i need to draw Fonnet and Bonnet together ngl. (Fonnet is one of Bonnet’s ancestors, the same with Helltrap and Dawn)
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Just a little fun fact, all the kingdoms are based off the Seven Deadly sins!
Helltrap rules over the Kingdom of Envy, as he constantly wants to be better then the other kingdoms and always steals their resources, it was also the reason Chole’s parents were invited over and lead to their demise
Chole rules over the Kingdom of Greed, it’s the richest out of the kingdoms (and is known for having higher taxes for animals) and is known for hosting illegal sellings of animals and sometimes people.
The Kingdom of Sloth is ruled over by a King and Queen (they don’t have names at the moment) are well known for being lazy rulers causing it to be one of the most crime ridden Kingdoms but also one that are very loyal to the King and Queen and are willing to protect them at all cost as they basically allow them to do whatever they want while their son wants order (so they don’t want him on the throne)
I’ll update this soon with the other Kingdoms when I feel a bit better :)
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Princess Chole’s older redesign! This is what Princess Chole looks like i when Trapped in Hell takes place. She rules over the nature kingdom alongside her Harpies that helps her stay in control of the Kingdom (and stops her from being dethroned as she has no royal relatives). Shes been ruling ever since she was 11 and her parents got killed. Due to being the nature kingdom, more beasts and creatures live in it compared to Helltrap’s kingdom such as Harpies. She used to be a naive and more cheerful girl but became more cruel and cold as the years went by.
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Phantom Princess Chole! With Chole, I wanted to put her in my modern work (with Bonnet and Taffy) but also in Trapped in Hell so I decided, why not both? Her alive kid version and her teenager version (when I design them) will be in Trapped in Hell while her Phantom version will be in my modern works, meaning I am going to make a Phantom Helltrap. Her teen version is going to have a different hairstyle and a slightly different dress and then when that’s posted I’m going to trade her og design (I already got someone who wants her though so she won’t be traded publicly)
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Even though I only own 2 Fon characters (Helltrap and Yenndo who i now call Yen) feel free to still draw them with Fon characters but all I ask for is to just not claim them as your own. That’s all :)
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Flopsy the maid! Her real name is Edith (and is a version of my fnaf oc Edith) but due to her clumsy nature, Helltrap calls her ‘Flopsy’. She’s the maid of the castle and looks after Helltrap, his guests and his Tadpole children and she loves perfection. I’m deciding whether or not to ship Flopsy and Helltrap together yet, I might.
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I know I made a lot of polls this month, but it’s mainly because I’ve been stressing a lot this month (I have so much going on irl) so one last poll to end the month on. Promise :)
I’ve been thinking of giving Helltrap a girlfriend, I have a design for her but I just want opinions (I love opinions) and because Helltrap isn’t the ‘nicest’ character in this
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May! The Kingdoms Mermaid. Before Helltrap took over, two of the Kingdoms scam artists (Pablo and Christian, these might not be their final names) found her as a baby washed up on the coast, so they took her in hoping to make some more money from tourists, but soon they started to raise her properly.
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Fonnet and Bambi! Born into a rich family, but suffer a curse passed down from their father. Bambi wants to grow up to be like his father (and also Helltrap) and wants to be a fierce while Fonnet wants to learn more about magic and her families curse and hangs around Helltrap’s tadpole children when she can. (she is inspired by Aya from Mad Father, love that game) Where I live i see deer all the time and I LOVE their brown coats (I even named one Jeff which I’m going to use to make the father). They are open for asks! (Now time to work on the Ambrose family)
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Just found out these two are sold so I’m going to make new oc’s called ‘Fonnet and Bambi’ for Trapped in Hell! Their going to be deers!
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While Springtrap has the Phantoms, Helltrap has his tadpole/fish children! I haven’t got names for them yet so I will take name suggestions. Their very very small (the actual size of tadpoles) but don’t need water to survive and they can float and stay by Helltrap’s side whenever they can. They are inspired by Ponyo. (This also might not be their final design!!)
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What you up to Helltrap?
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Nothings better then using heads of people that tried to assassinate you as decoration :)
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N.BB! (Aka Nightmare Bon Bon but like N.B, she’s no longer called that) One of the food fetch maidens in the kingdom. After the whole kingdom was trapped, she was the only one allowed to leave and get food for the kingdom but is always accompanied so she never runs away. Despite not being a guard, she gave up her name so her sister N.B didn’t feel alone.
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Masterpost(not final):
Trapped in Hell is about a knight/prince name Helltrap trapping his subjects (with the help of a wizard named Pinclare) after they over throned his father and shown him nothing but resentment, so their only escape is to beat one of his bloody games. Here are some characters you can ask so far
‘Prince’ Helltrap-32 years old
Wizard Pinclare-35 years old
Any of Helltrap’s Tadpole children - Pepo, Chico, Mao, Foo and Freo
Knight N.B-30 years old
Food Fetch Maiden N.BB-30 years old
Jester Casey Hooke-14 years old (picture coming soon)
Leader of resistance Davidson Hooke (picture coming soon)
Midera Ambrose-13 years old (picture coming soon)
Sinclair Ambrose-18 years old (picture coming soon)
Riley, Miley and Kylie Ambrose-all 4 years old (picture coming soon)
Royal chef Benedict (picture coming soon)
Fonnet and Bambi-12 years old
Master Jeff and Lady Pam-40 and 37 years old (picture coming soon)
Mermaid May-17 years old
Scam artists Pablo and Christian-both 28 years old (picture coming soon)
Maid Flopsy (Edith)-27 years old
Princess Chole-13 years old
(Past) Bonito-35 years old
More will be added when I design them! And feel free to ask me anything aswell :)
Blog run by @anonymous123maybe !
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How are you nightmare Bonnet?:D
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Shes doing well…? Especially after Helltrap took her name away along with the other guards. She isn’t really the biggest fan of his despite working by his side and only does to help keep her sister alive and well.
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N.B! (Aka Nightmare Bonnet, but as I don’t want to call her that anymore so I’m going to name her N.B) One of the guards that worked alongside Helltrap. She was an oc I made back in 2017 to Mobox’s Nightmares but now I’m giving her a new purpose in Trapped in Hell! (There will be a Nightmare Bon Bon or N.BB Coming soon)
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Some Helltrap for my new thing called ‘Trapped in Hell’
A little (draft) backstory for what I plan:
Helltrap was a knight that worked for his father, The King. Unfortunately, his father wasn’t a good King and was soon over throned and exiled from his own Kingdom. Of course, Helltrap didn’t take this well so he made a deal with a wizard and got an enchanted sword that he claimed was a ‘Gift from God’ and took the throne back (and secretly kills the person who took over the kingdom after his fathers defeat) He tried to be a good ruler at first but soon realised that no one actually likes him and so (with the help from the wizard) traps his subjects in the kingdom with the only hope to escape being to beat one of his games, which weren’t easy. And if they failed, he would kill them. I’m still designing some of the main people that try to got up against him. And this does take place in the medieval times. And the pose is inspired by Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel
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