Something was off. He wasn’t one to inspect himself in the mirror but something didn’t look right.
Step closer
It must just be his posture. Yeah. Standing straighter than normal. He did look better when he held himself right. He couldn’t be taller could he? Then again…
Step closer
He was a pretty tall guy, but his frame looked more solid than usual. Like if he actually went to the gym maybe he’d have a better build. If he cared about that sort of thing. Then again it wouldn’t be so bad to be a bit more fit. In fact from this angle it looked like…
Step closer
Yeah his time in the gym was starting to show. This light especially made it look like his body was filling his tshirt pretty nicely. His small arms filled his sleeves just right and he could see his small chest stretching the front a little. If he didn’t know any better this mirror made him look kinda buff. Not bad, but this reflection was starting to resemble those cocky annoying gym rats at the gym, always posing shirtless in the locker room. But getting this tight shirt off wouldn’t be so bad though would it? No idea why he was wearing something so small, plus… he was kinda curious what his torso looked like in this light if he just…
Step closer
Damn his body looked good. Getting shirtless was natural to him but this mirror was really doing wonders showing off his bare torso. It really looked like he made some good gains recently. Flexing his abs they were so damn deep, looked more shredded than normal. Plus his chest… the shadows being cast made his pecs look like… there was no better word for it… swoll. As a bonus it almost looked like he had some extra stubble on his jaw. Not that it looked bad, in fact maybe it was a look he should pursue. Made his jawline look sharper, but also gave him a bit more of that cocky look. Not that that looked bad. He wasn’t one to shy from showing off a little at the gym. Putting on a smirk and flexing with his… bros right? Yeah… Damn he looked good… and his reflection looked rough, kinda alpha, kinda… dumb. He was boning up just seeing that version of himself and even his hardening cock looked bigger. Sure he was confident, had goals, but this was someone cockier, hotter, hornier. Mmm yeah the eyes in this mirror were empty, hungry. so dark, so… sexy…. They wanted to show off everything. That guy in the mirror. Hot, dumb, hung. Not. care in the world except his own hot bod… like what’d that be like… just slip off those tight ass paints…
Step closer
Mmm so hot. Damn so perfect. Muscle felt so good. Thick. Heavy. Mmm flex. Loved bein on display. Gotta get some pics in this light. Briefs are a perfect tease. Fans gonna love it. But like why keep them on? Yeah, he looked so much thicker in this mirror. Like even dumber, sluttier, born to fuck and dance. Looked so good getting hard, flexing, stroking… mmm feels nice. Yeah just slide these off and give in,
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Martha sat on the couch, staring in disbelief at her dad’s phone screen. She’d just discovered his secret: Grindr. The messages, the pictures—all from men, all flirting and planning meet-ups. Her dad had been talking to two men in particular, "Bear Daddy" and "MuscleCub," who seemed especially familiar. Her stomach twisted as she realized her father had been sneaking out to the gym to meet these men, living a life she never suspected.
As she scrolled further, she felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal and confusion. How could she face him now? Her thumb hovered over the screen, ready to take screenshots and send them to her mom. But before she could make a move, a sharp pain shot through her temples. Her vision blurred, and her surroundings twisted and warped. She felt her body stretching, swelling, becoming… massive.
Martha blinked as the world stabilized, but something was horribly wrong. She looked down—and immediately froze. Her hands were no longer her own. They were large, rough, and hairy. Her arms, once lean, were now thick with muscle and covered in hair. Her chest—God, her chest—was flat and solid, bulging with defined pecs. She was wearing nothing but a towel around her waist.
"What… what the hell?!" she gasped, but the voice that came out was deep, foreign, masculine. She rushed to the mirror in the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. When she looked into the glass, she nearly screamed.
She wasn’t herself anymore.
She was her dad.
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Her dad’s confused face stared back at her, his broad shoulders and heavy frame towering over her former petite body, now knocked out cold on the couch. She was in her father's very male body. His huge, hairy, masculine body. Martha’s mind raced, trying to make sense of the impossible situation, but the sensations overwhelmed her. Her hands—now her dad’s—touched her new, square jawline. She felt the roughness of his beard, the thickness of his neck. She could feel every inch of muscle as her body moved, like it was vibrating with raw power. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breathing heavy and deep. She flexed her arms instinctively, watching the muscles pop in ways she never thought possible. She was… huge.
"What… the… hell?" she whispered, her voice deep and unfamiliar, echoing in the room. Her mind reeled, overtaken by the intense masculinity that coursed through her. Every sensation was magnified, from the power in her limbs to the strange, new heat building in her chest. She could feel the testosterone surging through her veins, making it hard to think straight. Her muscles bulging beneath her skin, her body thrumming with a testosterone-fueled energy that was entirely new and terrifying.
Suddenly, her old phone buzzed from where it had been sitting on the kitchen counter. She picked it up, the screen lighting up with a call from Tanya.
Still disoriented, Martha answered, “Hello?”
“Martha? Oh my God, it’s me—Tanya. You’re not gonna believe what just happened!” Tanya’s voice sounded not at all like her usual self. In fact, it sounded rather gruff and deep, almost masculine. “I was at the gym with Chloe, and we found these two bodybuilder guys who were talking about um…meeting with Gabriel—I mean, your dad—wait, why is your voice so deep?”
Martha’s heart pounded. “My voice? Well—I…I’m not in my body right now. I'm...well, inside my dad's body.”
There was a stunned silence on the other end.
“What the fuck! How the hell did this happen?” Tanya’s voice boomed with disbelief.
“I don't know! I was on his phone looking through fucking grindr and then suddenly I’m…I’m in my dad’s hairy beast body!” Martha nearly shouted, the deep timbre of her voice startling her. She had to remember to keep it down while her old body stirred gently in her sleep on the couch.
“Wait, what?!” came Chloe’s voice, joining the call. Her voice also sounded much more like an older man's than that of a young woman. “Not you too, Martha! Yeah, so…we have a bit of a problem, too.”
Tanya and Chloe exchanged nervous giggles before Tanya spoke again, her voice trembling. “Okay, so…we’re in these bodies, too. And, uh…we’re those guys your dad’s been talking to.”
“What?!” Martha’s mind raced. "You’re telling me you two swapped into the bodies of ‘Bear Daddy’ and ‘MuscleCub’?”
“Yeah, except according to our licenses Tanya is now James and I'm inside Diego” Chloe groaned. “We were at the gym, when we overheard them talking about fucking your dad! I know, right?! We were just about to record them so we could have proof to show you later, but suddenly we blacked out. When we woke up, we were in the men's locker room in these…huge, hairy bodies. Now I look look and feel like somebody's old Mexican uncle!” she said with a subtle accent in Diego's deep voice. "and it feels fucking weird, ese! I'm even starting to talk like him. And I can't help it! It's like I'm actually him now."
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“And I look like some overgrown ex-jock gym coach” Tanya chimed in with James's booming, rougher voice. “It's unreal! At first, we were totally freaked out. I mean, I have so much hair now! And… and these juicy muscles, Martha. It’s too much! I’m huge and I have this massive hairy belly and chest! I thought I was gonna throw up when I first saw myself. But now it's kinda growing on me” Tanya said with a laugh. "I look like an old man but I feel fucking great!"
Chloe cut in, “Seriously, I looked at my reflection, and it was like staring at a grizzly bear with a mustache. I have hair in places I never knew could grow hair but I can't deny I feel hella beefy now. Every movement I make I can feel my thickness just take up so much space around me. I can't wait for you to see my juice thighs and this meaty torso. I'm such a bull now! I don’t know how your dad lives like this. I feel so heavy, so… masculine.”
“Yeah,” Tanya added, her voice suddenly breathless. “Like, it’s weird. We should hate this, right? But, we’re so… strong. I can feel everything, like, every muscle moving. It’s kind of… incredible.”
“I know,” Chloe agreed. “I was flexing my arms, and they’re massive! And there’s this… this heat. Like, I’m not used to having so much testosterone. I feel like I could bench press a car right now.”
