tranquilglobal · 3 months
Fiberglass Acoustic Panels
The Tranquil APS Acoustic Panels are the high-quality acoustic product which is a compressed fiberglass Acoustic Board panel with a range of products such as Acoustic panels for walls, Baffles, Clouds, Deco Clouds, Acoustic Separators, Acoustic Ceilings and more. As a result, Tranquil APS fulfills the vast majority of acoustic wall and ceiling standards. It is an eco-friendly material since it is composed of 59% post-consumer recycled glass. Tranquil APS is a world-class NRC product with an NRC range of 0.80 to 1.05 and a wide range of thicknesses for a number of applications.
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tranquilglobal · 3 months
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Multi - colour 3d acoustic panel available in Tranquil Global!
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
3D Acoustic panel - Tranquil Global
1.Tranquil 3D Panels are 3D Designer Acoustic panels. These are some of the greatest design-led acoustic panels for making a place more alive while also providing the appropriate acoustic performance. 
2. These panels are simple to install and highly decorative. These panels are available in standard sizes and patterns.
3. The designs offered can also be changed based on your needs. The panels are extremely adaptable and may be mixed with other acoustic materials in a variety of ways to fulfill the demands of virtually any space or environment. 
4. These are some of the best panels for places that require absorptive panels with a great appearance.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Acoustic ceiling Baffles - Tranquil Global
1. Noise Reduction and Sound Control: Acoustic ceiling baffles are primarily employed to reduce noise and control sound within a room. By absorbing and dampening sound waves, they help minimize echoes, reverberations, and overall noise levels. This is especially useful in open-plan offices, educational institutions, and large industrial spaces where excessive noise can be disruptive.
2. Optimal Use of Ceiling Space: Baffles are suspended from the ceiling, allowing for effective sound management without taking up valuable floor space. This is particularly advantageous in environments with limited room for other acoustic treatments, making them suitable for spaces like conference rooms, gymnasiums, and retail areas.
3. Aesthetic Integration: Acoustic ceiling baffles come in various designs, colors, and materials, making them adaptable to the overall interior design of a space. They can be installed in a manner that enhances the visual appeal of a room while simultaneously addressing its acoustic needs. This makes them a versatile solution for applications where both aesthetics and acoustics are important.
4.Thermal and Light Control: In addition to sound management, acoustic ceiling baffles can offer thermal insulation and control over natural light diffusion. This dual functionality can contribute to a more comfortable and energy-efficient environment. Such features are valuable in spaces like classrooms, libraries, and commercial buildings where temperature and lighting are key considerations.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Acoustic Baffles - Tranquil Global
1.Noise Reduction and Sound Control: Tranquil’s Acoustic baffles are primarily designed to reduce noise and control sound within a space. They are suspended from ceilings or walls and are effective in absorbing sound reflections and echoes, leading to a quieter and more controlled acoustic environment. This is particularly valuable in open office spaces, gymnasiums, and large industrial facilities where noise levels can be high.
2.Flexibility in Acoustic Design: Baffles offer flexibility in acoustic design as they can be easily adjusted and relocated. This adaptability allows for the modification of sound absorption and diffusion levels in response to changing needs or room configurations. They can be arranged in various patterns to address specific acoustic issues.
3.Aesthetic Considerations: Tranquil’s Acoustic baffles come in a range of designs, colors, and materials. They can be chosen to complement the interior design of a space while serving their primary acoustic function. This allows for a balance between aesthetics and functionality, making them suitable for applications in theaters, restaurants, and commercial spaces. 4.Thermal and Light Control: In addition to sound management, acoustic baffles can provide thermal insulation and light diffusion benefits. They can help regulate temperature in a space and control natural light levels. This makes them a versatile choice in applications where both acoustic and environmental factors need to be considered, such as in schools, libraries, and exhibition halls.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Bespoken Mass loaded Vinyl !
