tr4sh-jam · 2 years
Aegon targaryen x sister reader
warning: incest, death, slight necrophilia if you  squint, depression, idk why I can never write a one shot with a happy ending tells you everything you need to know about the series i’m working on rn💀
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they say twins are supposed to stick together, cry together, sleep together , laugh together, and die together, that was you and your brother attached to the hip since birth, the two of you would do everything together sleep and bathe together never done without the other.
Aegon knew he was a man and you were a woman he noticed everything about you, the way your body would react when he touched you and the way you looked underneath him during the night, he knew he wasn’t the only man that thought you of, he was yours and you were his that’s how it went and how it would always go.
“You’re drunk” you giggle while playing with his hair “And so are you.” he replied back.
times like this Aegon enjoyed when the two of you would find yourself in a random whore house drinking the night away and fucking men and women alike, he knew he was a bad role model to you but what does that matter.
“Do you think any lord will marry…” you spoke out softly he couldn’t help but scoff at your words “You will be my sister wife.” he spoke sharply while looking at you.
“But mother she makes me drink moon tea anytime we are together, and if that were the case we would’ve been married of years ago with two children by now” you whine
“I have an idea you, let’s ask father he will agree.”say grinning ear to ear
That conversation happened years ago before you had killed yourself, before he had become king, before this stupid war.
He didn’t know who to blame Aemond? for killing luke? blood and cheese? His grandsire? his mother??
“The gods are truly cruel my love” he said looking at your dead body, it had been years since you died and yet he kept your body right next to him while he slept, because everything was blue after you had left him yet twins were supposed stick together, cry together, sleep together , laugh together, and die together. And yet everything was blue.
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
You look better in black (p3)
warning: slight slut shaming, incest(i fear😔) reader being half girl boss and half annoying
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“Something is wrong.” you stated to your lady-in-waiting’s while picking at your nail, it was a habit you had gotten from your mother. As if the gods had answered your prayers your door opened revealing your brother Aemond, swiftly getting up, “What’s going on I know something happened tell me brother.”
“The king has died” he bluntly stated,”Mother intends to make Aegon the king she says it’s fathers dying wish, have you seen him.”
“What wait no I haven’t seen him what? that can’t be right father barley liked us, it wouldn’t make sense for him to all of a sudden do that.” you question while sitting back down.
“Like it or not he’s going to become king, it would be wise of you to stick with your families side” Aemond says while looking at you.
“I don’t intend on doing anything else other than standing by my family, brother.” you swiftly say while getting up from your spot, sometimes you wonder how your life would’ve been if you had married Aemond.
He tilts your head looking at you for a few seconds “It wouldn’t be a sin if we kissed again.” snickering at your own comment knowing Aemonds huge obsession with you his elder sister made it even more interesting to jests him.
“People already call you a whore wouldn’t want your lady in waiting to spread them even more.” eyeing you suspiciously
you scoff at his comment “Since when did you care what those cows think about me.” tugging at his hair. “If anything you want me to prove to you how much of a whore I truly am, isn’t that right my little brother?”
“good luck on your chase for Aegon but little word of advice he’s probably not in the castle.”
as you walked through the empty halls in search of your mother you had wonder what would happen to you and jace, were you to be wed still? would his mother even allow it after she birth right had been taken from her? you dryly laughed at the mere thought of it.
You felt no emotion right now your father had died and the love of your life if you could even call him that might not even want to marry you after everything that’s going on, but right now you didn’t have the time to think for yourself everything you’ve done up until this point was to make sure your brother would some day be king.
finally reaching your mothers room you opened it seeing her figure anyone could tell she hasn’t been okay her eyes had bags.
without any emotion you call for her “Mother.” standing in front of her you place your hand on her shoulder.
“Aemond has told me what happened and what you and grandsire intend to do.” speaking softly.
“Ah yes, I think it would be best if we-“ you started laughing “if we what? mother rhaenyra has more dragons on her side if she doesn’t take this lightly we’ll all di-.” before you could even finish your sentence your mother slaps you across your face.
