toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Ber wasn’t surprised that his brother had rejected the tiger, but it didn’t make him any less disappointed that they’d get through this night with no tiger “A cat will do, more of a dog person myself but if it comes down to it, I suppose that’s a suitable substitute.” the thought of setting ground rules was relieving to him, he wasn’t the biggest partyer and definitely had limits (truthfully, he’d probably hide out in the bathroom and text his boyfriend once the others were wasted), at least they hadn’t been thinking they’d be entirely reckless tonight “I second the strippers. Don’t understand the need for them.”
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“ That I do not, Timothy, ” Danny shot back, mocking his boss’s old tendency to call Toulouse by any T name that came to mind. “ There’s a reason I don’t get a better job. ” Though the shapeshifting tiger sounded all fine and dandy, it was Berlioz’s other mention that had him turning his gaze toward the youngest Chat. “ Wait, could we get a dog? ” If it was possible for anyone to be in a bad mood while petting a puppy, they must’ve had no soul to begin with. Danny had to agree wholeheartedly with the no strippers rule. He got enough of that at Siren’s, after all— the dancers’ skimpy costumes almost felt more like an annoyance at this point. “ Cool, sounds reasonable.”
At the mention of a dog, a slight pout rested on Aaron’s lips. To be fair, he thought dogs were a bit overrated and he liked the tiger idea better. Still, it wasn’t about him so he sucked it up and nodded. “Yeah, ‘suppose we can get a dog. Dunno what you’re gonna do with it at the club though.” He shrugged, he didn’t even think strippers on the cards to begin with. “Actually, I wasn’t really referring to that but rather, whatever happens in this group, stays in this group. You know, if anything crazy happens.”
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Tou grimaced at the purposeful mix up of his name - it brought him back a few years to when he’d still been bouncing at the Siren’s Song, as if Dimitri had tagged along to the party, uninvited. “Yeah, yeah Desmond,” he shot back, his last word pointed, obviously playing along with the Dimitri act. The idea of a dog was intriguing, though Aaron made a good point. “I mean, obviously we can’t take it to the club, but we could always stop at a pet store and pet one later...” He frowned. “What were we going to do with a tiger at the club?” He nodded as Aaron spoke, brushing his question to the side for the moment being. “Fair enough. Yeah, I’ll keep my mouth shut about anything I see you idiots doing. Anything else?”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
“Dude, have you even seen kids with sugary fruit juice?” He looked at him seriously for a moment. “They’re honestly maniacs. If you can get away with it, don’t give it to them.” Aaron’s eyes were wide-eye, trying to enforce how important it was. It didn’t hold for long though because a laugh elicited from his lips at Toulouse’s words. “That kid must of got really under your nerve. It must have been a really intense debate.”
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Tou paused. Sure, he’d seen kids with sugary fruit juice, he nodded, the blonde thinking of the children bouncing off the walls with the rush. “You’re telling me that you on grape juice is no different than a five year old snorting apple juice?” He chuckled, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. “Look, all I’m gonna say is that I was this close to making the team until this kid decided to attack my information source. I don’t know about you, but urban dictionary is a perfectly fine source - completely credible.”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
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Her jaw tightened as she fidgeted in place for a moment, her mind running through every possible worst case scenario one last time — as if the dozens of imaginings before it hadn’t been enough murder on her nerves. She shifted away then, averting her eyes from him as she slid her cardigan off her shoulders, letting it slip to the floor in an uncharacteristic heap. Breathing in slowly, steadying herself, Bianca made her way back over to the couch, settling a little ways from him. She was careful to keep some distance between them, in case he had the bad reaction she was half expecting and she needed to rise up and flutter to her escape. Her body ached in anticipation of those phantom pains that only served as a reminder of how unsightly she was, her breath coming out a little shakier as she glanced up at him, almost tempted to put this off for another day, a day she felt braver.
❝ Just — please don’t run away. ❞ It was a tall order, but at least she knew he might stay around a little longer if only because of the request. Closing her eyes, she reached into her mind, willing the shift to take — and in seconds, her clothes had fallen around her, leaving the dove twitching just beneath the cover of the tank top she’d been wearing. It was the last layer of safety and ignorance before Tou saw how grotesque she looked, and her fear that he’d see it as a reflection of something ugly inside her was proven right. Shaking out her wings, she inched the fabric off of her head, letting it slip away from the rest of her body, the feather loss on full display.
