transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Mitch could be nice whenever he wanted to, but it was just kind of in his own special way. He didn't intend to still come off as mean to Theodore, but it was almost always the vibe he gave to other people. That and nearly everyone liked to assume he was going to be an asshole to them, but Mitch lately has been saving it for only those who deserve it. He wanted to cock his head to stare back at Theodore when hearing the comment about coming out, so the Runt was actually gay? Mitch only looked at the other from the corners of his eyes. He wasn't going to comment or question Theodore verbally, but it definitely was playing a mind game on him. "More of the don't ask don't tell policy" Mitch said under his breath. It's not like this was a real secret to anyone, but it wasn't exactly out there for everyone to see. People didn't need to judge Mitch more than they already did. Plus, most wouldn't give a single fuck to find out about him, so why should they deserve to know? "I get blamed for enough shit. I don't need anymore attention than I already got" He said go let his head have a light tilt to almost playfully glare at Theodore, but looking at him didn't last long. Mitch only looked to the younger boy again when hearing the proposal about the the project, but was only met by the mess of Theodores hair. "Heights scare yah Spots?" He asked aloud, but he figured if Theodore really was bothered by it he wouldn't be looking around so much. Mitch always got side tracked from school subjects, and right now wasn't an exception. His eyes wondered down, the goosebumps were noticeable on Theodore. Maybe he was afraid to be this high. "Yah okay there?" Mitch asked to eye the boy.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Mitch kept his lack of expression to himself, because he knew the other was right. He had a temper, and he delt with things in the easiest way for him, with his fists. Mitch has a low half opened eyes gazing at Theodore for it, but he knew he couldn't deny it. "You're smart Spots" He said without looking at the boy when hearing Theodore try to take back what was said, staring back ahead. "Figures" Mitch said to himself when Theodore denied a perfect life. Most people had some deep shit or a kind of backstory, and Mitch knew that, he was just saying those things to poke at Spots. "Fuck, about time" The taller male said when taking ahold of the pegs on the metal beam that he was using as a ladder, climbing without a second thought. Heights made Mitch feel.. small. And he liked it. It was like he wasn't a huge deal how most people saw him to be. Only a few feet from the ground Mitch stopped, looking down at Theodore. "Shit.." He said to himself, pushing himself back from the metal beam as he let go to be met back with the ground. "Don't give me that look" Mitch said in an almost spiteful tone, gesturing his hands up. "Go, go" He shooed st Theodore, wanting the other to go first. At least this way he'd be able to do something if Theodore slipped, it's not like Mitch was a total monster. He was a gentleman when he wanted to be.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
"Letting you have it is the least I could do after you spread all of those flattering rumors about me.." Mitch said in a deeper tone, wearing a more serious expression, but still slightly smiling on one corner of his mouth. It wasn't exactly a happy one, but he wasn't mad by any means. He stood in place as he watched Theodore climb the fence, a little surprised that he could do it without an issue. "I'm followin you honors student" Mitch said with a light puff, reaching up where his hands took hold near the top of the fencing to pull himself up and over in a swift movement. It wasn't his first time hopping over a locked out area. His head tilted up to look at the remains of what was an old roller coaster, the height maybe going up about fourth feet before the tracks were broken and falling apart. It brought his cheesy grin to his lips. "C'mon Wagner, hurry up" Mitch called the boy by his last name when starting to walk down the littered and dirty path to the roller coaster, his hands going in his pockets. "Or just go home. You're obviously too good for this shit. Wouldn't wanna upset your perfect, loving, suburban parents, right?" Mitch asked aloud as he stopped, turning his head to only look at Theodore from the corners of his eyes as his back was still too him standing in place with no expression. He was only trying to push the boys buttons enough to climb the roller coaster with him.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Mitch let his eyes roll as he listened to the others argument. Most of it wasn't his fault, it's not like he was purposely tall or strong, but Theodore had him on the part about their childhoods. But Theodore also didn't know a damn thing about him or his lifestyle, Mitch losing any happy expression to only gaze at Theodore before staring ahead again as the path was into view. The metal fence that was chained shut and around the abandoned park could be seen in the distance through the overgrown brush. "You can have it Spots. I got my place back after all this shit anyway" Mitch said to let a crooked grin take his face, but his lips curled to keep his teeth hidden. It was a bit of a ridiculous look, but it was just one of his faces.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Sethels lips were stained with a smile as he was standing in the kitchen, his eyes wondering across the pantry. Rohan waving caught the corners of his sight, lightly looking the man up and down before holding eye contact and reading his gestures. 'Anna' He signed to Rohan 'Ask what she wants for dinner?' Sethel asked,
