trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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Hero Rats
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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by ingwervanille
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
Haha wow
straight ppl ‘’fighting to be together against all odds’’ in movies/books be like
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
Have you ever seen a peacock in full flight?
I do not own these pics. They were sent to me in an email. But I thought I’d share with you all because they’re just AMAZING.
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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Found this on Facebook! BOOST!
Tell Etsy that #ThisIsNotNative
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
Yay, I've always wanted to know how to do this!!! :D
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Dandelion crowns are such a nostalgic ware for so many folks! Remember to pick in later in the season once their pollen has already had its first picks for the bees!  
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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422 notes · View notes
trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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another spelljar, this time for money attraction
a seashell (blank canvas) dry moss (bed for growth) mint (for staying energised) rosemary (for luck) chestnut and acorn (for grounding and stable money attraction) 3 coins amber chunks (for optimism and luck) basil (for attracting money) thyme (for staying calm while attracting money) a bay leaf with a money sigil drawn on it green candle for sealing everything
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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More cute animals here!
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
how & when to cleanse your tarot cards ✨
how to cleanse:
shuffle - shuffle your cards for some time with cleansing intent.
sort the cards - put the cards back in the order of the major arcana from 0-21, wands, cups, swords, and then pentacles. let them stay like this for a short while, until you feel they’re cleansed, and then shuffle them again.
crystals - choose a crystal with your intent and place it on top of your deck, or create a crystal grid around it.
smoke cleansing - pass your deck through the smoke of burnt sage or rosemary, or through the smoke from insense.
sunlight/moonlight - natural light sources give healing energies to your deck. sunlight is more masculine, while moonlight is more feminine. keep this in mind when choosing a light source and what’s best for your deck.
meditation - meditate on the cards. this may be one card at a time or the whole deck at once.
yoga - do yoga with your deck, this will soothe and cleanse you both and create a stronger bond between you and your deck.
sound - use a song, a bell, or an instrument to wash vibrations over and through your deck to release energy.
salt - sprinkle salt gently over your deck or put your deck in an airtight bag and submerge it in a bowl of salt and let the salt absorb pent up energies.
sigils - write a cleansing sigil on a slip of paper and put it in the box or bag with your deck.
fresh air - set your deck on a windowsill by a cracked open window. allow the movement of fresh air to cleanse the pent up energy from your cards.
close contact - keep your deck beside or under your pillow as you sleep to both cleanse and build a close relationship with your deck.
when to cleanse:
brand new deck - if you bought or have been gifted a new or secondhand deck, the best way to sort out its energy is to cleanse it before the first use.
after each use - this is the best way to upkeep the health of your cards.
every day - a great way to take care of your cards, routine cleansing is a wonderful daily ritual for you and your deck.
when someone else touches it - energies can get muddled when someone other than the reader touches a deck.
after a complicated reading - your deck can run out of energy quickly when you ask it to do a complcated reading, and the best way to replenish these energies is to cleanse.
after not using it for a while - stagnant energies will build up in your deck if you go a while between uses. the best way to counteract this is a thorough cleansing.
with your life cycles - whether moon cycles, menstrual cycles, or sleep cycles, cleansing your deck when your energy is high can be a good idea.
whenever your deck tells you - sometimes you will be able to feel when your deck needs to be cleansed. a good cleansing and recharging is helpful when shuffling becomes difficult, you’re getting the same cards repeatedly, or you feel your deck run low on energy.
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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trappedinshadows85 · 5 years
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Lavender Syrup
Ingredients – makes 2 x 190 ml jars
1.5 cups water
1.5 cups granulated sugar
2 tablespoons fresh lavender blossoms
few drops of purple food colouring (optional but will stay clear without it)
Place al the ingredients into a pan over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
Bring all ingredients to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow to steep 30 minutes.
Return to the heat and bring back to the boil.
Pour into sterilised jars and seal with lids.
Perfect addition to ice cream, fruit tarts, lemonade, teas or cocktails.
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