trainergf · 2 years
I was never super active on this blog, but if anyone sees this just wanted to let you know that I moved to @championwife :)
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trainergf · 4 years
Cynthia (Pt) with an s/o who works very hard, and struggles to relax? Thanks, I really love your work!
Thank you! I lowkey absolutely adore Cynthia since Diamond with the first pokemon game I ever played. Also this is before Lucas/Dawn beat her and became champion
Cynthia with an s/o who struggles to relax
Seeing as how she is the Sinnoh champion, she also has quite a bit on her plate and can find it hard to relax sometimes
That doesn’t stop this beautiful blonde from trying to get you to relax
Amity Square in Hearthome City is one of her favorite places to go to relax and she’ll take you there to enjoy some time around cute pokemon
If that’s not really your thing, she’ll just cuddle you and try to get you to relax at home so you feel more secure
If the reason you struggle to relax is work related, she’ll call your boss and ‘As the Sinnoh Champion, make the personal request that Y/N has a week off”
If it’s collage related, she’ll try to help you out as best she can
She’s not the best at writing so you can’t get too much help there but she is a god when it comes to math
If it’s just that you always feel like you have to be doing something, she’ll ask you to very small and mundane tasks to try and get you to relax
Like making the bed or feeding your guys’ pokemon
After you do those, she’ll ask you to cuddle her and watch a movie or two
She’ll make you tea/coffee and a small snack to eat while you sit back on the couch
If you offer to help, she’ll smile and tell you she’s got it
Cynthia can make some fucking bomb cookies
But if she has to, she’ll close the gym for a day or two just to make sure that you take proper care of yourself.
She loves you just as much as she loves her pokemon and that’s saying a hell of a lot
She’ll do anything to make sure you’re physically, mentally and emotionally alright
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trainergf · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Hizashi Yamada!
Some people have arbor ardor, but I’m much more of a city kitty ya dig?
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trainergf · 4 years
Attending to your f/o while they’re injured is a top tier fantasy….like cleaning their wounds???? Gently bandaging them up????? Chastising them for being so reckless to get hurt because you’re actually very concerned for them???? And then you have a tender moment where they promise to be more careful so they don’t worry you again?????? The vulnerability and intimacy of it all???????? GOOD shit
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trainergf · 4 years
Very Important selfship headcanon: neither me or cynthia can cook at all so we try to help each other but most of the time it ends up being a disaster so we end up ordering takeout
i headcanon she doesn't like cooking at all, and im bad at it but enjoy trying at least lol. so when we cook she's all grumpy and i'm like "noo be positive!! we can do this!!!" and then we can't but hey at least we have fun <:3
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trainergf · 4 years
Shout out to selfshipers who don't have the perfect white teeth. I don't have those. But my f/os love me anyway! ^-^
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trainergf · 4 years
i promise, even if you know nothing about them, even if you make them wildly ooc, if you send someone a letter or even a small note from their F/O it will absolutely make their day - no matter how “out of character” they are.
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trainergf · 4 years
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akaksjdjdjdj the turtleneck and suit and black gloves like hello??? MA'AM?????
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trainergf · 4 years
type preferences vs dynamics and why your f/o loves you!
i’ve been thinking this over a little, and it’s something i’ve seen people say now and again - “i’m not my f/o’s type, so they’d never spare me a glance.” i’m here to shatter that thought with a sledgehammer by introducing a much more nuanced way to look at relationships.
this post has been made before, in short, by someone else on this site - the basic concept that dynamics are more important than one’s “type” isn’t something i came up with entirely independently, nor is the phrasing of type versus dynamic. however, i don’t remember where to find the original post! if i come across it, i will be sure to link it here.
more information is, as always, under the cut!
Keep reading
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trainergf · 4 years
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welp finally writing down stuff about my main pkmn self-insert. this is probably my s/i that is closest to being “literally just me in the pkmn universe”. below info about her and a little bit abt how she meets cynthia 😳
Starts her journey in Johto with Totodile as official starter and a house pet Pichu named Chip
Travels through Johto collecting badges, defeats the league
After that she starts traveling to other regions to challenge their leagues as well, always using new pokemon, similar to how Ash does it in the anime. Her only pkmn that always comes is Chip the Raichu, her partner
When she comes to Sinnoh, thats when she meets Cynthia. Similar to the games they meet by coincidence a few times and talk briefly, Cynthia gives her the Togepi egg. Most of those encounters Beca is too starstruck to say anything aksjfj
Eventually she challenges the E4, battles Cynthia… and loses. But Cynthia can’t leave a promising trainer alone and she just sees something in her… so they exchange numbers 😳
As Beca travels to other regions, she and Cynthia exchange texts. At first it’s just advice about pkmn battles and stuff like that, but they start talking about other things and become friends, eventually the texts start getting flirty….. and the rest is history alhldsh
ANYWAYS. After she feels satisfied with traveling, she eventually settles down with Cynthia in Undella Town, Unova and becomes a researcher focused on Pokemon biology
She has lots of pokemon from all her travels. they tend help with her researchs and tend to roam free in the house or stay in storage. Their house pretty much becomes a pokemon lab
Her main pkmn are:
Chip the Kantonian Raichu: Her partner pokemon that is always close by. Can be a bit of a tsundere and takes a while to open up to other humans. 
Cookie the Alolan Raichu: Chip’s partner. Caught in Alola, she quickly became very attached to Beca and Chip. Very calm and kind demeanor. She and Chip are always together and they stick around Beca like two lost puppies
Feraligatr: Her first official starter pokemon, he is a seasoned battler but is mostly retired now. A gentle giant. He is partners with Cynthia’s garchomp and they’ve had a bunch of Gible babies, with a lot of them being given to young trainers.
Togekiss: This is the Togekiss grown from the Togepi Egg Cynthia gave Beca when they first met, and he is the offspring of Cynthia’s Togekiss. He is Beca’s main mode of transportation.
Chandelure: She may look scary but she just wants to be friends. Often used as a nightlight lol. Very easily excitable which leads to accidentally burning things a lot
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trainergf · 4 years
when you see someone who selfships with a character from the same content source as your f/os
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trainergf · 4 years
Imagine your f/o showing you around their hometown. Imagine seeing all the sights, wether they be shops and cafes, mountains and streams, waterfalls of lava, or simply white picket fences and golden sunsets.
Do they enjoy showing you off to everyone there? Maybe all their friends and family adore you. Or maybe they didn’t have the best relationship with their relatives, but they still wanted to get you familiar with the place that they once called home.
Whatever the experience may be, they know that there always be nothing but love under the roof you two return to. ♥️
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trainergf · 4 years
Imagine your f/o trying to be romantic and just ending up a blushing mess before leaving a kiss on your nose
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trainergf · 4 years
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well i wanted to draw things but i burned my hand like an idiot so. credits:
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trainergf · 4 years
ppl talk about simping for their f/os but honestly?? my f/os simp for me 😔
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trainergf · 4 years
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ac//e att//orney self-insert number 1
- anxious journalist that somehow always gets sent to cover the weirdest stories and ends up becoming a murder witness lol
- provides photo evidence(pretty much the lotta of the new generation)
- tries to interview everyone but stutters thru the questions RIP
- fidgets a lot with her notepad(ripping/folding paper)
- apollo's long time friend bc yes (i'm thinking they meet in high school maybe, idk)
- apollo tries to help her with vocal exercises :’)
- probably ends up at khurain as a foreign correspondent and thats when she meets apollo again and a certain prosecutor as a witness in a trial
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trainergf · 4 years
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very dumb idea inspired by
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