and get to Argus to help reclaim the fallen world. With one common phrase on their tongues, they hold their weapons high and their bears roars could be heard for miles. 
“For Azeroth!”
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Forging of Trust and Alliance: Part Two
How was a Vrykul mistake for a human?! She looked at him in silence for many moments before finally giving the test. Shrouded by the chatter of the bar she spoke quietly to him in Vrykul tongue.
“I know you're not just some tall human, Vrykul.”
“Hey hey! Keep it down I don’t need people breathing down my neck!” He replied to her in a low growl in the same tongue. She smirked and sat up with a small chuckle. 
“Why do you pretend to be something you're not?” she asked him. The male reached for his ale, seeing the opportunity she quickly reached to his under arm and jabbed him, there was a small hiss of released pressure from the ring and it emptied into his system. He growled and narrowed his eyes at her reaching for his weapon, Torunn pinned his hand down with a scornful look on her face. 
“I wouldn’t make a scene if I were you. Just sit back and enjoy your ale and talk to me.” Her lips carved into a wicked grin and he ripped his hand away mumbling some Vrykul cusses grabbing a pouch of something black and began to eat it.
“Lets go somewhere more quiet.” She spoke hushly to him. His eyes still glared at her and he let out a small cough before standing up. With her wicked grin she stood up and followed him outside and down a small alley. He quickly drew his weapon and swung at her with a great force. She barely ducked and drew her ax swinging it up to his neck with great force and control. The blade stopped right at him skin pressing in some. Her gaze to him was almost hateful, a warning to not try anything stupid again. 
“So you're good with your axes? How about you fight me hand to hand eh? I’m guessing that poison you put in my system will kill me eventually at least let me go out fighting eh?” He backed away from her ax and sniffed a bit loudly dropping his weapon and kicking it to the side. With a sigh, Torunn shoved her two axes into a wooden crate that was near by and faced him with her fists up.
“Well go on, hit me!” She challenged him. He swung at her and she easily ducked away but didn’t react in time to notice a second throw to her gut. Fumbling back a few steps she grabbed her gut only to grin.
“Wow you hit like a human!” She taunted him and threw her own punch catching him square in the jaw. He backed off and rubbed his face and chuckled rolling his shoulders for a second only to quickly kick her in the chest with a swift side step. She fell into a pile of crates and rolled onto all fours coughing trying to catch her breath back. She looked back to him clearly seeing him struggling to stay awake with the poison in his system. 
“He knocked me down and he is barely alive... That is impressive... a waste to see him die.. No he can’t die. Odyn would never will someone as strong as him to fall to a rogues poison.” She thought in her head. Quickly she rushed him pinning him to the ground and forced open his mouth where she poured the vial of red liquid in. Slowly the color began to return to his face and he threw her off of him with a hard punch to her own jaw. She sat up and wiped a small stream of blood from her lip. 
“Screw the gold, you are strong and you do not deserve to die that way.” she finally said staring at him as he coughed feeling the stuff kick in. 
“Who...” he coughed loudly before standing up hovering over her.
“Who sent you?”
“I do not know his name or face, he said you had slept with a wife of a man who wants you dead.” She looks up at him as he reaches down to grab his weapon. A bit fearful he would strike her down she was taken by surprise when he offered his hand to her. She took it and felt him pull her to her feet.
“Well who ever it was they are both dead to me. What is your name?” He said slowly getting his breath back. She blinked and took a step away for safety.
“I am Torunn Ironaxe.”
“Well Torunn, I am Gavir Strongsteel. Don’t ever try that shit again.”
She grinned at him once more and nodded. 
“Come on Torunn, ale is always good after a fight especially one you nearly die in.” He said pushing her along back towards the tavern.
The sparks of the first Forged friendship finally flew.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Forging of Trust and Alliance part one
The sounds of lapping water hit the edge of the boat as it neared Stormwind Harbor. After gaining the trust of the beings in Northrend for years, Captain Adams had trusted Torunn enough to send her to work in Stormwind. She adored the Dwarf, late nights they would stay up and he had taught her common and basic common decency. It was tough for her but it opened her heart to change. In exchange for her work they helped her fight the undead in Halgrind. After the fall of the Lich King and the scourge was controlled, the undead that plagued Halgrind seemed to grow smaller in numbers but they never stopped. It took a very long talk to get her to agree to move forward in her life. To let go of Halgrind was to let go of her entire life, to start anew. 