Toulouse watched in silence as the girl beside him slipped her cardigan from her shoulders, the blonde instinctively raising an eyebrow at the movement. Was she planning on shedding more clothes? Was she terrified of that? She moved to the sofa, taking the spot beside him again, though this time she put a distance between them, one that Tou didn’t understand. He said nothing, merely watching her, her chest heaving as she drew in a deep breath. Nervous energy radiated off of her, rolling from her shoulders as she sat there, as if consigning herself to the fact that she was about to show him what was scaring her. He opened his mouth to offer for her to do this later, when she felt more comfortable, despite the curiosity that bubbled up from wiithin him, alongside a growing sense of dread. Was it really that awful? He couldn’t imagine that it was - after all, this was Bianca. His Bianca they were talking about.
He was interrupted by her words. Please don’t run away. Tou shut his mouth nodding, swearing to himself and her that no matter how dreadful the thing she was about to show him was, he would still be beside her when it was gone. Toulouse watched her carefully, waiting for her to move, to lead him to the thing that terrified her the most, but as he watched, she didn’t move - only shrunk into her clothes until they were a puddle around her. He held his breath, waiting to see where she’d gone, to see what the small shape rustling her pile of clothes was. A small bird’s head poked through the fabric and Tou felt his breath hitch for a completely different reason entirely. She was beautiful. Extending a hand, he hoped she’d hop onto his finger so that he could see her better. “B.... holy crap. I always knew you were gorgeous but,” he paused, laughing quietly to himself. “If I’d only known how much.”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
♠ - for my muse to forcibly restrain yours {Toulouse}
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❝ Tou, ❞ Bianca cut in, both parts in warning and concern as she settled a firm hand in the middle of his chest. She had no illusions she would be able to stop him physically if he was actually rearing for a fight, but she rooted herself to the spot in front of him, making it abundantly clear he’d have to shove her if he wanted to swing his fists at the drunken man provoking him — even then she wouldn’t fall to the side without a struggle — but it was something she knew for a fact he would never do with how careful he always was never to hurt her. ❝ He’s not worth it. Look — look at me, Toulouse, he’s not. He’s drunk and looking for a fight, but you’re sober and you know better. ❞ She insisted, grabbing hold of his arms to discourage them from fighting the man anyway, pushing on him lightly and inching him in the direction of the door. ❝ Let’s go home. ❞ / @toulousechat.
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
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     After her… run-in with Robin at the edge of the forest, Bianca hadn’t been able to skirt around the thought of Toulouse seeing her shift any longer. Not that it hadn’t been for a lack of trying, but the incident had prompted her to reconsider the facts: a stranger had seen her other form before her closest friend had — a friend who she’d never wanted to see it ( and to be honest, still didn’t ), a friend who had become more than that, who she couldn’t imagine her life without ever since she’d come back home. Sometimes she even caught herself thinking about the future, the two of them living together in it, maybe more — as happy as they’d been the day they’d decided to give themselves a chance. But if that future ever came true, how could she bring this home to him? How would she explain herself when she disappeared in a hurry during stressful moments, when she didn’t come home when she said she would? How could she continue to keep this part of her separate from him if things ever got that serious?
     There was always the possibility that they wouldn’t, she supposed — though if anything, that was why she tugged her hair out of its ponytail, bracing herself as she moved into the same room as him. He deserved to know what he was getting himself into though, as sick with dread as the thought of him seeing the dove made her. The shift would be easier now, at least, for how nervous she was. Shifting back might not be so hard either, if she were the one to will it in the first place rather than let her emotions take it over. ❝ —Sorry to make you wait, I just thought… Maybe it was time you saw something. ❞ / @toulousechat.
Toulouse was already anxious about tonight, breaking the news to Bianca that he was moving out to his own apartment, finally leaving the Chat mansion - not to mention the fact that he was still considering a career change. He knew it wouldn’t be a big deal to her, just a new place to stay over on some nights once they got to that point, that was. Still, he was making big changes in his life, not just for his future, but for a possible future together. His choices now affected someone else and it was simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking to be making changes to fit another person into his life. They’d been sitting on the couch, watching one of Bianca’s stupid reality tv shows, Tou’s mind anywhere but in the room, trying to figure out how to bring it up when she left for the bathroom. Reaching for the remote, he paused the show, not feeling up to watching The Bachelorette without the other. 
