train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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It’s the “Favorite Ship Dynamics” art meme!!! Except it’s… *drum roll*
Polyamory edition!! ✨💕✨💕 ✨💕 These are just some classic cute ones, but I really have a million ship things I like so \o/ maybe there will have to be a part two
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Guys you all should check out this search engine that plants trees!!
Its called Ecosia, and it works just like google. For every 30 seconds someone has ecosia is open, a tree is planted. Every 45 searches also gets a tree planted. I emailed the people who run Ecosia, and they really do plant trees.
Use ecosia and plant some trees!! Protect our planet and home!!
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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Juat a very normal scene of police erecting barricades so the rich can eat peacefully under a highway surrounded by the poor.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
i hate public bathrooms for all the obvious reasons but also because one time somebody in the next stall silently reached under and untied my shoe
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Humans and Aliens
So recently, I have been reading alot about the humans are weird tags and, I have had an idea or two with some scenarios. So some posts make humans out to be scary, with our adrenalin and eating habits, while some make us out to be small and kindly curious, taming dogs and hugging.
And I thought I could try one on religion.
Note: I do not claim all I say is true, I am non-religious and know nothing about any religion, this was merely an idea.
Now onwards!!
'Excuse me, human Kath?'
You turn around, and there one of the commanders of your ship is standing, Zorax. You get up slowly from the miniature grave for your recently fallen human companion. Suicide had taken them.
'What is it Zorax?' You try to give them a smile, but it's forced and the tears still fall.
'Human Kath, may I ask why human Jordan took their, took their life?' The words are hesitant, and you know why. You don't care right now.
'Jordan was religious, and had her beliefs proved false. She lost trust in everyone and everything. It's a slow process, but it isn't a pleasant one, never is.'
'Religious?' Zorax was confused, they had never heard about that one before.
'Yes, early on in humans exsistence, we had questions to many things, things we could not answer. Now I'm not saying what I know is solid, but it is what my companions have told me, and I trust their opinion. But the things humans couldn't answer, we made it to be made by 'god'. Whatever the current science couldn't explain, we said 'god' did it, and that was that. But over time, we did get answers to those questions, real answers, ones with proof, but we had become so attached to 'religion' that we couldn't let go. We were so dependent on this being that, we didn't know what to do without it. When finally forced to realize that those answers that 'god' had made weren't always reality, people, like Jordan, didn't know what to trust. We didn't know if we could trust anymore. Could we trust our 'god'? Could we trust that these things stated by the people were true? What if none of it was true?
'Jordan began to not trust what people were saying, what if they were lying? What if they pitied her for believing what now was false? What if they lied about it being false, what if none of it was true? Trusted words were thought of as lies, trusted people called liars. What could she trust now, if what she beilieved in all her life was now false? Meals were abandoned, what if they poisoned her? Reason was lost, what if we were tricking her? She couldn't trust her body, what if she wasn't actually hungry, thirsty, tired? What if none of it was real? Was Jordan even alive? Jordan turned to pain, if she could feel that, surely she was alive right? But what if she wasn't, what if she was dead? What did the pain mean then? So, Jordan decided, the only was she could tell what was true anymore, if she was even alive anymore, was to die. Because then, everything could be real, even if she really, truly did die, it was something Jordan was willing to take.'
Your voice was shaking, body was shaking too. You couldn't see, the teard wouldn't stop, dear god they kept going and coming just make it stop-
'So Jordan took the gun, shot herself. Because then, she could finally see what was true anymore.'
Zorax didn't know what to say.
So they didn't say anything.
And they turned around.
And left.
Human Information Log (always feel free to add to):
'August' 28, third quadrent of the trimester:
A human's 'religion' is a funny thing. Please never break it.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Shout out to the fans who think the Hero and the Villain would make a cute couple
You know who we are <3
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And we LOVE it.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
“But why do you ship a hero with the villain??! Its so problema-“
“For the angst Karen. I need some drama before they fuck. It aint that deep.“
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Prompt #696
“Marry me!”
The villain looked down at the thief, on their knees with a stolen ring in hand, and raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Tax evasion.”
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
One of the greatest disappointments in life is to find a great song you liked and then you checkout other songs by the same artist to find out that it was the only good song.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Diego in his room with a cowl and looking in the mirror, while Klaus walks by and stops at the door to peek at what’s happening inside
Diego: I am vengeance,
Klaus: *snickers*
Diego: I am the night,
Klaus: *giggles*
Diego: I am Batman!
Klaus: *full on laughing*
Diego: :O
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
arthur weasley looks in the mirror of erised
he sees himself. his reflection looks the same, but there is a knowing glint in his eye. he knows, arthur realises. he knows exactly the function of a rubber duck.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Society deems rape, spousal abuse, and genital mutilation as comedic topics, so long as the victims are males.
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
Six is scared of seven because seven eight nine, but seven ate nine only because you’re supposed to eat three squared meals a day
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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@i-am-a-fish you are!! so pretty/handsome!!!
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train-conductor-blog · 5 years
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This Sundowner horse trailer with NJ plate TNP41W was seen transporting a Black man in the back on I-84.
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