Torunn held onto her paper work tightly as the boat stopped at the dock. Tired workers grabbed their things and poured off of the boat grumbling. Some met by happy families, some just heading straight towards the tavern. Torunn stuck out like a soar thumb in the crowd and she could feel the eyes of judgment. This should have been normal to her by now but it still stung. What her people did, betraying the titans and following a false god.. It was unforgivable and even though she thought the same as them, she knew they would never see her as the friend. She was there to work and find a way to live her life. 
Walking off of the boat a guard stopped her and asked for her papers. She handed them over and he scanned over them and then looked up to her holding them back up for her to take. 
“Keep those papers close, guards will probably be asking for your papers a lot. Welcome to Stormwind. You are to report to the Nights watch on the west side of the docks. The cap’ will give you your work.” He said as she took the papers from his hand and put them in her bag. With a grunt and nod she headed to where he had pointed and quickly found the person she was suppose to see.
Weeks had past and she was tired already of just lifting heavy boxes onto boats. But they paid her and she spent her nights at the taverns. There wasn’t much she could complain about. 
Her feet laid propped up on a table and a large mug of ale in her hand. Down below there was the chatter of other patrons going about their night. It was adoring to her. These humans weren’t all the different from her kind. At least in the drinking way. The sound of heavy footsteps were coming up the stairs and her ocean blue eyes darted towards the direction. A larger human with a hood and mask over his face shot a piercing white eye’d look at her before taking it upon himself to sit across from her. Her eyes locked onto his and slowly she removed her feet from the table and placed her hand on her ax at her side.
“Can I help you?” She asked the strange man in her heavy Vrykul accent. He stared at her for a moment before nodding and pulling out a piece of paper from his robe. The paper was slid over to here where she looked at it not able to understand the weird symbols that were known as written common. With a huff she slid it back. 
“I no know how to read.” She said, her common still very broken. The man nodded and swiftly turned the paper towards himself looking down at it for a split second before speaking in a hushed voice.
“I have a job offer for you. Twenty thousand gold pieces for you to kill someone.” His voice was almost wicked but the promise of gold caught her ear. This meant she could buy a nice meal and stay somewhere other than a pile of hay. She let go of her ax and looked at him, her face clearly wanting him to continue.
“On the other side of town, in old town there is a very tall erm ‘human’ that drinks at the pig and whistle. He is wanted dead by Thoran Thundercall for ruining their marriage and sleeping with his wife Sigi.” He spoke pulling out a picture. Torunn listened trying to understand everything that was said. Her eyes looked at the picture. To her he was very handsome, maybe it was the lighting of the bar but he did not look like a human. Her eyes dart back to the man. 
“I get caught then am sent back to no home or I die by hands of humans and prove to them all Vrykul are monster.” She spoke pushing the picture back. The man chuckled and pulled out a strange device that looked like a mini syringe turned into a ring. Inside the ring Syringe was a weird black fast moving liquid. 
“On the underside of most armor is an open spot where they keep their armor tied. Just jab him with the needle and walk away. He will die in hours so you may get away. “ He looks back and forth before sliding the strange device to her. She takes it and softly slides it onto her pointer finger. 
“What if I accidentally jab myself?” She asked looking back to him. He let out a small groan and reached back into his robe pulling out a very small red vial.
“Just drink this then, It will fix the problem. If you hurt yourself come back to me for more poison. “
She takes the vial that looks like it holds blood inside and puts it into her pocket. Glancing down at the picture once more she grins. 
“Ok I do it now.” before the man could reply she downed the rest of her ale and headed by foot to Oldtown. That part of the city wasn’t too far away. She had been there once or twice. 