“mind your words y/n there will be no war, you only speak for your own selfish game for what? a bastard of rhaenyra, go back to your chambers.”
“Yes…mother” holding in your tears you swiftly walk out.
“Princess.” one of your maids yells out as you walk into your room.
“find me one of my cloaks I need to warn my elder sister of what’s to happen.” tears prickling down your face you can feel your face get hot as you speak.
“Yes princess.”
swiftly walking through the secret passageways you hear your mothers voice and another woman’s voice making you stop to listen.
after a while your mother had left the room, swiftly opening the room you were met with Rhaenys
“Princess Rhaenys?” finally getting her attention she turns to you giving you a confused attention.
“How did you get in here, never mind that.” she spoke while eyeing you up and down
“I have a plan to get you safely to dragon stone unless you plan on siding with my Mother and grandsire.” eyeing the room as you explain to her
“And what makes you think i’ll trust you Princess.” she says
“You don’t have to but my mother might be merciful but my grandsire the hand won’t be he wants to take down anyone who won’t stand with my brother plus you’re already locked up in here so there wouldn’t be any reason why i’d hurt you.” giving her a hopeful smile while extending your hand. “I’m not doing this for you…i’m doing this so i’ll be with jace and no matter what it takes i’ll make him king one day”
“Mhmm you’re different from your mother yet the same, why not become queen instead, rule over men and women alike”. you didn’t say anything for a few seconds “I’m too far down the line to even think that, queen consort is the best i can go for.” you sharply state
“Now enough wasting mother will eventually notice I am missing too” grabbing her hand and racing towards the passageway you came from.
the two of you finally made it to the dragon pit “Princess i’d recommend you go to your dragon and i’ll go to mine when the time comes we’ll make our escape.” Rhaenys explains
giving her a nod you run towards your dragon Vermithor, just like your younger brother Aemond you had been dragon less since you were the age of 10 though you were never mocked for it unlike he did.
“Alright boy i’ll give you a sign and your going to go through the floor you understand and once we get to dragon stone i’ll find you the best sheep any lord has” you coo while petting him
“I love you okay?” kissing Vermithors nose while he huffs telling you all you needed to know
“Where were you” your mother hissed at you “I was just walking around the keep mother no need to worry.”
“Fine but we’ll talk about this later.” she said turning her attention to the ground crowd.
I crown you, Aegon targaryen, second of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," Otto said, before placing the crown on his head.
Aegon looked over at you and smirked, turning and holding his sword up. It was obvious to you that the attention he’s getting has gotten to his head.
without warning your dragon and Rhaenys blast through the dragon pit, you can see Aemond looking at you.
smiling at your family “I guess the next time I see you all won’t be family.” while swiftly getting on your dragon.
“Sister” you state while running into the room with Rhaenys.
“Rhaenyra the greens are coming for you and your children and everyone in here”
“They made aegon king” you state bitterly
“And somehow you two got here safely without any harm” daemon said eyeing the both of you
“I understand your suspicion uncle but this is serious.” you begged.
looking back to your older sister you sensed that something wasn’t quite right with her
“The babe” she screamed in pain
“It’s coming.”
@deadstarkblacksoul @rikidaily @amethystwonders11 @untitled75630 @instabull @rhaenyralvv @vampsites @countsmoon @hobiolli @1hyck @fallingwallsh @hnybitches @simrah1012
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
A son for A son
Aemond targaryen x velaryon reader
A/N: major plot spoilers and the reader is actually daemon’s and rhaenyra’s daughter. i had this in my drafts for a while before episode 10…wasn’t aware it was going to take a turn so i had to rewrite Aemonds opinion on what he did
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You had never loved him, it was made apparent in your marriage that you never loved him and would be written in the history books of what was meant to help both sides of the family only made it worse.
“You’ve killed my own flesh and blood, haven’t I done enough for you??! haven’t I risked my life for you. JUST FOR YOU TO KILL MY OWN BROTHER.” you screamed while your ladies in waiting scrambled out of the room.