Martha’s head spun as she listened to her friends. They were going through the same thing she was—overwhelmed by the intense masculinity, the new, raw power coursing through their bodies.
“What do we do?” Martha asked, still trying to process the surreal situation. “I mean…we can’t just stay like this, right?”
“I don’t know, Martha,” Tanya said, her voice deep but laced with a strange excitement. “But I’m starting to feel like…maybe we should just roll with it, at least for tonight.”
Chloe laughed, a low, rumbling sound that sent a strange shiver down Martha’s spine. “Yeah. I mean, we’re already in these bodies, and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it right now. So…why not have a little fun, güey?”
Martha hesitated, feeling the weight of her new body. The powerful arms, the broad chest, the surging energy—it was intoxicating. She flexed her hands, feeling the strength in her grip, the raw masculinity that pulsed through her.
“I guess… we could meet up,” Martha said slowly, the idea thrilling her in a way she hadn’t expected. “I mean, I’m basically the man of the house now.”
Tanya chuckled. “Exactly. We’re already halfway there. Why not see where this night takes us?”
Martha grinned, a sudden rush of adrenaline surging through her as she grabbed her dad’s gym bag and threw on some workout clothes, her massive body straining against the fabric. She was ready.
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“Alright, let’s do this,” she said, her deep voice carrying a newfound confidence. She hung up the phone, flexing one last time in the mirror, marveling at the strength and power that now defined her.
She was the man of the house tonight.
Her phone buzzed again.
“Meet you in the lockers. Can’t wait to breed that hole, Gabriel” came a message from Chloe—no, "Diego." Being called her dad’s name and thinking of her new bear body being taken advantage of by two dominant daddies made her new appendage start to go stiff. The implications made Martha’s head spin. If Tanya and Chloe were also in these bear bodies, what kind of urges were they feeling right now?
A strange excitement bubbled up inside her as she thought about it. Here she was, now in the body of her father, in complete control of his life—and she had two of her closest friends in these bodies too, probably feeling the same wild, testosterone-fueled urges she was struggling with.
She looked back at her reflection, flexing her new muscles. She was the man of the house now. Her dad had been sneaking off to the gym, living out this secret life, and now it was hers.
Martha grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I guess I’m going to have to have some fun tonight,” she muttered to herself, her voice deep and gravelly, filled with excitement and anticipation.
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Family Accident - Dad's POV
Read the original story from multiple other POVs here: Big Brother, Little Brother, Cousin, and Uncle.
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God, yeah, I broke the machine on purpose. But who can blame me? No one really seems to mind much, and why would they? We’re a family full of studs—my brother and I raised some truly fine young men. It was only natural that I'd want a taste of what they got.
The first time I swapped with my son’s boyfriend, it was out of pure curiosity. I just had to know what it felt like to get railed by the stud I raised. And he did not disappoint. Every moment with him was pure ecstasy. For three days straight, we went at it, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a more considerate and attentive top. The way he handled my borrowed body—taking his time, savoring every inch of me—it's something I still get off to thinking about.
But as incredible as that was, it didn’t compare to what I have now. My nephew's body was always the sexiest out of all of us. Shaggy brown hair, perfectly toned muscles, and a smooth, hairless chest that somehow still managed to look masculine. He had this natural tan that made every muscle pop in the right light. I couldn't get enough of admiring myself in the mirror, tracing every line and curve of this new form. Honestly, I have to thank my brother. All that money he made over the years went into letting my nephew grow up looking this damn good.
Slowly, I strip in front of the full-length mirror in my room, letting each piece of clothing fall to the floor. With every article removed, I see more of what’s now mine—my nephew’s chiseled abs, his broad shoulders, the defined arms that beg to be flexed. I fish my phone out of the pocket of my discarded pants and start recording, making sure to capture every detail. I want to remember this moment, to have something to look back on and relish. I run my hands over the smooth skin of my chest, down to the ridges of my abs, and finally to the hard cock that’s already standing at attention. No way this is going to be a temporary thing.
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But then, just as I’m getting into it, I hear a knock at the door.
My heart skips a beat, and I freeze for a second, hand still wrapped around my throbbing cock. I clear my throat, trying to compose myself.
“Yeah? What is it?” I call out,.
The door opens, and there he stands—my nephew, in my original body from all those years ago. He wore it well. I have to give him that. He stands there with that seductive smirk on his face.
He leans casually against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just thought I’d check in. You were taking a while,” he says with a knowing glint in his eye.
I can’t help but smirk back. “Well, you know how it is. Takes time to really appreciate what you’ve got.”
He chuckles, stepping forward into the room. “Yeah, I guess I would know, wouldn’t I?”
I don't miss the way his eyes glance down to the mess I’m making of his former body. As he watches me, I start to stroke myself again, not caring that he’s standing right there. It's almost a game between us now, a test of who will break first.
“You wore it well,” I say, my voice low and full of amusement. “But I’m wearing it better.”
He smirks, but there’s a flicker of something in his eyes, a mix of jealousy and acceptance. “Yeah, maybe you are,” he admits, stepping towards me.
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I walked around behind him, a newfound swagger in my now much younger stride. His posture stiffened as I approached, though he tried to maintain a cool demeanor. I couldn’t help but smirk as I placed my hands on his shoulders. “Feels strange, doesn’t it?” I said softly, beginning to knead his tense muscles. “Being in your dad's body after all these years?” My fingers dug in deeper, working into the knots that lined his shoulders and neck.
A small sigh escaped his lips despite himself. “You’re tense,” I murmured, enjoying the way his eyes fluttered shut for a brief second. “Your body did always carry stress right here, didn't it?” I let my hands roam lower, tracing the familiar lines of his chest.
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Flexing my own muscles, I caught his gaze in the mirror. “You miss this, huh?” I asked, my voice full of knowing amusement. I leaned in, letting him see the way my biceps bulged with each movement. “This power, this youth. I bet it eats at you, seeing me in what should be yours.”
He didn't reply right away, but I could see the lust behind his eyes. “Yeah,” I continued, hands moving to his chest, grazing the defined pecs. I gave a little squeeze, feeling the firm muscles beneath my grip. “You feel that? That’s all mine now.”
I chuckled, sliding my hands down to his waist. I stepped back, peeling off my underwear. I watched him from behind, relishing the way his breath caught as I moved closer again, pressing my hard cock against his ass. He didn’t move away—instead, he shifted slightly, allowing me to grind into him.
Reaching around to slide a hand down the front of his waistband, my fingers trailed teasingly over his entrance. He sucked in a sharp breath, and his eyes fluttered closed as I pushed a finger inside him, slow and deliberate.
With a deep, guttural moan, he flipped me around and onto the bed with a strength that made my breath hitch. Before I could even process it, he buried his face between my cheeks, eating me out with a fervor that made my whole body shudder.
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I gasped, clutching the sheets, my toes curling as he explored every inch of me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, he pinned me down against the mattress, spreading my legs wider. I felt the head of his cock teasing at my entrance, and then, with one forceful thrust, he slid inside me, filling me completely.
I squirmed beneath him, my body arching involuntarily. “God, yes!” I cried out, the pleasure almost too intense.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against my ear. "I want to stay like this," he growled, his voice thick with lust as he pounded into me, each thrust more demanding than the last. "Now, tell me you want to stay, too."
“Yes,” I gasped, my mind going hazy from the pleasure. “I want to stay...”
"No," he hissed, thrusting harder, forcing a moan from my lips. "Say it right. Say, 'I want to stay in our new bodies, uncle.'"
The words stuck in my throat, my heart pounding with each relentless motion of his hips. But then, as he drove deeper, they tumbled out of me. "I... I want to stay in our new bodies, uncle," I moaned, feeling the weight of what I was saying.
"Good," he muttered, his rhythm becoming erratic as he neared his peak. He pinned me down even harder, his grip on my hips bruising as he thrust into me with a final, shuddering groan. I felt him release inside me, the heat of his cum flooding through me, sending a shiver down my spine.