Arriving at the only bar there, the “Pig ‘n’ Whistle” she looked around spotting the man sitting back in a dark corner. The chatter was more alive at that bar and a few bards worked together to play a very upbeat Dwarven tune. Torunn moved to the bar where she ordered two ales and waited looking around. Luckily there were some very tall elves in the bar so she didn’t stick out as much.The tavernkeep brought over the ale and she paid him heading over to her target. There was a thud of the ale as she sat it in front of him The man looked over to her surprised at first but smirked. She sat next to him and placed her feet on the table drinking her ale. Her eyes scanned the man. Up close he was even more good looking than anyone she had ever seen. He was no human though. 
This man was a Vrykul. 
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
Next part of Story Arc
Soon I will be beginning to release the parts of “The Forging of trust and Alliance.” Parts of “The Beginning” will be edited and more filler details will be added in and in between the writing of “The Forging of Trust and Alliance” There will be smaller stories released called “Memories of a Runt” These stories are Torunn’s memories of being a child before the Hibernation. “The Forging of Trust and Alliance”  will basically highlight her time spent helping the alliance and deepening her hatred for the Horde. It will also end with her freedom to Stormwind where she meets new friends and another Vrykul. 
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Beginning Part Five: The End of life
"He betrayed me..." a loud clash of shields hitting the wall broke the dim silence.
"He betrayed Leif!" a table was ripped off the ground and tossed to the side.
"He betrayed the gods!" blood dripped down the Vrykul's hand as she removed it from the now splintering wooden wall that had another fresh hole in it. Rage filled her every being. With heavy breathes she stared at her axe laying on the ground.
"Its all the scourges fault! They took my home, they killed my bestfriend, now they are making me kill my other best friend... Why me? Oh Odyn, why didn't you just have me die?" she slide down the wall and sat down miserable. Food was low, she was weak and alone. She glared at her axe. With a heavy heart and mentally preparing herself she grabbed it and reunited it with the second one on her back.
The stars seemed to hide behind thin clouds but the moon still lit the land. A fire sat burning inside Ember Spear Tower and a lone male Vrykul sitting by it trying to get warm. That wasn't going to happen and he knew it.
"Fil!" he heard screamed from outside. He swallowed and grabbed his single sword and a torch from the fire going outside. The flame lit her up. Blood spread on her face as warpaint. The beautiful blue eyes an angry ocean of Fury. And her two axes held in her hands drawn, ready to attack. Her eyes stared at him sharper than any blade ever. He knew it wasn't just anger. He loved her and he was going to kill her.
"Torunn, this can be easy. You just have to become faithful to the god of death. He can give you more power than anything else in this world!" he spoke to her almost pleading. She let out a war cry and charged him swinging her axe to his head. Quickly, dropping the torch, he blocked her hit with his sword. Her breathing was feirce and constant almost like a beserkers.
"They killed our Brother, Fil!" she retreated her axes and swung again, once more he blocked it but was pushed back surprised by her strenght.
"They took our home!" She yelled and headbutted him so hard he fell to one knee. He let out a yell and took his sword jabbing it to her gut, but she grabbed it with her axes sliding her hand to the hilt, spun it around and slide it through his chest. Fil fell onto both knees and slide down onto the blade more. His body leaned against hers. She could hear his rasped breathing.
"You joined them..." she whispered placing her hand on the back of his head. He coughed up a bit of blood and fell onto his back where he stared at the sky. Ribbons of blue and green began to dance in the clouds and he smiled.
"Fil... Come back to the gods. Reclaim your seat in Valhalla. Proclaim your soul to Odyn.." she said looking down on him. His frosted blue eyes darted to her.
"My soul belongs to the gods. My axe and strenght to Odyn. I am a son of Asgard." he whispered staring at her.
Snow was crisp and deer were out and about. Three children ran along the trails laughing chasing their Whelps. They ran to the Rune stone. A giant stone with ancient runes carved into it. They looked up at the runes in awe.
"We three are going to be the best warriors of Halgrind."
"No no! The best of all Howling Fjord!" they giggled playing about near the stone.
"Lets make a blood bond. We will be together forever."
He opened his eyes and weakly lifted up his hand to see the scar.
"Torunn, I am sorry." Torunn took his hand and held back tears.
"We three were suppose to be together forever." he said weakly.
"We still have forever in Valhalla." she said shakily. He gulped struggling to breath but smiled and nodded.
