tragiccxmedy · 3 years
Annoying. Annoying. Why did Sasara have to be better at something than him? He was supposed to be so good at everything he did, it’d have adults groveling at his feet as they wondered just how he managed to get so fucking awesome in such a short amount of time. He wasn’t supposed to lose, not to something as big as the DRB, and not to something so small as grass whistle-making.
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…but he really couldn’t deny that Sasara had some kind of grass-mastery that he didn’t have.
Coming in and crashing his spot without grass-king, showing off like he mow-ned the place?! Grasshole.
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“Look, old man, whadd’you want from me? I dunno where any of your pals are, so don’t start askin’.” Jiro was pointedly upping the aggression in his voice to wave Sasara’s attention away from his very real attempt to imitate what Sasara had done with the grass. He didn’t want to acknowledge he was doing what he was told, especially from the clown who crashed his party. “N’ don’t start thinkin’ you can come here when you want. This is my spot, dickhead.”
Old man?! He was only 26!  But he’d let that slide for now. Jiro was doing what Sasara had suggested, and it made Sasara a little smug, and maybe a little proud, too. “Don’t worry, I’ve already met up with Rosho~” he assured.  “You won’t share with me?” he asked, putting on a fake pout. “Even after I showed you my grass whistle trick! I’m hurt.” He put a hand to his chest and fell backwards.  Even if Jiro didn’t like him very much, it was nice to talk to someone from his own world. He knew they had at least similar backgrounds in terms of history, at the very least.
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
Sasara paused mid-step at the mention of his name. He wasn’t all that big here (yet) so someone recognizing him carried the novelty it used to. He spun to face the kid who’d called out to him.  “Yup, that’s me! What can I do for ya?” he asked, putting a hand on his hip and flicking open his fan with the other. He put it up and covered his mouth with it. “Autograph, picture, handshake? Or maybe you want me to tell you a joke, hm? Alright, alright, did ya hear about- wait, hey, do you smell updog?” He tipped his nose up into the air and sniffed, keeping a straight face.
@tragiccxmedy // starter !
Sasara Nurude.
Yotsutsuji recognized the man as soon as he entered his field of view. The comedian looked different than what he remembered, certainly, but that seemed to be a trend here with people from his world, and he wasn’t quite sure why. Someone was bound to tell him eventually, or maybe they had all been in this world for longer than he realized. 
He had never spoken to Sasara before - he had planned on it once, but was quickly sidetracked - but he did his research on Mad Comic Dialogue…both before and after they teamed up with the Naughty Busters. 
Mad Comic Dialogue was Samatoki’s - and Ichiro’s, technically speaking - former group before joining with the Dirty Dawg. He was familiar with both of them - and Samatoki’s sister, Nemu, who often hung out with the former members of Mad Comic Dialogue - but he had never gotten to know Sasara and Kuko.
Things…happened. Suddenly, and without an explanation. Sasara went back to his comedy career and Kuko…well, he thinks Kuko went back to Nagoya, but he wasn’t sure. He had never had the kind of information on Kuko that he had on Sasara. It was strange that it happened so specifically after Ramuda ( or, another Ramuda ) had took out the people they were supposed to battle.
Maybe he’d have an opportunity to ask why Mad Comic Dialogue split up now.