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Mitch was keeping an eye on the following younger boy as they walked, but the other definitely out on the scenery. Water wasn't his thing, like swimming. It was just something he never was really fond of or did much, so it's not like he was ready to dive into this all, he was just curious. "What about Wacky World?" Mitch spoke up, his head tilting back slightly to make eye contact with Theodore at his question. The deliquint was asking of a very old run down theme park he remembered in his early years, but he knew it had shut down while he was in middle school. Chances were most younger had only heard of the old abandoned theme park and never got to witness it in person. " It was already run down to complete shit- but some of it might be there. You were talking about weathering rubbish weren't yah?" He offered allowed. Maybe visiting the old site could be their project, how the manmade site is against the environment when being left out to crumble.. Hell, he didn't know. It was just a dumb thought.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
He stood over six feet tall now, probably another three or four inches on top of that. Mitch was more lanky than before with his new added height from puberty and age, but he was still strong. The top of his hair was dirty blonde and a little grown out, the roots a deeper coffee Brown. Mitch had an undercut, all was dark but the light longer locks that were slicked back. A toothy smirk was across his lips when eyeing the familiar boy up and down. "Heyy, isnt it my favorite nerd? Miss me runt?" Mitch asked when his hand was grazing down the others shoulder. He remebered Theodore, his old school crush, being why he always teased the boy in their younger ages, but now he was back. "Aww c'mon, don't give me that look. I missed yah" He said to let his arm be sliding around Theodores neck and guiding the boy as he began to walk from the school. One of the friends of Mitchs group waved across the parking lot and jogged there direction. "Woe, arnt you gonna come hang around? You can bring the little one if yah want!" The larger figure said when eyeing that Mitch had his arm around Theodore. His group of three friends were sitting in the car, but Mitch decided to blow them off. "Nahh, me and guy here got plans. That history project isnt gonna do itself, eh?" Mitch said to flash a wide smile and hug Theodore against him and beginning to walk from the school again " Oh- shit. What class was it again?" He asked, a bit space minded to already forget it was environmental science
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
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Drew my little Clydesdale~
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
The taller male wouldn't justify himself to why or if the other was right in any extent, rather wanting to keep it to himself. He was just withdrawing himself like before when Ethan gave him a blow to his nose where he actually fell from it being unexpected. Darius managed to finish the piece that was first given, but puffed his chest when pushed for the next. "No, not unless I see you eat one"
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
He wanted a chance to see the other out of his stern work and school settings. A scoff of a laugh was let out at Ethans expression and hatred of words, a little amusing to be honest, but the body language was more than attractive. The smaller and feisty male turned almost completely submissive and vulnerable for a few moments, leaving Darius to wonder how much he actually covered up with quick and cocky words. "Because I'm treating you to lunch, and you're coming with me to get it" He stared aloud, the jerking at his arm feeling almost like nothing from how he was used to being tossed like a ragdoll. "It's obvious you're bothered, let alone in a school setting, so we're going out" He stated to have shoved the door open, walking down the concrete steps to start his way in the parking lot to a cherry red motorbike. It was a crotch rocket actually, Darius enjoying the thrill of speed and adrenaline that usually came with it. A black helmet was on the handlebars, grabbing it with his free hand. "Why are you labeling bad me for being smart enough to figure you?" He asked out of curiosity, his hand holding out the helmet for Ethan to cover himself with. "It won't be near here, so can chill. And if you don't like the place, I'll take you somewhere else" He said to be pushing the only helmet at Ethan, nudging it over his head to put on. "Com'on Com'on, you're coming with me whether you fight or not" Darius said in a more stern tone, his grip guiding the smaller male to the bike to sit on push him onto the backside of the seat. "
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Mitch was desperate now. He couldn't have Oak dying because of something he did and pushed onto him, it wasn't even his fault, it's Mitchell's. Oakly was a prince, a boy, an /innocent/, so he didn't know why the hell he was here. How he even came to be here, in the town, let alone being hung. It made Mitch strain more than he ever had, though it was a close second with his family. "He's lying!" Mitch spouted without even thinking. "We didn't even have sex! You have /no/ right to be hanging that boy!
