trans-ranch · 4 years
write a poem about a cowboy who fell in love with a ghost... if u want to ;-)
this uh. really got away from me i’m sorry shdjbndjk
Haunted Love
“Best be careful ‘round these parts, boy,” the old man says as he pats you on the back. The only house around for miles is the old man’s so you’re not sure what he meant except the lights flicker at exactly ten past eleven every night.
About a month in there’s a footprint on the side of your bed that don’t match yours. You’re too drunk to deal with it — You wipe it off with your socks and go to sleep.
The coyotes scratch the walls every night and you know they’ll get bored and leave you be in a while but you’ve had it up to here so you yell, “Jesus fucking Christ can’t they let me sleep for one fucking night.” They never come back.
You’re leaning against the barn and you squint at the sun before throwing your dart on the ground to step on it and the old man asks you where you got your cowboy hat. You consider lying to him ‘cause you really like the hat but figure it’s no way to treat someone who takes you in, so you say you found it all dusty in the barn. You add that if he wants it, you’ll gladly give it to him. He shakes his head but he’s got mournful eyes.
The footprint’s back again. You sleep with a hammer. You trip over a 4x4 and you swear you hear a laugh. You clean your face after shaving one morning and a voice behind you says, “You’ve missed a spot.” You answer, “Thank you,” ‘cause you were raised right. You turn around expecting to see the old man. He’s not there.
The old man’s dog has taken a liking to you. You like him, too, but sometimes he barks at nothing above the ladder leading to an old mattress. You also caught him getting excited at the air and act as if he’s being petted. You wouldn’t think much of it if you couldn’t see the fur move like it does when you pet him.
For your birthday, the old man gives you a bolo tie; you don’t suppress the need to hug him. That’s when he tells you, “It belonged to my son and so does the hat you wear everyday since you found it.” You smile as you reply, “I hope he doesn’t come back to claim them.” The old man’s face falls as he sighs, “He won’t.”
You could punch yourself raw for not keeping your goddamn mouth shut. You’re about to apologize when he adds, “Harm’s already been done a year ago and you had nothin’ to do with it, boy. ‘Sides, hate for these things to go to waste.” There’s nothin’ in the world to say back.
Things start to appear out of nowhere: a cold beer on your table waiting for you after work, an extra blanket on your bed, a well-loved book on your night shelf. On the first page, the name “Stephen Tremblay” in chicken scrawl.
You get curious and start reading the book, re-reading the highlighted bits and making sure to reply to the annotations. The next evening, you notice someone has responded to your comments and it sure as shit ain’t the old man.
You should probably be scared, but if he was gonna hurt you, he would’ve by now. ‘Sides, the air’s clearer when you get to read his handwriting and you’re eager to find out what he has to say. You hype yourself up on the ride home. You put the book you just bought on your night shelf, “Thought we could read that one together since we went through the last one twice.” As soon as the words are said, it’s like there’s a woodpecker in your chest. You hope he notices that you chose the newest one his favourite author wrote. “That’s a great idea, bud,” he answers. You exhale.
He shows himself to you the next day when you invite him to lay on the bed beside you so you can read to him. He asks if he can sleep beside you and you smile as you nod.
You sleep better now that the bed’s colder.
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trans-ranch · 4 years
transmasc perspective: cowboys and pirates are strongly associated with boyhood + masculinity, something i missed out on, so they make me very happy
also they were historically very gay which is a win
gays, help a fellow queer out: why are we obsessed with cowboys and pirates. i’m literally writing an academic paper on this and i want your Hot Takes
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trans-ranch · 4 years
NO mom it’s NOT a phase *spurs clank as i stomp up the stairs*
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trans-ranch · 5 years
s-send them to me.. pardner...
I WISH I had someone as much into cowboys and this lifestyle as I am. I keep finding the BEST cowboy/country tiktoks and I have no one to send them to.
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trans-ranch · 5 years
i want to combine the words catboy and cowboy but i don't know how bro
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trans-ranch · 5 years
it's been a long af journey and I'm sorry for the inactivity but I wanted to come in w good news... started T today!