“I lost my childhood because of you, I was only 14 when I had to marry you, yet you walk around like you’ve done something worthy of yourself, you’re weak. and now our 4 year old babe is at the risk because of you.” you cried out, falling onto the floor
“Maegor isn’t our only son think about viserys” he spoke, Aemond could never figure out why you favored his eldest more than his youngest.
“what I did was a mistake…I was just messing around.” Aemond yelled pulling you up. “you are a man, in times like this fooling around with a dragon like Vhagar is not to be taken lightly.” you whispered.
“I’m sorry I truly am I know what i’ve done can’t be forgiven, I love you.”
“Love? what do you know about love.” you snap back while pulling yourself away from him.
taking a deep breath you look at him coldly. “a son for a son aemond…” you say quietly.
“You wouldn’t.” he yells out in fear
“I wouldn’t but my father will.” you voiced out while walking out of your shared room.
You wanted to go back home, to your parents, your siblings, and cousins, you couldn’t stay here any longer walking on eggshells waiting to be killed.
you watch as one of your maids read a book to your son Viserys's, naming him after your grandfather, you never held any love for your son you tried to but you truly couldn’t, he looked just like his father.
“Thank you, Amelia, but it’s time for me, little Viserys and Maegor to get ready for the feast.” you voiced out in a fake happy tone. “alright princess” she said while bowing to you and giving you, your sons back.
After the feast in Aemonds honor for killing your brother, you take your sons to your room in hopes to read them a story before putting all your children to sleep.
While reading your sons a story you hear a bang swiftly going to your daughters crib you pick her up holding her tightly. truth be told your daughter wasn’t Aemonds she was a bastard and so was your eldest but that would be a story for another time, snapping out of your thoughts you see two men making their way to you.
“A son for a son” spoke one of the men
“who are you?!” you couldn’t believe your father was that quick, deep down it hurt to know that he would do anything for your mother knowing it might hurt you.
“Blood and Cheese princess, you must pick a son to pay the debt you owe to your mother.” the other man spoke
“Okay…my youngest son” you answered looking away
instead of Viserys they grabbed Maegor. you kept pleading with them begging them to take you or viserys, you knew as a targaryen being simply born into the game of thrones you’d have to pay a price eventually.
 cradling your son while the two men walk out one turns to you and says.
“A son for a son.”
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
A dragon riders death
platonic/one sided Aemond Targaryen x stark/targaryen Reader
Warning: death? idk that’s about it tbh
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“I want to die a dragon riders death.” you spoke loudly while telling your friend Aemond.
“That sounds harsh doesn’t it.” he said while reading his book
even though your mother and her sister Princess Rhaenyra didn’t have the best relationship with Aemond’s mother it didn’t stop you from befriending him…or rather you bothering him while he read, but he didn’t mind your talking he’d never admit to you though.
“It’s the best way to go you’ll understand it once you get your own dragon.” you spoke out while playing with your hair.
you stay quiet for a while, “My mother says i have to marry jace.” you say while looking at Aemond hoping he’d care.
you had never gotten a reaction out of him that day, and after Lady Laenas funeral you hadn’t spoken to him, ever since he lost his eye.
“Run away with me, it’s not too late you haven’t married the bastard.” he whispered looking into your eyes
“What?!, you haven’t spoken to me in years no letters nothing and you want me to run from everything i’ve built.” you whispered yelled.
“I’m sorry but I cannot Aemond, My mother wants the north to be apart of Rhaenyra’s allies, I need to do this, maybe we can still be friends.” you say holding back tears holding his hands
“No, you’ve already told me what i need to know.”
The war has been going on for about 10 years now, you’ve been captured with your daughter’s while trying to flee.
“It’s gonna be alright girls, have a little faith alright?” you say giving them a weak smile it’s taking everything in you not to cry, they both nod while coming in to hug you.
“You have an audience waiting for you” the guard says while eyeing you. “Alright, Girls I want you to be brave for me while i’m gone okay” you say while giving them both kisses.
you now get a good look at the guard “Aemond?” you say while noticing the eye patch.
“It seems so.” he says while looking into your eyes, “Do you know what’s going to happen to you” he speaks out while he starts walking making you follow him.
