travel9090 · 2 years
Nowitzki Dallas Mavericks' No. 1 contributor
Nowitzki Dallas Mavericks' No. 1 contributor
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In the 2006-07 season, which was the MVP season, the number of under-the-goal shots was 260 and the number of short field shots of about 3 to 10 feet was 116, while the number of 10 to 16 ft mid-range shots was 363 and the number of long 2 field shots inside the 16 ft to 3 point line was 504. The number of three-point attempts is 192 times, which is more than the number of short field attempts. If you look at the Yatu Sido chart, it is not a power forward but a shooting guard.
What is the success rate of under-the-goal shots in the 2006–07 season?It is quite sluggish compared to Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan, who shot around 70% of the monsters like LeBron James at 603, as well as mid-60% to 70%. The short field throw success rate was .409, which was a failure for a power forward. But the medium-range success rate.500! Long 2 success rate.The success rate of 504 and 3-point shots is .416, which shows threatening shooting performance as the distance from the rim increases. Nobitsky's fieldwork success rate in the 2010-11 season, the winning season, was 51.7%, a career-high record, 54.9% before taking nine games off due to injury in December. Considering that he is not just an insider, but a player who uses mid- and long-range shots as his main weapon, it is an amazing record. In addition, Nobitsky is a player who has once joined 180 clubs, a sacred place for elite shooters.
If you look at the analysis by ESPN Sport Science, you will understand why this is a fraud. What should I do with a shot that cannot be blocked even if a player with Yao's height jumps as much as Derek Rose? It's a bonus to defend with your knees when you shoot fade away.
It's already a high RBI that's hard to prevent, but he even uses Faderway. Usually, the shooting distance is long for a player, but it's only two points if you go in, so it's enough to say that there was no luck. But it keeps going in. From the opposing team's point of view, they have no choice but to be upset. Even if Markman does a contest half-heartedly, he chews everything and goes in. The nickname Sagatsky comes from this fraudulent shooting ability. However, if you enter a double team, you can keep your view and spray the ball to your open-chance teammate. In addition, at an important moment when such a shot is cornered, even in a clutch situation where a reversal or a tie is at stake, it is inevitable that it is a fraud.
On top of that, even free throws are good. Of course, the number of free throws he gets is small for a big man, but he has several seasons exceeding 90 percent and has a career success rate of 87 percent, ranking seventh in career free throws. Therefore, it cannot be cut off by foul.
We can't leave out the story of Nobitsky's signature technology, ONE LEGGED FADEAWAY, which is a featherway shot that shoots with one leg raised while taking steps while hitting face-up or post-up. In Korea, the form of shooting a shot is somewhat similar to a crane, so it is usually called Hakdari Way. Technically, Michael Jordan's turnaround Faderway saved the ridiculously high physical strength that gave him the nickname "Air Jordan," and Nowitzki's Faderway showed off his big height and arm length. In addition, it is difficult to prevent it because it also serves as a defense in case of attack with raised legs, and it is virtually impossible to prevent it even if you know it. Maybe that's why Nowitzki himself says this technology is a white version of Skyhook. Aside from the considerable power of the technology, other players tend to use it a lot. The most famous players are Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant.
His shooting ability stands out in clutch situations. In fact, there are many highlights made only by Novitzki's reversal shot on YouTube.
The reason why Nobitsky is strong in a clutch situation is the same reason why Long 2 is consistently used even though it is an inefficient shot. In terms of defense concentration and field pitching rate, Long 2 is the least difficult place to try to shoot on the basketball court. Outside the three-point line, the defense concentration is the lowest and the score is the highest, but the success rate is low, and the atu rate is high in the net, but it is difficult to penetrate the defense. Of course, as the hand-checking rules were revised and the players' three-point shooting ability developed, expectations for under-the-goal scores and three-point shots increased, and Long 2 decreased its position as it became more inefficient shooting. However, it is different in clutch situations. Even if it does not go to the last-minute one-shot play, if the opposing team sticks to its defense, it is difficult to create a three-point opportunity with team tactics or go under the net in a playoff situation where fouls are more salty than usual. For this reason, a team without a clear ace who can squeeze points with individual abilities is weaker in the playoffs than the team's performance.