As he collapsed against my back, breathing heavily, a realization washed over me. I wasn’t the only one who wanted this. He pulled out slowly, and I could feel his seed dripping from me.
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I'm a pretty good looking straight guy for a nerd, I'm always working out, eating well, and the occasional hookup, just none of the women near me were as hot as the vr pics and vids online. When I heard about a new kind of VR that hooks up to your brain, I knew I had to try it out. The idea of being able to play games and see those anime girls in person as if I was really in them was just too tempting to resist. I scoured the internet for any information I could find and finally got my hands on one. It was exactly what they said it was. I guess I should have been suspicious when it didn't come with any instructions or games, but I was too excited to care. After a bit of tinkering, I managed to download a hack that let me use the VR for other purposes, specifically to watch porn and feel like I was the person in the porn.
I loaded up my favourite video on PornHub and as soon as I pressed play, something strange happened. Instead of the video I had chosen, a gif popped up.
There's a sudden beep and for a fraction of a second, everything goes black. When I come to, I realize that the world around me is no longer virtual; it's real, in every sense of the word. I'm no longer me. I'm the person in the gif, the guy getting fucked by two other guys. Panic sets in but I can't move, I can't even open my mouth to scream.
I'm immediately hit by a wave of revulsion and disgust. The guy in front of me is a towering mass of muscle, his body glistening with sweat. His every thrust is filled with aggression, ramming his enormous, thick cock deep into my throat. I can feel every inch of him, stretching me, making me gag. The taste and smell of his precum and sweat are overwhelming, filling my senses completely as he's choking on his massive member. I feel sick, the taste and smell making me want to gag but I'm trapped, forced to endure every second of it.
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The other guy isn't any gentler. He's pounding my ass with such force that it feels like he's trying to split me in two. His grunts and groans mixing with the sound of flesh on flesh as he relentlessly drives his cock in and out of me. I'm completely at a loss as I'm just stuck, feeling every part of their aggressive use of my body.
Nobody cared about me or what I wanted. The guys just keep fucking me, their pace becoming faster and more relentless. Their cocks strain, ramming down the back of my throat hard, making me gag and choke even more. Finally, they moan in unison and I feel and taste their cum, shooting down my throat. The taste, the smell, the feel of it is beyond disgusting. It's salty and bitter, with a strong musky odor that fills my senses completely.
I'm repulsed by it, wanting nothing more than to spit it out and be rid of it. But the body I'm in loves it. It savors every drop, rolling the cum on their tongue and swirling it around the guys' cummy head. I'm completely at their mercy, forced to endure every second of this humiliating experience as I'm being used again and again.
My mind is in turmoil, the conflicting sensations overwhelming. On one hand, I'm filled with revulsion at the taste and smell of their cum. It's disgusting, and I want nothing to do with it. But on the other hand, the body I'm in is in complete ecstasy. It's savouring the cum, rolling it around in its mouth and moaning in pleasure. I can feel its cock twitching and throbbing, a massive load ready to shoot. The intense horniness of the body is all-consuming, pushing all other thoughts out of my head.
As I felt the familiar sensation building in my groin, a wave of pleasure washing over me. I was about to cum, every muscle in my body tensing in anticipation of release. The guy pounding my ass was hitting all the right spots, his cock filling me up so completely that it felt like nothing else existed. I was lost in the moment, every other thought driven out of my mind by the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through me. Then, just as I was on the verge of release, everything went black.
When I came to, I was back at the start of the gif. The taste and smell of their precum still filled my senses, their cocks still buried deep inside me as I was being fucked hard. The musclebound guy in front of me was still there, his aggressive thrusts shoving his massive member down my throat, choking me once more. And the taste and smell of their cum was still as repulsive as ever, a constant reminder of my degrading situation.
But the worst part was that I was still horny. The pleasure of nearly cumming was fresh in my mind, teasing me with its absence. I wanted it so badly, my body aching for release. But I was stuck, forced to endure the same humiliating ordeal again. I became a gooner, my entire existence focused on the feelings and sensations in this body. I completely zoned out, becoming one with the overwhelming pleasure. Two days of non-stop fucking, sucking, and being used like a sex toy. The only relief came when the battery finally died on my device. The sudden disconnection was jarring, my mind struggling to process what had just happened. The first thing I noticed was the pain. My dick was aching, the relentless edging having taken its toll.
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But it was nothing compared to the agonizing pain in my balls. They were swollen and sore, the constant stimulation driving them to the brink. And then there was the cum. I was covered in it, every inch of my body lathered in sticky, dried up loads. It was in my hair, my eyes, my mouth… everywhere.
It was then that I realized what had been happening. My body had been cumming every 20 seconds in response to the gif. The relentless edging and denial had left me on the brink of madness, my mind and body completely out of sync. The pleasure was there, but it was all in my body. My mind had been numb to it, trapped in a state of pure agony and frustration.
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Hey man I love your stories! If you could, may you grant me this wish? I've always been into big hairy men and worshiping their shear size and power, but my town has a bunch of string bean men. I wish I could worship these sticks and they could grow into the big hairy beasts that I want them to be!
Sure thing mate, you've got the magic touch now. when you worship a guy he'll grow and grow. You have control over their growth so worship away bro.
In fact the first guy is here and he is in for a surprise. Don't be shy, lay your hands on him and get to work.
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Look at him start to grow, getting bigger and bigger, you feel it under your fingers his body getting harder and thicker, hairier. Keep worshiping him, make him bigger.
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So big, I think he is starting to notice exactly what you can do. He's leaning into it, begging you to keep going make him bigger, bigger, he needs to be bigger. You want to make other guys grow too but surely just a few more minutes with this dude wont hurt, but why is he on his phone? begging you to make him bigger and he wont even be in the moment, maybe you should stop? but his pits, they smell....so good maybe they need a good sniff, all the other guys in town can get big later, maybe you'll do one a day but right now you need to make him bigger, but why is his body starting to feel soft, what is happening to the hard muscle? maybe you need to worship more, rub your face against his whole hairy body.
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Are you getting sleepy? no this is meant to be something sexy why do you feel so tired...why...maybe if you close your eyes for just a second..he's so hairy, is he starting to...stink...maybe just...close your eyes..just..a...sec....
------------------ You wake up, or atleast, feel awake? it feels like your whole body is moving on its own, almost like you are being controlled. A voice comes into focus, a distressed voice.
"no, no, NO, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, THIS STINK WONT WASH OFF, THIS SWEAT WONT STOP" You watch as a guy is looking in the mirror, he puts his nose to his pit and pulls away and gags....but where are you.... "BRO FUCK, I SMELL SO BAD, WHY WONT IT WASH AWAY I WAS SHOWERING FOR 2 HOURS" you realise who it is, the guy you were worshipping, what the fuck is going on, why cant you see yourself in the reflection.
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You watch as his whole body tenses up, veins come to the surface as blood flows through his body, His muscle is pumped more and even more beads of sweat form on his skin.
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"God, I'm getting even bigger, that's so hot but....**gags** this stench is getting so much worse, when will this fucking end, what did this genie do, please tell me I can reverse this wish and get him off me" The guy flexes as more sweat forms on his skin, and horribly smelling steam rises from him, almost like his own permanent stink cloud. ------------------------- You see mate, you wished for a selfless wish, to grow guys, make them huge and hot.....but some men are greedy and this guy here, the guy you were worshipping sent me a message, a wish. "I wish he would only grow me, I want to be the biggest guy in town, I want him to keep making me bigger, I wish he'd cling to me and make me a fucking beast" and well, now you'll cling to him forever as his sweat and stench. He'll keep getting bigger, and you'll keep getting worse, making him reek, never being able to be washed away. Sorry bro, some guys are jerks and want all the magic to themselves, it was just unfortunate the magic he demanded to have "clinging to him forever" was your magic touch.
