toverdrankje · 3 days
AFFIRM: “I am perfectly situated to”
It insinuates that you are exactly in the perfect place to have anything you desire come to life.
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toverdrankje · 3 days
Someone said “Inside every person you know, there’s a person you do not know” and it’s one of the realest quotes I’ve heard.
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toverdrankje · 3 days
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toverdrankje · 3 days
You will be free when you realize that the cage you live in is made of your thoughts.
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toverdrankje · 3 days
i think, for trauma survivors, especially those who were emotionally abused, invalidated, or gaslit, it is really important not to underestimate the significance of speaking bluntly about what happened to you. Forcing yourself not to beat around the bush, not to downplay what you went through with your words. say what happened, without any caveats, without any “but it could’ve been worse”, “but i might just be being overdramatic”, “but it wasn’t really THAT bad,” and so forth. sit with the discomfort until you can begin to let yourself realize that it WAS that bad, you WERENT being overdramatic, and even if it could’ve been worse you still didn’t deserve it. It’s almost like a form of reclamation, taking back your memories, taking back your life, even the difficult or gross parts, and refusing to let anyone change the narrative or tell you how you should feel anymore, even yourself. and it hurts and it’s scary and it feels weird and awkward and sometimes you want to convince yourself you’re lying, but i think sitting in those weird feelings and letting yourself admit that you really did go through trauma puts the power back in your hands to process things and be compassionate to yourself while you heal
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toverdrankje · 3 days
Are you Thinking or Regurgitating?
Speaker: Michael Bernard Beckwith
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toverdrankje · 3 days
If you believe it will work, you’ll see opportunities. If you don’t, you’ll see obstacles.
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toverdrankje · 3 days
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toverdrankje · 30 days
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Anna Karina
🎥 Le Petit Soldat (1960)
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toverdrankje · 30 days
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Holding on to hurt.
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toverdrankje · 30 days
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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Stay Safe Online
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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Today on my newsletter, The Treehouse of Adulthood and more from the early years of Incidental Comics:
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toverdrankje · 1 month
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