"I'll tell Leif you said Skol." he said coughing. She smiled with tears in her eyes and shook her head yes once more. His eyes returned to the sky. The lights were beginning to dance closer to him. The bands of the northern lights clouded his vision. His head fell back and his breathing stopped. Torunn was the last warrior of Halgrind.
A year later
Torunn slowly approched an Alliance fort not too far from her tower. She had left her weapons and armor outside with Dreki. With her hands up she approached the guards. Guns aimed they yelled something in a strange language. Five men came over and bound her taking her to the main fort. Her heart raced and she wanted to fight but she fought herself instead by walking to a holding cell they had.
After a few hours a man dressed in robes came down and started to speak to her in that weird tongue. She narrowed her eyes confused.
"You are useless if you can't talk!" he yelled at her.
"No different from the other Vrykul! Guards get that plague. One less to deal with." he ordered someone. The Vrykul sat confused and then heard another low voice approaching.
"Now I know ye dinna try to orda the death of an innocent Vrykul without me permission?" a dwarf asked walking in with battle scarred armor. The man in robes growled and left the room and the dwarf waved the guards off. He closed the cell door and looked over her. Shorter than most Vrykul, pretty eyes and very well built, had a few scars but that meant history. He was pleased.
"Do you know any common lass?" he spoke in her tongue. Her eyes went wide and she quickly tried to stand up to get closer to him but her restraints held her down. With a low growl she got comfy best she could.
"I do not know what common is... I come to you defeated and begging for help against the foul beasts that destroyed my village." she spoke. The dwarf stroked his beard.
"What is your name lass?"
"Well Torunn I have an offer for ye."
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
After some training...
The student becomes the master. I am joking. I had a fun time with the guild tonight. fought well with Bruce, he is clearly an honorable warrior.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Beginning Part Four
Torunn sat on a large tree stump wrapped in furs. The sound of footsteps crunching filled her ears as she could see Fil carrying two dead bodies on his shoulders. She watched as they were added onto the forever burning pile of bodies. Even though burning them destroyed the bodies, more and more were coming to Halgrind.
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She stood up and looked at the bodies. They looked like tiny Vrykul. Were theses the victims of the Curse of Flesh? Is this what became of them? Were they angry that King Ymiron ordered to have them killed? But how did their bodies survive hibernation? Her face was scorn she was tired she was a broken soul.
"Maybe King Ymiron was right to order their deaths. The gods have given up on us Torunn.. He was right." Fil said dropping the last body.
"Don't you dare speak ill of the gods Fil!" she snapped at him not looking up. Fil looked at her not speaking. Torunn had changed since Leif died. She was always vanishing and returning covered in blood. It is almost like she was a beserker. The only thing she knew was anger. But it wasn't the case. She was hurting, Leif was gone and King Ymiron along with most of the other Vrykul had abandoned the gods and bent a knee to this god of death. He calls himself the Lich King. She would never bend a knee to him. She was going to continue to kill the walking corpses.
The sun was setting and Torunn was scouting the Village once more. But in the distance she saw Fil. He was... Talking to someone. Sneaking low, she sucked behind boards and hung up shields to try to listen.
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"Fil, you see truth and you see where your races future lies. You are a strong warrior and I need strong warriors. Swear your faith to me and I will give you the greatest gift of all. The gift of rebirth.." the voice was almost a dark whisper. The words stung in Torunn's soul. Fil was silent and slowly he took a knee to the dark figure. Anger boiled inside Torunn but she remained silent as she watched. The figured laughed and took out a sword with weird blue etching of runes on its blade. A dark hand was placed on Fil's shoulder and the sword was plunged into his heart. She covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming as she watched him fall over limp and bleeding. Two Valk'yr came from the sky and began to emite a dark shadow over his body. She watched his fingers move and finally he stood back up like nothing had happened.
"Good. Now kill the girl. She will not denounce the gods she is no good to us." the figure said before vanishing. Her heart pounded and she crept away getting out of Halgrind as fast as she could. When back at the tower she found her horn. With shakey fingers she blew on it and quickly after the large flapping of wings coukd be heard. She had to escape.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
Characters so far!
