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part 3 live action teaser looks insane dude
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Destruction in human form
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i wonder if that one skull grunt ever got the carnivine she wanted
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Guzma, laying on the floor in his underwear at 4am: I haven't slept in weeks. I have severe depression and it's only getting worse. I have began drinking away my problems, which in turn only leads to more sadness. I wish I was good enough for my family. I wish I was good enough for myself. I'm so useless I can't even beat an 11 year old in a pokemon battle. What have I become? When will this nightmare be over
Grunts: God he's so cool
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Hcs for Gladion, Hau 'n Lillie with a s/o coming out as nonbinary/agender specifically? I love the games but I'd always get so much dysphoria with the pronouns. I understand if you'd be uncomfortable with writing this but tysm if you decide to do it! Also welcome, fellow newbie imagine blog! -@gengarrr who is very grateful for the follow
imma help u out tho ;)
Gladion understands almost more than anyone what it’s like to not be a part of a society-based “norm” and be looked at as different from the rest. Hell, he was a part of team skull who provide a safe haven for trans and gay kids who weren’t accepted by their families. So when the s/o comes out, he doesn’t even have to get used to this difference between them. To him, they’re all the same as they were before.
He OBVIOUSLY uses the correct pronoun. It also flows really well for him, he doesn’t really seem to have problems with calling his s/o by their pronoun and never fumbles in conversation about it. If he does accidentally misgender them as what he originally called the s/o, he apologizes immediately and feels awful for it. 
He feels almost heartbroken when they come out to him. Not because he doesn’t accept them and that’s not what he wanted them to be, but because he can only think of how much pain they’ve been put through especially with the amount of times he’d accidentally misgendered them without knowing. It also pains him that the s/o was afraid to tell him as though he was going to judge them or something. At first, it makes him question if they really trusted him since they hadn’t told him immediately; but he soon realizes that it means the exact opposite, that they really trust him, and feels bad for even thinking differently. He would get immediately more sensitive and even more trusting/close once they come out as he knows he has their full trust.
Gladion gets really pissed off when people misgender his s/o even after they’re told that his s/o is agender/nonbinary. The s/o usually has to restrain him from saying something too harsh or just lashing out at them through pokemon battle, as he starts trembling from anger the second someone crosses that boundary. He’s SO protective.
Hau is at first pretty shocked and embarrassed that he hadn’t had the smarts to ask their gender before assuming their pronouns. He holds the s/o’s hands and intently listens as they come out to him, feeling on the edge of tears because he’s practically filled to the brim with empathy. After the coming out, he feels closer to his s/o on a nearly spiritual level, no matter how dumb and cliche it sounds. The fact that they had the courage to say that to him, and the fact that he was one of the few people to know about it made him know that they trusted their life in his hands.
Hau would constantly remind his s/o every single day how important they are to him no matter their differences. After the coming out, he leaves way more mushy sticky notes in their bag/on their pokeballs and around the house in general because he wants to make sure they care about themselves the way he cares about them.
Poor Hau accidentally misgenders quite a bit at first. He’s one of those people who gets so used to doing something that it’s really hard to break the habit and it makes him feel like a garbage person. At one point he almost starts crying because he feels so awful thinking he’s probably only making the dysphoria worse, but his s/o is touched by the gesture, reassuring him that it’s fine because he’s making a strong attempt and will get there. Eventually it flows out smoothly for him, but the start is ROUGH. 
Hau’s a little more civil than Gladion about when other people misgender his s/o, but that does NOT mean he doesn’t get mad. He’s the type to drop his smile immediately and become very serious when people misgender his s/o when they flat-out know that they’re agender/nonbinary. He’s just so baffled that people could even be that rude that he barely has a response. He’ll either confront and tell them to cut it out, let the s/o dish out the justice themselves, or he’ll just attempt to avoid and ignore, distracting his s/o with happier things.