However, Long 2, which has a low defensive density, is an important option in a situation where every single clear score is disappointing. Not to mention a last-minute one-shot play. In this situation, most of the shots are tough shots that are kept in check because there are few open shots or chances to break through under the net. Therefore, the three clutch points are difficult to try and the success rate is even lower. Long 2 is the best option in situations when the score is urgently squeezed with the ace's ability without having time to devise team tactics.
High-screen completeness is close to perfection. In addition, in the early days of his debut, he continued to be pointed out for defense, but after repeated efforts, he did not become a hole in one-on-one defense.
He has scored 25.4 points and 10.2 rebounds in 140 playoff games, with Bob Pettitte, Elgin Baylor, Hakeem Olajuwon and Nowitzki the only retired players to average more than 25 points and 10 rebounds in their playoff careers. In addition, he is tied for first place with Michael Jordan with 36 times of 30 points and 0 turnovers.
Looking at Nobitsky's slow performance in his later years, he can be considered a typical slow and good white big man, but compared to his height of 213cm, he has good speed and excellent dribbling ability. For this reason, they use a shot as a fake and then score through a breakthrough. Strangely, it is sometimes misunderstood that the athletic ability is not good, but in fact, among the players of the time, he was the highest-speed player compared to his class height.
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travel9090 · 2 years
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The best legend in Dallas Mavericks history that anyone can't help but admit
A former NBA player from Germany whose position is a power forward. He played 21 seasons with only one team, the Dallas Mavericks, and was inducted into the club permanently.
A scoring power forward with various offensive skills and a shot touch of 180 clubs and one of the hottest strikers.
Although he is a seven-foot tall player, he plays in the fourth position, but he is a different type of player from most of the fourth in professional basketball. Contrary to what many people think, it's not even a typical stretchy big man. Regarding Nobitsky, there is a prejudice that the play is too focused on outer shots, but in fact, he was a scoring machine regardless of the interior and exterior that was technically skilled as well as shooting from the beginning of his career to his heyday. Depending on the team's situation, he once took the center position of No. 5, and in terms of scoring, he played like a swingman with a height of 7 feet, it was simply Resel Weppon.
First of all, the start of the play is mainly at the high post. It is even more noticeable considering that offensive power forwards or stretch forwards with a typical size 4 do not start like this. Instead of catching the ball from the outside and trying to break through, it creates an empty space with passing through a two-man game that starts with a screen at the high post and throws a shot. In addition, he is the type to finish by throwing a shot in the mid-range himself, so he does not enter the inside rebound. In the end, in order to prevent Nobitsky's high-run shot, the opponent No. 4 must also come out and contest.
In fact, jumpers in the middle range, especially in the section corresponding to Long 2, are very inefficient attacks considering the basic proposition of basketball. Even now, throwing a shot close to the goal is the basis of the basics, and throwing from afar is a problem and reduces the possibility of a rebound in case of failure. Therefore, shooting here is taboo in general situations, and if you are going to throw from a distance, it is recommended to throw outside the three-point line. However, Nobitsky's main scoring route is a long-distance middle shot within this three-point line, the least anticipated and most taboo shot in basketball. And the greatness of Nowitzki is revealed here. This is because the fieldwork rate is so high that such inefficiency can be ignored. If you list the reading score for each zone from the 96-97 season to the 20-21 season, you can see that Novitzki monopolizes the entire 12-20 feet and is very strong against Mid-Long 2, taking up six of the mid-range zones divided into seven.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Hakeem Olajuwon is the epitome of the all-around center
Hakeem Olajuwon is the epitome of the all-around center
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A former basketball player from Nigeria who played in the NBA. It is the first and last center to win a single-season MVP - Final MVP - Defender of the Year, and is also famous for winning all matches against Shaquille O'Neill, David Robinson and Patrick Ewing, who were famous for the same center position in the 94 and 95 season repeat processes.
Along with Kevin McHale, he is very famous for having the best footwork in NBA history. There is also a story that footwork was able to develop relatively because he was a former soccer player who mainly used his feet. As a former football goalkeeper, he has a wide view of the court, which also leads to an excellent passing sense. Among the big men who have many slow-paced players, they have very excellent athletic ability and sometimes hear small forwards. Hakeem Olajuwon reminds me of the famous Dream Shake. Ola Joo-won, who was at the bottom of the net, peeled off the opponent's defender with a dream shake, and the movement that enters a fade-away shot near the free-draw line is his own monologue season that no one can follow. For this reason, NBA players such as Kobe Bryant and Jervale McGee flock to the so-called "Hakim School" to learn his basketball skills even though he is not coaching after retirement. It is evaluated as a meister existence in post-up and footwork.