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Mass Loaded Vinyl - Tranquil Global
Mass-loaded vinyl can cut down the sound transmission through walls, ceilings, floors, and other areas where sound management is necessary.
This odorless and eco-friendly flexible MLV material is simple to install on a variety of surfaces.
Our MLV is simple to cut with a knife and scissors and may be used to soundproof flooring, walls, pipelines, and other areas. It can be used for various applications such as basements, flats, workplaces, studios, classrooms, medical facilities, automobiles, and many more.
Due to its flexibility, MLV sheets come in a roll shape, making them easy to handle and fix at any curve. It can also be used to reduce airborne noise within partitions.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Add to your cart now - Wooden Acoustic Panel!
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Wooden Acoustic panel - Tranquil Global
Tranquil ECOWOOD Wooden Acoustic Panels are the greatest choice for world-class sound absorption and reverberation reduction. These are a kind of perforated, grooved wooden wall and ceiling panels.
These come in a basic selection of veneers and laminate surfaces. Their design is long-lasting, with undetectable interlocking and hidden attaching systems to ensure a perfect fit.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Order high-quality acoustic solution for commercial space!
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
PET Fibre Acoustic panel - Tranquil Global
1. Tranquil ECOCORE is entirely composed of PET fiber that has been bonded with heat rather than traditional chemical binders. PET is naturally resistant to fire, moisture, vermin, insects, mildew, and bacteria; thus, no chemical additives are needed. 2. Tranquil ECOCORE Panels can also be used as a high-quality finish pinboard. These boards provide an eye-catching sound solution for office spaces and interior design applications. 3. It immediately transforms any vertical surface into a brilliant, noise-free wall or display pinboard.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Aesthetic Acoustic panels are available, Buy Now!
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Fibreglass acoustic panel - Tranquil Global
1. The Tranquil APS Acoustical System is a high-quality acoustic solution that contains a variety of products such as wall panels, baffles, clouds, deco clouds, acoustic separators, ceilings, and more. 2. Tranquil APS therefore satisfies the vast majority of acoustic wall and ceiling standards. It is a green system since it is composed of 59 percent post-consumer recycled glass. 3. Tranquil APS is a world-class NRC product with an NRC range of 0.80 to 1.05 and a choice of thicknesses appropriate for a wide range of applications.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Acoustic wall Panel Manufacturer - Tranquil Global
1. Acoustic wall panels are designed to absorb sound waves that strike them. This absorption helps to reduce echoes, reverberation, and overall sound intensity in a room. 2. These panels enhance speech clarity by reducing the background noise and sound interference caused by reverberations. As a result, acoustic wall panels are beneficial in spaces where clear communication is vital, such as classrooms, conference rooms, and lecture halls. 3. Acoustic wall panels come in various designs, colors, and finishes, making them not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. They can be integrated into the interior decor of a space while serving their primary acoustic purpose, providing a visually appealing solution for managing sound. 4. Acoustic wall panels help control noise within a room and can also contribute to sound isolation. By minimizing sound transmission through walls, they enhance privacy and reduce the disturbance caused by noise pollution. This is particularly important in spaces like offices, healthcare facilities, and homes.
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Get Acoustic Panel now !
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tranquilglobal · 8 months
Acoustic Panel Manufacturer - Tranquil Global
1. Tranquil’s Acoustic panels are designed to absorb sound waves, reducing echoes and reverberation in a room. 2. It enhances the clarity of speech by reducing background noise and ensuring that words are more easily understood. This is particularly valuable in spaces where communication is essential, such as classrooms, conference rooms, and auditoriums. 3. Tranquil’s Acoustic panels help minimize noise pollution by preventing sound from escaping a room or space. 4. Tranquil provides  Acoustic panels with precise control over a room's acoustic properties, allowing designers and architects to create tailored sound environments. They can be strategically placed to achieve the desired balance between sound absorption and diffusion, creating an acoustic atmosphere that meets specific functional and aesthetic goals.
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