transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
Know your death rights as a trans person! 
If your family is bigoted, what can you do to protect yourself, even in death? This video details your rights and what you can do preventatively to create a plan. Even if you’re young, it’s a good idea to have an idea of what you want and document it.
TW: mentions of transmisogyny and transphobia 
Here’s a site they have created with resources for trans people 
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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What I would say to people who are unfamiliar with nonbinary identities or who want to be allies to the nonbinary community during Nonbinary Awareness Week (Part 1 maybe???)
(Image description: 10 images with an off white background, the images are bordered by purple and yellow flowers and green leaves, every image has purple text with information about nonbinary identities above smaller green text that says "Nonbinary Awareness Week 2020".
The purple text on the images reads:
1) "To be nonbinary means to have a gender identity outside of the socially constructed male and female binary."
2) "In other words, a nonbinary person is an individual whose gender identity is neither exclusively or entirely man nor woman."
3) "Some nonbinary people experience their gender as fluid and changing, some have more than one gender, and others have no gender at all".
4) "The term nonbinary is only one of the many words that exist to describe genders outside the binary. Other gender identity terms include genderqueer, agender, and genderfluid".
5) "Nonbinary people are everywhere, we are a part of every community. There are many simple ways to support the nonbinary people in your life".
6) "Respect a nonbinary person's chosen name, use the correct pronouns, use gender neutral language, and work to make the spaces in your community gender neutral and inclusive."
7) "There is no one way to be nonbinary and every nonbinary person's experience is unique. Some people medically transition and some do not, some change their names and some do not".
8) "Many nonbinary people have other marginalized identities as well. Center the voices of multiply marginalized nonbinary people, especially nonbinary people of color and nonbinary disabled people."
9) "Transphobia and cissexism have harmful impacts on the lives of nonbinary people. Challenge trans and nonbinary exclusionism wherever you encounter them. Silence is complicity."
10) "Listen to and amplify nonbinary voices. Nonbinary people are the experts on our own lives and experiences.")
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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Really happy to see this at my local library
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
cis people: *get plastic surgery to look different*
cis people: *get surgery to enlarge their breasts*
cis people: *get surgery to enlarge their ass*
cis people: *get liposuction to make them skinnier*
trans people: hey could i get top surgery so i can be comfortable with my body?
cis people: BUT WHY?! YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE, YOU DON’T NEED TO MUTILATE YOURSELF TO BE HAPPY! this is just a waste of money! You could regret this later on and feel like a stranger in your own body!
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
Prayer When Transitioning
Loving Creator, I come before you today to ask your blessing, in this as in all things. I come in thanksgiving and praise that you have guided me into better understanding of my Self.
First, thank you for the courage to discern what your will is for me, rather than blindly accepting what this world has assigned me to. In transitioning, I do not reject the body you have given me. Rather, I hope to mold it into something that, being more fully me, can more fully serve you. I ask you to bless me, Holy Lord. I ask your blessing over my transition, my transformation. I present the tools of this transformation to you today – binding, tucking, surgery, hormones, etc. – and ask that you bless them. I offer these tools, my hopes, my all up to you; may my body be made into a living sacrifice for you. As I shape my body to better fit my true self – the self you have planned out for me since before I was born – may I always remember who it is that shapes my soul. Help me remember that the spirit takes precedence over the flesh, so that I can view this transition as one of many that I must make to develop my spirit into a holier Image of you. Do not let any struggles I experience in this matter weaken my faith in you, and I pray that you will celebrate all my little victories with me. Protect me from discouragement and ill will, and help me fashion both body and soul into vessels that better serve you. Oh most loving, most compassionate God, help me keep these words of yours close to my heart, rejoicing in their truth and striving to fulfill them:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Cor 5:17)
I can never thank you enough for always loving me. Through the grace of your Son, I ask you to guide me to the best self that I can be. All glory be to you, Amen.
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
Happy pride month!
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[ID: a series of pride banners with abstract backgrounds that resemble the different flag colours that say: "lesbian and proud, gay and proud, bisexual and proud, trans and proud, pansexual and proud, asexual and proud, aromantic and proud, aroace and proud, questioning and proud, intersex and proud." End ID]
Feel free to use with credit and to request more! (I'll add some other banners in a reblog since I can't add more than 10 images to the post)
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
I am tired of the church not living up to the powerful messages of the gospel it teaches. I’m tired of the tone deaf announcements, empty support to certain people and harmful policy updates. I’m tired of people not realizing that this church’s flaws are not only cultural, it’s institutional. I’m tired of worshiping God and Jesus while trying to not let this church daft actions bring me down. I’m tired of people expecting me to leave when this gospel has brought me life. I’m tired of there not being a clear choice for me.
In these revolutionary times, in these protests for Black Lives Matter, where are the sons of Helaman? Where is Captain Moroni’s banner? Where is Nephi’s defiance to his brothers? Where are the converted lamanites burying their weapons? Where are the Zaccheus’, those who use their privilege and wealth to help the marginalized? Where is Christ’s whip against greed?
This church will forever be insufficient unless it takes a vocal, active stand against systemic racism and national bigotry. There are many members who do this, many Saints doing what they can to help the persecuted, be they POC, queer, disabled and more.
But I can’t be satisfied until the church does something official, does an organization-wide initiative to fight racism.
And again I say unto you, is there one among you that doth make a mock of his brother, or that heapeth upon him persecutions?
Wo unto such an one, for he is not prepared, and the time is at hand that he must repent or he cannot be saved!
Alma 5:30-31
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
Being created perfectly in the womb by God and being transgender are not mutually exclusive. They are, perhaps most importantly, truths that are intertwined. God made you perfect AND transgender. God made you transgender AND perfect. You are perfect BECAUSE you are transgender. You are transgender BECAUSE you are perfect. 
