Problemas de matemáticas 
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Valores de la apostolicidad ignaciana
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Red jesuita en Centro América
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3ra y ultima maqueta
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Primera maqueta
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ensayo sobre migracion
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Nicaragua is a beatiful countrie located in central America. Nicaragua has 2 lakes Xolotlan lake and cocibolca lake, Nicaragua has a population of 6.6 million of people. Our Neighbors are Honduras in the north and Costa Rica in the south. Our official currency is the Córdoba. There is some special things about Nicaragua:
1. It’s located in the ring of fire
2. It’s the biggest country in central America 
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The 5 Scariest cliffs
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1. La Quebrada
2. Mazatlan
3. Kahebilis leap
4. RIck’s Cafe in Negril
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The 5 largest Forests
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1. Amazon RainForest
2. Congo RainForest
3. Valdivian Temperate  Rainforest
4. Tongass
5. rainforest of xishuangbanna
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The 5 smallest Countries
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1. Vatican city
2. Monaco 
3. Nauru
4. Tuvalu
5. San Marino
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Top 5 Biggest Countries
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1. Russia
2. Canada
3. China
4. United States 
5. Brazil 
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The 5 Largest Lakes
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1. Caspian Sea
2. Lake Superior
3. Lake Victoria
4. Lake Huron 
5. Lake Michigan
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The 5 Longest Rivers
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1. The Nile RIver
2. The Amazon River
3. The yangtze River
4. The Mussouri River
5. The Yeniser River
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The 5 Highest Mountains
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1. Mt. Everest
2. Mt. K2
4.Mt. Lhotse 
5. Mt. Makalu
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The 5 largest deserts in the world
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1.Antartic Desert
2.Artic Desert
3. Sahara Desert
4.Australian Desert 
5. The Arabian Desert 
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