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I wish I was your ideal man with the body and personality to match
So you want to go and transform into my perfect man? Well you are in for a treat, or at least I'm in for a treat. 😈
First off it is no secret to anyone that I like size. I like men and I like em big, I hope you wanted to become a bodybuilder because you sure as hell are gonna be one.
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You asked for a personality to match so lets start working on that. First we will replace all your ambitions with gaining size. Its been your dream ever since you could remember to get big, gain size. Bigger means hotter. You also wanted to be with another bodybuilder but we will get to that later.
Whats the next part of your personality shift? well it involves, swords, fighting and story telling. That's right not only are you massive, but you're a massive fucking nerd. Don't get two exited, you aren't smart just dorky and nerdy. You love video games but that's not what makes you a nerd, what makes you a nerd is your love for.....
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D&D! thats right, not a lot of people know this about me but I'm a big dungeons and dragons player and being my ideal guy you'd be one too, although its one thing to play D&D and its another to get caught playing with a prop sword by your boyfriend.
But lets get on to the final few changes. You're gonna love competing, alongside your boyfriend of course. A nice healthy rivalry to keep the relationship fresh, constantly pushing each other to get bigger, sending each other thirst traps from the gym whilst the other is at work. Its guaranteed you'd both be in first and second but as to who takes what depends on how hard you worked posed in the comp.
But there is one last thing we need to talk about. The reason why you wanted to date another bodybuilder...
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You're a needy slut for size and strength. You wanted to be massive but you also want a guy to pick you up like your 300 pound body weighs nothing. You want to be throw against a wall. You want to be objectified in your poser, have it pulled to the side and get railed by the bloke bigger than you and then to finish off the day, roll over into the armpit of your boyfriend and fall asleep to his musk.
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Has the magic run out yet? Can I still go through the red door?
Not as lucky with the muscle growth, pretty standard jock. But you might have felt light headed when you walked through that door, no it wasn't just all the blood rushing to pump up that new jock body it was something else. The gift of ignorance, anything you know, anything that goes in your brain will be drained, literally, you brain churned up and leaking out of your dick all day long, itll be impossible for you to remember anything other than you like to flex, you wont even remember to change your shorts which will be covered in a dark cum stain before the morning is over every day. enjoy being a dumb himbo
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I wrote this story after a question from @iets20 this is what he asked and below the result: I'd love a story about somebody becoming so irresistibly handsome and muscular people can't help but love and obey him.
The body transformation.
on my 27th birthday my father gave me a family ring. he told me that I would not open it until tonight when I was in bed. the day lasted very long, the birthday normally passes quickly but it seemed to last forever. finally when all the family and friends were gone I decided to go to my bed, to open the box and see what kind of ring my father had given me. I was so curious because he was so mysterious about it! so I didn't wait and opened the beautiful luxury and strange box
I opened the cover and saw a very old ring with a clear blue glittering stone in it
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there was also an old letter, it said: if you put this ring on you will turn into the most attractive and irresistible person on earth. you will not have to make any effort throughout your life.
last was written in large letters warning: if you put this ring on your finger you will never be able to see the ring again. because the ring disappears after you are completely transformed. and there is no way back!
I thought after reading it all, what nonsense it is but just a ring. I threw the letter in the corner of my room and put the ring on my ring finger. what an old and ugly thing I am to myself. I then turned off the light and went to sleep. I didn't want to take the ring off anymore, I thought it wouldn't hurt and it's just a ring. that night I slept very restlessly, waking up a few times with pain in my body. one time I had pain in my legs and arms and the other times that I woke up I had problems with my stomach and head. I probably drank too much alcohol, I thought, and just made strange movements on my way to my room. I fell asleep every time and suddenly I woke up from the alarm clock that was still on at 11:00 a.m. of the previous day. I pressed the alarm clock and felt that my whole body suffered from muscle pain, and had a cracking headache. then got out of bed to take a shower because that makes you laugh!
had arrived in the bathroom and turned on the shower faucet and stepped under it. immediately grabbed some shampoo and started washing myself because I don't smell so fresh. the moment I wanted to embed myself with shampoo I saw that I now had thick muscles all over my body. I quickly rinsed and turned off the tap. I ran to the mirror and was surprised at what I saw!
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I am turning into a handsome muscular irresistible hunk with a piercing through my nipple and a sexy tattoo on my muscular chest. I immediately looked at my ring finger to see if the ring was still around. but to my surprise it disappeared. then it was true what was in that old letter, I thought. oh what do I care I am now this hot muscular guy.
I did not change my mind for a moment and put on my speedo, it was now a bit on the small side. but strangled myself in the spedoo and ran to the beach shower to shower myself further there. with the idea that everyone would see my divine body. I was proud of and wanted to show everyone
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when I noticed that a whole crowd of men had gathered around me, all of whom were watching me. I turned off the shower and tried to walk through the horde of men towards home to change for the festival that is now going on in the center. I changed my clothes and walked out the front door to avoid the men who were still waiting at the shower. once arrived at the festival I saw a man walking towards me who wore the same as me. I thought weird and let it come to me. I thought to myself that I would like to be kissed by this sexy man. and just the moment I thought that I felt his walking on mine and we kissed each other. apparently it was still true on the old note that was in the box of the ring. apparently I only had to think what I want and it happens before I realize it.
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when we were done kissing I thought something should change about him and she told him that he should take a nipple piercing and then the same as me. he did not change his mind for a moment and went to the nearby shop to have a piercing set there. he came back after 15 minutes and yes with a piercing in the same nipple as me. what a cool gift I received here I can do something with it I thought. I lean against him to walk with him and, as expected, he followed me. he did not look at other people either, he had just focused on me. I walked into a shop that was on the festival site and saw 2 beautiful chains that fit together. I bought this and hung it with myself and the other with him. so be me now you are always mine and I call you Tim be against me. he replied and she yes of course darling. I thought this was strange because you would expect him to say his name was different, but he did not. that's how i thought you are now mine forever and everyone can see this on our chains. I started kissing him and he kissed back with great dedication as I had expected.
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now that I have this nice guy, I can add a few more. since everyone does what I think and say. I told him to wait here until I came back. so I walked away to add even more tasty men to my collection. I soon found two more sexy men and brought them to Tim and she to them that they also had to stay here. I walked away to buy clothes that I wanted them to wear. I saw something beautiful in a store and bought it for them. I walked back to my three hunks and they told them to take everything off and put it on. they did this and I did this too because I had bought a nice set for myself. now that they had all three clothes on which I had bought for them, I had a passer-by take a photo. see my here. collection of sexy men who are now mine and do everything i want.
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I promise you 1 thing. these are not the last men. I want about ten more and then I go home and let them spoil myself. I like this life and I'm going to make wonderful use of it. thanks dad for the great gift, of what I thought it would not work. but it worked even better than I expected.
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Please Stop
My boyfriend looked up at me pleading for me to stop the transformation.
“Please, it’s too much already, I’m exhausted, just a break, please!” He pleaded with me, his accent becoming up all deep and Hispanic all of a sudden.
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I gave him a short break, to catch his breath and let him take a look at his new form. 
“But but, what have you done to me???” He screamed, looking at the tattoos that adorned his once pale, flawless skin.
“This is what you get for competing for that doctoral scholarship. Good luck getting a place looking like a douchey bro. No one will take you seriously ever again looking like that. Everyone will just assume you’re some self-absorbed himbo, and you know what, slowly but surely, I think that’s what you’re going to become - once everyone starts treating you that way, you’ll start believing it. Studying less, working out more, getting more attention and sex, until you drop out altogether.”
“Now let’s just increase that dick size and your sex drive and I think we’re done for today. I bet you already can’t wait to fuck something…”
Oh look who I just spotted on Grindr looking for Right Now. Looks like my hypothesis was right. He is probably panicking, but also turning himself on. There is just no fighting hormones.
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Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it’s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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Baby Blue
Read Part 1 by @male-tf-captions.
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Seven years. I’ve been Dimitriy for seven years. Crazy, right? I really didn’t expect this to last that long.
