tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
moved blogs, same url: tragedyloved
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
K gonna be bouncing between here, @astranovus /anakin & the oc multi @edeioninkina pick ur poison if ur into that
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
comfort starters
“  i’ve got you. it’s okay.  ” “  stay the night with me?  ” “  i’m here. and i’m not going anywhere.  ” “  shh, it’s okay. i’m here now.  ” “  talk to me.  ” “  i wish i knew how to talk about it, but every time i try i just— the words won’t come out.  ” “  i’m afraid if i start crying, i just won’t stop.  ” “  i don’t wanna be alone tonight.  ” “  you don’t have to say anything.  ” “  do you want me to stay with you?  ” “  we’re okay— everything is gonna be okay.  ” “  it’s over now.  ” “  it’s okay if you need to cry. it’s just me. let it out.  ” “  i don’t wanna have to do that ever again.  ” “  i’m so fucking scared.  ” “  i won’t let you go through anything like that again.  ” “  you don’t have to deal with this alone.  ” “  i just need to feel something.  ” “  i don’t wanna talk about it. i don’t. i just need to forget.  ” “  whatever you need, i’m here.  ” “  please, just tell me what you need.  ” “  lay back down, you need to rest.  ” “  here, i made you some tea.  ”  “  drink this, it’ll help you relax.  ” “  let’s go for a walk. sitting here all cooped up will only make it worse.  ”  “  i can’t breathe. i can’t—  ” “  just breathe. breathe with me.  ” “  look at me. hey— i’m right here. you’re not alone.  ” ”  i feel so sick.  ” ”  i’m just so fucking tired.  ” “  what can i do?  ”  “  i need you.  ” “  i’ll always be here when you need me.  ” “  i was so worried— i thought i’d lose you.  ” “  i’m really worried about you.  ” “  actually i’m…i’m really not okay.  ” “  i keep telling everyone everything is fine and each time someone else asks i get closer to just. breaking.  ” “  you’re not fine. and you don’t have to pretend that you are with me.  ” “  everything hurts and i want it to stop.  ” “  i know it hurts now. but it gets better. with time. the pain gets a little less until it’s more of an ache rather than some big overwhelming lump in your throat.  ” “  just tell me it’s gonna get better.  ” “  i heard you crying— what’s wrong?  ” “  everyone keeps asking how i’m doing but— you’re the only person i really feel like i can talk to.  ” “  i can’t promise you it’ll get better. but i can promise you i’ll be here with you.  ” “  i just needed to see you.  ” “  i just need to know you’re okay.  ” “  get some rest, i’ll be here the whole time.  ” “  i’m afraid to go to sleep.  ” “  i can’t stop seeing their faces every time i close my eyes.  ” “  i sleep better in your bed.  ” “  i won’t say sorry because that just, falls flat. but if i could change it. i would.  ”   “  as long as i have you, i think i’ll be okay again.  ”
1. for our muses to cuddle after one of them has a nightmare 2. for one muse to invite the other to get under the covers with them 3. for one muse to come to the other in the middle of the night to crawl in bed with them 4. for one muse to hold the other while they cry 5. for our muses to spend the night together after a traumatic experience 6. for one muse to help the other clean blood off of themselves  7. for our muses to take a bath together to help one or both of them relax after something traumatic  8. for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep in tears  9. for our muses to have sex as a means of comforting each other  10. for one muse to make the other’s favorite meal to help them feel better 11. for one muse to wipe the other’s tears away 12. for one muse to gently take the other’s chin to get their point across while comforting them 13. for one muse to fall asleep on the other after breaking down 14. for one muse to carry the other to bed and stay with them  15. for one muse to confess something traumatic to the other  16. for one muse to make the other finally open up about something  17. for one muse to stay the night with the other to keep them from hurting themselves  18. for one muse to take care of the other who is drunk  19. for our muses to drink together after a shared traumatic experience 20. for one muse to confess their love for the other after experiencing something traumatic
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