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
The blonde had rolled his eyes, because of course it was only a joke. Will enjoyed having the enclosed space anyway, it made him feel closer and less vulnerable and more safe to not be caught. God, if word got to his mother and step dad about having sex with another guy, he'd be skinned alive. His parents were helplessly clueless about what will actually did and how far he ever went with his boyfriend, but he had no intent to reveal how much he actually loved the bad boy to his heart. Wills chest rose with a small laughter as he was tugged to almost roll under his boyfriend, soon easing him from the funny to almost instantly sexual situation. His head tilted back against the bed as his eyes fluttered closed, his lips parting to be met with Jacksons in the deep and sensual manner. His hand made a small fist as he was being restrained, always making the other work for the dominance if he wanted to have it. Wills face only lightly heated from how they were instantly positioned, because he certainly wasn't embarrassed to any extent yet. As Jackson pulled from him, there eyes met with the blondes pout. "Closing the damn curtains.." William muttered under his breath as his parnter left his body. He was a bit of a different character when feeling the sexual tension, almost wanting to scold Jackson for starting something he was just going to pull away from, like a tease that forced Will to wait obediently for the others return. William was a little thicker to be honest, not that he was really chubby or fat to any extent, but he definitely wasn't just skin and bone. His legs wrapped around the torso as he was pulled down the bed, giving a small hitching in his breath for a hand to reach up and grab a fist of Jacksons shirt, jerking the male down to his level. Will took the others bottom lip bewteen his own, tugging on the skin to let his tongue lap in the others mouth without a hesitation. He didn't care for rushing the process, especially sence they had time.. But he could stay like this forever, just feeling the compression of Jackson on his body was exciting him. Williams ankles had hooked together where he almost pressed his boyfriend at his hips, his fist unclenching the shirt when he was satisfied that Jackson want breaking the kiss. They neared his boyfriends hips, both his hands going up the brim of the males shirt to feel the texture of Jacksons back under his fingertips. I'd been a while, so Will was definitely pushing his limits right now for it. His lips started to trail off the others, letting them kiss on Jacksons jawline until he reached close enough to breath into his ear. Williams hands had snaked up to be at the males shoulder blades, Jacksons shirt lifted almost all the way off if William was willing to part from his face
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
The possibility of the danger was still out there, but Mitch was definitely less concerned from the time pass.. even though he couldn't tell if it'd been a full day or hours. It felt like an extremely long night that was hazed in and out of sleep that he finally caught up on, and now he was rather hungry. He was before, but it was a little more extreme from how stressed he'd felt. Mitch achieved to bring fresh water into the home, getting himself ready for what would be a cautious but more normal day, feeling comfortable enough to leave his cabin. Once he dressed in his average attire, he did just that. Mitch was in his long and modest covering clothes with a cloak that covered his hair and shoulders, wondering to his usual trap checks to feel a bit of relief that he wouldn't have to go far for food when finding it was set with a victim.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Ragnar was mentally preparing himself to separate from the other now. Jasper would come back, he had to, he knew he would. He couldn't doubt Jasper again, not after everything he said and heard from the man. He was investing his complete trust in Jasper to walk away, and he didn't have a problem doing that now after hearing the others praising of him. It was like a small kick in the ass of confidence from his, well, he guessed new parnter. Would they be considered dating? Ragnar kind of wanted that if he was going to be honest here, but it was too soon from anyone else's eyes. His hand was on Jaspers back to be guiding him out of the building, his free one reaching for the door when the smaller male suddenly stopped him. Ragnar gently twined his fingers to inner lock with the smaller man's as he listened to his pleading to follow after him to go home. It sent Ragnar in an almost pained state. Jasper wanted him to go home, in the car, with guy who just completely /disapproved/ and /denied/ him. A whimper left the larger man, his hands dropping if the other wasn't holding them. "Jasp, you really want me to go back there with Danny?" He asked in the childish whining manner. Of course he wanted to go back with Jasper, and he definitely would by any means.. But he'd just have to walk on glass with his parnters brother and all. And as he looked into Jaspers bright eyes as he heard the others plead to follow.. God, how was he supposed to say no? "Fine, fine.. I'll go with you" Ragnar whispered as he gently leaned his head against the smaller males, giving Jaspers hands a small squeeze. "I don't want to be too affectionate in front of Danny though, okay?" He asked, almost a soft laugh rising from him in those thoughts. Danny had walked in on them basically getting ready to have sex, so it probably didn't matter if he did the small tokens and gestures of his love in front of him. Ragnar leaned down to plant a small kiss on the others cheek before opening the door to the small building, letting the bitter air in as he waited for Jasper to leave first