When I first took over Dimitriy, it was about one thing only: getting  fucked by Kyle. I had been oogling my son’s boyfriend for months. His tight muscles, glowing olive skin, shaggy brown hair. I couldn’t get him out of my head.
When I finally slipped into Dimitriy, I didn’t hesitate. That night, Kyle and I had sex four times in three hours. I still don’t understand how he had the stamina. He must be some kind of sex machine. He even gave me my first ever prostate orgasm. I didn’t even need to touch the cock to experience the biggest, most intense orgasm of my life. It was mind-blowing.
(Un)fortunately? What I didn’t realize at the time was that every time you have sex, the possession spell by another week. After that first week, I remember I tried to jump out of Dimitriy’s body and nothing happened. After trying 5 times a day for the next three days, I finally did what any rational person would do—I looked it up online. Turns out, there’s something about the surge in adrenaline and dopamine from sex that strengthens the bond between your consciousness and your body even more. So, since we’d fucked 4 times already, I’d have to wait at least a month to jump out of Dimitriy’s body.
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That would’ve been hard enough had Kyle not asked me – or I guess Dimitriy -  to move in with him. I knew how much Dimitriy adored him. Hell, I was almost jealous of their connection. But I couldn’t risk disrupting that, so I agreed.
For the first week after moving in, I managed to avoid Kyle as much as possible. I told him I needed to unpack, get settled, and all the usual excuses. But it wasn’t long before reality hit—living together made avoiding sex nearly impossible. Kyle was just too irresistible. Every time I saw him, those tight muscles and that wicked grin made me crumble. He’d casually brush his fingers against my arm or lean in just a bit too close. It drove me wild, and I knew I was in trouble.
One night, as we were lounging on the couch, Kyle’s hand found its way to my thigh. He leaned in and whispered, “You know, I’ve been thinking about how amazing it is to have you here with me. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
I tried to hold out, but before I knew it, I was ass up and he was sliding his thick uncut cock into my hole. Damn it.
Again and again I kept giving in. Eventually, the weeks of possession I’d racked up blurred together until I stopped counting altogether.
In the meantime, I figured the least I could do for Dimitriy was help him bulk up a bit. That twinky body was cute, but I thought he could use a bit more muscle. I dove into weightlifting with enthusiasm, transforming that lean physique into something more substantial. I packed on about 30 pounds of muscle, and the results were impressive.
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Kyle seemed to appreciate the change too. I’ll never forget that night about a year and a half into my possession of Dimitriy. I was straddled over Kyle on the bed, his fingers teasing at my hole, preparing to breed me like he had so many times before.
Feeling the need to assert myself, I took charge. With a firm grip, I lifted his hands and pinned them above his head with just one hand. Kyle struggled for a moment, but quickly realized how much stronger I’d become. I was a different man now—bigger, more dominant.
I lubed up my fingers and slid them into his hole. His initial reaction was a mix of surprise and discomfort. I took my time, working him slowly for about ten minutes, savoring every shiver and gasp from him. When I finally slid my cock inside, I held it there, letting him squirm before I started thrusting, gradually increasing the pace as I went.
The way he looked up at me, helpless and aroused, was almost endearing. It unlocked something within me—something primal. I started to really rail him, pushing him to new heights. That night, Kyle experienced his first prostate orgasm, the same mind-blowing pleasure I had felt over a year ago.
Since then, the dynamic between us had shifted. I took the lead more often, and Kyle seems to like that just fine.
I often wondered how Dimitriy will react when I give him back his body. The thought of him having to deal with this newfound confidence and dominance was amusing – not to mention how much older he’ll be. But let’s be honest—do you ever think a hunk like me stands a shot at being abstinent? – Yeah, I didn’t think so.
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A New Daddy
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Aaron sighed as he kicked another rock down the walking path. He found himself here a lot nowadays. It offered him some much needed peace and a place to think about his life. In reality, Aaron was overjoyed. His wife was due any day and he’d be a father soon. But Aaron was anxious. His dad was not much of a father and left the family when he was young. And because of that, the soon to be father was worried... what if he was a bad father? What if he messed up something? He never had a real role model. With another sigh, he sat down on the edge of a small pond and started skipping stones. As he looked out over the lake, he didn’t register the strange glow coming from the stone in his hand.
“I just wish I’ll be a good dad.” He whispered as he tossed the stone.
He watched as the stone hopped across the pond and with each hop glowing slightly brighter. He was fixated on the strange glow- it was perhaps one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. But his amazement quickly subsided as he felt a cool breeze pass over his bare skin. Wait... bare skin!? Aaron jumped up and looked down at his naked form. He quickly covered his junk and looked around in terror. Where’d his clothes go? What if someone saw him? Wait... since when did his chest hair look like that? Aaron watched as the light dusting of chest hairs that adorned his toned chest started to darken. And as they darkened, more started to sprout across his pale skin. He raised his hand to his chest, confirming that these new growths were real, but quickly yelped in surprise when he noticed the same wiry dark hairs sprouting across his arms.  
“I need to get help.” He whispered, turning his attention away from the thick pelt that was growing over him, “Where’s my phone? Fuck did that disappear to? I’ll just need to ask someone... anyone...”
Aaron took a step forward to start his search and cried out in pain as his foot touched the ground. It felt like all the muscles in his body were contracting. He watched through teary eyes as his calves and thighs exploded with muscle- thickening and becoming large like tree trunks. He winced as he raised his arms and watched as his previously thin and toned musculature started to thicken. His forearms were first, followed by his biceps and triceps, which were becoming padded with thick layers of muscle and fat. While incredibly painful, he was amazed. What guy doesn’t dream of having muscles like this? But this wasn’t natural and he couldn’t do anything as his body continued to transform against his will. Aaron watched as his flat, but now hairy abdomen, pushed out with layers of fat. He’d never be called “beanpole” again, he realized. But just as his stomach was blossoming into a firm muscle gut, his hairy chest was following closely. He packed on layers of muscle and fat to his previously toned chest. All the while, a pleasure was building from nipples, which were becoming larger and perkier. Aaron let out a silent cry as a cold sweat washed over him and his muscles relaxed.
“I... need... help...” He breathed out, flipping over and forcing himself up.
He stood unsteadily on his thickened legs. He was certainly taller than before. And as he tried to reorient himself, he became unbalanced and fell to his knees. He met his reflection in the still pond water. It was still him. His light dirty blond hair, kind eyes, and youthful face. But... but he couldn’t help but noticed that his stubble looked slightly darker. And before he could do anything, he watched with dread as his facial hair became darker and started to form into a manly beard. He couldn’t turn away as he watched his dirty blond hair fall from the top of his head, until he was completely bald. And then a new feeling washed over him as his skin became tougher and weathered as his body aged rapidly.
“No... fuck no.” He whispered as he turned away from his new reflection, “This... how did this?” He winced at how gruff and deep his new voice was. This didn’t make sense. None of this made sense. He felt tears in his eyes as he looked down as his hairier, older, and thicker form.
And suddenly the world spun around him- shifting and changing rapidly. The now older man felt his head spin as the world around him changed. He was no longer in a park, but instead what looked like a home workout room. Weights and equipment scattered all around him. And as the world stopped spinning, he attempted to regain his footing, but fell with a loud bang.
“Fuck!” He shouted, his deeper voice again causing him to wince. He quickly looked around, but everything seemed to be tinted darker, “Sunglasses?” He whispered as he caught sight of himself in the gym’s mirror, “What am I wearing?” It looked like some type of leather harness wrapped around his chest, causing his muscular pecs to be more pronounced, “At least I’m not naked anymore.” He mused, looking down at the white jockstrap that covered his dick, “Where the fuck am I? I need to find Amy and get help...”
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“Daddy?” Aaron froze when he heard the high-pitched, feminine, yet decidedly male voice. He turned and locked eyes with the man, “Oh my god, daddy are you okay?”