quotes from Radiant Souls by Lenee H.  “  you’ll see there is one thing they’re scared of and it’s love   ” “  i don’t need to be a hero,  but perhaps i’ll learn to be heroic  ”  “  maybe, all we are is broken  ” “  my body longs to touch yours,  the same way your soul has touched mine  ” “  let me fix you,  so you can heal me  ” “ you shoulders were not meant to bear such overwhelming weights  ” “  your bones were never meant to nearly crack with crushing burdens  ” “  your heart was never meant to bleed for anyone other than yourself  ” “  i could spend forever in their arms  ” “  i love you because you are as broken as i  ” “  we are two tragedies,  stories that are destined to end apart  ” “  he sought to destroy her simply because she was not pliable to his hands  ” “  i wish you to know you are my world and my every dream  ” “  i knew you were the one for me, not from a rush of emotion in your presence, but from the overwhelming ache brought by your absence  ” “  be gentle with this heart, for it is the only one i have  ” “  let me be consumed by pain or pleasure, let me feel again  ” “  you were not brought into this world just to minimize your presence in it  ” “  i have not yet found the solution to break this spell you have cast upon me  ” “  this silence which lies between us is an overwhelming suffocation  ” “  not a drop of water on their skin and yet they are drowning  ” “  she was not made of fragile things  ” “  when will it be enough?  ” “  you are like a burst of light in a shadowed room  ” “  warriors are not born they are made, and so are broken souls  ” “  all that is left of us will be memories  ” “  the greatest thing i could create is whatever our fingers make together  ” “  there is a loneliness rooted in my soul  ” “  all i wish is to memorize your skin  ” “  what they did to you, is not you  ” “  i knew they were not good for me and i knew i was not a fit for them and maybe that is why we wanted each other a little too much  ” “  lift your hands and touch my heart, maybe you can make it start  ” “  let me fill the pages of your book with nothing but happy endings  ” “  falling is the easy part  ” “  i think i simply am too hard to love  ” “  i think the blood flow in my veins is filled with traces of you.  i wonder if i cut open this skin, will a piece of you pour out?  ” “  i wish their eyes did not hold so much sadness i cannot touch  ” “  i am in a state of unbecoming  ” “  i am a temple with a forsaken religion  ” “  i think of you when the sun sets, i long for you when the sun rises  ” “  i can’t grow if i try to keep my flowers hidden in the shadows  ” “  curl up beside me and breathe deep, i’ll keep the nightmares away, love  ” “  i’ll keep you warm until the sun returns  ” “  the universe whispered for me to let go  ” “  loving you is a like a bruise  ” “  the stars do not tell you where to go, only how to get there ” “  who were you before the world laid the shadow of grief at your feet?  ”  “  darling, i hope you know the tide would reverse before i could ever dream of giving up on you  ” “  how long must i wait for a hand to touch me, without leaving more scars in its wake  ” “  i will not wait for a sign to tell myself i can grow  ” “  every time a thought of you comes drifting along to me, i wonder if a remembrance of myself comes floating to you  ” “ so many will come to you for life, willing to draw upon that warmth in your soul. they will glean from your generosity until you are cold  ” “  do not let others take the chains which you have already melted, and try to reshape them into bindings to trap you within their hold again  ” “  tell me what you dream of  ” “ tell me what you dream of, for all that ever fills my mind is her/him/them  ” “  i am alive and some days i think that must be enough for me  ” “
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
Terry muse is awake hmmmmmm
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
Connor is adorable tho and I see why he's the Fave. Personally, kara is my fave but Connor is close second. I haven't finished yet but I'm still questioning why I've seen this listed on 'bad fiction' lists.
Aside from the ridiculousness of some of the plot lines it's a pretty good game. ... well, save for some occasionally wonky movement. Like getting pushed by Hank bc you cant stand next to one another.
... detroit bh has sections I really like and most of them are kara & connor which is really too bad bc I like markus a lot 8I
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
... detroit bh has sections I really like and most of them are kara & connor which is really too bad bc I like markus a lot 8I
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
“Everyone else isn’t being actively hunted by the Empire the way you are,” she pointed out. “The risk for myself, and Han, and the rest of the Rebellion is … what we’re used to,” she said. Luke’s death would be a hit to morale, she already knew that. He was not only the hero that destroyed the Death Star, but the last hope of the Jedi. They couldn’t loose him. She couldn’t loose him.
