tradiespec · 2 years
Top Tips To Consider When Hiring A Ute
Carrying all the tools and materials that you need for the job is a common problem that every tradie faces. Thankfully, utes have continued to provide the perfect solution for work transportation over the decades. They are a mobile equipment shed for your business. Space-saving, cost-efficient and reliable. These are just some of the reasons why utility vehicles have always been a great fit for the tradie life.
However, buying a new ute outright can be a daunting prospect. This is especially true if you’re looking for a brand-new model or one that is fully equipped for your needs. Fortunately, ute hire companies provide the perfect solution for helping you manage your budget while keeping your work uninterrupted.
Here are some helpful ute hire tips to consider for helping get your business on the road –
Maximise Your Ute’s Potential
Ute hire companies have a wide range of vehicles in their fleet, perfectly suited for tradie crews of all sizes. This means less time searching a ute that fits right in with your work needs. For instance, TradieSpec utes come as a single cab or dual-cab model, each with differing bed sizes and passenger capacity. The Toyota Hilux Workmate in our fleet has been a mainstay of the tradie ute market for decades. This is thanks to its versatile offering of cab and ute bed sizes as well as comfort & reliability. Having the perfect fit will ensure that work utes don’t go underutilised and help you manage your budget accordingly.
Choosing Between 4×2 & 4×4 Utes
If you’ve been in the tradie business for long, then the topic of the 4×2 ute versus 4×4 ute has probably come up in many discussions. In most cases, a 4×2 ute is enough to get you through most of your day-to-day business, especially if you’re working in city or suburban areas. The lighter weight means being able to fit more in the ute bed and can also save on fuel costs in the long run when compared to 4×4 utes. Of course, if your work commonly takes you to extremely isolated areas where roads are non-existent, then a 4×4 ute is still the best choice thanks to the drivetrain. The extended torque also gives the vehicle an easier time towing ute loads up and down steep inclines. Regardless of the ute, TradieSpec is here to assist you with picking out a vehicle that matches what you’re looking for.
Spec Out Your Ute
Whether you’re a one-man crew or part of a team, keeping your ute load protected is always at the forefront of your mind. Chances are, you already have a range of straps and ropes ready to secure these items. Fortunately, ute hire companies like TradieSpec can also assist in this process. They’ll provide heavy-duty lockable toolboxes, roof racks, caddy shelving & more, depending on your needs. These can be a great addition to your already existing tool organisers as well as helping save on any potential damage costs before your rental period is completed.
Find A Ute Hire Company With The Right Services
There are several ute hire companies in the business, however, only some will offer the services you’re looking for as a tradie specifically.
1. Accident Replacement Vehicles
If you’ve been involved in an accident or your current ute is facing mechanical troubles, then you’re probably looking for a replacement vehicle as soon as possible while repairs are being conducted. After all, work interruptions can affect how you make a living. Luckily, TradieSpec provides accident replacement vehicles that come equipped with the right specifications to minimise work disruptions until your ute is repaired or replaced.
Not at Fault in an accident? TradieSpec provides like for like replacement Ute rentals that are paid for by the at fault’s insurance company.
2. FlexiRent Utes
Rather than locking you into a finance loan, TradieSpec provides a flexible month-to-month rental for our utes for hire. With a minimum 3-month term, you can hand vehicles back when they are no longer needed. If you need the ute hire for longer, then simply lengthen the contract as required. Hire single cab utes from $339 per week or dual cab utes from $369 per week.
3. Rent to Own Utes
Making regular rental payments towards owning a ute is a great feeling. If you’re searching for a new ute but don’t have the income to buy one or want to allocate that budget elsewhere, then TradieSpec’s contracts are a perfect alternative. The rent-to-own service requires no credit checks & approval is given in minutes.  You can rent single cab utes from $319 per week or a dual cab ute at $379 per week and own them at the end of 48 months.
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Preparation and proper research are crucial to getting your trade business on the road. Choosing the right ute hire company can provide several solutions tailored to helping tradies in their day-to-day work.
