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share market tips | equity tips | commodity tips | intraday Tips
Friday, 23 March 2018
Commodity Tips: trade war side effects gold shine crude sprouted news By TradeCure
Commodity tips | Intraday Tips  ट्रेड वॉर का साइड इफेक्ट, सोना चमका-क्रूड उछला अमेरिका और चीन के बीच छिड़ी ट्रेड वॉर से पूरी दुनिया के बाजार में भूचाल आ गया है। अमेरिका की ओर से चीन के इंपोर्ट पर सख्ती और चीन के भी उसी भाषा में जवाब देने से करेंसी और कमोडिटी बाजार में भारी उठापटक हो रहा है। ऐसे में सोने की चमक एकाएक बढ़ गई है और रातों रात सोना 1 महीने की ऊंचाई पर चला गया है। वहीं एक हफ्ते पहले तक दबाव में रहने वाले कच्चे तेल की चाल भी बदल गई है। सऊदी ने अगले साल भी ओपेक के उत्पादन कटौती का संकेत दिया है। तो वहीं मॉर्गेन स्टैनली ने इस साल के अंत तक ब्रेंट को 75 डॉलर तक जाने की उम्मीद जताई है। ऐसे में सोना और कच्चे तेल में क्या करें।
Commodity Tips
ट्रेड वॉर पर दिग्गज ब्रोकरेज हाउसेज मॉर्गेन स्टैनली ने चिंता जाहिर की है। मॉर्गेन स्टैनली का मानना है कि ग्लोबल इन्वेंट्री 5 साल के निचले स्तर के पास कामकाज कर रही है। जियोपॉलिटिकल रिस्क से ब्रेंट क्रूड 75 डॉलर तक जा सकता है क्योंकि दूसरी छमाही में मांग बढ़ने का अनुमान है।
वहीं कच्चे तेल की कीमतों में भी इजाफा हो सकता है। बीते 2 हफ्तो में कच्चे तेल की कीमतों में 10 फीसदी तक की उछाल देखने को मिली है। ट्रेड वॉर के कारण साल 2019 में भी ओपेक की सप्लाई में कमी की संभावनाएं जताई जा रही है क्योंकि सऊदी अरब, 2019 में सप्लाई घटाने के पक्ष में है। इधर अमेरिका की ईरान पर आर्थिक पाबंदी की तैयारी की जा रही है। अगर ईरान पर आर्थिक पाबंदी लगी तो कच्चे तेल सप्लाई घटेगी।
अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड वॉर का साइड इफेक्ट केवल कच्चे तेल या ब्रेंट क्रूड पर ही नहीं बल्कि सोने पर भी दिखाई दे रहा है। 1 महीने में सोने की कीमतों में भारी उछाल देखने को मिला है। केवल इस महीने सोने का भाव 3 फीसदी चढ़ा है जबकि पिछले 3 महीने में इसमें करीब 6 फीसदी की तेजी आई है। दरअसल, ट्रेड वॉर की आशंका से कीमतों को सपोर्ट मिल रहा है। इधर डॉलर में गिरावट से विदेशी बाजार में तेजी आई है।
भाव बढ़ने से सोने की मांग में कमी आई है। सोने पर डिस्काउंट 6 महीने में सबसे ज्यादा है।
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Unknown24 March 2018 at 01:48
thanks for sharing and also helping me to recover my loss
Anushka Mishra25 March 2018 at 22:26
Commodity Tips Rudra Investment SEBI Registered Commodity Market Expert gives the best information of mutual fund investment. Information that may not be included in a fund's prospectus is its annual report.
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Commodity Tips: trade war side effects gold shine crude sprouted news By TradeCure
Commodity tips | Intraday Tips   ट्रेड वॉर का साइड इफेक्ट, सोना चमका-क्रूड उछला अमेरिका और चीन के बीच छिड़ी ट्रेड वॉर से पूरी दुनिया के ...
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Commodity Tips: trade war side effects gold shine crude sprouted news By TradeCure
Commodity tips | Intraday Tips   ट्रेड वॉर का साइड इफेक्ट, सोना चमका-क्रूड उछला अमेरिका और चीन के बीच छिड़ी ट्रेड वॉर से पूरी दुनिया के ...
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Daily Market Report from TradeCure Financial Research
Sensex, Nifty turn gloomy as Asian equities hover in red on US-China trade war jitters
Indian stock markets opened almost flat in the negative region on Monday with Sensex and Nifty starting marginally lower following a downtrend in the other Asian equity markets on the back of an intensified trade war between the United States and China. BSE Sensex lost 60.1 points or 0.18% to open at 32,536.44 and NSE Nifty shed 8.9 points or 0.09% to begin the day at 9,989.15 on Monday. Going ahead, the domestic stock market will be steered by the trends on the ongoing trade war between the United States and China. The derivatives contracts expiry will also likely to inch up the volatility in a holiday-shortened week. India’s stock markets will remain closed on Thursday and Friday for Mahavir Jayanti and Good Friday.