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“Pardon me, but…you’re Nurude-san yes? The comedian?” 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
He wants to be known.  More than anything, Sasara wants people to know who he is. He wants people to talk about him when he’s not there, wants people to see things and associate them with him. So he’s loud and funny and desperate. On the stage with all the lights they can’t see the way sweat beads on the back of his neck, thinking notice me, notice me, notice me.  Comedy is the only thing people look at him for. They’ll use him for a laugh and then move on. As a child, his parents only spared him a glance amidst their fighting when he cracked a joke. In school, other children only remembered he existed when the teacher scolded him for his foolishness. He was only ever allowed onto a stage when he was smiling and laughing.  He’s had so many shallow relationships. Like cracks in glass that don’t penetrate all the way through, they spiderweb out. No one joins him for drinks and no one thinks to invite him. He’s alone with so many people around him. He wants someone to take his hand and hold it, tell him I see you there. I know you. Instead, everyone brushes his skin and forgets about it a moment later.  The worst part is, he falls for it every time. He thinks, with every passing conversation, is this the person who will remember me? It never is. No one wants to know him. They have their own people to care and worry over and remember. They don’t have time for a clown like him, someone who appears as if they are entirely what they seem on the surface. No depth. He’s a smile and a laugh and a joke machine without feelings of his own. A broken record of shitty puns and laugh at me on repeat.  Even the people he’s close to, he wonders if they ever think of him. Is he in their mind when he’s not forcing himself there? Do they ever pause for a moment and wonder what he’s doing? If he’d like a certain article of clothing, or the taste of a meal they’re having? He doubts it. It’s why he’s so annoying all the time. He’s so scared of being forgotten. But if he’s there, in the moment, he can make them look at him, make himself be heard. Even if he’s hated or laughed at, at least he’s on their mind. 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
@rvnthiscity | Starter Sasara was making his way to the shops, trying to decide what he wanted to eat. Some ramen sounded good right now. He wondered if anywhere around here sold any?  He was keeping an eye out when he spotted something completely different from what he was looking for. Though, this was much better than ramen. Or worse, depending.  “Ichirooo!” he called, waving a hand above his head to catch the teen. He trotted over and thumped Ichiro on the back with a big grin. “Fancy meeting you here!” Well, that was two out of the three Buster Bros he’d met here so far. Provided Rei wasn’t here, too, then the DRB should either tie or result in their favor. 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
Rosho rolled his eyes at Sasara’s word play, opting to not comment on it, lest he give the man a reason to make more terrible puns. But even still, he smiled. Sasara’s horrid jokes were something a comfort in this unfamiliar world. Not that he’d say that out loud.
Only a moment later though he was rolling his eyes again, this time at Sasara’s suggestion.
“No,” he stated bluntly. “You’re free to continue on the stage if you want, but those days are in the past for me. I’m happy to just support you from here on out.”
“But, I do agree that it does seem as if we’ve just been relocated… The question then is for what reason? There’s got to be some… some meaning behind this, right? I mean, doesn’t this sort of thing happen in books and manga? Isn’t there usually some kind of destiny set out for the hero who’s been whisked off to some world…?”
He let out a small sigh. “But I don’t think either of us really qualifies as some kind of hero… and if it were that sort of story, there wouldn’t be nearly so many people ending up here…”
Well, it had been a long shot, anyway. Rosho had expressed that he didn’t want to join him where they came from- he hadn’t really expected anything different here. But a guy could hope.  “Does there have to be meaning behind it?” Sasara asked, leaning back against the couch again and looking up at the ceiling. “Sometimes things just happen. Or maybe someone did this to us, like Chuuoku or another division trying to get rid of the competition.” He raised a shoulder in a shrug.  “Besides, being a hero doesn’t suit me. I prefer making people smile to saving the world.” He looked over at his partner, smile tipping up the corners of his lips. “You’re an exception, of course. I’ll be your hero any time you need me.” 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
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Why is he, like, so comfortable with that lead pipe? Somehow, him mentioning he’s been in plenty of fights while spinning that around doesn’t comfort her a whole ton, but she ultimately decides not to mention it. “…Right. Uh, we can do that, then. More than happy to let you fight the fucky little robots.”
Syd scratches her head and turns to the terminal to accept the quest for the two of them. “Here we go…” And the quest… begins! Seeing as they’re starting in the Fibbonaci ward, they’re gonna have to book it over to Cotes or Archimedes. It’s not actually much of a choice, because Sydney doesn’t know her way around the island, but her gut tells her to go left- towards Cotes!  “Uh, this way? C’mon, I think we’re supposed to go fast.”
Rarely does she actually care about this kind of thing, but she also knows she’s gonna be pissed if one of those weird drones tells her she failed. So, she picks up a quick jog in place, then starts lightly running in the aforementioned direction. “Let’s go!” She calls out. This is one hell of a way to wake up…
Sasara grinned widely as Syd took off. She was more into this than he’d thought she’d be at first. He’d figured she’d warm up to it, eventually get into it and start having fun, but he was glad to see it was faster than he thought.  He followed after her, keeping up surprisingly well. He was a good runner, even if people didn’t think he would be at first glance. He had to be back when he was a yakuza, and he tended to walk to various work locations rather than drive. With his habits and the odd person recognizing him on the street and asking for autographs, sometimes that lead to a little bit of sprinting through downtown Osaka to make it on time.  “So, the goal of this one is speed and stealth,” he mused, holding his lead pipe loosely. He suddenly grabbed Syd’s arm and pulled her into an alley behind him. He put a finger to his lips in a stay quiet gesture.  He peeked around the corner, holding his breath as he watched an Ofiuclone approach their hiding spot. 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
a slightly altered timeline.   send me  ‘ timeline ’  and a number and i will tell you how my muse and their life would have turned out in a life slightly altered compared to their canon one—same universe, but where something little, or something big, went differently.