Leif Bjornson
Born in Halgrind to the Dragonflayer clan
Woke up from hibernation 4 years before Lich king
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Torunn Ironaxe
Found as baby by local blacksmith of Halgrind
Woke up from hibernation 4 years before Lich king
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Fil Oriksin
Born in Skorn raised in Halgrind
Woke up from hibernation 3 years before Lich King
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
Dear Halgrind
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Halgrind... The land that I called home. Found lost as a baby, Halgrind took me to be one of their own. I learned, worked, and played on the trails of Halgrind. My best friends Fil and Leif... My brothers in arms. Leif... He fought with passion. He gave us hope. But to send him to Valhalla was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
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Fil and I are weak. Our bond was broken, our brother was taken from us. We always spoke of drinking in Valhalla together, but we never imagined our actual deaths. My dear Halgrind... We lost Leif, we lost ourselves we can't lose you.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
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My kitten Luna broke my last alter. I was pretty sad. After some time i finally finished it tonight! Well that is until i get wood chips and can blood carve the runes into them properly. But im proud :)
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
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Stand up for what you believe in... Even if you stand alone.
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Beginning Part Three
Crickets filled the night air and Torunn sat on a rock looking at the sky. Light blues and greens of lights whipped in the sky shinning as bright as the stars. The nothern lights were common up there but they never ceased to amaze Torunn.
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For a moment she was lost. Her troubled mind was at peace. The lights danced with true energy wrapping around her soul. She was suddenly draw away from the lights as she felt a soft worgs pelt be drapped around her shoulders. She looked up to see Fil's face lightly lit up in the small embers of a fire Torunn had accidentally let burn out.
"I thought you were sleeping Fil.." she spoke to him holding onto the fur and he let out a mighty woosh of air starting to rekindle the fire.
"I was, but nights are so cold and you let the fire go out. You seemed happy where was your mind Torunn?" he asked ask the fire began to start once more. Fil grabbed a few fistfuls of dried leaves and twigs and stuffed it back into the log feeding it its required fuel. Torunn's blue eyes gleamed as she looked back to the dancing lights.
"The sky is so happy and full of energy. The gods truely do smile down on us Fil." her smile faded away.
"I miss them... Do you think they are drinking in Valhalla? Fighting and laughing. Sharing food with the gods?" she aaked watching as the lights danced away and the stars overtook the sky again. Fil looked at the sorrow in her eyes and moved closer to her.
" Ya know that strawberry honey mead Brunhilda would make, Torunn?"
"Ja.. It was amazing.."
"She and everyone else are up there drinking and butting heads like the good times. They do not hurt anymore. They are with the gods." he said looking over at her as her eyes shone with the stars. "They are happy in Valhalla, Torunn"
As quickly as the moon has come it has left and the sun was pulled across the sky. The two Vrykul walked along the road to Ember Spear Tower. Torunn balanced and hopped along the wooden posts and Fil sung songs in their native tongues. As they approached they noticed splintered wood scattered about. The two Vrykul looked at each other, dropped everything and ran to the tower. The door had been busted open and their worst fears had come true. Laying in a pool as dark as his hair was Leif. In his hand tightly clutched to his chest was a rolled up piece of parchment paper.
"My friends,
They watched you leave. They attacked at night. I faught as hard as I could but there were too many. The key is fire. If you burn the bodies they won't come back. Fil, my brother... We will butt heads once again in Valhalla. Torunn, my sister. You will be the most beautiful Vrykul to sit at Odyn's great hall. They are breaking down the door. I will continue to fight. For honor..."
Tears streamed down her face as she heard the letter read to her. She sat in his blood and held his head in her lap stroking his hair. His body was as cold as ice, his skin and limbs were stiff. But his face looked peaceful. Fil remained silent for a moment staring at Leif's body.
"We have to go to the docks....He died fighting, Torunn. It is tradition..." he choked out. She let out a few sobs her face twisted in agony, cheeks and eyes puffy with tears. Fil could feel her heart, he felt the tear going down the middle of it and his eyes began to well with tears.
"Torunn we have to send him to the gods." he wiped some of his tears away and went to pull her from his body. She screamed out in sobbing pain and refused to let go.
"I should have stayed he didn't deserve to die Fil! It should have been me!" She cried out, her tears dripping onto Leif's face mixing with his blood. Fil fell to his knees and hugged her.
