transzojja · 2 days
Throwing out a thought I had on something in SotO and LWS2
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What if this tapping into Tyria thing that Wizards do is similar in what Omadd's Machine does?
We described seeing how Tyria is woven when in it, and our allies say we were screaming when in the machine.
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Maybe Omadd managed to build a machine that performs the action that Wizards normally do.
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transzojja · 2 days
Sometimes I think about PoF Kasmeer and how her experience dealing with the loss of the human gods and everything she knew and believed in being ripped from under her so closely mirrored my own experience leaving the religion I grew up steeped in.
It's really hard; I don't know how many people realize that! It's devastating, and it's fucking scary. Everything you ever knew and found some level of comfort in suddenly has no meaning, and you WANT to find solace in what you believed but it just isn't feasible anymore. It's very much akin to being adrift at sea without a paddle or a sail. It's so devastatingly isolating.
It's easy to brush off if you haven't experienced it but it's a deeply lonely experience and the only thing you CAN do is reach out to the people around you and hope against hope they understand.
And I still struggle with it, even years later! You never really fully find a way out of it; there's always a piece of you at the back of your mind that wants to run back to what was safe and known, even if you know it to be false.
So playing through that and seeing her experience something like what I went through was equal parts cathartic and comforting.
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transzojja · 3 days
I want what they have.
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transzojja · 4 days
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Let Aurene Say Fuck!
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transzojja · 5 days
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transzojja · 5 days
Thoughts about Kryptis
So... I was thinking about the Kryptis lately. Mostly how the vast majority of them, including the sentient ones that can talk, are clearly 'alien' in design. Pieces don't attach, their skins ripple with unnatural movement, and half the time you can't tell if they have eyes or not. And then there's Peitha, and the 'upper crust' Kryptis, who generally by-the-by are more humanoid, with solidly connected limbs and joints, and just...almost an entirely different species. It got me thinking about how, if the Kryptis live in a realm where the thoughts, dreams, and emotions of Tyrians kinda leaks in and congeals into 'substance' there, to the point we can pick up calcified sighs, and petrified screams as literal items, and the Kryptis themselves form also from the desires, wants, needs, loves and hates of people in the 'waking' world. But it also made me wonder if those humanoid Kryptis were only making themselves appear more 'realworld' as a show of prestige and power. That maybe the faces they were showing us weren't actually their true faces. Oh sure, the eyes blink, the mouths move, so when you look into Peitha's face, you think you're looking at her REAL face. But given Kryptis are usually walking nightmares given form... what if that pleasant human face is just a butterfly's markings? A false face to put us at ease, to hide the actual horror beneath? This is just my personal musings and NOT to be taken too seriously, but, there's a movie called Antlers, where the monster has a human face at one point...but that face is not ITS FACE. No, that's just a false face that sits over the maw that hides itself under the jawline. So can you imagine, trying to sit for a meal and Peitha asks to try a piece, as a curiosity. So you hand her a piece of what you're eating, and instead of opening her human-looking mouth like you expect her to... her entire face hinges open from the chin to ear, face flipping up out of the way to reveal her actual mouth; a long toothy maw that takes up the majority of the inside of her 'head'. And then her maw snaps shut, her human-looking face makes a chewing movement, and she just smiles. And you can't see the edge of the maw, because it's hidden in the curve of her human-face jawline. You never knew it was there, until she unhinged her face in front of you. She does that, and it leaves you with the question... is the rest of her also an alternate form? A shape to hide her true appearrance? And you never sleep well again. LoL.
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transzojja · 5 days
children of lowland and northern kodan should look like those polar-grizzly hybrids
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beautiful blonde man who deserves to be a prominent character in the next living world season
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transzojja · 5 days
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transzojja · 5 days
Thinking about how Trahearne spent 25 years alone in Orr. Thinking about how people avoided him because they knew he was doomed from the beginning. How he collaborated with the Orders but never joined one, how he was only close with other outcasts but didn’t see them often either, how he thought his life’s purpose was a fool’s quest so he let the world shut him out because no one else should have to shoulder that burden, the sheer impossibility of it. How he’d rather die trying than abandon Orr, but also how terrified he was of failure. Of letting his mother his younger siblings the world down.
Thinking about how he only succeeded when he let someone in. How the Commander looked into the Dream, saw the utter ruin of Orr, and took part of that burden willingly. How we said, through our actions, “You’re not alone, I’m right here. We’ll do this together.”
And how suddenly nothing was impossible.
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transzojja · 5 days
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Baby charr
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transzojja · 7 days
how wrecked do you think the commander's immune system is? like inhaling all the fumes and dust and magic and bloodstone etc has got to have done a number on them.
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transzojja · 8 days
was just talking to the guild and I came up with this prompt:
Isgarren is arresting your commander for something. What is he arresting them for, why, and did they actually do it?
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transzojja · 9 days
So hear me out:
Snaff in gw2 canon is shown wearing light armor (a modified set of asuran cultural armor, the Savant) AND weilding a rifle. Most people assume his class was engineer because he's a 'renown golemancer' HOWEVER a) so is Zojja and she's an elementalist, b) engineers dont wear light armor. Ergo, he MUST be one of the light classes. The ONLY light class that weilds a rifle is Mesmer. Snaff's actual class is MESMER. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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transzojja · 9 days
ford: *has six fingers*
snaff: *holds up his four fingered hand* give it back.
gw2 crack au: snaff goes to gravity falls
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transzojja · 10 days
gw2 crack au: snaff goes to gravity falls
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transzojja · 11 days
this is a marshal trahearne appreciation post.
you agree. reblog.
(or don't, you don't have to, i know you love him too)
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transzojja · 11 days
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Heart of Thorns Elite Spec dividers
Feel free to use em for your posts. No credit needed
Profession Icons were grabbed from the Guild Wars 2 wiki [ x ]
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