Basically, he was good at both post-up and face-up, and he was able to stably put in mid-range shots as well as basic under-the-goal play such as hook shots, tip-in, and footbacks. After switching from a face-up position to a post-up position, he often used a fadeaway route as a footwork, and enjoyed cooking the opponent's center with a number of linked movements after turning smoothly from side to side. In addition, he skillfully played Lee Ji-sun-da, who peeled off the opponent's center at speed with a crossover and then led to a rim attack or midrange.
After turning off all kinds of agro from the inside with the spectacular footwork, he also had a good view of killing pass to a colleague in the optimal position if the attack was not possible until the last minute. Like Michael Jordan's Joke, he was able to really show all of the small forward's techniques, so it's really a nightmare for the defensive opponent center.
However, when he was young as he heard the forward sound, the 7-foot center tried to face up and kick out of isolation, and even after gaining experience and becoming the main body of post play, he was not a very efficient player in terms of his entire career, and the teammate combination he needed is quite difficult. For example, he needs a guard to put the ball in and shoot concisely from the outside, such as a stretch forward like Robert Ori or Kenny Smith. Even so, it was tricky only by the standards at the time. It was natural for a blue-colored power forward to take care of the main center like Otis Thorpe, who had long risen to keep pace with Juwon, and it didn't matter at all. Rather, it was the Houston Rockets, where Ola Joo-won and Sofman were on the inside, Smith, Maxwell, and Ori came out of the three-point line to throw a three-point shot and Ola Joo-won was in charge of the entire under-the-goal score. In a sense, it is 20 years ahead of the times with the uplift.
The free throw was not outstanding at a career average of 71.2%, but it was not bad for the big man. At the end of his life, he achieved 61.6% - 62.1% - 56% in the last three seasons, cutting it by a fairly high number
Defense is considered one of the few fingers in terms of not only numerous centers but also all positions. In an era full of prominent defensive monsters, he has won a total of nine All-Defensive Team 3 Block Kings and 2 Defensive Kings, and is also considered the best defender of all time. He had the best rim protecting ability suitable for his excellent block skills and was a player who did not fall out technically or with strength.
In addition, both the interpersonal defense and the team defense were excellent, and even if a miss match occurred with the guard with a 7-foot height, he pressed the opposing guard fiercely and never allowed an easy breakthrough. Even if he allowed a breakthrough, the excellent blocking prevented the opponent from scoring until the end, and the big man defense was excellent in predicting the opponent's big man's movements and was not easily pushed back by his outstanding power.
He was also talented in stealing, and he had an excellent ability to block the opponent's pass path by looking forward and predicting the opponent's dribble motion in advance and stealing the ball. Despite being a center, both vertical and horizontal defense were perfect enough to boast the number of steals in the top 10 of his career, and his steps and hand movements when defending were excellent as Talvikman-class.
He averaged more than three blocks and three odd two-steel seasons, with a whopping 4.6 blocks - 2.1 steals in the 89-90 season. Taken together, it can be seen as an all-around center that was able to play the role of power and small forward with excellent agility, athletic ability, and breakthrough power with Dream Shake.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Tim Duncan, the big man who fought for NBA supremacy in the 2000s
Tim Duncan, the big man who fought for NBA supremacy in the 2000s
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an American basketball player He is a big man who fought for NBA supremacy in the 2000s with Shaquille O'Neill after NBA's four major centers and MJ left.
The San Antonio Spurs, led by Duncan since their debut, have never fallen below 60% of the regular season's winning rate for 17 years except for the short-term season in the western region and have recorded 239 career wins in the playoffs.
In the career record, the average percentage stats were somewhat low, but he was a player who led Spurs' heyday with more than a stats. One reporter even said, "Before Duncan came, Spurs were just a strong team, but he came and became the winning team." In terms of objective figures, it remains at the top of the list in terms of win-share, team contribution, and value scores.