The mini-wife Lillie:
Lillie is extremely close to her s/o as she makes it her goal to know everything about them and be a big part of their daily life. So when they come out about being agender/nonbinary to her, she feels god awful for missing that important detail. Nevertheless, she takes it into account and makes sure they know that she loves them no matter what. She often wonders if they think any less of themselves due to their difference, and it worries her. She does anything to let them know that they have a place in her world that no one could take no matter who they are.
Lillie is extremely good at handling the pronouns. She’s so delicate with her s/o’s feelings that it doesn’t make a difference to call them a different pronoun. Most of the time she calls them by their name anyway so it’s not that big of a deal to her. 
O H M Y G O D when someone misgenders them,,, dear lord,, If you’ll refer to how she scolded Lusamine, she nearly looks the exact same and acts with the exact passion she did there. Misgendering them when you clearly know they’re agender/nonbinary? She doesn’t stand for it in anyway. Her s/o might restrain her, or might let her go at ‘em, depending on if they were deeply hurt by the comment. Lillie is a little, blonde ball of rage when people go out of their way to hurt good people for no reason, so she has ZERO tolerance for misgendering.
Hoped it was good! :^)
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Hau, in the Sun and Moon Anime.
* Episode 1 comes along,
me, expecting hau: whoo here comes my son hau
* Episode 5 comes along,
me, hyperventalating: okay, okay, stay calm, everything’s going to be alright, just be patient.
* Episode 10 comes along,
me, screaming w/ a marlin voiceover @ the creators: HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON??
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Sinnoh Gym Leaders
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How about some Hau x S/O relationship fluff?
sorry for the mild delay! i had a lot of rehearsal and will be doing my asks now. idk if this is for scenarios or for headcanons so I’ll do a few long headcanons that are sort of like scenarios for u my pal ;)
I have SO many fluffy Hau HCs but here are a few :^)))))))))))
HCs for Fluffy Hau:
Hau ALWAYS waits for his s/o to get home if they have work. He will stay up to the point of exhaustion and delusions if it means he can hear the “honey, I’m home!” that he waited for all day. The second they get home, his tired self launches to his feet and immediately pampers them with kisses, taking their coat/bag and hanging it somewhere. If the s/o tries to tell him to stop staying up so late because it’s bad for his health, he’d say something about how getting sleep doesn’t make him nearly as happy as seeing them does or something about how he can’t sleep without being in their arms. 
However, there are times where he does fall asleep and he feels AWFUL. Hau doesn’t want to chance not putting a smile on their face when they get home, so he’ll leave lighthearted, cute surprises for them just in case he falls asleep while waiting. These surprises could include: getting pints of their favorite ice cream and leaving it in the freezer for the s/o to find on their own - probably includes a mushy sticky note with hearts; doing a chore that they absolutely HATE and cleaning around the house; adding cute little decorations and knick knacks to the front lawn (like planting a new flower in the front of their house and adding a garden slowpoke or whatever the equivalent of a garden gnome is); buy their favorite pokemon a new toy; leaving a thoughtful note about everything he loves about them (though he probably verbally says the same things it a lot) etc.
He always has to wake up with his s/o. Even if they wake up EXTREMELY early, he has to bid them a good day. He claims he doesn’t want to start a single day without them now that he has them. The second he accidentally sleeps in and wakes up without them, he is extremely worried and probably ends up sobbing about it. In the end, he’s lucky because he has a s/o who will kiss his tears away, making sure he knows that it’s alright that he missed one day because they have the entire rest of their lives together.
During the holidays, PAPER SNOWFLAKES HANGING FROM FUCKING EVERYWHERE THEIR HOUSE IS A WINTER WONDERLAND OF SCRAP PAPER. Mini-christmas trees on EVERY table, customized pokemon stockings, C O O K I E S, BLINDING christmas lights e v er y w h ere, mistletoe at the front door so he can always have a cute reason to kiss his s/o whenever they enter the door etc. !!!!FORCES THEM TO TAKE CHRISTMAS PICTURES WITH THE U G L I E S T SWEATERS!!!! Sends the christmas card to everyone, shows everyone how much of a stunner his s/o, is and brags about them. This boy is too hype for the holidays.
