tote-bag6373 · 5 months
romantic bruce banner headcanons
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he loves it when you just sit there & play with his hair. especially if he has his head in your lap, and he can lay there with his eyes closed and relax into your touch.
at first he is hesitant about kissing you — his heart rate starts to spike and he’s worried about the other guy making an appearance. but some soft touches from you keep him grounded, even when things start to get steamy.
he remembers every little thing you tell him & comes up with the most thoughtful gifts based on that. sometimes they are handmade and you can tell he spent weeks on them. he just likes seeing you light up.
he is very tactile. he loves just having a hand on your back, or having your fingers laced together. your presence calms him.
after fights and missions, he knows he can just come and cuddle you. he likes it when you sing to him and rub his back. he doesn’t even bother with his headphones anymore because he would rather hear your voice.
if things start to get heated in an argument, he has to lock himself in a room and talk to you through the door. the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
he does the rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand thing.
he isn’t great at expressing how he feels with words. at least not out loud. so he writes it down and leaves you little notes around the tower/compound.
he would defend you to the ends of the earth. he doesn’t have a particularly possessive side, but he gets protective if people talk down to you.
he loves you harder than you’ve ever been loved before.
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tote-bag6373 · 5 months
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tote-bag6373 · 5 months
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