the timeline in which they live an ideal life, had no opportunities taken from them, were subjected to nothing terrible, where they grew up to fulfil their full potential.
the timeline in which they never met who would become the most influential or important person in their life, or that person was taken from them before they were capable of forming memories.
the timeline in which something important to them happened in a different stage of life.
the timeline in which they knew beforehand of something they would have prevented if given the chance.
the timeline in which they continue on from the current point in their lives to the best happy ending that is within their reach, where nothing that has happened so far is negated but from now on, the happy things start piling up.
the timeline in which everything that could go wrong from this point on… does.
the timeline in which they never experience the loss that taught them something important.
the timeline in which they gain everything they want, except for the thing they wanted the most.
the timeline in which they live the life they currently see the most likely for them.
the timeline in which something big to them never happened.
the timeline in which something very little happened differently, but it changed a lot.
the timeline in which they had a person in their life when they needed one the most.
the timeline in which instead of the most influential person in their life, they had a person who had the complete opposite effect on them.
the timeline in which they took a chance they didn’t in canon.
the timeline in which they let a chance go by.
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
My April Fool’s joke was that there was no joke~
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
  In contrast to Sasara’s weird, gaudy suit, Syd opts for her usual fashion sense of a t shirt and a jacket that practically swallows her with how big it is. If she wasn’t so tired, she’d make a joke making fun of the suit, but for now she’ll just let him drag her along out of the house. She’s plenty grouchy, but at the same time… hey, at least someone wants to drag her along to do stuff.   Arriving at the terminal, she leans forward a little and squints at the different quests on the list. “…Man, I’ve never done ‘quests’ and stuff. It feels like we’re in some dweeby video game.” Sydney thinks for a minute as she scrolls through the list.
   “Uh, how about this one? This. The Traveling Salesmuse Problem. Doesn’t look too hard. Just gotta run places and… fight off Ofiuclones…?” She frowns and glances up at Sasara. 
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 “…Maybe not. I’ve never been in a fight before, uhm, have you?” Sure, she’s broken shit and yelled at people, but she’s never really, like, fought anything, let alone whatever those things in the sky were. “What do you think?”
Sasara just laughs at ‘dweeby video game’. He can’t say he’s ever actually heard someone use the word dweeby before, and it was kind of funny in context.  He rejoined Syd at the terminal read over the quest for himself before nodding. “I have,” he answered, still just smiling. “Plenty of times! But it seems like the goal is just to get from point A to point B- we can probably pull that off without fighting.” He spun the lead pipe in his hands, getting used to its heft and weight. Yeah, this would do fine. He’d killed a man with less before.  “If you wanna go with that one, I’m all for it~ Just stay behind me if we get into trouble, okay?” 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
At that, she makes her face and sticks out her tongue. “Gross, I’m not gonna go out of my way to do school if I’m getting out of it. But, yeah, I’m 17. I was totally failing math before I dropped in here.” You know what, annoying amount of free time aside, she just realized how freeing not having to go to school was. Her expression lightens up just a little. “Never had a job before, but work always sounds like it sucks. What’s your job?”
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Pick up a new hobby… “Huh. Well, uh, I did play soccer with this one girl a little bit ago. Maybe I could pick that up, I’ve always wanted to play it and stuff. I dunno if there’s a lot of soccer teams around here, but that could be fun.” The more she talks… huh, the urge to crack someone’s skull is slowly going away. Maybe, just maybe, this won’t totally suck. “I could START a soccer team.”
