totoseon · 4 years
You dress stupid. Your HAT, is stupid. And you're too optimistic and happy that it pisses me off. >:u
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“Hi Silver.” It doesn’t even phase her, at least it didn’t sound serious.
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totoseon · 4 years
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The legend says that one day a trainer with the PUREST OF HEARTS will come to save the day ( & ) become the hero Johto NEEDED alongside Ho-oh to illuminate the region ONCE AGAIN. But you shouldn’t believe everything that is being said, you know ? Instead I will present to you the local breeder from Goldenrod City !! Hibiki ? Ethan ? nah just call him GOLD.
Do you want to train your pokemon but you are soooo busy or lazy ? Then ↻ /  ❤️ TO SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DAYCARE !! NPC!GOLD from pokemon SS + HG, AU BASED. Follows back from @strztm​ !! Hatching eggs with Berry. 
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totoseon · 4 years
Send my Muse mean, judgy anons based on their ic behavior.
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totoseon · 4 years
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“These days I only wear black and white  and sometimes  the color grey  which really is just the fine line in between.
 These muted colors  they remind me of you the most.”
- Monochrome ; Kain O’Connor
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totoseon · 4 years
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“I’m just a girl, all pretty and petite.  So DON’T let me have any rights.
 I’ve had it up to here.”
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totoseon · 4 years
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“Meganium has to be my cutest. Especially when she was just a chikorita!”
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Damn straight she's the cutest!
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totoseon · 4 years
For Father’s Day, feel free to ask my muse anything you’d like about their father.
Don’t forget to specify the muse if it’s a multimuse blog!
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totoseon · 4 years
For Father’s Day, feel free to ask my muse anything you’d like about their father.
Don’t forget to specify the muse if it’s a multimuse blog!
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totoseon · 4 years
For Father’s Day, feel free to ask my muse anything you’d like about their father.
Don’t forget to specify the muse if it’s a multimuse blog!
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totoseon · 4 years
misc sentences
“ people are talking about us. ”
“ won’t you just let me hold you? ”
“ i never want anything. anyone. now i want you. ”
“ you make me want. i never want anything. ”
“ just let me hold you. ”
“ everyone is looking at us. is that a good or a bad thing? ”
“ i can feel your breath on my skin. ”
“ don’t let me down. ”
“ i never let anyone this close before. ”
“ how does this make you feel? ”
“ trust me. ”
“ don’t be afraid, trust me. ”
“ you make me feel things, things i don’t know how to describe. ”
“ i look at your and suddenly… things just make sense. ”
“ i just want summer already. ”
“ the days are getting longer, but the weeks are getting shorter. ”
“ it feels like i’m stuck in between today and tomorrow, yes and no. ”
“ i thought you, of all, would understand. ”
“ i’ll be here, no matter what. ”
“ you can rely on me, you know. ”
“ can’t we go somewhere we can be alone? ”
“ i still care. ”
“ you can still lay by me. ”
“ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you like this. ”
“ of course i knew where you’d be. you’re my friend. ”
“ are you still upset with me? ”
“ it’s not like i meant what i said. it just slipped out. ”
“ i have never felt this safe before. ”
“ if you never need someone, no matter what, i’ll be there. ”
“ i always looked up to them, you know? ( name ). ”
“ sometimes i just wonder why things turned out this way. ”
“ don’t say anything. just hold me. please. ”
“ i know what you’re going to say and i don’t like it. ”
“ there’s something you’re not telling me. ”
“ this job is going to kill me. ”
“ i missed you, you know? ”
“ i was hoping for a little sympathy, maybe. ”
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totoseon · 4 years
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Lyra has a wall too now!
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totoseon · 4 years
Pokemon Breeders
While pokemon breeders can and will help breed almost any pokemon, they do need a license for certain breeds, and even species. 
These are pokemon that have a harder time breeding and need special conditions like  time of year, environments, items, or a special diet in some cases. Or, there are special occasions when people breed for contests.
As such, there are multiple kinds of breeders almost like pokemon trainers. These different breeders specialize in various types or species of pokemon, or specialize in contest bred pokemon.
Breeders who specialize in one species usually have a license and have trained to breed those specific kinds of pokemon. There are also trainers who specialize in type, who do not typically need a license unless there’s a pokemon or multiple pokemon who need special circumstance.
There’s also an official group called the Guild of Breeders. Meetings are held every couple of years, and this is where breeders from around e world get together and talk strategy, and also get together.
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totoseon · 4 years
It’s also worth mentioning that a pokemon’s powers will generally develop a few weeks after birth, but this all depends on the pokemon.
There are even some pokemon (like staryu, metagross, stunfisk, and most if not almost all plant pokemon) will reproduce a-sexually.
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totoseon · 4 years
Pokemon Breeding/Conception
Pokemon as a group are very versatile and different in between each species. There are different characteristics, different personalities, abilities, and social structures between every group. Similarly, conception and breeding/birth are also very different from one another.
This is going to go over five types of pokemon, explaining the sexual intercourse, conception, pregnancy, and birth. To name these four, it’ll be Altaria, Arcanine, Copperajah, Milotic, and Dragonite.
Before an Altaria lays an egg, the yolk develops in the ovary, connecting to hair like folucules. The largest, will detach and make it’s way down the ovary duct. Outside, a male Altaria will do a sort of mating dance where his wings will flap out and he will throw his head back and call for a female. He’ll mount her soon after she appears and bends down low to the ground, releasing sperm. The sperm will travel through the vagina, into the duct where it meets with the yolk not long after it detaches from the ovary. 