Shares of Indiabulls Real Estate jumped over 4% to Rs 199.4 after the real estate firm inked a definitive agreement with global private equity investor Blackstone Group to divest 50% stake in its prime commercial properties in the megapolis for Rs 4,750 crore. Shares of Reliance Industries traded up 0.2% after Mukesh Ambani-led oil-to-telecom conglomerate signed an agreement for the combination of digital music service Saavn with JioMusic to create a digital media platform with global reach having a total value of over $1 billion.
Shares of the state-owned metals and mining giant MMTC surged 4% after Commerce & Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu said a merger of MMTC and STC is on the cards and the matter is under process. Shares of Union Bank of India traded little changed at Rs 87.45 after the bank had made 100% provision against Totem Infrastructure Limited fraud case, so there is no material impact. The stock of Union Bank of India touched an 11-year low on alleged fraud of Rs 1,394 crore on Friday. Shares of Yes Bank gained 0.4% after the fifth-largest private sector lender said that it has no exposure to gems and jewellery sector and it is de-risking its portfolio of big borrowers.
In the meantime, up until 23 March Foreign institutional investors have infused over Rs 8,400 crore in the Indian stock markets after pulling out Rs 10,000 crore from the debt markets during the same period under review.
Wall Street tumbled on Friday with more than 1,000 points knocked off the Dow in two days as investors, increasingly nervous about a potential US trade war with China, shied away from risk ahead of the weekend and sought shelter from further losses, Reuters said in a report. In a volatile session, the S&P 500 came within a hair of its 200-day moving average, a key technical level. The benchmark index also nudged closer to its February low, which marked a correction, ending 9.9 percent lower than its 26 January record, Reuters added. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 424.69 points, or 1.77 percent, to 23,533.2, the S&P 500 lost 55.43 points, or 2.10 percent, to 2,588.26 after hitting an intraday low that was barely above its 200-day moving average of 2585.22. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 174.01 points, or 2.43 percent, to 6,992.67.
0 notes
Daily Market Report
Sensex, Nifty turn gloomy as Asian equities hover in red on US-China trade war jitters
Indian stock markets opened almost flat in the negative region on Monday with Sensex and Nifty starting marginally lower following a downtrend in the other Asian equity markets on the back of an intensified trade war between the United States and China. BSE Sensex lost 60.1 points or 0.18% to open at 32,536.44 and NSE Nifty shed 8.9 points or 0.09% to begin the day at 9,989.15 on Monday. Going ahead, the domestic stock market will be steered by the trends on the ongoing trade war between the United States and China. The derivatives contracts expiry will also likely to inch up the volatility in a holiday-shortened week. India’s stock markets will remain closed on Thursday and Friday for Mahavir Jayanti and Good Friday.
Shares of Indiabulls Real Estate jumped over 4% to Rs 199.4 after the real estate firm inked a definitive agreement with global private equity investor Blackstone Group to divest 50% stake in its prime commercial properties in the megapolis for Rs 4,750 crore. Shares of Reliance Industries traded up 0.2% after Mukesh Ambani-led oil-to-telecom conglomerate signed an agreement for the combination of digital music service Saavn with JioMusic to create a digital media platform with global reach having a total value of over $1 billion.
Shares of the state-owned metals and mining giant MMTC surged 4% after Commerce & Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu said a merger of MMTC and STC is on the cards and the matter is under process. Shares of Union Bank of India traded little changed at Rs 87.45 after the bank had made 100% provision against Totem Infrastructure Limited fraud case, so there is no material impact. The stock of Union Bank of India touched an 11-year low on alleged fraud of Rs 1,394 crore on Friday. Shares of Yes Bank gained 0.4% after the fifth-largest private sector lender said that it has no exposure to gems and jewellery sector and it is de-risking its portfolio of big borrowers.
In the meantime, up until 23 March Foreign institutional investors have infused over Rs 8,400 crore in the Indian stock markets after pulling out Rs 10,000 crore from the debt markets during the same period under review.
Wall Street tumbled on Friday with more than 1,000 points knocked off the Dow in two days as investors, increasingly nervous about a potential US trade war with China, shied away from risk ahead of the weekend and sought shelter from further losses, Reuters said in a report. In a volatile session, the S&P 500 came within a hair of its 200-day moving average, a key technical level. The benchmark index also nudged closer to its February low, which marked a correction, ending 9.9 percent lower than its 26 January record, Reuters added. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 424.69 points, or 1.77 percent, to 23,533.2, the S&P 500 lost 55.43 points, or 2.10 percent, to 2,588.26 after hitting an intraday low that was barely above its 200-day moving average of 2585.22. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 174.01 points, or 2.43 percent, to 6,992.67.
0 notes