Aaron’s eyes widened as the younger man ran towards him, wearing nothing more than a light-blue jockstrap. Each step causing the platinum blond man’s ass to bounce. Aaron was mesmerized, his eyes fixated on the guy’s massive bubble butt. How perky and jiggly it was. How much he wanted to squeeze it. Wait? Squeeze it?
“I don’t need you.” Aaron spat, picking himself up, “Get away from me!” Wait... why was his cock growing? He wasn’t into men? Or their sexy asses. Sexy? Aaron gripped his head, “Wait... no... stop...”
“But daddy, I just want to help you.” The twink bit his lower lip and walked up to Aaron, “And you’ve been working so hard.” He traced his hands along Aaron’s hairy muscular torso, “Please daddy, just a taste.” He moaned as his hand slipped under Aaron’s jockstrap.
Aaron’s mind was filled with conflicting thoughts. He was going to be a father... but wasn’t he already a daddy? A daddy? A damn good daddy, right? But didn’t he like women? Wasn’t he married? Why would he be married? Since when was he ever with a woman? Since when did he ever want to be with a woman?
“Please daddy.” The twink moaned as he pulled down the jockstrap, freeing Aaron’s cock. And he didn’t protest.
As the twink wrapped his mouth around the older man’s cock, Aaron’s mind spun even faster. It felt so good, so much better than any time with a woman. And as he looked down at the slut on his knees, his ass jiggling with each thrust of Aaron’s monster cock, a new feeling washed over him.
“Deeper, boy.” Aaron commanded, gripping the back of the twink’s head and forcing his cock deeper, “Show daddy how much you want it.”
The twink obliged and Aaron threw his head back in pleasure. His spinning thoughts were settling down. His new identity taking hold. He was a dom daddy. A good daddy for his little slut. Nothing before this mattered- nothing ever mattered, just this. Even his old self was becoming content, quieting down and falling into a state of blissful pleasure. After all, he just wanted to be a good daddy? Wish granted, right?
“God damn, boy!” Aaron shouted as he came, sending torrents of cum down his slut’s throat. He sat down on the workout bench, while his slut breathed heavily.
“Oh daddy, thank you.” The twink moaned, “You’re the best daddy ever.”
Aaron smirked, “Damn right, boy.” He smirked at himself in the mirror. Fuck he looked good. A true man. His attention turned back to his slut, “Now boy, are you ready for round two?”
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Himbo Maker: Misha
Misha was an Egirl: a European Guy In Real Life. He would do his makeup, put on fake eyelashes, a wig, and a pair of pink headphones with kitty cat ears, and stream video games online. He loved to troll new viewers by spending an hour or so doing a breathy, feminine voice, and then suddenly hit them with his natural Baltic baritone. The way the chat went crazy made it worth it every time.
The whole game was helped by how petit and curvy Misha had always been. Even in his twenties, he still had a soft, almost girlish body and stood at most of other guys’ sternums. Too bad he wasn’t a trans girl, or at least a gay boy, he sometimes thought, looking at his body in the mirror. Gay guys were supposed to go for little guys who looked like him.
One evening, Misha was just starting his stream when some user started acting really weird in chat. He had a username that almost seemed familiar to Misha, but the guy he was thinking of had always been polite and given insightful comments on Misha’s gaming. This guy’s messages were full of typos, and he couldn’t seem to stop talking about his muscles.
Misha was just about to ban the guy when an alert sounded: Misha’s charming, girly laugh, which indicated a user had just donated a hefty sum. Of course, it was this annoying brodude.
“Uh,” said Misha, almost forgetting to put on his femmy voice, “He says, “Bro, this guy liek wants to chat wiht u on stream.” And there’s a link in the donation.”
Clicking the link, Misha found himself looking at a chat website he’d never seen before. “Hold on, let me share my screen,” he simpered, sharing the chat window. Somehow, his usual screen name was already in the bar. It must have populated from his stream.
Mish-kittycat: Like, heyoooo! You okay with being on stream with me? (✿◠‿◠)
Himbo_mkr: No way, bruh! I love meeting new bros. Like, hi stream!
Misha was a bit offended that this chat partner would refer to him as a “bro.” But stream chat seemed interested, so he thought it could be worth a few minutes to humour the donater. It had been a fair amount of money.
Mish-kittycat: What do you want to talk about UwU
Himbo_mkr: Bro, you know that all I ever talk about are my sick gains and going out with guys, lmao
Okay, so this was a troll. They probably wanted to get Misha banned for lewdness or something. Still, at least it was original that the troll character was a gay guy. He rolled his eyes at the stream and said, out loud in his girl voice, “Looks like someone got mad enough to pay to speak with all this.” He gestured down his slim body in tonight’s outfit, a stereotypical Japanese maid costume.
Himbo_mkr: Huhuhu, bro, you clicked on the link. Didn’t force you to do it.
Misha froze. Of course the troll was watching the stream. “Heh, I don’t let meatheaded bullies boss me around,” he chirped, trying to save face.
Himbo_mkr: You sure? You sure like it when your chat bosses you around, bro.
Now this guy was just lying. Misha scowled, even though he knew the expression would make his foundation crack unattractively. “This is a really weird way to bully someone.” He looked at the stream chat, waiting for his subscribers to back him up.
But the character of the chat seemed to have changed. No, they had always been bossy, Misha suddenly remembered. They would tell Misha how to play his games all the time while he pretended to struggle. It was a key part of the dynamic of his channel that chat bossed him around, and right now they were telling him to go back to chatting with this guy. One guy even messaged, “No more talking, kitty. You’re only allowed to write in the chat.” Misha gave the camera a plaintive look, but listened. He always listened to his chat.
Mish-kittycat: So maybe you’re right about that one thing, but coming in here being rude is totally uncool (งᓀ‸ᓂ)ง
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I was just tryna compliment you on your sick bis, dude.
Misha cocked his head, confused. He was the opposite of buff, that was why he was so good at dressing as a girl. But as he continued to think about it, he remembered all the hours he spent working on his arms. He kept a set of weights next to his bedroom door, and he did bicep curls to failure every time he went through the doorway. Yeah, his biceps were his pride and joy, and they were usually how he showed off his manliness when he revealed his deep voice and accent.
A tip came in. “Flex for us, kitty,” commanded the text-to-speech voice. With a smirk, Misha lifted up one of his arms, feeling it stretch the sleeve of his maid costume as the veins popped. Too bad the rest of his body hadn’t followed his arms and gotten bulky.
Himbo_mkr: We’re all waiting for you to drop your lifting routine, bro! You’ve been totally blowing up.
Misha blushed at the flattery. His physique wasn’t all that impressive. Sure, now that he thought about it, he had been really hitting the weights a lot and eating right. In fact, his room seemed to be full of lifting clothes and supplements as he looked around. But that was because some of his subscribers kept telling him to get to the gym and hit his macros. It had actually been really freeing to just let people pay to tell him what to do on his fitness journey. And it was paying off! Misha definitely couldn’t pass for a girl these days, which was why the channel had changed to be more about doing stuff in-game for the highest bidders.
The maid costume barely wrapped around Misha’s broad pecs, and the garters had torn when he’d tried to pull them up his thick thighs. Sure, it had been funny when the stream started and the chat had gotten Misha to show off his shoulder raises while dressed in a little maid skirt, but the polyester was really starting to chafe on his smooth muscles. It was a relief when a tip rolled in while Misha flexed and said “Kitty, wear comfy clothes.” The chat oooohed and aaaahed as Misha shucked the maid costume, showing off his bulky chest, and pulled on his favourite comfy shirt instead. Sure, it had some tears and stuff, but as a masculine guy, Misha wasn’t worried about dressing up fancy or anything.
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The guy whose chat Misha was streaming had been quiet, so Misha hopped back over and sent another message.
Mish-kittyhunk: Thanks man! It’s all about trusting the process.
Himbo_mkr: I can tell that you trust people, bro! You’re like a puppy lmao.
Well, Misha thought, maybe he did like getting bossed around in chat, but it wasn’t like he trusted everyone blindly! Okay, well, maybe he did tend to stop to help people on the road and then lose his wallet a lot. They looked like they needed help! And maybe he did sometimes click on links that meant he needed to take his phone to the store for them to fix, but so did everyone else!