For reliable ute hire, get in touch with TradieSpec at 02 9533 2393 and drive with peace of mind.
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tradiespec · 2 years
What’s The Difference: Diesel Vs Petrol Utes
If you are a veteran of the tradie industry, then it’s more than likely that you’ve heard the age-old debate of petrol vs diesel. It’s often the case that people will swear by diesel fuel as being the perfect fit for utes.
However, looking past specific biases and examining their differences can reveal that each fuel type has advantages and disadvantages.
Before renting your next ute, always consider what suits your trade business and budget. The differences outlined below will serve as a guide to help you make up your mind.
Diesel ute models often have the reputation of being slower than their petrol counterparts. When comparing the two in a straight line, this is mostly true.
One of the main ways to increase diesel ute power is to have a turbocharged engine. This will bring the peak power-to-weight ratio closer to petrol engines but can make the vehicle feel sluggish to drive due to turbo lag.
The main advantage of diesel comes in its off-road performance. Low rev torque reduces the chances of stalling when climbing over rocks and obstacles. This performance contrasts with petrol utes that often require higher revs to keep moving uphill and over other obstacles. So, if you are a tradie that finds themselves working on sites without established roads, it’s best to rent a ute with diesel engines.
The design of a diesel engine also gives it another advantage when driving off-road. Its ability for unrestricted air intake means that fuel injection determines the power/rpm.
On the other hand, petrol engines require a constant fuel/air mix with a throttle plate regulating the amount of air in the intake.
On average, the engine compression ratio when downhill braking is 20:1 for diesel compared to 9:1 in most petrol engines. In essence, diesel offers higher resistance to an increase in RPM.
This resistance is due to the large air intake of the engine while idling or crawling down a descent.
A petrol engine with a closed intake will draw in less air during braking and hence be more likely to run away than diesel.
It’s important to note that most tradies who work in city or suburban sites will find that driving a rental ute with a petrol engine makes no difference given the relatively flat terrain & smooth roads.
Diesel utes require far more frequent maintenance than a petrol-engine ute. Usually, diesel engines should have their oil changed every 5,000 km and an oil filter every 10,000 km.
Moreover, maintenance and repair costs can build up when parts such as the turbocharger seals start leaking or fuel pumps need replacing. Regular maintenance costs for diesel can eventually overtake that of petrol engine services.
Off-road driving can also increase the risk and number of diesel engine parts breaking down. Petrol engines require fewer spare parts to be kept on hand, being able to be repaired to a point for proper maintenance at a service centre.
Busy tradies may find this an important point, especially if you are driving in a ute that is rent to own, meaning that the vehicle will be yours once the contract is complete.
Diesel engines perform better in this category. Higher engine compression means 30-40% better fuel efficiency than petrol engines. This performance translates to 30-40% more kilometres per tank. Tradies constantly moving between sites or travelling into rural areas may find this is a blessing.
There are several differences between petrol & diesel engines that can affect the rental process for a tradie ute. It all comes down to where your work regularly takes you. Working on off-road sites or in rural areas means that the performance of the diesel engine ute will suit you better. However, if you are a city worker, petrol utes work just as well, especially its quieter noise profile and less frequent maintenance.
Fortunately, TradieSpec is a ute hire company in Sydney that offers both petrol & diesel utes for rent, meaning you won’t have to go far before weighing the options. Contact us today for flexible rental options to get your trade business on the road.
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tradiespec · 2 years
Pros & Cons: Aluminium & Steel Ute Trays
Tradies are one of the most diverse groups of workers in Australia. They can be anyone from construction workers to gardeners and even couriers, each with their own specifications on what they need out of a ute. This variety has caused the long-standing debate on whether steel or aluminium trays are better. In truth, each tray has advantages and disadvantages depending on where the ute is supposed to operate. If you’re currently thinking about hiring a ute, here are a few points to consider about trays. 
Aluminium is a much lighter metal than mild steel. Generally, steel trays weigh twice as much as an equivalent grade aluminium tray. When examining the HiLux trays, heavy-duty aluminium trays weigh 160kg while steel trays weigh 308kg; This is a weight increase of almost 90%. 
