transgenderuwo · 4 minutes
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transgenderuwo · 4 minutes
I theorize the reason "bottoms" appear more prevalent than "tops" on these types of spaces is that it is simply easier to be funny about being a bottom than about being a top without sounding like a sex offender
"uuuuu 🥺 pls cock me aaaaaaaa *runs into wall like Wile E Coyote running into his own tunnel painting*" easy as shit comedy
"I want to put my DICK in someone" whoa dude calm down, take it easy
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transgenderuwo · 17 minutes
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I was originally planning on holding off sharing this until June, but then decided to hell with that; why wait?
Intersections: Indigenous and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Identities – this booklet from the Native Women’s Association of Canada is more intended towards 2S folks, but is still a great read for anyone.
Two Spirits, One Voice – This video from Egale is a great, no more comments needed.
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder – This book by Ma-Nee Chacaby can be a difficult and emotional read, but very much worth it.
Becoming Two-spirit: Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country – I have yet to read this book by Brian Joseph Gilley myself, but heard positive things about it.
Please feel free to reblog with more suggestions, if you have them!
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transgenderuwo · 17 minutes
the "irreversible damage" book cover is still perhaps the most succinct demonstration of how the laserfocus the detranxiety movement has on muh poor little girls is fundamentally an outgrowth of the general terror about declining (white) birth rates and white woman fertility as a dwindling resource. like, what's actually wrong with the kitschy smiling little girl in that picture? she looks pretty content for someone "mutilated." is she missing her head, brain, heart, limbs or what? anything that would obstruct her in living out her 8 decades on this earth? hell no, it's much worse than that. it's something that actually matters. she's missing her ability to produce White Babies. you're telling me we've spent decades working to overturn roe or at least make it as difficult as possible and now that we succeeded they've found a way to weasel out of being a reproductive resource anyway? that just won't do.
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transgenderuwo · 34 minutes
Well you see minors under 25 years old should not be allowed to get gender reassignment surgery because what if they go to the clinic but instead of giving them a normal penis the nurses mess up and give them the evil penis. That's irreversible
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transgenderuwo · 34 minutes
all the women saying "im no better than a man" seeing monster fallin's huge bouncing naturals, refusing to be horny is NOT feminist now go JERK OFF to her tits NOW
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transgenderuwo · 49 minutes
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Transphobes make being trans sound so cool. Like trans men sound like they are possessed by the devil? That sounds AWSOME .
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transgenderuwo · 49 minutes
hey so i know video essays are getting popular and this website is Painfully White, and i wanted to use this as an opportunity to uplift one of my favorite video essayists, lil bill.
his most recent video ^ is about the wage gap and the wnba, actually debunking bullshit excuses with statistics. he’s also done some of my favorite videos on black history, such as the commodification of the hood and the very black history of punk rock. he’s also working on a project that gives kids in the neighborhood he grew up in backpacks and school supplies, so go give that some support if you can!
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transgenderuwo · 1 hour
If you are trans block @/gendiebrainrotreceipts. that account has reblogged multiple of my posts about trans men’s issues and lead to me getting harassed.
And of course everytime they reblog my post they only reblog the radfem additions that have no sources and not my response linking sources proving my point. Because once again TERFs prove that despite them going “we include TIFs in our feminism 🥺” they don’t care about trans men dying bc they care more about cis women’s comfort.
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transgenderuwo · 1 hour
yall do realize just because something has been a target of misogynistic criticism, that doesn't make stanning it completely uncritically in response some kind of revolutionary feminist praxis. right.
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transgenderuwo · 1 hour
Terfism is targeted at radicalising older-middle-aged women in order to sever the otherwise naturally-forming bond that makes trans women and older-middle-aged cis women the strongest of comrades via our shared interests and experiences.
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transgenderuwo · 1 hour
it's ok to be horny! it's good to be perverted! your sexuality isn't shameful and the things that turn you on are good and should be celebrated!!! even if its weird!!!! especially if it's weird and fucked up!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!
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transgenderuwo · 8 hours
what the actual fuck
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we did it everyone. we’re no longer allowed to talk about the CISGENDER MALE CHEST because it’s sexually explicit
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transgenderuwo · 8 hours
honestly, the weirdest thing about being a detransitioner and embracing femininity is that it was drag queens and trans women who made me realize womanhood can be accepting and FUN instead of a social expectation. Sitting in the drag bar with a hard whisky, beard, and jean jacket was great, heeled cowboy boots are great, being addressed as "Sir" and the ability to safely enter a men's bathroom and be assumed cisgender was a hard earned one. I got lucky on the genetics lottery, and I'll admit that. Being a long-haired, pretty cowboy was my gender ideal, and I achieved it!
But then I saw how much fun the girls were having and kind of missed it. Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly friends with women and effeminate queers.
Now I've fully detransitioned the other way, I got to trans my gender THREE TIMES NOW. Medically. [I didn't get top surgery] I'm not really sure if this has to do with growing up in a very bigoted and unaccepting environment (the south), but I feel beautiful and confident lately. Currently, I identify as a bisexual woman with a masculine personality.
I just want to tell all the struggling boys, men, and queers out there that you're seen and your emotions are real. Someone loves you, and if it needs to be me, then I'll love you too. Keep your heads high kings. 💕🌻💖
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transgenderuwo · 8 hours
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like are you kidding me
[credits: @/butchhmolly on instagram]
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transgenderuwo · 8 hours
In the spirit of "I'd rather you just called me a slur" I'm beginning to become so fucking infuriated with how many people have started treating the word transandrophobia itself as a fucking punchline. "Wow isnt me using it as if it was a real thing so funny? Isnt it so funny how I'm insinuating that its not real and you're all whiny little kids who just want to be oppressed so bad?" Like no it actually isnt but I'd rather you say that shit outright instead of hiding behind "oh no it's just jokes" or whatever
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transgenderuwo · 8 hours
have you made a baeddel blocklist yet?
I recommend getting comfortable with the fact that you will encounter people who suck on the internet, developing your ability to understand why certain things suck and why certain ways of thinking are harmful, and committing to simply blocking people you do not want to interact with as you come across them. instead of relying on strangers to tell you who you should or should not talk to.
I say this with as much compassion as possible, knowing I have used blocklists in the past: you do not know what my standards are for categorizing someone as a "baeddel" (as opposed to, say, a random trans woman who has some unpacked baggage about masculinity). You should not trust that I will be sufficiently diligent and discerning when placing people on such a list. Maybe you're willing to take that risk when blocking people on your own blog, but you definitely shouldn't be comfortable seeing that kind of list posted publicly to a blog with thousands of followers. Particularly when trans women are facing a lot of unprompted harassment as it is, and are coming under fire from tumblr staff themselves.
Baeddelism is harmful, and I don't think it's a bad idea to block anyone who proudly- with full knowledge of what that word means- calls themselves one right now. I'm not going to circulate a list of trans women with bad opinions, though, and I really caution you to think about what that ask really means.
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