Looking at the chat, who were all laughing about Misha being a totally trusting puppy, Misha had to finally agree. That was why one of his subscribers had gotten him this headset with floppy dog ears on it, after all.
Mish-puphunk: Haha, you got me, dude! That’s why I clicked on this link, too XD
Himbo_mkr: It’s okay, bro. Lots of gay hunks are pretty dumb, it just adds to that himbo appeal.
This time this guy was definitely making stuff up. Misha was totally straight, he just didn’t do well with girls. Well, that and being a submissive hunk online mostly attracted a gay male fanbase. And, well, now that he thought about it, when was the last time Misha had really thought about a girl? Like, maybe if it was a domme? But no, even then, Misha would really prefer a guy to be involved at some point. This guy was probably right, Misha was gay.
It was super hard to think. There was a reason that Misha preferred to let chat do the thinking for him. Even before he realised how much he loved to listen when men told him what to do, Misha had never been much of a deep thinker. That was why most of the stuff in his room was gym gear, gaming stuff, or whatever his subscribers bought for him. Lately, they had been really loving when Misha wore even less clothes and showed off more of his growing body, and Misha was happy to oblige as long as they kept telling him what to do!
Mish-puphunk: Lol I guess you’re right! I just wanna give sirs what they want
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I totally get why you love pup play so much. You just love being obedient and dumb and empty lmao. You, like, pretty much live in your mask these days.
A pup mask…Misha was pretty sure one of his subscribers had sent him one of those once, but it had been really confusing to put on and he’d only worn it once. No, wait, that wasn’t right. Misha was such a ditz! He’d loved the experience of putting on the pup mask and letting himself be a dumb pup for his chat. And chat had loved sending in tips to give him commands like “sit,” “roll over,” and “stick a tail in your hole.”
It had been so popular that the subscribers had told Misha to make it a weekly thing, then a biweekly thing, and by now it had pretty much become what Misha did during his streams. While chatting with this guy had been fun, Misha really wanted to get on with the stream and mask up. He opened his mouth to tell the viewers that, but then remembered that he had been ordered not to talk. Too bad, chat would only hear his deep, resonant voice if they ordered him to bark after he put on his mask.
Mish-puphunk: Okay dude, I gotta go be a good dumb pup now.
Himbo_mkr: Got it, bruh! You got a bunch of hunky doms to please by being a good pup slut!
Chat cheered as Misha stopped streaming the chat window and winked at the camera. An especially hung dom who loved to tip had won the bid war last night to decide what Misha wore, so Misha fondled the straps of his leather harness as he got up to grab his mask. He wondered what his chat full of muscular, horny himbo doms would have him do today.
Misha slipped on the mask and let his mind go blank.
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Herbal T
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After a sudden breakup Clark decides to finally conquer his wanting sex drive by overdoing an herbal remedy. Soon enough he finds himself nothing more than a servant of his newfound lusts.
I did it everyone, I finally wrote a story under 3k words! Enjoy this, only relatively brief, story of a man’s hypersensitive existence! -Occam
(Also if any writers out there want to participate in my 2k follower writing contest/challenge do check it out here: Occam2000 !)
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Clark had never really minded his low sex drive. It’s not that he found sex debasing, he’s just never that horny. He wasn’t quite ace, but as many men would learn throughout the years, his libido moved at a glacial speed. After his longest term relationship to date ended due to his proclivity for nigh-celibacy, he was starting to reconsider the urgency of his desires. Over the years Clark had tried a litany of home remedies and aphrodisiacs to little difference at all. Doctor’s visits and his own research point to him being hale and hearty. Still, as he lays in his bed, alone once more, he’s determined to come to a solution.
Finding sleep fleeting he tosses and turns before he remembers some long-forgotten herbs stuffed in the back of his bureau given to him by an ex. Clark was hesitant to use them at the time, but now that he’s nearing his breaking point he’s decided that no holds are to be barred. He needs to increase his sex drive at any cost, then surely Paul will come crawling back to him. Digging through drawers to find the small tin, Clark quickly produces it only to find no information or instructions on the cylinder. No wonder he neglected to try them at the time. Opening it he can’t quite decide if they should be brewed as a tea or smoked.
Fortunately for him, as soon as he’s inhaled the fumes released from his opening the jar, Clark is immediately struck woozy. He barely gets the lid back on before he spills backwards onto the bed, narrowly avoiding falling on his ajar laptop. He babbles to himself as he is struck dumb with desire, blood from every extremity rushing to his cock with such overwhelming haste he can’t help himself but release a single guttural grunt before he is unconscious. His sleepful hands claw at his strained shorts while his package surges larger than past partners could have ever imagined it being.
Unfortunately for them, no one is to reap the benefits of Clark’s cock at its most turgid. His balls swell beneath the growing length as they send sex hormones down nerve pathways his body has long since abandoned. His mind races with fantasies and fetishes he never imagined it would entertain. Sex with faces familiar and random passersby fly through his imagination and his underpants are promptly soaked through as Clark experiences his first wet dream at such an intensity it may well make up for his decade and a bit of passed on opportunities for sex.
The new urgency in his crotch is not the only physical change coursing through his body at his first waft of the herbs. Testosterone has always been on the scene but never has it taken such a dominant position in his body. Hands rub across the whole of his body as he remains unconscious, gracing tightened skin as muscle expands beneath. Veins bulge on his arms as his hips hump into shorts that are rapidly becoming too tight for comfort. 
Clark grits his teeth as abs punch their way onto his torso. His hands hesitate their rapturous exploration of his growing chest to instead scratch at the light itches beginning to arise at every expected area. His armpit burns as his few pit hairs lengthen before thick new strands shove themselves in all the real estate available between hairs and further afield. Turning his head he feels stubble that has never quite graced his face scratch against his sweat stained pillow and his eyes bolt open.
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Awake yet again his mind hasn’t even enough awareness to question the fact that he’s sitting in a pool of his own bodily fluids as his hands quickly remove the only obstacle between himself and gratification that he has never truly desired before now. His mind moves like putty while his hands are twitchy in hyperactivity, every changed muscle fiber quivers as pangs of satisfaction and a lust for even more courses through him. His fingers flit between the keyboard and his crotch, with each touch light or deliberate he writhes and his mind tosses philosophies and intelligence like ballast weight. He struggles to produce any porn at all having never had the need before. He stumbles on a website and at the first image is struck with unparalleled bliss, his core convulsing as he flips to instead hump his bed.
Face down, he continues his exercise in staining his sheets, slicking up a new treasure trail as it inches its way towards his developing chest. Hesitant to return to the overwhelming images on the screen, his eyes turn and land upon the small tin of herbs that introduced him to this state of ecstasy and and before a second passes, the canister is in his hand. Caution to the wind, fuck whatever he thought before he needs more. His lust-addled mind hasn’t the wherewithal to consider the options in consuming the dried mystery herbs within. Inhalation got him this far but that’s baby steps, he wants to be inducted to whatever plane of pleasure this concoction will usher him to.
He forces his clumsy cum-covered hand into the tin and simply shoves as much of the mix as he can muster into his wanting mouth. His eyes cross as he falls backwards onto the bed, the half-handful of the mixture that missed his mouth scatters around his bedsheets, sure to be licked up later, once whatever shreds of his mind that remain return. For now his desire, pleasure, sensitivity all rush to higher heights than one should ever experience. Clark feels the burning of his body changing, mouth lolling open as even the thickness of the air on his tongue brings him closer to the satisfaction just out of reach as he stretches and flexes in turn. He languishes on the bed, effortlessly becoming the perfect vessel to induce this ecstasy anywhere he so wills it, with whomever he desires.
