tostitokid · 4 years
Have to agree there. I actually picked up Planetside 2 for a mix of nostalgia and WvW. Found an outfit to join and it’s been a blast. Well, a blast as long as the TR and VS aren’t spamming their AoE anti-infantry weapons.
This is probably a really strange statement, but WvW just makes me want to go back and play Planetside. The capture-point-and-resource-generator-based enormous map battle MMO style is really cool if you can make it competitive enough and get the population high enough. I just feel like an FPS with the ability to scale up to large vehicles using the resources you're fighting over is more fun and adds more of that huge sense of scale and drama than GW2's combat system, which in a zerg fight is... fine? I guess? But doesn't feel very cool. Like, cool, cloud of red names, cloud of blue names. I find myself wanting to upgrade towers and use supply to build tanks, and having to coordinate strategy on multiple different scales at once. And I only played Planetside for like a few weeks, iirc.
It is, though, pretty remarkable how similar their basic map/capture design is, though.
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tostitokid · 4 years
Destiny 2’s ads are much better in Japan than they are in America.
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tostitokid · 4 years
Hammer Necro Hammer Necro
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All I wanna do
Is go to Cantha and be
A cat oni
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tostitokid · 5 years
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wow, I was away a lot longer then I originally thought…haha…does anybody even remember me I wonder? its okay if not, im just …. a lot happened and im going to hope that coming back to this and playing GW2 will kind of help me . I was drawing so much while I was on here including gift arts and I just would really like to get back to that. So….hey guys, im back !
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tostitokid · 5 years
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do you like capes? do you want to wear a cape? do you want a gemstore cape without spending gems on it??
just reblog this post (likes don’t count, sorry!!)  ends december 8th, 2019 open to na and eu!
if you win you’ll need to respond with your account name within 24 hours or i’ll select a new winner!
p.s. i’m not sorry for the comic sans, it was an artistic choice pls respect it 
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tostitokid · 5 years
Good skritt, you are! Real good content!
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It’s that time of year again…time for the SCRIBES OF CALAMITY 4TH ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY!
We’re running things a bit differently this year. 
The main prizes:
1st place:
800 gems worth of items from the gem store
Mini Green Raptor 
Mini Yellow Jackal
Mini Red Griffon
Mini Brown Springer
Elder Wood Logging node
Mystery Quaggan Tonic
Fullbody artwork of a character of your choice
2nd Place:
800 gems worth of items from the gem store
Mini Green Raptor
Mini Yellow Jackal
Mini Red Griffon
Mini Brown Springer
Fullbody artwork of a character of your choice
Because I’m trying to grow the blog,the more followers we get,the more prizes I will add! Each of these prizes will go to a different person.
Add on Prizes:
Shifting Sands Axe + Chibi Art =1,000 Followers
Bloodstone Torch + Chibi Art =1,100 Followers
Cavalier Staff + Chibi Art =1,250 Followers
Beastslayer staff + Chibi Art =1,400 Followers
Glyph of the Leather worker + 400 gems =1,500 Followers
800 gems from the gem store + Fullbody art =1,650 Followers
You can get up to 5 total entries for this giveaway!
-Reblog (1 entry. if you follow from a different blog,just throw it in the tags.)
-Create a Promo for Scribes of your blog! (1 entry)
-Create a piece of art/writing featuring any of the characters in the “My characters”  tag . All creative endeavors are welcome! (3 entries)
You must be a follower! Please don’t follow and then unfollow after the giveaway. 
No giveaway blogs! I check all entries. 
There will be EIGHT total winners if we hit all the follower goals.
This will end on October 14th,the day I bought GW2 Four years ago! <3
Best of luck to everyone and thank you for the support and amazing community over the years!
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tostitokid · 5 years
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I made this from the 6 year old Super Adventure Box trailer (if you haven’t seen it yet, do yourself a favor and click the link). My guild and friends now tend to yell “Woah! Rytlock Brimstone!” whenever anyone says anything about Rytlock. So I really just wanted a gif of the moment that inspired our meme. 
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tostitokid · 5 years
Okay, but how do you think the more experienced/intelligent monsters think about us? Running around in ultra-powerful gear that makes us nigh unstoppable?
