trans-peridot · 6 minutes
im pregnant in the snow shivering wearing rags balding with no money, can you solve my puzzle?
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trans-peridot · 21 minutes
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(sequel to this) karkat and terezi watch a horror film… or live human birth. choose one
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trans-peridot · 34 minutes
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commission for imploder !!!!!!!! hhhyyyyeyeehaaaa
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trans-peridot · 48 minutes
front facing egrets making me lose control of everything
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trans-peridot · 1 hour
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twilight harbor
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trans-peridot · 1 hour
mutuals if you were a video game character I would do every step of your questline and get your good ending
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
Theres this fun tendency tme people have whenever they're asked to consider whether a character could possibly be transfem to bravely proclaim "But what if they're not?"
Initially, when told you view a character as transfem, they ask what the reasoning behind the reading is. (which, to be clear, is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask.) The problem arises when they are presented with that evidence. Because no amount of evidence will be enough. There's always another explanation. Always some reason to think the character isn't transfem.
"What if this character whose entire arc was about rejecting the masculine role forced upon them was transmasc? Men can struggle with masculinity too."
"What if this character who loves to dress up in feminine attire and pretend to be a girl in public is just a femboy? Men can be feminine too."
"What if this character who feels dissatisfied after fulfilling the role of man and staunchly refuses to look inwards for fear of what they might see is just cis? Men can hate being men too"
They need the evidence to be ironclad, for no other explanation to possibly be able to exist, to even consider that a character could be transfem. Every piece of evidence that will simply be dismissed as not being relevant. And it becomes pretty clear that in actuality they just don't want to imagine a character could be transfem.
This same thing happens with real people too. The whole "egg culture" discourse that happened here recently functioned very similarly. It was always "Men can be gnc, and by saying a man could be transfem, you're enforcing gender roles" and shit like that. The underlying logic is always "Let men be men"
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
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joining random words ive encountered throughout the day into a semicoherent sentence, as i imagine most isekai light novel titles are made
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
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possum works @ the catgirl maid café after hours
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
You don't like New Yawk? 🗽? Bada Bing?
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
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trans-peridot · 2 hours
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elf 4koma i did in 16 minutes
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trans-peridot · 3 hours
ppl talk about how left from reality airports are but i rly think public free wifi and the smart phone majority has done a lot to tame the airport. one time in 2013 I had an 8 hour layover in Philly with like 15 other people and I only packed one book which I finished way too early and I had no wifi money but then one of the other ppl revealed he had an entire projector in his carryon and he set the whole thing up and projected movies onto the ceiling and we all lied on the floor for like 6 hours watching whatever the hell he happened to have which was largely inappropriate to project on a public ceiling but what are ya gonna do it’s the 2013 airport
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trans-peridot · 3 hours
pixel art is cool cos when youre done its kind of just like a normal picture but small
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but if you zoom in its like boom shapes
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ive just been playing tetris the whole time
i love what pixel art looks like small, and i always make sure my art is still readable at the 1x, but i can rarely post it like that
maybe i should just post it small here ??
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trans-peridot · 3 hours
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trans-peridot · 3 hours
“Ask medieval historian Michael McCormick what year was the worst to be alive, and he’s got an answer: “536.” Not 1349, when the Black Death wiped out half of Europe. Not 1918, when the flu killed 50 million to 100 million people, mostly young adults. But 536. In Europe, “It was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not the worst year,” says McCormick, a historian and archaeologist who chairs the Harvard University Initiative for the Science of the Human Past. A mysterious fog plunged Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night—for 18 months. “For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year,” wrote Byzantine historian Procopius. Temperatures in the summer of 536 fell 1.5°C to 2.5°C, initiating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell that summer in China; crops failed; people starved. The Irish chronicles record “a failure of bread from the years 536–539.” Then, in 541, bubonic plague struck the Roman port of Pelusium, in Egypt. What came to be called the Plague of Justinian spread rapidly, wiping out one-third to one-half of the population of the eastern Roman Empire and hastening its collapse, McCormick says. Historians have long known that the middle of the sixth century was a dark hour in what used to be called the Dark Ages, but the source of the mysterious clouds has long been a puzzle. Now, an ultraprecise analysis of ice from a Swiss glacier by a team led by McCormick and glaciologist Paul Mayewski at the Climate Change Institute of The University of Maine (UM) in Orono has fingered a culprit. At a workshop at Harvard this week, the team reported that a cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland spewed ash across the Northern Hemisphere early in 536. Two other massive eruptions followed, in 540 and 547. The repeated blows, followed by plague, plunged Europe into economic stagnation that lasted until 640, when another signal in the ice—a spike in airborne lead—marks a resurgence of silver mining, as the team reports in Antiquity this week.”
— “Why 536 was the worst year to be alive” from Science magazine (via principleofplenitude)
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