To find fault with his spectacular basketball career, there is no Olympic gold medal and no defensive award of the year. And it can be said that there is no back-to-back (two consecutive years) winning.
It continues to show simple and fundamental movements. Although he always uses the same technology for his simple play pattern, he has become a player who has become almost impossible to stop due to the completeness gained by bone-cutting efforts that raised the basic skills to the limit and the league's top-class physicality. Even the nickname is The Big Fundamental, with Fundamentals meaning the basics. It doesn't look like much, but his flexibility, quickness, and left and right movements were at the level of compliance among the big men, so his basic skills shone. He was a balanced player who boasted excellent physical specifications, perfect basic skills, and defensive skills. He was also powerful in his heyday. When he was young, he was a good athlete compared to his physique, so he caught a ball and dunked while hitting it, and even played Coast to Coast alone.
It doesn't look like it's characteristic in appearance or style of play, but one of Tim Duncan's signature moves and name-breaking seasons is a bank shots. in one's prime
Grab the ball between the elbow and the baseline.
Post-up if the opponent is small. Face-up if the opponent is big
Show a few moves and throw a shot.
Get hit on the backboard and go in neatly.
He used this basic attack route, which was relatively difficult against a team with a good big man defender, but it was so difficult to prevent this simple attack without such a player that he often lost points with his eyes open and nose open even though he knew what to do. In an interview with the other team, it was even said that the wall was moving. The reason why this bank shot is really effective in the second video is that Duncan was very mobile for a big man in his heyday, so if you leave him alone, he can break through various movements in the post and score, but when he tries to prevent it, he eats it with a small bank shot, and Kobe is a great situation for a defender.
A man who scores 20 points, 10 rebounds, 3 to 4 assists, 2 to 3 blocks in every game. The downside is that the problem is that the personality was quiet and the style of the game was not fun because he was faithful to the basic skills such as bank shots and stick dunks. In addition, because he was the center of the team, the Spurs team itself became a boring team as the whole team was infected with a faithful atmosphere that preferred stable scoring rather than spectacular play. The boring central player of the boring team. Thanks to this, San Antonio won four championships, but rather produced a phenomenon that was less noticeable than the days of Dennis Rodman and David Robinson.
The indispensable part of his style of play is the screen. Along with Pau Gasol, Joachim Noah, and Tyson Chandler, he was a screen-skilled player, and San Antonio's swingmen such as Tony Parker, Danny Green, and Patty Mills or three-point shooters aim to score with San Antonio's unique motion opens following Duncan's screen.
Defense is also a type that is faithful to the basic skills compared to the offense. He was good at defense and help defense based on a flexible and strong body and long arms. In his heyday, Shaquille O'Neill's post-ups were mainly blocked by David Robinson, and LeBron James' Docdol was also a player who could effectively help them, although Kawhi Leonard blocked them. However, due to his slow feet, it was a fatal drawback that he was so vulnerable that he gave a life series to a player who threw a middle without coming under the net like Amare, and due to this drawback, he was unable to play against the Lakers even in the early 2000s.
If you look for weaknesses in offense, it is inferior to other top tier power forwards in mid-range jumpers and free throws. As a result, the offense itself was competing with players such as Pau Gasol and Kevin Garnett, not the best in the league. Rather than the individual's destructive power being very overwhelming, it can be said that his balanced ability, such as excellent defense and screen setting in offense, stood out as the center of the team. 안전공원
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travel9090 · 2 years
Peja Stojakovic Sacramento Kings scored the most three-point shots in history
Peja Stojakovic Sacramento Kings scored the most three-point shots in history
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Croatian basketball players A tall shooter who can be called a legend from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as one of the main characters of the Millennium Kings. Sacramento Kings have the most 3-point attempts/success in history.
In fact, Peza liked soccer more, but as he continued to grow taller, he was told that he was unfit and entered basketball. After that, he joined PAOK in Greece and played well. For his impressive performance, he was named the Sacramento Kings 14th in the first round of the 1996 draft, one of the best NBA drafts in history. However, he will play a little more in the European League for now, judging that he is not enough to advance to the NBA at a young age. In his last European season, he scored an average of 23 points in the Greek League and 20 points in the Euro League.
