tranquil-sinew · 9 months
"Just Say 'I Do'"
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Ever since Conner asked Zach to marry him, a lot of things happened. There was, of course, the wedding planning and meeting more of Conner's family; his cousins, aunts and uncles, and Valerie who was also one of Conner's cousin but the one he was closest to. Meeting her had been a big thing for Zach because she was so important to Conner and they grew up so close together.
There also was the matter of fixing things with Braxton because they had been falling apart. The two of them had a breakthrough in their relationship, though, and managed to mend what had been damaged between them. They were closer than ever after that, and Zach even recruited Braxton to to with him and help him pick out a ring for Conner. The plan all along for that had been gold, because Conner absolutely loved gold, and Zach knew that getting him a gold band to give him when they finally got married would be absolutely perfect. "Find one that reminds you of his eyes", that was what Braxton had told Zach when he asked what he should have been looking for. He found a simple but beautiful rounded gold band that matched Conner's eyes, and he couldn't take his eyes off it, so he pointed to it with a soft "that's the one".
Once he'd gotten the ring, he only managed to keep it a secret for a day before he couldn't anymore, so the next night, while Conner was out, Zach bought flowers, dessert, and ingredients for a special dinner that he made himself, and greeted Conner with a smile, a bouquet of flowers, and a kiss and made sure everything was set up perfectly for when Conner came back down stairs after he'd changed and gotten all cleaned up. The plan was to spend time with him, enjoy the dinner and dessert, and give Conner his ring so he could wear it for at least a little while before they got married. It was a huge success and Conner absolutely loved his ring, which made Zach feel like he was on cloud nine, and when he slid the ring onto Conner's left hand, it sent a wave of absolute happiness and bliss through him. The ring was absolutely perfect and looked like it had been made to be on Conner's left hand. The rest of the night was blissful; they basked in the glow of each other's company and shared their excitement about getting married.
In between all of the pre-wedding bliss, Conner and Zach had hit a bit of a rough patch in the form of Zach learning things about Conner that he wasn't aware of before and it driving a bit of a wedge between them for a bit. Conner wrote Zach a letter and gave it to him once Zach's fear and discomfort toward Conner and the things it had been revealed that he had done subsided, and it was very sweet. Some of it was hard to read, but it was also very important and it helped with mending that little part of their relationship that had been affected for a short amount of time. After that, the pre-wedding bliss returned for both of them full force and they got back to planning the wedding and making sure that every detail of it was what they wanted and was perfect.
~Wedding Day~
In usual fashion, Conner had woken up before Zach and woke him up with lots of kisses while telling him it was their wedding day and he was going to be "Mr. Zach McAlister" in just a few hours. The sound of his new name made his heart flutter, and he couldn't help but smile brightly and giggle excitedly at the thought. They had known each other for over 10 years, had been together as a couple for over 4 years, and engaged for almost 2 years and the day for them to get married had finally come. It was one of the best days of Zach's life, and he couldn't have been happier and more excited than he was to get to marry his best friend, his favorite person, his other half. Zach didn't want to part ways with Conner when it came time for them to swap rings and go their separate ways so they could get ready to meet at the altar. He was being clingy and overly affectionate, telling Conner with a small pout that he wanted to just stay with him and not go separate ways, but Conner just chuckled and softly reminded him that they needed to because they had to get ready to get married. It worked, because Zach relented, not before clinging to Conner more and smothering him with kisses and affection, but then he exchanged rings with Conner, gave him a few more kisses and told him he loved him before letting Conner go his way and then going to meet up with Tara, Elijah and Braxton so that he could get his tux and get ready to go wait at the altar.
Nerves hit him when he got to the venue with his aunt and uncle, and it crossed his mind full force that he was getting married /for real/. He wasn't just planning it and talking about it anymore, it actually was about to happen and it made his heart beat like a drum, to the point where his heartbeat was all he could hear because it was so fast and so loud. His aunt and uncle stayed with him for a bit and kept reassuring Zach, as much as they could, that nerves were a normal part of a wedding, it was okay to be nervous and was to be expected, but they also told him that once they're up there actually getting married, those nerves will go away and all he'll be focused on is Conner and the fact that he's marrying him. They both gave Zach hugs, told him they loved him and that they'd see him out there, and then left so that he could get ready and go get Braxton to make sure he was there getting ready, too. Zach got to work on getting into his tux, knowing that he was going to have to get Braxton to help him with his bowtie because he couldn't tie it anyway, but the nerves he felt made it so that he fumbled with it even more than he had when he'd tried on the tuxedo beforehand. So he got all dressed, making sure the buttons on the shirt were done right, the pants were button and everything looked the way it was supposed to before he put on his shoes and then went to go find Brax. He looked at Braxton once he'd found him and held the bow tie up with a soft "will you help me, please?" Braxton had known that Zach was going to come to him and ask for help, so he playfully rolled his eyes and held his hand out with a "give it here" before helping Zach with it.
Once they were both ready, the nerves set in even more, and Zach didn't even have to say anything for Braxton to know that he was /very/ nervous about getting married. He talked Zach through it as they made their way out to the altar together, and Zach looked around at everyone and was hit with another wave of nerves as he saw that they were all focused on him. He waved to Penny and Matteo, and then to his Irish mom and dad, before going to stand in the middle of the altar where he was supposed to stand, Conner's ring and the piece of paper with his vows written on it all the sudden feeling like metal weights in his jacket pocket as he stood there and /really/ let it sink in that he was getting married. That was it, it was time. The day had finally come and as soon as Conner came out and met him there at the altar, he was going to go from being Zach's fiancé to Zach's husband.
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