“Yes, I do, i’m prepared to die…” you speak you while holding your tears
“Aemond…remember when we were children and I said i wanted to die a dragon riders death” you voiced out as the both of you finally face the door of the throne room.
He stops to look at you. “If that’s what you want I’ll make it happen old friend.” he whispers.
“I’m begging you don’t let me daughter’s watch, my only request.” you say while looking at aegon.
“Fine.” he says while smirking.
Walking out into a large field you look up to see the greens…and your daughter’s.
you stop walking running over to the audience “you promised they wouldn’t have to watch” you scream while guards try to pull you away. “YOU PROMISED.”
“Take her, i’ve had enough” aegon says while rolling his eyes.
“dracarys” you say meekly, nothing happens your dragon, morning star doesn’t move.
You take a huge breath and try again.“DRACARYS.” you scream louder.
The last thing you hear is your twin daughters, Viseyna and Rhaenyas scream for you, their mother.
“what would you like us to do with the body my prince” one of the guards say.
“I’d like to be alone with her for a while.” he says looking at your body.
he couldn’t help but laugh all your efforts in the war were for nothing while your own daughters watching you die he thought.
“You didn’t die a worthy death to be put in the history books, but maybe in our next life you will and maybe we’ll be together while i read to you like old times…”
“….My friend.”
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
You look better in black (p2)
A/N:i will be doing these almost each chapter, today i’ll be short with my note READ THESE i’m not joking cuz i’ll be putting warnings/trigger warnings as author notes and feel free to dm me or just leave ideas in the comments
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you didn’t know if you wanted to cry or not, you probably couldn’t if you wanted to.
“it’s not so bad…” Helaena started as she brushed your hair, if anyone else had told you that you would’ve smacked them, you always had a soft spot for your sister she was the only one who saw you as a person, Ameond saw you as a toy simply something to walk around with, but Helaena was different.
“He seems really nice…nicer than Aegon” she says, sometimes you wish you could trade spots with her, not because you liked Aegon he could die right in front of you and you wouldn’t care, but because she was nice, a nice person while you were far from that one could even say you were a sociopath, people around court would call you that, never in your face though.
“i guess you’re right, Jace is much better than Ageon or some old lord that only wants to bring his families name up by using me.” you jokingly say.
you both chat for a while until the topic of what you’re going to wear for dinner is brought up.
“Are you gonna wear something black, blue, or green.”Helaena softly ask.
“I’ll wear black, it’s not a big deal anyways it’s fathers house color and ours. our last name is Targaryen not Hightower.” you said loudly picking up some earrings from your jewelry box.
you both hear a knock on your door pausing for a second you finally speak loud enough for them to hear “Come in.”
Jace slowly open’s the door and steps in.
“What are you doing here, we’re not supposed to be alone together, not until we wed.” you say completely forgetting Helaena is here.
“But we’re not alone, Helaena is here so we’re fine.” he playfully say’s while looking at your dress.
“Okay what brings you here my prince.” you say in a sarcastic voice hoping he’d get to the point and just leave.
“Oh yeah right uhm since we’re betrothed I thought it would be nice to give you this necklace, i didn’t pick it out though it was my mothers idea.” he rambles on looking everywhere but you now
you playfully roll your eyes and tell him “ what happened to all that confidence just a second ago, don’t be a baby and put it on me, come on jacey” he perks up when he hears you use the old nickname you gave him when you were younger.
You can feel his heart and his breath as he slowly puts the necklace on you, his hand touching your soft skin, he leans in and looks into the mirror. “Has anyone told you that you look better in black?”
You turn around and look at him for a few seconds slowly leaning in until Helaena  interrupts the both of you “Sister it’s time to go, jace it’s best you go before us so no one suspects anything.”
he clears his throat “Alright.”