Sasara just laughs at her comment. Yeah, he wouldn’t have either, honestly, if it hadn’t been a way to get out of his house. Even then he often skipped with some guys who happened to invite him on a whim. He wasn’t the posterboy for perfect behavior, though.  “School’s important,” he said instead, even if he was being hypocritical. He wasn’t going to force it, though- he’d just leave it at that.  “Soccer’s fun,” he agreed, grinning. “Was never really athletic myself, but you should give it a try!” He always encouraged young people to try new things, especially if they were social. Developing friends was important at that age, even if they didn’t last. He’d had a great number of superficial friends- he hoped the girl in front of him could develop deeper relationships than he could in high school. No, it wasn’t until college that he’d developed a relationship he actually wanted to develop. But it never hurt to have friends! Even if they were just superficial, waiting to be used down the line. 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
 Sometimes, you’re just so tired that you end up sleeping through a blaring announcement on your phone at… midnight. For some reason, though, Sydney couldn’t sleep through her roommate knocking on her door, and clumsily fell out of bed as she got up. What a pain…  “What is it..? I don’t have school anymore, lemme sleep in…” She groaned, groggily opening the door. “Announcement.. wh?” Syd blinked a few times and shuffled back to her bed to look at her phone.
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 “…” Her phone was tossed aside, and she flopped back onto the bed with another loud groan. For a moment, it seemed like she might just tell him to bug off, but- “Mmmmrfh. Fine. Get out so I can get dressed, I’ll tag along.” She still wasn’t totally sure about quests or whatever the hell was going on, but, as always, it’s not like she has anything better to do.
Sasara clapped his hands once, pleased with the response as he exited. He waited for Syd to get dressed, checking over his own attire- gaudy and absolutely laughable, as he preferred. When Syd emerged for her bedroom, he ruffled her hair.  “Alright! Let’s get a move on, then!” he said, hooking his arm through hers and half-dragging her out the door.  He made sure they reached their destination without trouble, giving the robots quite a distance as they walked past. He really didn’t want any run-ins with them, especially not before they started their quest.  “Which one looks fun to you?” he asked, gesturing at the terminal. He eyed a crate of weapons nearby. He’d pick one up after Syd chose a mission, but he had his eye on a few in particular. One was a lead pipe- a classic that he knew how to wield well. 
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
@explosyd || EVENT starter “Syd~” Sasara called, knocking on the door to her bedroom. He’d heard the announcement a little bit ago, and he figured what better opportunity to bond with his new daughter roommate? It seemed like the kind of thing she’d be into.  “Do you want to go check out what that announcement was talking about?” he asked, bright smile on his face. She might not appreciate an adult chaperone, but Sasara wasn’t about to let a kid do this on their own. Rosho would probably kill him if he did, anyway. “It could be fun!”  It wasn’t like Sasara was totally helpless if it came to a dangerous situation, either. Best case scenario they avoid trouble, but Sasara did have a past with the yakuza. He could keep her safe. 
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
 Oh, good lord. Lusyd dreaming? Something tells her this guy doesn’t have any shortage of these jokes. Man, he reminds her of Stanley, but like, a taller version. It’s so… dorky. She gives him yet another eye roll and curls up further on the couch. 
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 “I actually don’t sleep a lot,” Sydney says dryly. Kinda true, it’s a little hit or miss sometimes. She felt bad for being so… unfriendly, but it’s been a weird time here. “Uhm, yeah. Well, have fun… going out to dreamland and stuff. I’m not totally sure what I’m gonna do around here.” She took a long, slow bite of peanut butter. “Like, I don’t have… school anymore. That’s way more time than I’ve ever had. What do you old people even do with that much time?”
Sasara put a hand to his chin, as if contemplating it. “Work,” he said decisively. A large majority of his time was spent working, whether it actually be performing, or rehearsing, or going to meetings, or making connections, or a whole slew of other things.  “You’re a student, though?” he asked, tilting his head. “My best friend’s a teacher! If you ever need help with math, he’s the guy to go to.” He smiled fondly at the thought of Rosho. “Though, I guess you wouldn’t, since there’s no school here! Maybe he can give you some lessons?” He cleared his throat and changed it to mimic the way Rosho spoke to say, “studying is important, you know!” then laughed to himself about it.  “Maybe you could pick up a new hobby,” he suggested. 
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
 Oh, a roommate. That certainly makes more sense than a home intruder. Syd stares for a moment, slowly taking a bite of the peanut butter. Sasara Nu-rude, huh? That was… definitely a joke. Not a good one, but it was a joke. Rolling her eyes, she shifts the peanut butter jar to one hand and uses the other to cautiously shake the man’s hand.