When she entered the room again, Tou was sitting up on the couch, mentally prepping himself to tell her about the new apartment, but before he could get the words out, she was already speaking. Maybe it was time you saw something. His heart skipped a bit, the butterflies in his stomach turning into a swarm of bees instead. Nodding slowly, Tou swallowed hard, trying to think of what it could be. A room of dead bodies? A baby she’d been caring for the last few months? “Uh... okay. Go ahead.”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Aaron simply pouted. He couldn’t help but find it slightly annoying that every time his best friend was right. “Okay, next time I’m just going to just drink fruit juice. You think this conversation deep, wait until I’m on pure fruit juice.” He joked with a laugh. “Right, yeah, totally. You got some good points there. You never told me you were part of the debate team at school.” 
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"Oh god forbid, sugary fruit juice.” Toulouse rolled his eyes, the blonde shaking his head. “How’s it gonna get deeper, you venturing into the void more every time the added sugar makes you fart?” Sticking his tongue out at Aaron, Tou took the bait, faking an obvious laugh as he leaned back in his chair. “Very funny Shaw. As if they’d actually let me join after I decked that one kid at tryouts.”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
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“ Pretty sure he does it on purpose to try and make people feel shitty. Dude forgets my name. It’s two fucking syllables, what’s not to get? Unfortunately for him, there’s no way to make me feel any shittier, so he’s barking up the wrong tree. ” Danny followed his friend’s gaze, glancing over his shoulder toward the girl in question. “ Oh yeah, there’s no competition. No way Meg doesn’t come out of this on top. But if Flynn asks, I’m totally in his corner, ” he commented, turning back to face Tou. “ Blue collar kinda guy, huh? Bet you’d make a good carpenter. Or, like… a pro wrestler. I’d watch the shit out of that. ”
“I don’t doubt it. Something about him having to appear more superior than us or needing to be the big guy in the room. I mean, personally, I just think he’s compensating for something. I say from now on we just talk about the size of things in front of him. ‘Man, that was one massive crowd.’ Or ‘Dude that was one giant shot you just poured.’” Tou nodded, a small grin overtaking his lips. Of course he’d lie for Danny - he’d do a lot worse for the kid. “I mean... I’ve only got a high school degree. Can’t exactly do a whole lot of white collar stuff with just that.” He frowned, considering the options. “I don’t think that pro wrestling is really anything more stable than bouncing. Carpentry though, maybe. Can’t say I have a lot of experience though....”
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: significant others do not count as friends,, he'd be the worst friend ok he keeps pointing out my sweaty hands
TOU: what if they are your best friend though? Like even before they're your significant other?
TOU: nope. nope. nope.
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: they don't count lmao
BER: i'll shut up now bc i have no friends my age
BER: ...is your dog not mine as well? family matters
TOU: lmao well if you want to subject yourself to hearing all that, that's your decision
TOU: smh is that since Beau doesn't count?
TOU: I mean, I'll share but you can't name them. I'm not having some dog named after a musician I can't pronounce
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: are you saying you'll actually have company? u have friends?
TOU: I was referring to company other than friends but WOW IM HURT
TOU: you are aware.... that'd be my dog right?
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: you win. i'll just have to slowly move my things in when you're not paying attention
BER: are you getting a pet??
BER: get a dog
BER: get a dog
BER: get a dog
TOU: you can move half your things into the guest room but keep in mind you probably won't be the only one staying over some nights
TOU: ..... that was on my to do list
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: tou what if i'm having a super crisis and can't walk the 3 minutes
BER: what if someone is going to kill me
BER: i already knew that xoxo
TOU: that's what phones are for - call the police and then call me. I'll run the 3 minutes or drive them
TOU: I'll kill them first
TOU: shhh don't tell marie
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: beau said that too fuck u guys :/// i just like sleep
BER: oh??? leaving me fatherless????
BER: that's fine ig i'm free all week
TOU: that much? damn, good thing you're catching up on it before college
TOU: pls i'll be 3 minutes away tops. plus it's got a guest bedroom
TOU: have i ever told you you're my favorite sibling?
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
BER: all i do is sleep, what do u need help with?
TOU: what are you? a cat?
TOU: i found this sweet little apartment and was able to score it. I was planning on moving in next weekend and could use some help packing
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
Text: lil bro
TOU: Yo, you free next weekend? I need your help if you're not busy.
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toulousechat-blog · 7 years
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