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His sharp wit and conscionable conscience rot in his now unending lust focused mind like overripe fruit. Taking a deep breath and smelling his own salty-sweet ichor mix with the miracle herbs, Clark couldn’t possibly bring himself to be concerned with the meager problems of his real life. He feels every thickening hair cry out with new nerve endings, from the sweaty forest of curls in his pits as they rub against each other and the fattening biceps that contain them. His mouth falls open once more as facial hair begins its spread outright, stubble that will never leave his face for more than a moment paints itself across the whole of his jaw before aiming to race towards his equally dusted chest. At the epicenter of his new existence his cock bulges larger as it is surrounded in a true jungle of dark pubes as they curl upwards towards his weightier pecs, ever wanting to expand his body into the garden of delights he oh so wants it to be.
His meatier hands need not even touch his cock as every screaming sensation, from his back on the wet satin sheets to the friction of his own sweaty skin on skin, fills him with immeasurable pleasure. Every cell sends signals so hypersensitive it's as if every part of him is an erogenous zone. His mind continues to atrophy into this state of permanent yearning. Were he even able to look beyond the explosive sensations he’s bathed in, he would see no purpose in anything besides the continual exploration of his new world of sexual indulgence. Losing count of how many consecutive cumshots he’s loosed into the air quickly enough to make one wonder if he even has the capacity to count, Clark stumbles to his feet only to find more sickly delight in his soles against the carpeted floor.
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After an immeasurable time of his body continuing its development towards the end of perpetual pleasure seeking, Clark’s sluggish mind plods to the idea that he could garner even more satisfaction were there another body here with him. He swallows the drool pooling in his mouth as he grabs his phone and struggles to remember the password, after mashing a few buttons he groans before being succinctly locked out of his phone.
His arms tense as he fights the urge to chuck the machine against the wall before he starts to move and loses his footing. Completely unfamiliar with how to carry the new top heavy weight he falls back onto the bed and once more begins writhing in delight, moans of pleasure seamlessly merge with guttural grunts as he bucks. They are swiftly followed by an existential laughter as whatever mind remains within Clark  realizes he couldn’t even summon his own phone password to his mind.
  Before he’s able to begin reflecting on his new state in whatever pitiable way he can, fortune smiles upon his lustful self as he gets a phone call. Who could it be other than the man who began his descent. At the chime of the second ring, Clark has answered and wrenches the phone to his ear. It almost slips out of his hand from the sweat as he struggles to focus on his ex’s words.
“Hey Clark I- I don’t know what got into me. I-” There’s a sigh and a pause as the man on the line rubs his face in embarrassment for having put his own sex drive ahead of his love for his dearest, “Would you want to grab coffee later today?”
There’s a long pause and Paul squints as he hears Clark pant. Batting away images of the two men frotting and fucking he struggles to think even one step ahead. He grunts before he tries to speak coherently, “Paul.” His voice dry and raspy, Clark quickly clears his throat and stretches his jaw and mouth as if he must relearn how to control it. His hand reaches to his own neck and he shivers from the sensation, “Me want-, uhhh.” His eyes glaze over as something inside him realizes just how truly his higher functions have deteriorated. Given pause, his untenable desires take the wheel with another grunt and he speaks plainly and thoughtlessly, “You come here? Me- Grgh. Me over it. Fuck?”
Paul was second guessing himself as soon as he heard the man speak, sounding deeper than he did even on his sickest days. As the breathy words spill out sounding strained, he concludes something must be up. Hearing the content of Clark's bizarre words he blushes before hastening to depart to Clark’s at once, out of concern as well as excitement at the potential that they have both learned something in his petite absence. He smirks as he thinks himself to be the one to finally awaken desire in the sexually sedated man, not knowing what a beast lies in wait for him when he gets there. “I’ll be there in five babe,” he winks to no one, “Don’t forget the protection.”
The line goes silent and Clark grimaces at the words said in parting, protection? He scratches his head in confusion at what that could even mean, shifting to scratch at his pit dripping with sweat he sniffs his hand before shoving his own head directly in his pits with a deep chuckle. He’s vaguely aware that there should be some preparation done, but looking around at his sweat and cum covered bedroom cleanliness is so far removed a priority it may as well exist no longer to him. 
He flexes at himself in every reflective surface he can find, biting his lip and shivering as the cool air washes across his sweaty skin. Unable to fathom any real preparation to be done before the arrival of his, uh lover? Fuckbuddy? Whatever- He instead does the hardest thing he can imagine, taking a break from touching himself. Abstinence has a new meaning for the man now that any stray sensation can send him over the edge. 
He takes deep quivering breaths as he stands still in wait, imagining just how sweet his next release will be once he feels the incoming man in his arms. Each passing second the anticipation only continues to heighten his heady needs. By the time he arrives Clark’s so eager and hungry Paul’s lucky to get the door closed before the lustful giant pounces. Shocked at what has become of the man he knew Paul hasn’t a moment to think before he too is overwhelmed by senseless pleasure. After all, what could matter more than the pursuit of this everlasting delight.
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A Thief's Charm
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Life had become so easy ever since I set this tattoo. Although it may look like a regular arm tattoo, this one is very very special. It has magical properties like no other. One major property; it makes me absolutely irresistible to anyone I want. This makes is especially easy for me to do my day job; robbery.
I've robbed so many places already, and with each I do the same. I walk up to the cashier, make them fall uncontrollably in love with me, and ask them to turn off all the security measures in the building. They always comply, and I just take all the stuff I want and walk out without anyone ever coming after me. It's the perfect crime!
But, it has gotten a little stale. The same routine, everyday, just in and out of the store within 10 minutes without any repercussions. I need something more exciting, more fun to do with my powers. That's when I spotted him.
A really handsome cashier at the jewelry department. I could do some fun stuff with him. I entered the store, and immediately approached him.
"Hey there handsome" I winked. "What's a hot piece like you doing here in a boring jewelry store?" The guy seemed flustered. Logical, since he was now head over heels for me despite whatever his preferences might've been before. "Oh, ehm, sir.. I gotta ask that you keep 1.5m distance at all time." he said, dodging eye contact and blushing the entire time.
This was too fun. "Oh, and why's that?" I said, leaning over the counter, leaving my face only a few centimeters from his. "W-w-well, c-cause of c-corona... A-a-and safety measures for the shop.." he said, turning bright red and trying to create a bit of space between our faces.
"I like you." I said as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a tender kiss, which he wholeheartedly returned. As I pulled back, leaving him with his mouth open, wanting more. He was awestruck, and it was hilarious. "Why don't you come back to my place later?" I said, taking a pen from his side of the desk and writing my address on a notepad.
As he stuck his hand out to receive the piece of paper, I pulled it back for a second. "Oh, but I have one condition." I said. "You might want to turn off the cameras for this request." I winked, leaving him confused, but he obliged.
"I want you to jerk off. Right here, right now. Take off your shirt."
He was taken aback by the request, but followed my instructions. He took off his shirt, and wow, I really had struck gold. Not only was he handsome, he was also incredibly built. Nice, beautiful soft pecs.
"Wowie! You're one hot fella!" I said, clearly making him very happy with the compliment. "Now, show me what tool you got down there."
As I said it, he unzipped his pants and pulled everything down. A rock hard 8 incher immediately sprang to attention. "Wow, the boy's well endowed too! Lucky break!" I said. "Now jerk it."
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My word is his command. He started jerking it right in the middle of the jewelry store. What a sight to behold. The power I have over people is incredible, and I love to abuse it.
As I saw how he was growing closer to orgasm, I stopped him at the last second. "Don't just waste that stuff man." I said. I climbed over the counter, sat myself down next to him, and put his head in my mouth. He tasted really good, a nice mix of sweat and precum. Maybe I'd keep this guy around a little longer...
It wasn't long before he blew his load straight down my throat. Nice, sweet cum filled my mouth, and I savoured the taste for a while. Once I had cleaned up his dick, I gave him a last kiss, and climbed back over the counter, placing the piece of paper on it.
"See you tonight baby. And don't forget, I think it's best if we keep what happened here a secret. For the both of us ;)"
"I'll be there." he said, blushing some more. He has a nice voice...
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