My favorite bit of unspoken storytelling is how unapologetically fucking stupid monsters are in the guild wars universe
A skeleton with a dinky shortbow sees a guy in spiky armor dyed all shadow abyss glowing like a supernova from 3 different infusions and thinks “hm…this guy harvesting some wood is pissing me off in particular…I’m going to shoot at him right now”
And then the skeleton dies in .5 seconds
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tostitokid · 5 years
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It’s patch day, my friends,,,
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tostitokid · 5 years
And that is why we all love oversized weapons!
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Trying to get back into the swing of things. Probably gonna be making a few practice posts. Especially because I’m trying to really focus on getting Asuran anatomy some-what correct. I couldn’t really seem to nail it. 
Anyway here’s Jack with his iconic weapon of choice – The Fix-R-Upper…
Which is a bit heavy… 
Which also leads into the BONUS! 
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tostitokid · 5 years
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Woohooo I’ve reached 250 followers! Thank you all so much! To celebrate I’m hosting a large giveaway. A total of 5 people will be selected at the end and each receive a drawing of their choice being able to choose between 3 types of works.
How to join?
It’s simple! All you have to do is follow me and reblog this post to enter. Thats all!   (And I will check if you did both. c: ) Also, onle one entry per person.
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tostitokid · 6 years
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tostitokid · 6 years
NA or EU?
Soma looked like my engi except as a salad. Maybe they should be friends.
Sure! You can find Soma in Divinity’s Reach Salma District Tavern.
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tostitokid · 6 years
Petition for a Melora Zephyrite NPC
To round off our celebration of Melora’s (Amber Lutz’s) contributions to our community, [DTOP] is starting a petition to add a named Zephyrite NPC in her honour. Learn more about the petition and sign it at our dedicated website.
While we can’t force ArenaNet to do anything, we, the undersigned, feel a new Zephyrite named Melora, placed in Dry Top next to the Wreckage of Zephyrite Crystal Garden hero challenge, would be lovely.
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This way, Melora’s memory can look out over all the players collecting the falling Aspect crystals in Prospect Valley, blessing their good teamwork.
Quick update: We’ve already received more than $500 in donations to our charity fundraiser. That’s over $1,000 that will be going to our two charities. (This is the best gaming community ever!)
And as a reminder: we’re looking forward to seeing you at our big event tomorrow from 2-6PM ET!
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tostitokid · 6 years
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A story, a time, and a memory.
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tostitokid · 6 years
Petition for a Melora Zephyrite NPC
To round off our celebration of Melora’s (Amber Lutz’s) contributions to our community, [DTOP] is starting a petition to add a named Zephyrite NPC in her honour. Learn more about the petition and sign it at our dedicated website.
While we can’t force ArenaNet to do anything, we, the undersigned, feel a new Zephyrite named Melora, placed in Dry Top next to the Wreckage of Zephyrite Crystal Garden hero challenge, would be lovely.
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This way, Melora’s memory can look out over all the players collecting the falling Aspect crystals in Prospect Valley, blessing their good teamwork.
Quick update: We’ve already received more than $500 in donations to our charity fundraiser. That’s over $1,000 that will be going to our two charities. (This is the best gaming community ever!)
And as a reminder: we’re looking forward to seeing you at our big event tomorrow from 2-6PM ET!
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tostitokid · 6 years
[DTOP] Melora Memorial Event
[DTOP] invites you to celebrate the joyous legacy of our dearly departed co-founder and co-lead, Melora, on this Sunday, March 3, 2019.
2PM ET (19:00 UTC): Public memorial service, The Grove.
3PM ET (20:00 UTC): 1 hour of Dry Top. Of course!
4PM ET (21:00 UTC): 1 hour of bounty hunting in the five core Path of Fire maps. (Melora loved leading these trains.)
5PM ET (22:00 UTC): Private gathering in the [DTOP] Guild Hall, for guild members and our close friends.
Yes, there will be GW2 trivia, giveaway prizes, silly puns in map chat, and an opportunity to pay forward Melora’s kindness through our soon-to-be-announced charity fund drive.
To join, use /sqjoin Splinka, ask for an invite on our Discord server or in guild chat, or look for [DTOP] in LFG.
We really hope you will join us for this special occasion.
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