trans-dr34m · 2 months
Relating to a gacha design is one of my most embarrassing confessions I will ever make. Time to die.
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trans-dr34m · 2 months
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The urge to become someone’s parasocial obsession to the point they worship you and wouldn’t dare breathe without your permission.
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trans-dr34m · 2 months
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a transid term to refer those that believe they should be a cannibal, have the philosophy of a cannibal, relate to cannibalism in some way, have cannibalistic urges, or have symbolic ties to cannibalism, while refraining from actually consuming another’s flesh.
this term is not to be used by people that just like the “aesthetic” of cannibalism.
sort of a recoined term??? there’s no OG creator or anything but it was a gender label not a transid label LOL….
— flag info under the cut!
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first stripe (blue)
plays off of the blue in the trans flag — represents men, maleness, and masculine gender or presence. shows that anyone can be a cannibal
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second stripe (light pink)
plays off of the pink in the trans flag — represents women, womanhood, and feminine gender or presence. shows that anyone can be a cannibal
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third stripe (white)
plays off of the white in the trans flag — represents gender and/or cannibal transition, gender neutral identities, and intersex folk who consider themselves trans. it also represents any transcannibal that wasn’t directly represented in the flag meanings.
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fourth stripe (pale yellow)
represents the body’s subcutaneous, or fatty tissue. refers to cannibals that would pick their victims based on their wrongdoings, for moral retribution. they would have no interest in eating innocent people.
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fifth stripe (light red)
represents the body’s muscle tissue, and also those that would just be a cannibal for survival or because they feel they have to. this can be because of compulsions, psychosis, or external forces.
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sixth stripe (red)
represents the body’s blood, and those that would cannibalize their lover(s), people close to them, or for erotic purposes. to them, it represents a deeply intimate act of bonding.
— don’t recoin/repost without permission!
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trans-dr34m · 2 months
My name is Dream
I’m ageless and I’m not human
I’m Polyam, unlabeled probably MLM, para, permamasked, idk. Dream fictive, ccDream kin
Taken by @gravediggerh4lo
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trans-dr34m · 2 months
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One who feels as though they should always wear a mask
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