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
I don’t have any coherent way to poise this but intersex identity is not a cute little club you get to be in. Intersex life is not a cute little sub-niche culture and it’s not all homogenous. We’re not only not a hivemind, we not only have a wide variety of experiences, sometimes the intersex experience is a loose thread that ties us all together and isn’t coherent. It is something we’re born with. It is something inherent in us. It is not acquired. 
No, you don’t get to ask us if you qualify as intersex if you’re on hormones. You do not become intersex. You can not become intersex. It is inherent and genetically caused. It is not acquired. How many times do we need to say it?? You are born intersex. It is absolutely not acquired. That means when your puberty is done and said for and your hormone panel results come back and your karyotype comes back and when everything checks out and is completely fine and indicates no intersex variation and they don’t have to account for hormone levels you do not get to Become intersex. 
Yes that includes dyadic transitions, and I am - especially- looking at all of the dyadic afab nb people who want to go on T and “become intersex”. Your desire to be virilized is not the same as those of us who were virilized naturally and you still! Do not! Understand! That We are Different! From You! And moreover, there are intersex afab nb people who desire to go on T and become further virilized! You are not! The same as us! You do not get to become us when you go on T and erase what those of us who go on T already do to reclaim our bodies! 
You do not get to cite “intersex dysphoria” because you don’t know what that means. Intersex is not a dyadic afab body with clitoromegaly. There’s so many variations it’s not even funny. Intersex is not a dyadic afab body with clitoromegaly and chest & face hair and a square jawline. Quit fucking erasing amab intersex conditions for one, and for two, quit assuming every afab intersex experience is the exact same. 
Intersex dysphoria is not a phrase you get to use because you are not intersex. Intersex dysphoria is the dysphoria that intersex people have. You do not get to use the word ‘intersex’ to describe yourself or what you want to be because you still don’t get it. You don’t get that intersex is not One body type. You don’t get that intersex is thousands of millions of potentials of variations and that it doesn’t just boil down to “I go on T and get a bigger clitoris”. 
You as dyadic people who desire to have ambiguous genitalia do not get to speak over those of us who already have it. You don’t get to speak for the surgical scars on our bodies. You don’t get to speak for the medical histories we have to fight for the right to see. You don’t get to speak for the hormone therapies some of us are forced onto in order to “normalize” our bodies. You don’t get to speak for the educational erasure we experience and the fact that so many of us don’t even know we’re intersex because we don’t know what it means. You don’t get to speak for our fetishization because you, as dyadic people, are complicit in that fetishization. 
You don’t get to claim you want to be intersex because you don’t know what that means. 
You don’t get to claim that Intersex people want to be included when you don’t provide any resources, spaces or groups or actual information for intersex people, you don’t get to claim that Intersex people want to be included when you fail to include them yourself. You don’t get to get mad when Intersex people say they don’t want to be included when it’s not meaningful. The I doesn’t mean me when the I means a space full of dyadic people speculating on intersex lives. 
You don’t get to claim to have intersex dysphoria because you are not intersex. 
You don’t get to claim that there’s little to no intersex information when you are too complacent to do any google searches. We aren’t obliged to keep informing you on every little change. We aren’t obliged to keep you updated with every possibility and we aren’t obliged to keep reminding you that yes, there are, natural, dyadic, variations. 
Why is it that intersex people have to take their own lives in their own hands constantly and do their own research but dyadic people do not have to go through every single google search, scholarly article search, wikipedia, enzymes, hormones, genetics, combinations, scar locations, etc. - why is it that dyadic people are mysteriously separated from the task of informing themselves on intersex lives? “I don’t know where to start” Neither did we! Do you have any idea how many neurodivergent intersex people I know? A majority of the intersex people I know are neurodivergent, I’m neurodivergent, we’re all doing our damned best to learn about what’s inherent to ourselves, but somehow it’s our responsibility to educate the dyadic masses. 
Dyadic people can do better. Quit subjecting intersex people to this shit. 
-This is ok to reblog but dyadic people keep your mouths shut on this post, including in tags. 
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
friendly reminder that picking a new name isnt necessary for trans/nonbinary folk! it’s okay if you’re perfectly comfortable with your birth name and continue going by it! it doesn’t make you any less trans/nonbinary for using ur birth name
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
“I think we’re all put in this world for a specific purpose, and for me, I’ve found clarity in the invitation to kind of expand the space that religion I think is meant to provide…" 
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
“Prayer, in a wider sense, must consist of more than mere words beseeching God’s mercy; it embraces everything we do with a dedicated spirit of faith in the service of our Creator.”
— Saint Bede the Venerable 
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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A new patch listing is up at SapphicStitches on Etsy!
[Images are of two handsewn patches; the first is a bright sky blue square with trans flag colors stitched around the border and text reading “Jesus is trans” is brown, white, and pink. Second patch is a black circle with red text “Jesus was trans.” / end id]
Many trans Christians find much that resonates with them in Jesus's story as revealed in the Gospels and elsewhere. As a Person of the Trinity, Jesus is genderless and bodiless Divinity, but became embodied and is assigned male at birth. While assigned male, Jesus defied many gendered norms of his day - he did not settle down and marry, but rather traipsed around homeless preaching the overturning of traditional family roles, calling himself a mother hen, and befriending women (men were not meant to interact with women who weren't of their immediate family).
For more on the idea of Jesus’ transness, see the #trans Jesus tag @queerlychristian or visit blessedarethebinarybreakers.com/nt
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
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genderqueer guy pride
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transgenderdaysaint · 4 years
I’ve said it before, but I feel the need to say it again because it’s been bugging me and I need to remind myself sometimes
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