Aemond see’s you and Helaena walking towards the dining hall “What the fuck are you wearing.” he say’s in a pissed tone while grabbing your arm
“Helaena go on ahead it seems like our brother doesn’t know how to respect his elder sister.” you state in a very passive aggressive tone.
he scoffs “i’m warning you wearing that won’t make mother happy” he says
“i’m fully aware of that and i’m soon to marry jace and as his future wife it’s my job to support him and if that means I support his mother’s claim to the throne, HER BIRTH RIGHT then so be it, now get your hands off me you’re gonna ruin the dress.” you say
“You sound so-“ Aemond says but you stop him right before he could finish what he was gonna say.
“If you haven’t noticed I don’t really care what you think, i’ve always been by your side supporting you, so for this one moment support me.”
little did he know this conversation would be the last conversation you’d have with him as brother and sister, as friends.
As you walked into the dining hall all eyes were on you, Rhaenyra giving you an amused smile, while your mother looked at you with shock and confusion.
You walked right past Aemond and sat right next to jace smiling at him.
"Let us toast as well Prince Lucerys... future Lord of the Tides."
"You do know how the act is done, I assume? At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that?" Aegon murmured to Jace, you couldn’t help but scoff at his comment while drinking your wine.
"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed." Jacaerys ordered sharply, Aegon humming simply, jace turns to you and smiles a little bit
“your quite stupid you know, he only wants a rise out of you, you of all people knew that by know” you say bitterly
jace could never understand you, sometimes you were kind to him and other times you were cold, but as he thought about it more he came to the conclusion it had to do with him hurting your brother.
Painfully and gradually, Viserys rose to his feet, exhaling heavily on the spot and leaning against the table. "Both of them make my heart happy and it fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces dearest to me in the whole world...but who have grown so distant from each other in recent years." you could only wonder why as you listened
Viserys's hand latched onto his mask, beginning to strip him of his decaying flesh, and as it slipped from his complexion, he revealed a very unsettling sight. Half of his face had literally melted away, including his eye, revealing the inside of his own skull. "My own face... is no longer pretty... if it ever was. But tonight... I want you to see me... just as I am. Not just a king... but your father." , your brother, your husband, and your grandsire. Who doesn't seem to be walking among you much longer? He confessed. "Let's not hold bad feelings in our hearts anymore. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But put aside your complaints. If not for the sake of the crown... then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so well."
he fell back into his seat, and as she did, Rhaenyra rose from herself. "I wish to raise my glass to Her Grace, the Queen." She announced it. "I love my father. But I must admit that no one has remained... more loyal than his dear wife. She has served him with... unswerving devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude. And my apologies." she added, sitting down again.
"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess. We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you and to your house. You will make a fine queen."
Aemond raised his glass to Aegon, giving him an intriguing smile that he evidently understood, sipping his drink and moving slightly toward Baela to take the jug of wine from her side. "I regret the disappointment you will soon suffer dear sister ." He whispered to you. "But if you ever want to know what it's like to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask."
before you could even respond Jace slammed his hands against the table, rising to his feet as Aegon casually passed him. "A toast to disappointment." Aemond raised a toast to Aegon, who agreed and smiled heartily, following his gestures to which Jace sent a glare of death.
Only Aemond rose to his feet, looking at Jace with a look of disgust, a warning that his next actions be taken seriously. Gingerly, Jace patted Aegon on the back whose eyes never left yours. "To Prince Ageon and Prince Aemond. We haven't seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we are still friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles."
"To you as well." Aegon voiced plainly, Aemond slowly descending back to his seat, you couldn’t help but laugh at his silly comment while smiling at jace.
“I never knew you could be so petty jace, or should i call you lord husband.” you said while smiling at him
“lord husband doesn’t sound too bad my lady wife.” he jokes making sure everyone in the table heard your conversation.
"I would like to toast Baela and my sister." Helaena abruptly stood to her feet. "They'll be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you and flirts with your sister…except sometimes when he's drunk." Daemon chuckled loudly to which you simply chugged down your drink in embarrassment.
eventually it came time to dance(i recommend you play die for you by the weeknd for the dancing part) jace got up and held his hand out to you
“My lady, would you do the honors of dancing with me?” he said while blushing.