The main impact is an exponential increase in fuel consumption and mechanical/tyre wear. This problem amplifies if you’re driving a tradie ute with a petrol engine that has less fuel efficiency. Moreover, moving beyond this is the fact that ute trays are a part of kerb weight which means a reduced GVM (Gross Vehicle Mass) rating and payload. If you are a courier that needs to transport a certain number of items or a construction worker with several materials, this can be a pressing issue. An aluminium ute tray provides a lighter kerb weight, perfect for the increased payload capacity. 
That’s not to say that the extra weight of a steel tray is a disadvantage in all situations. As most tradies have probably experienced, driving utes with lighter or unladen loads can be particularly troublesome. The spring-loaded rear suspension often means a stiff and bumpy ride. A steel tray on your ute will compensate thanks to its increased weight, leading to a smoother ride. 
Comparisons have shown that steel is generally four times stronger and three times stiffer than aluminium. These properties are due to more carbon being present, increasing the metal’s tensile strength & durability. 
Therefore, steel trays are often the standout choice for transporting items in rougher conditions due to their strength and hardness.  
However, heavy-duty aluminium trays can still be considered, as they technically have a higher strength-to-weight ratio making them more than adequate when choosing a ute for rent. 
In general, though, tradies looking to move around heavier items that can bump into each other should investigate steel trays first, given that they are far less likely to be dented or marked. 
The other main advantage of aluminium over steel is that it is naturally corrosion resistant. The high bauxite content makes it non-ferrous & rust-free as opposed to steel which contains iron and carbon. 
Corrosion resistance is critical for vehicles, reducing maintenance costs, especially if you’re someone working along the coast where exposure to sea air and saltwater is high.
On the other hand, unsealed mild steel will start to show rust almost immediately when outdoors. This means steel trays often need a layer of treatment such as powder coating or paint to help prevent damage which adds another consideration to maintaining the ute. Fortunately, the steel used to make ute trays is often quite thick, reducing the chances of rust affecting the structural integrity. 
There are several pros and cons to using aluminium or steel ute trays. Ultimately, where and what you need the vehicle for is the deciding factor. Aluminium trays are perfect for those looking to increase vehicle weight whereas steel trays handle better in harsh environments. 
TradieSpec is a trusted ute hire company in Sydney that provides vehicles with heavy-duty trays & specifications tailored to your needs.  
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tradiespec · 2 years
How Tradies Have Been Affected By Supply Shortages
Tradies are currently facing issues all around the industry, from getting new workers and vehicles, to supply chain shortages and increasing fuel prices. As a result, many small businesses are struggling to balance the number of projects coming in with the lack of materials and manpower. Fortunately, for those looking to get their trade business on the road, ute hire companies such as TradieSpec offer reliable alternatives to help transport workers while balancing their budget.
Global industries are still struggling to cope with the impact that the pandemic and general instabilities have had on the supply chain. In particular, the supply chain disruptions and lack of automobile parts have continued to negatively affect the car making industry. Shortages in microprocessors and chips have made it harder for new vehicles to be made, increasing their price and the time taken to deliver them to dealers.
Moreover, a material shortage has led to many tradie businesses, especially construction workers, being unable to complete their jobs. This has had a massive strain on budgets due to overhead costs; Timber products are expected to run out in Australia in a few weeks unless alternative sources are found.
Global instabilities and sanctions have resulted in spiking fuel prices. Furthermore, the reopening of borders in certain countries has meant air travel resuming, increasing fuel scarcity for road vehicles. If you need to travel long distances or regularly between jobs, this is a particularly pressing issue. Despite a fuel excise, prices are still predicted to rise above $2/Litre for both petrol and diesel utes. Of course, while a diesel tradie ute may have better fuel efficiency, this is unlikely to offset the increased travel that workers are now finding themselves doing because of labour shortages.