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Wade hated every aspect of his apperance. How his skin was textured now, divots and strong grooves that lined over his whole body. It coated him like a second suit, one that felt like had a thousand pounds but couldn’t never be shed. Anywhere that he went in public to be seen, he was only viewed as a monster. How abnormal he was scaring any other adult or child. Not to even speak about how parents reacted, like they have to shield their offspring from Wade like he was some kind of circus freak on parade. It made the once bold man shameful to step out of his own home, and a dread was in his heart as he felt Peters softer skin stroke over his own. His eyes were closed as his usually fun mind was clouded by his sudden stubborn and series side from being protective. “You know I don’t like going out much..” Wade whispered aloud as he let a single hand move up to gently feel his parnters cheek. It was soft, Peters skin being smooth and younge. It was one thing he loved about him, just the way he felt, how opposite they were, and yet they fitted together so well. "If you really want to.. I'll go. But as soon as your leg gets too bad we'll stop and come home, okay?" Wade asked as he let his lips press against the other males again, his head tilting to fit them against each other. It was relaxing, feeling the boys gentle and caring touch from how worked up and mad he was moments ago.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Atlas lying flat on his back, his chest rising and falling for each deep breath. He couldn’t have imagined doing this an hour ago when he was broken into tears.. But then again, it’s kind of why he started being sexual with his boyfriend at the moment, wanting to lift their spirits and their minds from the dread he brought. Atlas never imagined taking it exactly this far tonight, with how particular his boyfriend was on being sexual. It still felt special to even steal a kiss from Valentino, which made his skin tingle at the fingers running through his hair “Yes.. I’ve just never been blind folded before” The blonde admitted aloud, his sight being taken into only a black. His hands stayed relaxed at his sides until Valen sat on his body to be straddling him, not being able to help letting them wonder on his boyfriends thighs to stroke up his hips. Atlas couldn’t see him, but he could definitely imagine the man in his grasp. His voice wavered as he felt the lips go down his jawline, feeling the others breath against his lips. “Kiss me” The male whispered, not wanting to raise himself to just head butt his beloved. Atlas was soft in the kiss when their lips brought together, his hands gently squeezing the others thighs before it seemed Valen trailed down his body. He now only lyed in his black boxer shorts and a tie that was wrapped around to hide his sight, the blondes breath growing deeper as he could feel the others breath through the fabric. "Val.." Atlas whispered with a quiver. Everything made his nerves send off in alarm as touch was all he could focus on without sight, his body getting excited just from the heat that radiated off Valen.
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transocityseke-blog · 7 years
Name: Wilson {Will, Summer boy} Solace Species: Demigod {Half human, half god} Sexuality: Bisexual {Leans men} Occupation: Medic/Healer, also sometimes councilor {In highschool/Camp} Personality: Impulsive, Happy, Spirited, Lucky, Up-beat, Excited, Shining Hobbies: Dancing, Healing, Volunteering, Making quick decisions, PDA Habbits: Being close, Nagging about health, Taking things too personal, Caring too much Height: 5'9 -5'10 ft ish Position: Seke Personal: As a son of the god Apollo, Wilson possess many small god like traits he can use for his advantage. One is archery, a natural born hunter, though Will usually doesn't like exactly hurting others. Vitakinesis is one of his more preferred skills, being able to sing a hyme to his father in Ancient Greek to heal his patients. Audiokinesis, Wilson being able to whistle a sharp and high tune that will temporarily stun his opponents, leaving them clutching their ears in confusion. If you leave the happy go lucky boy in a sour mood, he can give you Couples curse, leaving the victim only being able to speak in rhythmic couplets that can take days or even a week to wear off. He can make light appear, but it takes a great amount of his energy. He's a soft hearted summer boy, but if a loved one is threatned, Will can pack a punch. Wilson gets over emotional when he can't save someone, but is lifted by the smallest geature. As most demigods have, Will has ADHD as a natural fast reflex to be on guard for any danger. Dm me to rp! Other plots can be made too, just ask Tags: #Uke #Ukerp #Roleplay #rp #yaoi #yaoirp #seke #sekerp #seme #semerp #gayrp #gay #plot #plots #boyxboy #boyxboyrp #bio #character #roleplayer #girl #anime #animerp #dominant #animeguy #literaterp #semerp #yaoisoft #yaoihard #gayroleplay #Roleplay #percyjacksonrp
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