"He died a warrior Torunn. He figured out how to beat them. He died with honor. Torunn we have to send him away!" he pleaded pulling her away finally. She burried her face into his shoulder and continued sobbing. He couldn't help but cry as well as he held onto her.
The sun was setting and they had made it to the docks. Fil used his hand and the cold sea water to clean Leif's face. They pushed a boat into the water and stocked it with wood, twigs, and leaves. Fil neatly laided out a worg fut pelt and laid his best friends body onto it. Torunn placed small flowers into his beard and around his body and his hunting bow into his hands across this chest. They both kissed his forehead and pushed the boat away. Silently the two watched the boat dift off into the sunset. Torunn grabbed a bow and arrow and doused the arrow head in oil while Fil took a torch and caught it on fire. With a steady aim she shot the boat and soon it was engulfed in flames.
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Fra begynnelsen,
det har alltid vært bare oss og ingenting annet enn det.
Ingenting annet gjaldt.
Siden slutten er blant oss,
og tiden sto stille.
Jeg skal stå der jeg vokste opp
og omfavne flommen.
Alle som forsøker å beholde
Jeg vil bare dra
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
Torunn learned the hard way
Don’t get wasted then try to fight someone shorter than you. THEY MIGHT KICK YOUR ARSE!
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torunnironaxe-blog · 7 years
The Beginning Part Two
The three Vrykul stood outside the tower with their Proto-Drakes. It had been over two weeks since they returned to Howling Fjord. Torunn hugged the snout of Dreki.
“Oh kjære Dreki … du må være modig for meg.” she said hushly stroking her fingers along its scales. It let out a large huff of air from its nostrils and breathed in once more emitting a almost hiss like sound. For the time being they had to send their Drakes away so they could survive. But separating a Proto-Drake from its rider was never easy. Fil playfully wrestled with his Drake for a moment like the use to when it was a Whelp. With a weak smile he swatted its back thigh sending it off and Leif’s followed shortly after it. Torunn loved Dreki and after everything that had happened this wasn’t easy for her. She swatted its back leg and it hesitantly flew off. They were to go to GrizzlyHills where they could feast on the land. She watched as they vanished into the clouds. The only sound being the howling wind coming in from the nearby ocean.
“Torunn… What will we do? We can’t beat those creatures and the other Vrykul have gone mad. The green gas will kill us. Leif already had a close call…. Torunn are we all thats left? Have the gods left us?” Torunn turned and faced Fil. He looked defeated. They all did. Constantly fighting the undead that hunted them. Luckily they were able to defend the tower but that was all.
“We need to scout to the East, find any hiding Vrykul. First we need food. One of us should stay and guard our supplies we have. I am willing to stay while you two go hunt.” She said heaving her axe onto her shoulder. Leif placed his hand on the back of her head and bumped foreheads lightly. She returned and placed her hand accordingly.
“Torunn you have better eyesight than me. You would be the better hunter. I can stay and take stock of what we already have.” he said looking down at her. Silently she nodded and they let go of each other.
Not many more words were exchanged as Torunn and Fil prepared to go to the East and hunt. She looked back at Leif standing in the doorway of the tower, he waved goodbye and she smiled turning back to catch up with Fil.
Torunn and Fil laid on their stomachs, hiding in the tall grass. Their eyes watched a herd of Shoveltusk. Two males battled for a female. Fil grabbed his axe and signaled to Torunn to prepare to attack. They were easy to kill even the biggest bull was simple to take down. Two Vrykul’s could easily destroy a small herd. 
It was go-time. They silently and quickly swept through the tall grass. Fil took his massive axe and struck down one of the males instantly going onto the other. Torunn rushefover to the flock and struck down a few more of the males. Blood stained the ground under the feet of the two Vrykul. They stood side by side and watched the rest of the Herd run off. All Vrykul’s knew to never take a whole herd. They must repopulate, so there will always be more meat to hunt. Torunn smiled covered in the Shoveltusk blood. It had been a long time since she had actually felt that she killed something. Those Undead creatures would fall apart but they were always brought back by something. They could never win against an army that wouldn’t stay dead. But for now. It was time to feast. Fil and Torunn knew they would survive and find other survivors.
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