totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
My take as someone who was homeschooled as a kid is that homeschooling is very easily an incredibly hellish environment but the school system is also undeniably unethical because really the problem is that children don't have human rights
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
I still don't know what I'm wearing to the living room New Years Eve... I might not even go.
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
Imagine how much scarier zombie movies would be if the zombies smiled when they saw you because they were excited to finally eat. Imagine walking into a building to go and find shelter, scavenge, whatever, and you shine your flashlight into a room only to find several zombies idling there. Your light catches their eyes and they turn to look at you, their expressions desolate and empty. However, the moment they spot you, their open mouths turn to wide uncontrollable smiles and their eyes disappear into slits. They almost look friendly. Maybe even some of them manage to laugh instead of groan. How would you feel after months and months of losing people you know to smiling hoards? How would you feel after every encounter with a joyful zombie leaves you shaken and tired and fearful? How would you feel after hearing the sounds of laughter mixed in with the sounds of screaming and flesh being torn? After everything, what would your brain's wiring process do to you when you see a friend smile? Would you hate smiling? Would you feel rage? Would your brain devolve back into a time where showing one's teeth always meant a threat? What would you do if the joy of the human race was now only kept by the dead
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
Something that really sucks about being disabled is places say that they’re accessible but they aren’t.
I’ve been to places that claim to be accessible where
the ramp’s too steep
there are steps they didn’t mention because “it’s only two or three”
the doorways are too small
there aren’t any elevators to the top floor
the floor is too rough to easily push on
exhibits are displayed in ways that are impossible to see from a wheelchair
the doors don’t have a push button
tables/exhibits are put way too close together
the surrounding paths have no curbs
Without those things, it isn’t accessible. You can’t put a sloped piece of metal on your doorway and call that wheelchair friendly.
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
"oh you have an allergy? sorry I harassed you for being a picky eater, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a picky eater, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you have chronic pain? sorry I harassed you for being lazy, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a lazy person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're autistic? sorry I harassed you for being weird, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a weird person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're deaf? sorry I harassed you for ignoring me, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. you're just not actually a rude person, I still get to harass those people"
"man why does everything have to be a disorder now? I miss the old days when people would TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for being failures and it was socially exceptable for me to harass them, now I look like a jerk when I bully people for annoying me."
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
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The images that Israel claims are of fighters arrested and stripped in Gaza include a journalist and his family, two teenage boys, one United Nations employee, and the director of an UNRWA school.
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
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Felt like doing something picture book like.
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
full-force slamming my cock into a cliff face that ive painted to resemble a pussy after watching the roadrunner fuck it with ease
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
some notable catchphrases of 2013:
bitch I might be
do she got the booty ? she doooooooooo ! 
swiggity swag
the D
wen u mom com home and make hte spagehti
“ hello______, im dad “ 
W R I T I N G  I N T E N S E  W O R D S  L I K E  T H I S 
 perfect _____ don’t exis-
And now, the weather
at least 2 potato
we’ve come full circle ! 
life hack :
[ __________ INTENSIFIES]
so many
such doge. much wow. very smile. 
*sweats nervously*
spooper hot choclety milk
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totally-not-a-zannie · 9 months
A lot of adulthood is shouting “AUGH MY LAUNDRY” hours after you put it in the washer/dryer and running to go fetch it
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Baby Clifford & baby Snoopy
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We don’t talk enough about the two identical old women who just hang around Azula saying ominous shit in unison. What’s their deal. Is there a comic about them. Are they paid for their services
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I hate hate HATE all those 2edgy 4me theories about kids shows. Like Angelica dreaming up the rugrats, or the ed, edd, and eddy children being ghosts, or literally anything that takes a lighthearted and fun kids show and has to turn it into some tragic take of rape or murder or misinformed mental illness. So you know what? From now on I’m gonna do the exact opposite. Every cool grim-dark show is now because of a bunch of children. To get us started: Game of Thrones: A middle-school DnD campaign with the most angry, vindictive DM who has promised to kill everyone’s player characters (and their family) by the end.
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