transgendeerprince · 7 years
Sushi e dieta mediterranea: ecco come si ottiene longevitĂ 
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Il sushi non è solo buono, ma fa anche bene. Lo dice una ricerca che associa la cucina giapponese a quella mediterranea come sinonimo di benessere e longevità. Lo studio arriva dal National Center for Global Health and Medicine di Tokyo. Viene sottolineato come una dieta a base di sushi e sashimi possa aiutare a vivere di più. Inoltre riduce anche il rischio di contrarre malattie cardio-vascolari. Il consiglio da nord a sud Italia è quindi quello di scendere in strada o armarsi di computer per poter subito ordinare cibi tipici che hanno segnato la tradizione del Sol levante.
Il sushi conquista il Bel Paese
 Da Milano a Roma, fino a Palermo: l’Italia ha da tempo accolto a braccia aperte i cibi tipici giapponesi, riversandosi all’interno di ristoranti nipponici. Per stare al passo di questa tendenza, sostenuta ora anche dallo studio, numerosi locali hanno deciso di offrire anche il servizio di take away e delivery. Nel capoluogo lombardo inoltre il sushi ha iniziato a spopolare anche all’orario dell’aperitivo, presentando anche particolari varianti speciali, come nel caso dell’offerta di Shi’s in Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano MI. E’ il caso dei sushi burger che, imitando il classico panino americano, ripropongono il suo concept con riso e pesce, per massimizzare i sapori asiatici.
 Il sushi aiuta a diminuire il tasso di mortalità
 Lunga vita a pesce, verdure e alghe, ingredienti che sono fondamentali per la cucina giapponese. Se affiancati a frutta, cereali e ortaggi (tipici della dieta mediterranea) è possibile diminuire il tasso di mortalità. Lo studio, effettuato su 36.624 uomini e 42.920 donne, tra i 45 e 75 anni ha infatti confermato questa tendenza.
Facendo un confronto sui dati ottenuti negli ultimi 10 anni, è stata confermata una riduzione del 15% sul tasso di mortalità. Il pesce crudo, la carne bianca e il riso sono un vero toccasana. Provare per credere!
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
Shi'S Jap Fusion Restaurant Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano
Shi’s, Urban Japanese Restaurant Il sushi per tutti, la qualità giapponese incontra il gusto europeo, dando vita ai piatti di Shi’s. Ristoranti giapponesi take away e sushi delivery dal menu ricco e curato preparato esclusivamente con pietanze fresche all & origine. Impressum SICUREZZA Sui nostri prodotti vengono effettuati i controlli più accurati e tutte le pietanze sono trattate con la procedura di abbattimento di temperatura, in ottemperanza al regolamento europeo 853/2004 in materia di igiene alimentare. QUALITÀ La preparazione delle pietanze avviene manualmente, i nostri cuochi preparano il piatto solo dopo la vostra ordinazione. Nonostante la preparazione avvenga sul momento, noi cerchiamo sempre di fornire il servizio più veloce e preciso possibile. CELIACI, VEGETARIANI E VEGANI Per i clienti celiaci o per coloro che adottano una dieta vegana o vegetariana, tutti i piatti a loro dedicati sono segnalati sul menù con le apposite icone. Chiediamo comunque di comunicare eventuali intolleranze o regimi alimentari per adottare la procedura più adeguata alle vostre esigenze. ASPORTO Le ordinazioni possono essere effettuate telefonicamente o dall’area personale My Shi’S, nella quale vengono memorizzati i vostri ordini. Le ordinazioni possono essere sia ritirate al ristorante che consegnate direttamente a casa. Business Name : Shi'S Urban Japanese Restaurant Address : Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano MI, Italy City : Milano State : Lombardy ZIP : 20123 Phone : 02-5811-0988 URL : https://www.shis.it/ristorante-giapponese-milano-urbano
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
American Limousine Sales 323-209-8510
LIMOS FOR SALE TODAY READY TO GO. WE ARE LIMOUSINE DEALERS. WE BUY LIMOUSINES NEW OR USED. WE SELL LIMOUSINES NEW OR USED. WE BUILD LIMOUSINES TOO. Here you can buy luxury limousines, SUVs, and Party Buses at great prices withexceptional, personal, customer service. You can search from a long list of auto makes, including Dodge, Lincoln, Chrysler, Mercedes Benz, Lexus and Ford. You can easily browse limos by features, fuel economy, price range, and body type with our gorgeous photo galleries." 5250 W Century Blvd #212,Los Angeles,CA,90045,USA https://americanlimousinesales.com/
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
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Top Citation Sources For Brimingham
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
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Top Citation Sources For Baltimore
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transgendeerprince · 7 years
How To Profit From Your Internet Traffic To the Maximum Extent
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Not too long ago, setting up your own business website was a lot easier than it is today. Unfortunately, today, there is so much more competition numbering in the thousands of competing similar websites all vying to get a larger piece of the same money pie. So, every kind of scheme and means to increase your bottom line would be most advantageous.