The first two seasons in the NBA were just insignificant, but he ranked second in the 2000–01 season in terms of skill development, averaging 20 points, and has since played as a starting pitcher for the Millennium Kings with various offensive options, including shooting, and high BQ. In the early 2000s, he played as one of the best shooters and scorers.
At the 2002 FIBA Basketball World Cup, he scored an average of 18.2 points as the last Yugoslav team's main scorer, beating the United States in the tournament to win the championship.
In the 2003–04 season, he was reborn as the troubleshooter for head coach Rick Adelman's Princeton Motion Oppens, and he was active as an ace, averaging 24.4 points and producing 240 points on average that season. He was the fourth-ranked MVP and the All-NBA second team, but he was relatively pushed out as he reorganized the team around Chris Webber, who returned at the end of the season from a fatal knee injury he suffered in the playoffs in the previous season, and Peza and Webber even caused conflict. Their relationship deteriorated, with Webber openly dissing Pezza. In addition, it is said that his mental state, which was not on the good side at the time, was shaken as Vladidi Park, who was the same European player in the team, left.
In addition, Yugoslavia and Serbia were strong enough to beat the U.S. during the Sacramento Kings, so they continued to be called up to the national team and did not spend the offseason properly in the 2003-04 season, the best season, and their development was stagnant.
Since then, as the Millennium Kings have been disbanded, Larry Bird has moved to the Indiana Pacers in exchange for Ron Artest, who still had the clutch but was unable to come out due to injury on the PO stage.
He later signed a five-year, $64 million contract with the New Orleans Hornets. He played only 13 games from the first year (which eventually ruined his career), and he did well in the 2007-2008 season, but since then his form has fallen due to injury and has been reduced to a lump of over $10 million worth of overpaying.
At the end of his life, Peza, who had been suffering from injuries, was traded from the New Orleans Hornets to the Toronto Raptors, where he played only two games and was out on a buyout, and the Dallas Mavericks, who were out injured, showed a three-point specialist aspect and contributed to winning the playoffs. In particular, he succeeded in revenge in 2002 by showing a three-point shot that seemed to be his heyday in the series against the Los Angeles Lakers, which aims for three feet. In the final, he was knocked out by match-up opponent Chris Bosey and missed a few minutes. He later announced his retirement at the end of the 2010–11 season.
One of the best shooters in NBA history. He made many points with high RBIs and quick release shots with his unique height superiority. On the shoot form, which was even praised for its elegance, especially the wrist snap showed a perfect "goose neck goose neck, which means the shape of the shooter's hands and arms that threw the shot look just like the neck of a goose."
Great shooting skills and great off-ball moves for shooters, the Kings needed a player with exactly that talent. At the Princeton Motion Offence, which was used by the Kings at the time, there were no-mark opportunities all over the court, and a scorer was needed to score without missing the opportunity, and Peza was the best player in that part.
He was not only good at catching and shooting, but also had various scoring routes, such as shooting after taking steps himself and posting up with a height advantage. In the early days, Stojakovich was incapacitated by an excellent sweatshirt defender despite his excellent scoring ability. A typical example is the 2001 playoffs, which were almost erased from the Rick Parks of the Los Angeles Lakers. However, after making efforts to add a one-on-one option, his scoring ability improved to the point where he once finished second in the league scoring.
Instead, his defense was not that good, but he was not well-received for his defense in his heyday, but he slowed down after getting old, so he was not fast even in the match-up against power forwards, so he was robbed by Chris Bosey in the final of the 2010-11 season.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Tracy McGrady A.K.A T-MAC
Tracy McGrady A.K.A T-MAC
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a basketball player in the NBA During the Orlando Magic, he was once one of the best players in the NBA to the extent that he was called Dong-Timac/Sucovy, but his heyday was not long due to continuous injuries and work etics. He used a jump shot from a high RBI using excellent athletic ability and size as his main weapon, and his talent in basketball was also enormous. It has a Michael Jordan-class first step and footwork, so there were many technologies that could be used in attacks, such as pull-up jumpers and post-moves derived from it.
It was so popular that signature basketball shoes were released because of its colorful and concise play style and cool name. His nickname is T-MAC, a combination of his first name and last name.
