Almora: A Himalayan paradise | Transforming Travels transformingtravels.com
Almora: A Himalayan paradise | Transforming Travels
The trip to Kausani and Almora has been specially designed to satiate the “Himalayan” cravings of our participants, offer them a meditative, peaceful, and yet adventurous experience. These offbeat hidden gems of Uttarakhand will steal your heart with their beauty and simplicity.
The bewitching hill station of Almora has always kept Himalayan lovers captivated. Located at a height of 5400 feet, the town of Almora is surrounded by pine and oak trees offering lovely Himalayan views. Almora is considered to be the cultural heart of the Kumaon region. It’s famous for its Bal Mithai and Kasar Devi temple which is home to the geomagnetic cosmic energy field over the crank ridge aka hippie hill.
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Amritsar: Romancing with Punjab | Transforming Travels
This power-packed trip to Amritsar is for those who want to visit all the major spots along with experiencing the vibe of this border town, and indulge their soul & taste buds in Punjabi food while being on a spiritual and religious sojourn. Get goosebumps while feeling patriotic at Wagah Border and also experience the pain of the 1947 partition while visiting other places.
The golden yellow sarson ke khet surrounding the villages of Amritsar, the taste of Makki di roti te Sarson da saag (maize flour bread with mustard greens) slow-cooked on the hearth, the sights of Punjabi people riding tractors through their farms, and the warmth of Sikh hospitality are just a few delights of visiting Amritsar. In Amritsar, everything revolves around food, and it’s a dream city to visit for connoisseurs. It’s a sin to come back from Amritsar without tasting Amritsari Kulcha, Chhole Bhature, Kulfi, Dal Makhani, Lassi, and Jalebi.
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Bharatpur : Women-Only | Transforming Travels
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary was declared as a bird sanctuary in 1956, followed by a National Park declaration in 1982, and listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. It was later on renamed Keoladeo National Park after an ancient Shiva Temple located in the park.
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, the bird paradise of India, is a green wildlife oasis located in the unbelievable barren land of Rajasthan.
As one takes a laid-back rickshaw ride through the trails of the sanctuary, the mind of the wanderer is treated with a therapeutic chirping of birds, the cold air, and the fresh smell of greenery. Disconnecting from all the stresses of life, for a few hours, one can simply focus on playing hide and seek with those colorful birds of Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. As the sun goes down and the birds begin to fly towards their nests, their black silhouettes striking against the golden reddish sky make a perfect fairytale sight.
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Bhutan – The Land of Happiness | Transforming Travels
Bhutan – Did you know that it is the first and only country to be officially carbon negative?Bhutan, the land of happiness, has been a dream destination of all conscious travelers around the world! It’s the country that introduced the index of Gross National Happiness to this planet, signifying happiness to be an important part of national growth. Hence, Bhutan definitely deserves a visit, at least once in our lifetime.
Bhutan is a landlocked Buddhist kingdom, sharing borders with Tibet and India. It rests like a baby in the arms of mother India that also signifies the friendly relationship between the two countries. Warm smiles and hospitality of Bhutanese people, wide valleys, beautiful birds, dramatic landscapes, majestic mountains, captivating Dzongs, refreshing waterfalls, and colorful prayer flags in the air are bound to enthrall us.
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Bundi – the land of step-wells & palaces | Transforming Travels
Bundi – if you haven’t visited this town before, means you are going to experience a hidden gem of Rajasthan. It’s going to surprise you with the amazing architecture, colorful lanes, beautiful cafes, spicy chai, and delicious food.
Bundi, a sleepy little charming town has graciously retained the magic of the centuries past. It’s located in the Indian state of Rajasthan, in a narrow valley within Aravalli Hills. The mesmerizing step-wells, miniature gold paintings, serene lakes, beautiful temples, colorful bazaars, vintage-style shops, smiling people, blue houses, and the chaos, is the essence of Bundi.
Did you know that Bundi is also known as the blue city of eastern Rajasthan?
Bundi is not just an offbeat travel destination, but home to the rich history and mind-blowing artwork. As a matter of fact, Rudyard Kipling has described Bundi Palace to be “the work of goblins rather than of men”. Kipling was very fond of Bundi as he stayed there, while he was writing his novel “Kim”.
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Celebrating Womanhood in the Himalayan Village
Transforming Travels takes you to a little-hidden paradise in the Himalayas. Who would believe that just a couple of hours away from the bustling city of Delhi, you get a chance to establish a deep connection with nature?
Don’t we all women much require a from our real lives to heal, to deal with whatever the life is going to throw at us and keep doing all the great work we do, even with more force!