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trans-ranch · 5 years
New pfp (yes I do actually own an incredibly tacky lesbian flag cowboy hat)
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trans-ranch · 5 years
Support gay cowboys!
Support bi cowboys!
Support lesbian cowboys!
Support pan cowboys!
Support trans cowboys!
Support nonbinary cowboys!
Support ace cowboys!
Support aro cowboys!
Support cowboys!❤️
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trans-ranch · 5 years
god you’re so right
dont matter the pronoun, what unites us is the cow 
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trans-ranch · 5 years
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Cowboy loving cowboy sunset
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trans-ranch · 5 years
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Now we’re outlaws around here, so ignoring these white hat rules is generally fine. However, ignoring number four, five, six, and the first part of nine will get you strung up and/or blocked. This means you:
Must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals. Be kind and careful with the helpless and the uninformed. Be gentle. Be forgiving. Be a leader. Shaming never fixed anything. 
Must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas. Cowboys came from all backgrounds, had all religious, and were in fact mostly working class latinos, blacks, and native americans. Racism towards groups or deciding that western styles are reserved for whites is fucked. 
Must help people in distress. Minorities will be protected. Races and religions might be covered above, but sexualities, genders, abilities, ect must also be respected. We’re not here to save anyone. But if you see intolerance, a cowboy would stand against it.
Must respect women. Objectification of the cowgirl will get you shot. 
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trans-ranch · 5 years
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i’m trying to git gud at horses again because How Can I Draw Cowboys Unless I Can Draw Horses and learning in the process that life is just the slow realisation that you were never as good at horses as you initially believed yourself to be
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trans-ranch · 5 years
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due to personal reasons I have decided to stop bleeding
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trans-ranch · 5 years
y'all ever just be so cis you forget the word "sibling"
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trans-ranch · 5 years
how im tryna be
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trans-ranch · 5 years
🤠 please reblog if 🤠
your blog is cowboycore related or if you just reblog slightly cowboy related things from time to time
i’m looking for other cowboys to follow B)
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trans-ranch · 5 years
Aesthetic Cowboys/Types of Cowboys
okay so yall know how like on tumblr like, witches are super cool and even if your not one lots of artists here still draw lots of cool witches? Breakfast witches, plant witches, water witches, beach witches, forest witches, etc? Well guys I just wanna see that happen with cowboys. Yes, theyre sorta their own aesthetic already, but there are also so many kinds of cowboys, and these bi cons deserve tribute. May I suggest:
Plant Cowboy: Cowboy that has a little garden that they love, they wear a flower crown on their hat, their boots have daisies embroidered on them, the animals in the nearby forest love them, sings old forgotten western tunes to their garden in the morning.
Ocean Cowboy: Rides horses on the beach, boots are always full of sand even if they didn’t visit the beach that day, only ever wears swim trunks or bikini, plays gentle guitar music to the ocean during sunset, cant stand crowded beaches/likes solitude, skinny dips in the cove, hat is encrusted with sea salt and small shells.
Moon Cowboy: Nocturnal, rides a dapple grey horse (looks like the moon), only rides at night, the owls know them by name, wears a poncho decorated with craters, boots whiter than cotton, wears a black hat speckled with stars.
Thunder Cowboy: LOUD, built, full lips and bushy eyebrows, rare but explosive temper and easy to calm down, rides a huge Clydesdale horse, can hear them coming from days away, a deep, rolling voice, laugh that shakes the sky, heavy steel toe boots, wide hat that clouds their face.
Earth Cowboy: Worm whisperer, boots are always unexplainably dirty, Hat is so muddy that it sprout grass in the spring, whistles to ground they walk on so as not to provoke its dwellers.
Music Cowboy: wears poncho that looks like piano keys, boots are decorated with the musical staff, can make a lasso with their ear buds, plays the fiddle to their cows, keeps a pair of small maracas under their hat for emergencies, has little music note charms clipped to their hat.
Art Cowboy: paint covered overalls, tooth gap, keeps paintbrushes in their gun holster(s), uses the brim of their hat as a mixing palette, paints paintings of the desert for the rattlesnakes, rides a cow instead of a horse when wandering the west, painted their boots after The Starry Night.
I just really love Cowboys. Feel free to add on or tag yerself.
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