Why Set Up a Business Website? Admit it, most of us, if not all of us are in it for the money. I mean, after all, why bother investing our precious time and effort in building a website all for entertainments sake. We have no intention of sitting their with our business websites all set up and ready to go waiting for hell to freeze over before seeing the profits roll in. Whereas some who take their online businesses lightly, there are always those of us who conversely, would rather turn a profit any day.
Online Traffic is the Life Blood of Any Business Website As with any business whether a physical brick-and-mortar storefront or an online website one, we as business owners commonly know the without visitors or traffic, we would not have a business for very long. So if we have no customers or traffic, we don't get sales. Online traffic represents all of the people who gets exposed to your offered products. Consequently, the more site visitors to your website there are, the more potential buyers there would be.
All of us who sets up a business website certainly expects to rake in a profit. For starters, we would like to recoup our initial startup expenses and costs. What we need is a consistent traffic flow, so that we can then, at least, have a fair shot of doing just that. Hence, in order to make the most of our online business, we have to make money off of our internet traffic or by monetizing it.
Advertising Can Help You Make Money So just how can we make money from our internet traffic? Advertising, specifically, has been proven to be the best and most successful method of converting our traffic into big bucks. For instance, we can see that online business revenues has generated hundreds of thousands upon hundreds of thousands in profits daily. Most potential future E-commerce website owners are searching for something, an advantage. While some online users simply searching for more information on making money online, others, a large percentage, are searching for something to meet their needs, a consumerable product.
Again, Attracting Internet Traffic is Key As a resource, the internet provides a proven way of tracking down that impossibly hard to locate product for any consumer or buyer. Fortunately, a buyer's job is made much more effortless, by making the world a smaller world. For example, as a seller, you can advertise any product from the boondocks in Istanbul, Turkey, yet a buyer from the heart of Philadelphia, can still track down that item easily.
How to increase site traffic is not an easy task. After all, we are not alone in our efforts as we have to contend with many other competing business websites that are also out to get online traffic. However, once we generate online traffic and make money from it, we have opened up the floodgates flood of possibilities. This is the benefit of converting your internet traffic into big bucks.
So to reiterate once again, basically, the core of the matter is that the greater amount of online traffic you can generate, the more likely your website is deemed as highly desirable, in that your site readily converts a steady flow of traffic into cash. In short, online traffic to your site equals profit. And advertising is definitely the only game in town for those of us who own a business website. And with a solid advertising plan, you can maximize that traffic flow to your benefit.
Pay Per Click is a Money Maker By creating and maintaining a steady flow of internet traffic, you will have a an equally steady influx of potential paying customers, who are willing to put their dollars into your awaiting hands. Moreover, these potential customers meanwhile, can also be redirected to your sponsored links where those sponsors are eager to reimburse you for a hefty chunk of those customers or traffic that you have attracted.
Specifically, this reimbursement method is called pay-per-click, where with every mouse click a visitor to your website clicks on an advertised link or banner, you will get reimbursed. Hence, the greater amount of incoming traffic or visitors you have, the more clicks you can receive, in turn, translates into more profits for your business.
What are Affiliate Programs? Another method of getting paid for online visitors or traffic are called affiliate programs. You can join such programs by signing up with other time proven successful online companies with equally successful websites that can convert your internet traffic into profits from which you will get a percentage of when you redirect online traffic from your website to theirs.
Here is how it works, basically, any traffic generated by your website will be redirected to another different website that carries a product for sale that you lack. And there are many software programs available that will keep track and record all of your business transactions. All of this is made possible because of clickable links that connect your site with other sites.
Affiliate programs can provide many benefits to you as a business website owner who is an affiliate participant. You get the bonuses of profiting off of your online traffic without having to own a large warehouse of products nor having to actively promote it. Thus, this is how these redirected site visitors originally from your site, resulting in you getting a percentage of that product sale.
Hence, there are sundry ways to make money off of your internet traffic. The only prerequisite asked of you is that diligence and a fervent desire for success in launching such a profitable website. Since the internet is a treasure trove of knowledge, including many practical tips and resources are available left and right, on how to convert your website into a money maker machine, converting internet traffic into cold cash.
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