“What are the chances they’ll recognize you?” she repeated back, lifting both eyebrows. “Luke they’re making holos about you. You’re already the galaxy’s most famous hero, I think the chances that they’ll recognize you are pretty good!” she protested.
“You really don’t care if you’re just throwing yourself into danger do you?”
           “What? No, that’s not it,” Luke said. “I just...”
    Maybe at one point the idea of danger had been exciting. It had been enticing, like the holodramas his aunt would watch, or the stories the pilots told at Tosche station. Luke had dreamed of the excitement because there was none of that on Tatooine. Tatooine was a stagnant place where time didn’t exist and everything stood still. Sometimes, he almost missed it. He almost missed it whenever he was reminded of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru’s steaming corpses, or the sound of Biggs’ death scream as his x-wing exploded.
    He didn’t want to lose anyone else.
            “You don’t think I get it? But I can’t just sit around doing nothing, Leia.” He looked away. “I guess I’ll just wait around until everyone forgets I exist again, is that right?” 
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
        Injured, drugged and most likely dehydrated. Natasha needed to get him out of here now, needed to get some nutrients in him. An IV drip, preferably, on top of solid food.
        Luckily, despite the visible confusion, the slow thinking, Trevor’s memory seemed more or less intact, had remained aware during her absence enough not to drop the necklace, had remembered it without prompting.
        “Thank you. Nice work”, she replied, taking it back with a squeeze to his hand before clasping it back on. With her hands freed, Natasha carefully eased the back of his shirt over his head, so she could then slide it down his arms, all of it requiring very little movement from him. The reverse process was applied to slide his stunt double’s shirt on, stinking of sweat, vomit and blood – stiff with all of those contents, too.
        “You’ll be out of here in a minute”, she promised, returning to the stretcher and dragging the cadaver off of it. Now, getting him onto the stretcher without inflicting severe pain was impossible – the best she could hope for was not doing permanent damage to his leg, and without drawing attention to themselves, even if howling around these parts was expected. They couldn’t risk someone coming in and hoping to have fun as well.
        “Here.” Natasha pulled the belt off of her uniform, folded it in half and offered it to Trevor, in a makeshift mouth-guard. “I’m going to put you on the stretcher, and then I need you to roll on your front while I set up that other guy to replace you. Bite this if you need to, but don’t scream.”
        What she was doing would have been obvious if Steve was more lucid, but he was still a little confused when she removed his shirt. He was glad he didn’t have to move much. This was all a little too much for his addled state. He felt himself slipping, even as he tried to maintain concentration. It clicked when she dragged the dead body from the stretcher. Steve stared warily at the dead man, then turned his gaze back on Natasha. 
       Confusion drew over his face again as she offered him the belt. The look quickly turned into a grimace as she explained. Right. Steve took the belt. He glanced at the stretcher, back at Romanoff, and nodded without a word. He wouldn’t scream. He remembered holding out for his captors, he could hold off the theatrics for his rescuer.
      It turned out to be a little harder than expected. The fresh wave of pain knocked him off guard. He almost pulled away from her. It had dulled to an ache after sitting in that position for so long. The movement wasn’t well received. Natasha was as careful as she could be. Steve felt as if he could bite through the belt. He was acutely aware of the wetness on his face as he drew the belt from between his teeth. He breathed hard through his nose, panting heavily as he settled on the stretcher as she had directed. 
      The pain sobered him a little, made his head somewhat clearer. Like splashing cold water on a drunk in winter. Still unsteady, still hazy, but less confused, more alert. It took a moment for him to calm down and his pulse to stop its rapid beat. In its place was the near-taste of relief. She would get him out of here.
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tragedyloved-arc · 4 years
Send 📖+ an AU scenario to get a glance at what my muse would be like in that universe
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