totallynotaqua · 6 days
Reblog if you're asexual and tired
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totallynotaqua · 6 days
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Frye Twins expression doodles!!
If you are able to, please support and share this family’s campaign, and remember to do your daily click.
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totallynotaqua · 6 days
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Warning this post is not to offend anyone, it’s a silly goofy guy
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totallynotaqua · 6 days
Train robbery. (AC Syndicate)
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totallynotaqua · 4 months
I'm totally late but-
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totallynotaqua · 5 months
I want to see how many people actually are willing to say this and not just act like it
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totallynotaqua · 5 months
Reblog if you're LGBTQIA+ (Yes Trans people and people on the ace/aro spectrum are also valid, shut up)
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
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Enjoy your studies. I’ll be out killing Templars.
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
aphobia is defo real, even within our own community as well 😔
"But aphobia isn't real!"
I honestly cannot seem to understand the amount of denial about aphobia there is due simply to how much there is to begin eith.
We live in a culture that glorifies romance and all the rest, because think of the romantic movies, shows, and other media.
Tell me what happens in shows where someone doesn't want to love or have sex and feels broken because of that? The love interest comes in later and the character falls for them like clockwork.
Also sex and romance in moves and shows is overplayed and often ruins the plot, because love or sex scenes are forced into the plot for absolutely no reason.
This is frustrating.
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
yes, some asexual people do have sex! yes, some aromantic people do fall in love! but you cannot use these experiences to invalidate and dehumanise the experiences of aces who don't have sex and aros who don't fall in love. they're as worthy of validation and respect. not having sex or falling in love cannot be a way to alienate people. everyone deserves equal footing (especially in queer spaces)
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
I defo think you might be aroace, maybe aplatonic, but tbh whatever you feel fits, fits. Your attraction and sexuality can fluctuate with time, and that's ok! Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, and you don't have to put a label on it if you don't want to. I will say a big thing to consider is aesthetic vs. Romantic and sexual attraction.
Support from an aroace <2
Does this make me aroace?
You are generally uninterested in sex. Or your interest in sex is more scientific than emotional.
Yes, I don't feel a strong desire for sex, despite having a libido. My interest in it, if any, is more intellectual or scientific rather than emotional. I only like the emotional aspect when it's in the media or viewed from a third-person perspective like a fantasy or a daydream.
You don’t understand how people can look at someone and want to have sex with them.
I often struggle to grasp how people can feel attracted to others solely based on sexual appeal. People are hot, but that doesn't make me want to have sex with them. I just admire her from afar as an attractive person.
You don’t understand the idea of someone doing something just for sex. Why don’t they just not?
I understand why someone would engage in sexual activities purely for physical pleasure, but I only care about my partner's pleasure; that is an afterthought.
You feel left out or confused when your friends talk about sex.
When people close to me talk about their sexual experiences or desires, I feel disconnected and very uncomfortable. It makes me embarrassed.
On multiple occasions, you have had to pretend to be sexually interested in someone because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do.
In social situations where discussing or expressing sexual interest is expected, I've generally expressed my disinterest in romance or sex, questioning why someone would actively want that.
You have not had sex in years and aren’t bothered by that. Or you would be fine with the idea of never having sex again.
I'm perfectly fine with being single for the rest of my life. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.
You’ve never had a crush on someone or fallen in love.
I've experienced romantic attraction, but I've never acted on it, and in a few days it simply faded away.
You’re not sure if you’ve ever had a crush on someone or fallen in love.
It's hard for me to distinguish romantic feelings from just really wanting to be friends with someone.
You have trouble telling the difference between romantic and aesthetic, platonic, sexual, or sensual attraction. Or you often had “crushes” on your friends.
It's hard for me to distinguish romantic feelings from just really wanting to be friends with someone.
You have doubted whether crushes or love really exist or if they’re just cultural constructs or exaggerations.
I've never questioned this. And I thought of myself as a hopeless romantic from kindergarten to the end of elementary school. Middle school is when my romantic desire died.
You thought that having a crush on someone meant you admired them or really wanted to be their friend.
I saw them as intense forms of admiration or a desire for friendship. I got 'crushes' very easily. Oh, a boy took my chair and lifted 5 at once to put them away. Boom, I now have a crush on him.
You thought crushes were something you consciously decided to have, so you selected an acquaintance or celebrity to be your crush.
Maybe I had crushes on anyone who was nice to me or decided to talk to me. I also thought girls on TV were very pretty as a kid, and I guess you could say I consciously decided to have a crush on them. I found them pretty and thought that was what romantic attraction was, and then decided this feeling was a crush.
You have never had a romantic relationship—not because you couldn’t get one, but because you just never really bothered to try or because you liked being single better.
I've been in several romantic relationships, but once we become an official couple, I no longer feel attraction for them and get super uncomfortable. I've never had a crush or a relationship that lasted longer than a week because of this.
You feel left out or confused when your friends talk about romance or crushes.
When people close to me talk about their romantic experiences or desires, I feel disconnected and very uncomfortable. It makes me embarrassed.
Your romantic partners always seem to be way more into the lovey-dovey stuff than you are.
When a romantic relationship gets serious, it makes you feel cold, distant, or uncomfortable.