The pandemic has had a sweeping impact on the Australian workforce. With changes to worksite health policies, the lack of overseas workers and the general infection rates amongst workers, it comes as no surprise that tradies are one of the largest groups that have been affected by labour shortages. This has led to significant delays in projects, especially when compounded by the supply shortages which have left the remaining workers overworked and pressured. A lack of labour has also led to an influx of underutilised vehicles, adding an unnecessary cost for many small businesses.
With all these factors, it’s clear that tradies, especially those running their own small business, need some relief from this pressure.
TradieSpec is a ute hire company in Sydney that is well-equipped to meet the needs of this group of workers. Companies such as TradieSpec are reliable sources of vehicles for tradies on a budget, providing vehicles that have all the specifications required for a trade worker, whether you’re in construction, plumbing or electrical repair.
Among the services offered, FlexiRent utes are the perfect choice for tradies currently. Flexible contracts with registration, insurance and maintenance included offer freedom for businesses looking to navigate the issues that are currently plaguing the industry. Moreover, with new ute prices still high, Rent-to-own utes are the ideal alternative to buying a vehicle outright, with no credit checks and easy payments to help manage other aspects of your business. Single-cab & dual-cab utes are options with petrol and diesel engines provided respectively.
Contact TradieSpec today to choose the ute hire option that works best for your business.
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tradiespec · 2 years
Tips To Consider When Choosing a Ute Toolbox
Trying to keep all your work essentials neatly organised and accessible always seems like a hassle, no matter how many years you’ve been in the industry. Fortunately, ute toolboxes have proven to be a reliable solution, keeping your essentials from sliding around in the back tray and securely tucked away when you’re clocking off for the day. Lockable toolboxes mounted onto the ute tray provide numerous benefits to keeping your day-to-day work moving smoothly. If you’re in the process of hiring a ute, here are some of the most important points to consider when adding toolboxes.
Types of Toolboxes
Ute toolboxes usually come in two main styles: Cross boxes (also known as saddle boxes) and chests.
Cross boxes – These are the most traditional forms of toolboxes. They span from one side of the ute to the other, floating above the tray and providing space underneath to place more items.
Chests – These toolboxes are sat on the floor of the ute tray, offering more space for tools but taking up room in the tray itself. They also come in simpler designs and are easier to install, bolting down to the floor.
As a tradie, the tools & other accessories that you own are the most valuable possessions for your business.
Replacing lost or stolen tools can affect your budget and delay the work that needs to be completed, creating further issues. Thankfully, ute hire companies such as TradieSpec offer heavy-duty lockable toolboxes to give you peace of mind when leaving work essentials unattended.
Weather Protection
Many ute toolboxes are usually designed for weather resistance, featuring seals to prevent rain, sand and other elements from entering and damaging the contents. However, the material used to make the actual toolboxes plays an important role in overall weather protection. Steel boxes are well-renowned for their strength & durability. However, if your work constantly takes you near coastal areas, rust and corrosion can become a pressing issue once the paint wears out. On the other hand, Aluminium toolboxes are rust-resistant and are much lighter, making them easier to move when the entire tray space is needed.
Extra Storage Spaces
Ute toolboxes are well-designed to meet the needs of tradies, usually featuring extra elements to make storage and organisation of tools more efficient. These include shelves, drawers, trays and more to keep accessories organised and prevent them from moving around while driving. This also means less time is spent before work searching for the tools that may have shifted around.
Replacement Vehicles
One of the most common reasons for hiring a ute is usually related to needing an accident replacement vehicle. If this resonates with you, chances are your original vehicle also probably had a place where you stored all your essentials. When considering a replacement vehicle, the correct specifications are crucial to getting your trade business back on the road. These features can include ladder racks, tow bars and toolboxes. Having a safe storage space for your possessions can also alleviate the pressure from waiting for your work vehicle repairs. TradieSpec provides accident replacement vehicles that come fully fitted to keep expensive tools safe.
Toolboxes are an important accessory for utes that have multiple benefits when it comes to getting trade businesses on the road. Aside from storage solutions, toolboxes provide a degree of protection for your valuable possessions, ensuring that your work continues uninterrupted.
Contact TradieSpec today for flexible rental options equipped with specifications suited to your business.
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