We bring to you a tranquil Himalayan village which offers you a timeless experience of soaking yourself in the majestic mountainous beauty. Here you breathe fresh air, hear the pleasant music made by tweeting of birds, and go deep into the forests to unravel some of the Kumaoni secrets. A place so remote where you won’t be jaded by the crowds because you would not possibly find any other traveler but you!
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Chakrata – An adventurous getaway | Transforming Travels
The magical town of Chakrata is an offbeat Himalayan destination accessible from Delhi or located at a distance of 90 km from Dehradun in the state of Uttarakhand. Located at an altitude of 7000 feet, the mesmerizing town of Chakrata offers breathtaking views of multiple Himalayan ranges. Surrounded by thick deodar forests, blessed with beautiful Himalayan birds, winding roads, frozen lakes in winter, waterfalls, picturesque sceneries, green meadows, vast grasslands, and the fresh air of Chakrata makes it an amazing destination for a short and sweet weekend getaway.
Did you know that Chakrata is home to one of the mightiest waterfalls in India known as Tiger Falls?
It also surprises visitors with some of the natural wonders which nature has bestowed upon Chakrata such as a vast plateau known as Chirimiri neck at the peak of a mountain, and an unbelievable limestone cave named as Budher Cave.
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Chettinad & Thanjavur : Women-Only | Transforming Travels
Chettinad region of Tamil Nadu, is a place so affluent yet abandoned, reminds us of the glorious past of Chettiars as we walk inside the colorful mansions built by them.
Chettiars is a trading community, who settled in the Pudukkottai district after their villages were completely washed away with the flood in the 16th century. The flood led to the loss of everything that they had ever owned. The Chola kings of Puddukottai welcomed Chettiars very generously by offering them land for resettlement as they thought that the settlement of a business community in the kingdom would bring prosperity. Chettiars got settled in 96 villages back then, out of those 74 still exist, but now divided between Pudukkottai and Sivaganga district. By accumulating wealth from various business streams, primarily money lending, Chettairs built beautiful mansions that stand straight even today. These are not just mansions, but fine examples of art and architecture which has taken inspiration from different parts of the world.
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Chikmagalur : Women-Only | Transforming Travels transformingtravels.com
Would you be interested in joining our hands on this refreshing getaway to Chikmagalur? It’s offbeat, beautiful, serene, and a power-packed itinerary that guarantees you utmost peace and a break from your busy routine life.
Chikmagalur has the vast expanse of coffee estates and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that could make anyone fall in love with it. Little did we know that a handful of beans of coffee smuggled by a 17th century Sufi Saint would not just make coffee every household name, but also provide livelihood to the people of Chikmagalur. This also becomes the reason that the best coffee museum is in Chikmagalur itself. As a matter of fact, Chikmagalur, the land of coffee, is one of the least advertised places in Karnataka because it’s natural heritage is so rich that locals fear it would get destroyed by over-tourism.
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Corn Village and Landour Exploration | Transforming Travels
What do you think about a refreshing and power-packed weekend in Uttarakhand? You would get to visit a traditional pahadi village that is entirely decorated with the garlands of golden corn, explore the English heritage, century-old bakeries, and tea shops of Landour or pay a visit to the house of the man who measured Mount Everest?
Have you ever heard about a village that is entirely decorated with the garlands of golden corn? It’s none other but a quaint Himalayan village known as Sainji or popularly referred to as Corn Village in the Mussoorie district of state Uttarakhand.
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Digital Detox Retreat | Transforming Travels
What do you think about the idea of digital detox for a weekend? Don’t you want to disconnect yourself from the continuous email, WhatsApp, and Facebook notifications, and escape to a peaceful world? These notifications come anytime, disturbing our mental balance day and night, right? Don’t you crave a weekend where you don’t want to click and upload Instagram-perfect shots, and just be at your ease?
Let’s escape to a beautiful Himalayan village for a weekend over a Digital Detox Retreat, and soak ourselves in the magnificence of nature. Unplugging doesn’t only give some rest to the eyes and brain, but it’s also a much-needed way to reconnect with ourselves and think over the things which have been sitting in our subconscious mind for weeks or months. During Digital Detoxification, we go through an uninterrupted process where our mind gets time to relax, heal, and introspect. It also helps in restoring a balance between online and offline in long term.
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Holi in Shekhawati | Transforming Travels
Holi in Shekhawati
Holi in Shekhawati is indeed unique, traditional, and heart-warming. In Mandawa town of Shekhawati region, you will find people of all religions coming together on the streets and dancing to the traditional beats, forgetting all their communal differences. Women peeping from their veils, dancing men with their colorful turbans, and the stalls of bhang can be found in any street of Mandawa. A few men can be seen cross-dressed i.e. men dressed as women while celebrating Holi in Shekhawati. This unusual practice has a great story behind it! A great benefit of celebrating Holi in Shekhawati is that you won’t be pushed against random strangers during celebrations as the crowd is less and very well managed by local authorities.