“of course” you said softly
the two of you danced to many songs while talking about future plans
“This might sound crazy but y/n…i would die for you” he states
“i’ll be honest I don’t really want to be queen but you’re making it worthwhile.” you said in a serious tone
“But if it’s with you then I guess it’s worth trying” you whispered into his ear
“only if you let me name all of our children” you half joke
“yeah? how many do you want” he jokes back
“As many as you want.” you say while playing with his hair
“I want 7.” he states in a half serious tone
“You’re crazy, my gods.” you say while laughing.
The loud noise of Aemond's fist hitting the table brought both jace and you out of your own world. Strapping himself onto the wine glass, he stood up, lifting it into the air. "Final toast". He announced it. "To the health of my nephews. Jace...Luke...and Joffrey. Each one of them is handsome, wise..." He paused, staring at the boys in front of him, an intense, deafening silence between them all. , looking at Aemond with anticipation. You knew his plans, You knew him like the back of your hand….unfortunately. And he was proven right. "strong".
"Aemond." Alicent warned, causing Aegon to chuckle, rising to his feet beside Aemond.
"I dare you say that again." Jace warned
"Why? 'Twas only a compliment." Aemond commented, strolling forth in Jace's path "Do you not think yourself strong?" Jace landed a weak punch on Aemond's jaw, and even so, it was as though he could not feel it, the pain, standing perfectly still.
“you’re unbelievable” you yelled causing everyone to stop
“you couldn’t wait at least ONE DAY, the kings dying wish was for us to be a family and i truly thought we could be one family until 10 minutes when i noticed that you’re all just a bunch of fucking hypocrites” you say grabbing Helaena and storming out.
tag list🏷️
@deadstarkblacksoul @rikidaily @amethystwonders11 @untitled75630 @instabull @rhaenyralvv @vampsites @countsmoon @hobiolli @1hyck
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
My Masterlist
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-House of the dragon
    ♡ aemond targaryen
           -a son for a son
-a dragon riders death
     ♡ daemon targaryen
            -Teachers pet
-glimpse of us
      ♡ jacaerys velaryon
           -you look better in black
            Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | chapter 3 | 4 | 5 |
-ungodly hour
♡ aegon targaryen
-jujutsu kaisen
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
this edit really made me rethink if it should be a jace fic
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
you look better in black
Tw/An- English is not my first language so bare with me I'm sorry if some of the words don’t make sense also depending if I don't get lazy I will be making this into a series and if i do it will follow the book and shows dark theme meaning all the deaths coming forward will be in the book with a few expectations also i will be making a part two with the whole ep 8 by the end of tmr so don’t worry, one last thing y/n  does still have feelings for jace they both do but she wont show it like crazy
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You never saw yourself being a queen or sitting on the iron throne. It seemed like it wasn't something you'd be suitable for. You thought that your brother would be horrendous at it. Knowing he was a creep and a drunk, the kingdom was bound to be doomed, if your mother Alicent went with her plan of making your brother Ageon the next king.
"Princess, your mother has called you and your siblings into her room." one of your maids spoke, making you snap out of your thoughts, "Isn't that nice," you say, knowing what your mother was going to bark at the four of you, hastily gather yourself, you sprint towards her chambers, as you open the door, your mother gestures for you to hurry and close the door.
"As the four of you know, Rhaenyra is arriving with her children. I want you all to be on your best behavior, especially since your father is at his worst as of right now," she stated
"You all don't understand the amount of danger we are in. Once Rahenyra sits on the throne, we're all at risk."
"Then we won't pose a threat to her; none of us truly wish to sit on the throne," you said, knowing she wouldn't listen to you. Instead, she screamed at the four of you until she told you all to get out.
"so much for trying to make this better," you mumbled to Aegon and Aemond as you walked through the halls
"Well, you know what would make things better," he said while smirking. You scoff knowing where this is going. He was genuinely disgusting you thought.
"Don't you have a wife and children to be taking care of?" you inquire while hearing Ameond snicker.
"I don't see why-" Ameond cuts him off and grabs your hand.