The ignition height of 6 ft 8 and the wingspan are also long, so it has superior physical conditions in terms of position 2 or 3. He also had enough ball handling to have less than three turnovers per career average game and enough reading skills to accumulate about 5-6 assists per game. He was also one of the best swingmen ever because of his excellent passing sense, and anyway, the swingman over 2 meters handled the ball much better than the decent point guards. When he was young, he tore his opponent's defense from near the three-point line and finished with a dunk or layup based on his tremendous acceleration ability and the best-ever first step (due to his long legs).(The dribbling posture is very low for his height.) In addition to this physical ability, it was the jump shot that made him the NBA's top scorer twice. Although he had the best weapon in breaking through, he was a career-high jumper, with high-quality jumping power, long height and arm shots, bombing the opponent's rim in both the midrange and outside the three-point line, completing the highest-rated pull-up jumper since Jordan. From the opponent's point of view, if he fell, he fired a backstep pull-up jumper after a fake, and if he got caught, he broke through and went crazy. If contemporary Kobe mastered all kinds of dribbling skills based on his unique flexibility and ball handling to fool his opponent, it can be said that he enjoyed a cooler and more straight-line play. Coolness is a plus. That's why all the basketball kids who watch his highlights have to fall for him. It's not for no reason that Kobe said in an interview that Tracy McGrady was the most difficult player to deal with in his active career because he was tall, had tremendous athletic ability and all the skills.
It is meaningless to assume that if you want to, but if T-Mac had a posture or mindset about basketball like Ray Allen, Kobe Bryant, and Paul Pierce, McGrady's status would have been as good as Kobe's now.
However, since the frame was generally thin even in its heyday, the proportion and success rate of rim attack were not up to S-class. On top of that, Orlando - Houston's overwork accumulated all kinds of minor injuries, and his back and knees eventually failed to cope with his dribbling posture and instantaneous agile movements, which were particularly low compared to his first step and height. The fact that the field pitch rate has fallen significantly since 03-04 is due to the deterioration of athletic ability due to such injuries. And because self-management was not perfect compared to other six-star Suga, it caused them to lose relatively quickly.
Long 2 was quite a lot. In other words, the proportion of shots right in front of or near three points was higher, and Alan Iverson, Kobe, Carter, and Pierce had a higher 1:1 ratio with the ball than just a catch and shot, and at the same time, all had quite this kind of offensive style. T-Mac was rather a popular player for his explosive athletic ability in a thin frame.
In fact, McGrady was a player who couldn't afford to break through much, given that he was in his prime before the ban on hand-checking in 2004. At that time, the rim attack itself was a play that consumed a lot of physical strength due to the existence of hand checking. It was less rough than in the 8th and 90s, but in the early 00s, the pace of the league as a whole was slow, and the mid-range was much larger than the under-the-goal breakthrough. Although both Garnett and Kobe Bryant mentioned above were athletes with athletic ability and size, the proportion of medium-distance was much higher than that of breakthrough. T-Mac, which has the thinnest frame among them, was essential in terms of physical strength to use its size advantage rather than breaking through a lot despite its fast first staff. In addition to the consumption of physical strength, the defense range was relatively narrow at the time because the players' overall outer shooting ability was not as good as it was since the 2010s. In other words, it was more difficult to break through due to the exhaustion of physical strength due to hand checking + relatively narrow breakthrough space. If he played after the 2010s, it is more likely that he would have broken through more than this time.
Tracy McGrady is a player who properly combines Paul George's mid-range ability with LeBron James' athletic ability and rim attack. I don't know if it's a trend or a coincidence, but there are no recent NBA players like Michael Jordan, Clyde Drexler, Kobe Bryant, or Tracy McGrady. In other words, they are ace GO (30 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists) style players based on their excellent athletic ability, but Jimmy Butler is similar to the active SG, but he is still not up to the enormous athletic ability and breakthrough ability shown by those four players, and he is a wonderfully unselfish player and has few shot attempts. Among the young players, Jailen Brown shows swingman's play style to SG, a similar type of player along with Jack Rabin, with good breakthrough, cool dunk, and now improved shooting in 2022 and even selected as an All-Star.