Hau HAS to take a picture of every little thing they do together. They go out for groceries? Pokefinder is out and ready to take a photoshoot. They eat breakfast? Pictures of a salty s/o clearly whining about how they don’t want to take pictures so early in the morning. 
His reason: he doesn’t want to forget a thing. Every moment with his s/o is so precious beyond words and dare he even let the thought of them escape his mind for a second, the color in his world goes away. He wants to set the best example for his future kids on what a good relationship looks like. He wants them to know exactly how much he loved his other half and that they should put their heart into everything they do with their s/o. Even if it’s just walking to the pokecenter. Because he knows there’ll come a day they won’t be there anymore.
Hau always makes sure to genuinely compliment his s/o as much as he can. It’s a necessity for him that they know exactly how much he cares. He always looks into their eyes as if they’re a home to him. A stare that lets the other person know that he intends to spend every second of the rest of his life dedicated to them.
HUGS FROM BEHIND E V E R Y W H E R E. CONSTANT surprise hugs!! Anywhere, anytime, in private or out in public, Hau will run up to his s/o at mach speed and swoop them up in bear hugs to show his love.
He loves to lay on the s/o’s lap and stomach. Hau probably blows raspberries on his s/o’s stomach when he’s in a mood to annoy them for fun. 
If his s/o is ticklish, he is always taking advantage of that. Anytime his s/o takes their shirt off, he sneaks up and start tickling their sides as their shirt is being pulled over their head. When he gives them massages to help release tension from long days, he screws with them and starts off serious, but still probably ends up tickling them. He probably wouldn’t tickle them so much if their laugh weren’t so damn cute to him.
This isn’t one-sided annoyance though. His s/o knows how startled Hau gets when he’s surprised and constantly spooks him for revenge. They’ll come up behind him at times and startle him, making him jump and put a hand to his heart as he pouts at them. It’s become such a big thing in their household to startle Hau that a few of the s/o’s pokemon will go out of their ways to spook him too (bonus points if the s/o has ghost types). The s/o also likes to make him flinch because it’s SO EASY to. He’ll be in the middle of talking and they’ll just clap really loudly and he’ll jump. This is usually how the tickle fights gets started in the first place. 
If there is ANYTHING the s/o doesn’t like that he does, he will stop immediately. He believes a healthy relationship lies on being able to sacrifice things for each other’s happiness to come to compromise.
Hau always looking out for good baby names. He doesn’t tell his s/o that much about this hobby of his, especially in the first stages of their relationship, because he doesn’t want them to think he’s too clingy and rushing everything bUT HE JUST LOVES KIDS. He’ll be extra sweet to kids in front of the s/o to show exactly how good he is with them in a hopeful attempt to weave the thought of kids into his s/o��s mind. 
Being his s/o means a lot of couples dancing. Loves to just sway in each other’s arms to a slow and sweet song, closing his eyes and being able to rest his head on the s/o. Always ends up gazing into their eyes while resting his forehead on theirs. 
Always has picnics with his s/o in the meadows. Hau constantly scouts out good spots to have picnics. He probably would do mundane things with his s/o during the picnic like braiding their hair (if possible), playing tic tac toe in the dirt, putting an orange slice in front of his s/o’s mouth and taking a pic of it etc.
If he ever sees his s/o sleeping in a position he KNOW will hurt when they wake up, he gently moves them (preferably into his arms) and kisses their head. 
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alola headcanons and scenarios!
hi guys!! I’m a new Alola headcanon/scenario blog and I’m currently taking asks. Rules below!
For future reference, here’s what I do and don’t do:
HCs/scenarios for any in-game character (this could include: ace trainers, GRIMSLEY, any npc really)
NSFW but only with the aged up forms of characters or adult characters. no pedophilia here (fr guys i saw pr0nz of that the other day on my dash and nearly puked)
pretty much anything
pedophilia (duh)
i don’t do character x character. this is purely self-insert for you guys 
characters who don’t appear in SuMo - this is PURELY SuMo
Ask away!
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