tote-mich · 8 years
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Russian deep sea fisherman becomes online hit after revealing bizarre catches
1. Frilled Shark 2. Unidentified, possibly a stoplight loosejaw, a deep-sea dragonfish from the genus Malacosteus 3. Ghost Shark 4. Black Scabbardfish 5. Sea Spider 6. Grenadier or Rattail Fish 7. Unidentified 8. Anglerfish, species unidentified 9. Unidentified 10. Ray, species unidentified
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tote-mich · 8 years
But like, what if instead of that, we start off with the 5000 people in suspended animation and one wakes up 90 years before the rest like in the original premise. And they guy does enjoy the ship for awhile before the whole “I’m going to die alone in a metal box in space” thing comes up. And he’s alone and the robo bartender is can only provide so much company, regardless of how well they make a space mojito.
And he finds himself back in the room where all the people are in suspended animation. But he doesn’t see a beautiful woman. Or rather, he doesn’t just see a beautiful woman, he sees many people. A child holding a favorite toy. A man with a prosthetic leg. A pair of twins. So many people. And he watches the video profiles of all the other 4999 passengers and tries to find out as much information about ALL of them as possible. Because he has 4999 people for his neighbors and right now he just wants to feel like he’s not alone.
He starts talking to them, knowing they’ll never answer him, but it helps a little bit. He knows all of them by name and he cares about all of them very much. Because that’s as close to human contact that he’s ever going to get, because gods forbid him waking any of the 4999 other passengers up and damning them to a live in a metal box in space that’d be fucking cruel.
And then something happens and the ship’s in danger and it can’t be fixed without a human. He tells the robo bartender that if he doesn’t come back, to tell the others that he’s sorry. And he goes to fix it and succeeds and saves everyone, but he ends up being unable to get back inside the ship. But he can still access the intercom and says good bye to everyone he knows before he runs out of air.
And then when everyone wakes up and there’s a headcount, they’re confused as to why they’re one short. And they find out via security recordings and the robo bartender about the man who woke up early. The man who considered everyone of them a friend even though they had never met. The man who sacrificed himself without hesitation to save all of them. And all 4999 passengers are really touched by this and even after the colony is established and it prospers and becomes a fully civilized planet, the man who loved and saved them all is never forgotten.
And I came up with that about 10 seconds after reading the article, checkmate screenwriters.
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tote-mich · 8 years
That scene in the live action grinch movie where he yells “I’m an idiot!” into the cave and the echo just yells back “you’re an idiot!” is like every internal conversation between me and my brain
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tote-mich · 8 years
Public Service Announcement:  If you are not a virgin do not presume to wear a white wedding dress.  It is an honor that is earned from chastity and virtue.  Not a tradition for you to soil if you lacked the same.
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tote-mich · 8 years
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tote-mich · 8 years
why would u eat healthy?????? to live longer ????..??? .all im hearing are two negatives.
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tote-mich · 8 years
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10/10 god tier memeing.
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tote-mich · 8 years
when you’re a deprived gay and you hear something gay just happened in a show you don’t watch
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tote-mich · 8 years
An educated person: "it's unhealthy to eat past 9 pm."
Me, eating Lucky Charms at 3 am: "Oh man, good thing time is an illusion"
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tote-mich · 8 years
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tote-mich · 8 years
you’re gonna want to turn on sound for this one
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tote-mich · 8 years
a good thing to do for your friends with anxiety disorders: if you have a question you need to ask them or something you need to tell them, explain the subject of the question/the statement in the same message as your opening one!
so basically: instead of saying “can i ask you a question?” and sending just that (which, as a person with an anxiety disorder, makes my anxiety go into hyperdrive) go “can i ask you a question about ___?”
it’s a little thing but honestly few things make me anxious like “i have a question for you” or “there’s something i need to tell you” without immediate explanation. thanks!
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tote-mich · 8 years
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this is iconic
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tote-mich · 8 years
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tote-mich · 8 years
for those of you that may be panicking over last minute gifts you still need to buy
fret not 
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here is your answer 
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tote-mich · 8 years
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tote-mich · 8 years
so fast
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