There is a misunderstanding that the defense is weak due to some fans in Korea, but it is bad compared to Corby, who was the biggest rival. In fact, it is hard to defend with the height, wingspan, and athletic ability. In North America, the comparison that "it's below Kobe because it's not as good at defense as Kobe" was very common, but I've never heard from most people that it has absolute defense. To be exact, he had excellent physical condition, athletic ability, and basketball sense, so his defense was very good when he focused on defense. In the 99-00 season, when he was growing up as a high-quality player with the Toronto Raptors, he was an outstanding defender comparable to the Old Defensive Team, even if not the Old Defensive Team. Since then, he couldn't afford to put much effort into defense in his heyday of Orlando due to the excessive burden of offense, but until his second year in Houston, he often showed great performance as a lock-down defender during the season. Of course, he was no longer a good defender because his back tasted completely and his athletic ability fell after his heyday.
Basically, T-Mac was not such a good player in physical strength or durability among superstars of the time at a similar level. In defense, physical strength is more important than skill or athletic ability, and T-Mac was able to show strong defense in each attack with size, long sleeves, and ridiculous athletic ability, but at the same time as the attack, he was not strong enough to play such defense throughout the game. In fact, he showed a good defense by using so many offensive rights because his basic tools were very good. This can be seen from the fact that the team's performance has improved in the Rockets, which can arrange physical strength as it has improved compared to the Orlando days.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Vince Carter, one of the best dunkers in NBA history
Vince Carter, one of the best dunkers in NBA history
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a former NBA basketball player A man who did art in the air as a master of dunk shots. One of the best dunkers in NBA history. He was once the closest player to Post Jordan. Other nicknames include Air Canada and Vinsanity, Half-Man/Half-Amazing during the Toronto period. The 2019-2020 season marked its 22nd season in NBA history. On January 5, 2020, he became the first player in NBA history to face the decade four times (1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s). Along with Jamal Crawford, who was born in 1980, he is the NBA's oldest player and the legend who took the NBA stage in the 90,00, 10, and 20s.
As one of the all-time athletes, rim attacks were possible in various ways. His dribbling was good, so he had a breakthrough just below it, although he was not at the same time Tracy McGrady and Alan Iverson level. He has good strength and post-up skills, so he often showed post-play.
It is often buried because his image as a Dunker is so good, but his shooting ability in all directions was also excellent. He also observed the middle range jumper thrown while dribbling near the three-point line, and his three-point ability is outstanding enough to boast an average career success of 1.5 and a success rate of 37.1%. The free throw also had a success rate of 79.8% in its heyday. Thanks to his shooting ability, he was able to switch to a 3&D player without difficulty in the second half of his career, where he lost a lot of athletic ability.
Although his vision was good, he was disappointed to play as an assistant reading or main ball handler like Alan Iverson, Tracy McGrady, and Kobe Bryant, who were members of the six-star Sugar of his time. Rather than saving the team members, he preferred to finish the game himself. Like Jason Kidd in the New Jersey Nets, having a player in charge of reading played a part.
Overall, he was a versatile swingman, including a mid-range jumper and a three-point shot using his best athletic ability, face-up breakthrough and post-up, and excellent shooting skills. However, although all his abilities were A-class, he could be seen as a player who was a little disappointed that he was lacking at the highest level of the time. 안전놀이터
"The Carter Effect," a documentary based on Vince Carter, is posted on Netflix. The main thing is literally how Vince Carter influenced the city of Toronto. If you're interested, it's not bad to take a look at it.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Michael Jordan's 3-pointer style
Michael Jordan's 3-pointer style
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Jordan's evaluation of his three-point ability varies slightly from person to person, and what is certain is that the sample is too insufficient to accurately evaluate his three-point ability. Therefore, it would be desirable to make a description based on actual figures and leave it to each person to evaluate them.
Jordan is a basketball player with all the physical and technical abilities required of a swingman, but he wasn't a very well-versed player in just one three-point shot. Therefore, discussions on "Jordan's Three Points" are quite active. Jordan's career 3-point shot success rate was 32.7% in his career, and except for the seasons when the 3-point line was shortened, he threw 1,189 until Washington, making 343 successes and 28.8%. For this reason, in terms of figures, it is easy to organize that "I don't have the ability to shoot three points." However, what needs to be considered is that first, Jordan is a player who has changed his shooting skills a lot during his career, and second, Jordan has rarely shot a three-point shot enough to have statistical significance.