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Jim Corbett : Women Only | Transforming Travels
Jim Corbett Women-only trip has been designed especially for those who seek a quick close-to-nature trip without undertaking an arduous journey. Along with the luxury of nature, we have arranged for a luxury stay as well. Come on ladies, give yourselves that much-needed relaxation and spend sometime with the like-minded and fun-loving females.
Majestic tigers, graceful deers, and mighty elephants strutting through all the shades of green adorning the forest are what one might think when they hear the name – Jim Corbett National Park. Yet, there’s so much more waiting to be discovered in the diverse geography of the region. Hills, riverine belts, grasslands, and large lakes are scattered across this rich land located in the Nainital district of the state of Uttarakhand.
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Kangra: Bir & Palampur | Transforming Travels
What’s there near Palampur?
Palampur, located in the beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh, is one of the oldest yet unexplored hill stations in Kangra Valley which is now famous for tea estates. The tea bushes were introduced to Palampur in 1849, from Almora, by Dr. Jameson. Eventually, tea gardens began to thrive in Palampur and Kangra tea of Palampur gained a name in the international market.
Just a few kilometers from Palampur lie the towns of Bir & Billing which, being home to Asia’s highest paragliding point, sits on the bucket list of all adventure seekers across the world. Bir also has the presence of Tibetan refugee settlement which enables visitors to experience Tibetan culture in the town, and also pay a visit to the beautiful monasteries. For those who are religious, Kangra has the Baijnath temple which holds extreme importance in Hindu mythology and sits at a beautiful location amidst mountains.
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Kurukshetra – Chulhe ka khana aur Itihaas | Transforming Travels
This short trip to Kurukshetra enables you to experience the charm of a small town, appreciate the slowness of rural life, witness the clear sky, have the joy of hearth-cooked meals, tractor ride, farm walk, etc while understanding the richness of its culture, the story of Mahabharata and the grandeur of Bhagavad Geeta.
Kurukshetra, a peaceful town located a distance of 170 km from Delhi, everyday romances with the beautiful sunset turning its clear sky into a reddish color, and dropping its reflection into the waters of Asia’s biggest pond named as Braham Sarovar. The invigorating Sarovar aarti happening over the ghats of Brahma Sarovar during dusk makes the entire evening even more magical. The chants of mantras, the saffron-clad sadhus, the vast expanse of water, the picturesque sunset and all the energy in the surroundings are experienced as just another normal evening in the city of Kurukshetra. It often paints the picture of being a mini-Varanasi in the mind of visitors. It’s still an offbeat tourist destination and free from the crowd.
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Lansdowne | Transforming Travels
Have you ever thought of screaming your heart out while witnessing the beautiful, snow-capped mountain peaks or cruising over mountain roads in a bus with a fun gang? If you are a Bollywood fanatic or a travel enthusiast, the answer is probably a big, fat YES! To turn this dream into reality, what would be better than one of India’s most tranquil and undiscovered hill stations—Lansdowne.
Lansdowne, a cantonment town located in the heart of Uttarakhand, is referred to as the Home of the Garhwal Rifles. It was originally called ‘Kaludanda,’ which meant black hills in Garhwali. In 1887, when the British turned the place into a recruits training center, the name changed after Lord Lansdowne, the then Viceroy of India. Although the Britishers are long gone, the beauty, nature, and colonial architecture are still intact, just like its name. The tourists can learn about Lansdowne’s rich military history by visiting the War Memorial and the Regimental Museum. There are also many churches and temples nestled in the mountains, with their own unique features
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Madurai, Rameswaram & Kanyakumari | Transforming Travels
Do you want to experience a long weekend getting pampered in luxury, relaxing in your bathtub, eating delicious feasts, soothing your eyes with amazing architecture & colors, victorian furniture, getting amazed with the lost art of handmade tiles, and a lot more? If yes, this tour is for you!
Colorful temples with spellbinding architecture, scrumptious meals, jigarthanda, the famous mogra gajra, and a heritage older than thousand years, Madurai is a place you cannot easily forget. Madurai’s ancient history is linked to the Pandya kings as it was their capital followed by the Cholas, Vijayanagara, Muslims, Marathas, and British rulers. Formerly known as Madura this city is situated on the Vaigai River in the Southern state of Tamil Nadu. It is one of the oldest cities not only in the state but also in India.
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