"Sister and I have some things to tend to. If you don't mind us brother, we'll be going," he says in a very annoyed tone
“He’s a fucking cunt, mother intends to make that thing king….a fucking horse would do better” you state angrily while walking to the courtyard with your brother.
 “Mother wouldn’t like it if she heard you say that” Ameond states jokingly. 
             ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
You silently watch your brother spare with ser Cole until you feel a presence behind you.
Does your heart skip? Stop? You can't make out what it was, but you can’t move, the one person you never wanted to see after that night, the very night that made your brother lose his eye. 
You snap out of your thought once again at your brother's voice, “Nephews, have you come to train?” he says while smirking seeing that their smiles dropped after seeing ameond, it almost made you laugh.
“Don’t be harsh brother they just arrived treat them right,” you say with a teasing grin 
You all stop to look at the gates being opened, your eyes landing on Vaemond Velaryon. This was going to be something you thought after seeing Lucery’s face.
“This will be fun” your brother voiced out
You turn to face him and say “Seems so….”
              ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
You and your family gathered in the throne room, proudly wearing a Hightower green dress.
You felt a pair of eyes on yourself, it was Jace, you wouldn't lie and say he hasn't gotten more attractive over the years, but you felt like the eye contact you both held lasted for hours until your brother made you snap out of it 
“Who do you think will win?” he questioned 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you said turning your body away from him
          ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
“Though it is the great hope of this court that lord Corlys Velaryon survives his wounds, we gather here with a gripping task of dealing with the succession of  Driftmark” he announced. “As the hand, I speak with King’s voice” you held back an eye roll as he sat down on the throne. “The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon”
“My queen.” he greeted your mother by nodding his head. “My Lord Hand.” he turned to otto. “We all know the history of our noble houses extends beyond the seven kingdoms to the days of old Valyria. For as long as house Targaryen ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas. When the Doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind. Our four bearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail it would mean the end to their bloodline and to their name”
You couldn’t help but yawn, turning to Amend. “Didn’t think we’d be getting a history lesson on something we already knew about instead of an appeal” you voiced, the boy simply smiling at her words.
He continued to go on about being the only one with true Velayron blood. “I am Lord Corlys's closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.”
You turn your attention to Aemond “if he truly cared about blood we wouldn’t be here….unless he thinks of Luke and Jace as bastards.” you voiced out with a cheeky grin.
“As which he does dear sister..this won’t end well,” he says while smiling at you.
Your mother turns to the both of you and gives you a glare making the both of you shut up.
“As it does in my sons, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon.” Rhaenyra butted in, but Vaemond didn’t turn around and face her, he stared blankly at the wall listening to her words. “If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be as bold to supplant the rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and your own ambitions.”
“You will have your chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra. Do Ser Vaenmond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.” Vemaond turned to Rhaenyra with a smug grin on his face.
            ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
After Vaemond finally finished his speech it was Rhaenyras turn as she spoke as the throne room doors opened.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of his name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the seven kingdoms, and protector of the realm.” Otto finally gets off the throne, being seemingly as shocked as everyone around him.
With his walking stick, he limped inside the hall, you and Helaena share looks of worry for your father as he walked past them, “this is sad” you mutter to Helaena, as you watch your father's crown fall and attempt to pick it up, only to be aided by his brother Daemon.
           ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
“I will not let my house go to this…” vaemond started. You couldn’t help but smile, there goes someone's life you thought.
“Say it..” 
You couldn’t make out who said that but you knew they had the same idea as everyone in here, everyone knew what lord Vaemond was going to say even the king
The king got up and pulled out his dagger “I will have your tongue for that”
Only as no one expected Daemon Targaryen rose, slicing through his skull like butter, starling everyone, out of instinct you covered your sister's eyes shielding her from the bloody view. “He can keep his tongue,” he said cooly
“What an interesting day” you murmured.
As though it couldn’t get more interesting the king announced you to be bothered to Jace and his brother to be bothered to Baela, “What the fuck” you whispered while looking over at Jace, he seemed not to have known.
             ・. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
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@deadstarkblacksoul @amethystwonders11
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
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coming out with a jace x targaryen reader fic real soon
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