The now fertilized egg, will begin to grow a film over it protecting it, turning it over and over through ridges along the walls of the ovary duct, this will be the white part of the egg, and give the baby water and other nutrients. Finally once the shell is formed, the female Altaria will begin to lay her egg. However, she’ll wait until she has more (about 7 more) before she starts incubating them. This will take a period of seven days (one egg every day) and finally incubation will last for twenty. 
Inside the egg as the babies develop, they begin to form scale like skin reminiscent of it’s dragon type heritage, and the shells are a lot softer, much like a dragon pokemon’s.
A Dragonite will only mate once every two years. This makes both the protection of the mating season as well as the birth of the dratini that much more apparent. In Blackthorn, there’s a time of year (winter) where the mountains and dragon den are off limits to civilians and most people in the clan, when the dragonites are at their most volatile due to the intense sensation to mate. They do so for life, and the fight to win a girl over can be deadly. At first, a dragonite will roar as loud as he can to impress the girl, and if a challenger approaches, there will be a fight until one can not do so, or dies. 
After they find each other, the female will lay her egg after fertilization happens, only one, and much like a penguin, will go off for food afterwards. The father now takes over protecting the baby from the freezing temperatures.  The egg shells are soft as well, making it easier for death of the baby.
After almost a month, the baby hatches and the father will not move until the mother returns with food for the baby. Often times when a female dragonite loses the baby or does not find a mate, she will try to kidnap the dratini from it’s parents, usually it will end in the death of the other female, and on the rare occasion, the baby will be crushed to death after being smothered by the larger adult dragons. 
Hatching season in the spring is another time of year that the dragon den and the surrounding mountains become off limits, to protect people from protective parents. If a baby is lost, the mother and father have been shown to mourn the death, and will refuse to leave it for a week. It’ll take another two years for them to breed again.
A male arcanine will mount himself onto a female and ejaculate quickly. Afterwards his penis becomes lodged in place, and fertilization begins. They go back to back, a trait learned to protect themselves while they continue. Each ovary, will become fertilized. For a typical birth, about seven will join the one of the thousands of sperm, to form seven pups in no more than 8 weeks. 
The female will begin to show signs early on, and when it’s time for birth, she’ll shred the paper or whatever it is under her to create a nest like structure- another trait learned after years of evolution in the species. The birth can either last an hour, or 36, but when the pups are finally born, they’re blind and can’t see. The highly sensitive nerves in their nose and hearing will help them find their mother’s teet, where they can get their food. After about two months, the puppies can open their eyes, see, and run around. Nine months later, they’ll begin to develop their ability to use fire attacks.
Cooperajah work a little differently. They only have one baby at a time, and the male, a bull, will aim his penis at the female’s vagina and spray semen at it. From there the sperm have a long and difficult 24 hours before they make it to the egg, and only one with the most protein will break through the outer layer of the ovary. Much like Elephants irl, it takes almost two years before the baby is born, and they’re usually born at night to protect them from the sun when they’re first born. 
Cooperajah, like Arcanine, will only give birth to live babies, and it takes up until the baby evolves, for the brain to fully mature, almost like a human.
Finally, we get to Milotic. Another pokemon that gives birth to live babies, but through eggs that reside in the mother. At a time, a female milotic can give birth up to 100 baby feebas at a time. The eggs stay inside the womb until fertilized, and then  it takes three months until the babies are born into the world. Milotic are another pokemon that mates for life, and the mating dance of these pokemon usually gets televised if caught on camera, or is a must see for divers. It’s one of the most beautiful sight anyone has seen.
Many other pokemon have different ways of breeding and birth giving, and scientists still work closely with local breeders to understand the differences of every single one.
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totoseon · 4 years
Muse skillset symbol meme
Send an emoji to learn how good/bad my muse is at that particular skill!
💋 — kissing
💄 — makeup
👾 — video games
🎵 — singing
💃 — dancing
🎹 — playing an instrument
🌷 — taking care of living things
🌲 — surviving in the wilderness
👊 — fighting
😇 — following rules
🍳 — cooking
🍼 — taking care of children
🎁 — giving presents to others
🎉 — hosting parties
💌 — romance/flirting
🎨 — art
🍀 — luck
⚽️  — sports
🏊 — swimming
🚗 — driving
🔮 — magic
🔎 — investigating
🔫 — long range weapons
💣 — explosives
🔪 — melee weapons
🔬 — scientific pursuits
🚿 — hygiene
💰 — finance
🌍 — knowledge of the world
👻 — communing with the paranormal
📚 — reading
🔧 — engineering/mechanics
⌛️ — time management
📥 — organization
🍺 — alcohol tolerance
🚴 — riding a bike
🎭 — performance art/acting
⚓️ — sailing
➗ — mathematics
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totoseon · 4 years
Where do you go when you close your eyes?
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What are you going to do when you're not the one watching the television anymore? All eyes are on you now, and it's up to you to decide what you do with your fifteen minutes of fame. Arms reach out to touch you, but they go right through -- the bodies strewn across the floor (the ones who didn't make it) are the only ones who will believe you if you tell them. Do you feel golden now? everything you asked for is here -- there's no good reason to want to leave.
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totoseon · 4 years
♂+ can you see your daughter landing herself with a rich CEO for a husband?
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Nagato slams his hands down on the desk in front of him. He isn’t angry, but annoyed just slightly. “My daughter will have the BEST husband regardless of his standing in life. What matters is quality, not quantity.” Of course, this makes him think of that red head she’s been hanging around with. Gold at least was a decent kid, and he was certain they were more like siblings. But the new guy...
“At any rate, if anyone wants to get to my daughter they need to get through me first.”
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