I've been in several romantic relationships, but once we become an official couple, I no longer feel attraction for them and get super uncomfortable.
You have felt guilty about not loving your romantic partner as much as they loved you, even though you sincerely cared about them and wanted to love them back.
No, not really. I felt bad for breaking up with them. But not for anything else.
You enjoy gestures and activities that are traditionally labeled “romantic,” but at no point during them do you actually feel attracted to whoever you’re with.
Nope, I hate being the subject of romantic activities and proposals.
You don’t enjoy gestures and activities that are traditionally labeled romantic, either because the romance aspect bothers you or because all of them are just plain unappealing to you.
Nope, I hate being the subject of romantic activities and proposals.
You’re more excited about making a new best friend than about falling in love.
Nope. I like being on my own. No friends, no lovers, no sex,
You are either oblivious to other people flirting with you or feel uncomfortable or threatened by it.
Yes, it takes me a couple of seconds to recognize when someone is flirting with me, and when I do, it can make me feel very uncomfortable and scared.
You find romance boring, annoying, or upsetting when it appears in fiction, even if it’s written well.
Only in the real world. I find romantic storylines in fiction to be very interesting and actively fantasie about romance between my OC's and other fictional characters.
You’re not against the idea of being single forever, or even enjoy the idea.
Absolutely. I'm perfectly content with the idea of remaining single indefinitely, and I find comfort in it. Sometimes, there is a very, very rare chance that I want to get married and start a family, but this feeling has only happened twice before.
You assumed you were bisexual, pansexual, or something similar because you feel the same way towards all genders. Alternatively, you assumed you were straight because you were given no reason to assume otherwise.
I do feel attraction to men and women (possibly other genders, but we're getting there and still figuring things out). When I do feel some type of attraction, it's not limited by gender.
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
He's trying his best
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
Clearly Unpopular Asexual Opinion but: Trying to rebrand the asexual community as people who enjoy, obsess over, and participate in sex the socially expected amount while calling non-partnering and sex-repulsed aces "stereotypes" is not actually helping aces or the asexual community.
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
You know what really sucks about art history and AI?
These days, I can't go on Google and look up "Renaissance" or "Rococo" or "Baroque" art without the results being absolutely littered with shitty, modernized AI pictures. If I'm studying 18th-century portraiture, I'm looking for themes and motifs specific to the period (composition, shape, emotionality, emphasis, etc), so I can better understand the cultural values of an era, and then deconstruct and experiment with them in my own art. I don't want to see some generic hot girl in an inaccurate Marie Antoinette dress, or a Chad Napoleon that's even more ridiculous than the Jacques-Louis David propaganda. Jesus Christ. This garbage isn't even comparable in how awful it is, and it's infecting everything.
For reference, on the left is the work of Artemisia Gentileschi, an actual Baroque artist (click for full size), up against "Baroque Style" from a website selling AI prints. Ew. I won't even explain how Not Baroque the image on the right is, it's so bad it's actually criminal.
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Examining historical art periods in modern works is one thing, but this shit isn't even trying. This is another reason why AI isn't art. You can click a button and make something aesthetically pleasing, but you learn nothing. You evoke nothing. You say nothing. There is not a single ounce of value to be had here, other than demonstrating our culture's most superficial ideals, your complete lack of personality, and absolutely no foundational knowledge or intuition. It's a joke is what it is. Artists are trying to do actual work over here, you're just a waste of air.
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totallynotaqua · 6 months
Ubisoft I know we're getting AC red which is medieval japan but I really want a meiji restoration/reform period ac game, it would be so cool imagine a Templar shogun and you team up with historical figures like Sakamoto ryouma and take back japan, you have guns and swords and imagine the modern day, I kinda want to know what the assassin situation is globally, I want a game where there's a balance of modern day and animus elements.
Anyway that was me yappin' I just really like the idea of a Japan AC game, (I'm iffy on AC red)
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totallynotaqua · 7 months
Istg we barely get rep and if y'all are gonna try to erase that I'ma throw you off a bridge.
If you try to use ‘microlabels’ as a gotcha to try and justify the erasure of asexual and aromantic characters / representation, I’m just throwing you off the bridge at this point.
“But!1!1!1!! Aces can love and have sex! Aros can date!1!1!” Shut up. Not everything is about YOU.
Repulsed aromantics and asexuals deserve some real respect after all of this. Repulsed aplatonics as well. Don’t you dare try to get away with the erasure of these identities under the guise of it being a ‘spectrum’ (which you just so happen to know NOTHING about, and are only using as a scapegoat for your poorly disguised aphobia)!
Stop using conversion therapy rhetoric by telling us that we ‘might meet the right person’! Stop getting pissy when you see somebody say they find sex, romance, or platonic affection gross or weird or strange. Fuck you. The asexual, aromantic, and aplatonic communities owe you NOTHING.
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totallynotaqua · 7 months
Hi y'all! I am a queer 2nd-year college student doing a project on improving trans rights. Part of this is collecting data from real trans/GNC people about their lived experiences. If you are a trans person, please complete this survey, and reblog or spread it around to other trans peers, I would really appreciate it!!!
Even if you aren't trans/gnc please please please reblog for a bigger sample size!!!!!!!!
TW: mentions of verbal/physical abuse
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