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 “Right. I’m Sydney. Uhm. Nice to meet you, I guess.” She takes another bite of peanut butter, then takes a seat on the couch, avoiding his eyes. Sorry about that, Sasara, she’s shy. “You can call me Syd.”   Roommate wise, she’s only ever lived with her family. The situation with people you aren’t related to/don’t know is probably much much different… but despite her nervousness towards the man, she figures it’s still nice to try and take care of things around the house when you’re living with people. (If she lived on her own, the house would probably end up unkept very soon.) “Sorry about, like, just creeping around and stuff. So… I can worry about the chores around here if you want. I’m probably just gonna be around here anyways.”
An eye roll was about what Sasara was used to in response to his jokes, though usually it was accompanied by a slap to his shoulder. Either way, he just laughed it off. Though mentally he made a note to himself that he’d get this girl to laugh eventually.
“Syd, huh?” he asked, tone light and airy. “Do you do a lot of lusyd dreaming, then?~” He once again laughed at his own joke before coming to sit in an armchair so they could keep talking. “Honestly, this all feels like one big, lucid dream. But as far as I can tell, it’s real!” He pinched himself on the cheek for emphasis and gave an exaggerated wince.  “Sure, but don’t worry too hard about it~ We can just take it as it comes. I’m probably going to be out a lot.” He planned on getting his career restarted, after all. 
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
“Faeries?” Rosho frowned, giving Sasara a befuddled look. “You’re thinking of changelings, maybe? But either way, I really doubt that’s the case, as I’m fairly certain there’s no such thing as faeries where we’re from.”
As for if there’s such a thing as faeries in other worlds though, Rosho wasn’t sure anymore. After meeting people from worlds entirely unlike his own, Rosho couldn’t be sure of much, really. So he supposed it really could be the work of some magic creature, if travelling between worlds was possible.
“And yeah, I woke up by that pit… There were other people there, too, but it seems like there’s also people who have lived here longer. It’s hard to say… I haven’t been here much longer than you, I think, so I haven’t really had the chance to learn about much…”
“Changelings!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Not that he actually believed it was changelings. He grinned. “Even if it’s not changelings, it’s a pretty big change, though.”  “So we woke up next to the pit, with others. And we know the information that was in the pamphlets.” His eyes narrowed as he thought, his smile giving way to a more pensive expression. “I don’t think they mean to hurt us. Other than the threat to not leave the city, they’ve given us accommodations and some money. It almost seems like we’ve been... relocated. Like we should work on starting over.”  He turned to Rosho. “So! If we’re starting over, we should be a comedy duo again~! Dotsuitare Hompo 2! Double knock out!” He made a punching motion with his hands then cheered.  
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
Rosho spluttered indignantly at Sasara’s teasing, elbowing him lightly in the side. “I don’t sound like that! And I haven’t run into anyone suspicious, I promise.” At least, he didn’t think he had. His roommate for example had seemed like a perfectly fine young man. Rosho didn’t think he had anything to worry about.
Still, he couldn’t help the small, affectionate smile that turned the corners of his lips. That’s right. Sasara was here now. Whatever worries he might come across, at least now Sasara would be there to take them on with him.
“Ah…” As the other man’s expression shifted, so did Rosho’s, brow pinching into a thoughtful expression. “Well, you probably already know the basics… But I don’t really know a whole lot yet. I know this island is called Radiale, and there seems to be four different wards that comprise it, but as for where exactly this is and why we’re here, I… I don’t know. And I’ve yet to meet anyone who knows, either.”
Sasara let out a thoughtful hm. “Never heard of it,” he commented. The city wasn’t small, either, as far as he could tell. It seemed like something he should have heard of, at least in passing.  He stretched and leaned back, one arm landing on the couch’s back, behind Rosho, while the other settled against the armrest. “So everybody’s confused, huh? Did you wake up beside some big pit, too?” He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. This didn’t seem like a Chuuoku plot. As much as Sasara didn’t believe in magic, this seemed... pretty damn magical.  “Y’think we got switched with fairies? Like those, uh, what are they called...” He snapped his fingers, trying to think of the word. 
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tragiccxmedy · 4 years
Don’t specifically celebrate Valentine’s Day, huh...
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