Most Jordanians, including head coach Phil Jackson, testify that Jordan has developed his shooting skills through training since his NBA debut. In the past, Jordan was not a player with a long range of shots, but he steadily developed his jump shot ability and had stable mid- to long-distance jumper skills starting in the late 80s. However, the development of these shots is not significantly highlighted numerically. Jordan was the starting point of the attack and rarely shot a ball outside the three-point line. There was also Jordan's own preference, and Jordan preferred a high-probability attack and he admitted that he did not like three points very much. In the first place, few seasons have taken 'statistically significant' attempts with a three-point shot as an option.
Larry Bird, for example, made his debut in 1979, but has excellent outer shooting skills. However, he was jagged enough to fall to 27% in the second year and 21.2% in the third year immediately after the three-point success rate hit 40.6% in the rookie season. The reason can be found in the number of three-point attempts. From the second year to the fifth year of the 83-84 season, Bud averaged 0.9 3-pointers per game, making 0.2 and recording 25.7%. At that time, the Celtics, like Jordan of the Bulls, had little tactic to make Bird shoot a three-point shot. What can be seen here is that such a small number of attempts cannot accurately reflect a player's shooting ability, that is, it is statistically meaningless. In the rest of the season, Bird recorded 0.7 successes/40.6%, 0.7 successes/42.7%, 1 successes/42.3%, 1.2 successes/40%, 1.3 successes/41.4%, 0.9 successes/33.3%, 1.3 successes/38.9%, and 1.2 successes/40.6%.
In other words, at the time of taking some significant attempts, a more plausible success rate came out than when taking extremely few attempts. Since he was the best shooter at the time with a career free throw success rate of 88.6%, there is a sense of separation between the three-point number of attempts and the three-point index of the second to fifth years, which was insignificant. Also, the basic is that the ability to demand mid-range, free throw, and three-point shots in the first place is not completely the same (even if there is some proportionality). However, Bird's case can be recognized as an example of "the gap between the number of meaningful attempts and the success rate of meaningful attempts" in this paragraph, as he recorded the 40% range before the second to fifth years of "meaningless attempts," that is, in the rookie and sixth seasons.
Now you can look at Jordan's number of attempts/successes by season. From the rookie season to the 88-89 season, there's actually nothing to see. The lowest was the 87-88 season, when 0.6 attempts were made and 0.1 and 13.2%, and the most was the 88-89 season, when 1.2 throws and 0.3 throws and 27.6%, and when combined in 5 seasons, 0.8 throws per game to score 0.2 and 20.2%. However, in terms of the season when Jordan attempted a three-point shot to some extent meaningfully, he threw three per game in the 89-90 season, 1.1 and 37.6%, and in the 92-93 season, he threw 2.9 to make one success and 35.2%. Jordan scored 37.6 percent, 35.2 percent, 42.7 percent, and 37.4 percent in four seasons, respectively, with 1.4 success/3.2 attempts/42.7 percent in the 95-96 season and 1.4 success/3.6 attempts/37.4 percent in the 96-97 season.
Among them, it is necessary to take into account that the 94-95, 95-96, and 96-97 seasons were short-lined enough to have three points close to Long 2. In addition, Jordan took the most attempts in his career with 3.2 and 3.6 three-point shots, respectively, and in the 97-98 season, when the line returned to its original length, the three-point option virtually disappeared with 1.5 attempts and 23.8%. However, in the case of 89-90, 92-93, he attempted about three three-point shots on the normal line, showing a success rate of mid-30s. Reggie Miller also tried 5.9 times per game during the short-line (from 94–95 to 96–97 seasons) and scored 2.5 times, recording a 41.8% success rate. Miller recorded 39.5% of his career, and 42.9% in the 97-98 season when the line was normalized, which was higher than the short-line. Contrary to what people vaguely think, the short-line does not necessarily increase the success rate.
Of course, what should be considered is that there are only two seasons that meet the standards, so there are fewer samples, and Jordan was a player who shot three points carefully. For example, Kobe Bryant was not exceptional in three-point shots, but he was quite skillful, with only 34.7% of him shooting with defense in his heyday, the 05-06 season. It is hard to say that "Jordan shot better than Kobe." For a small sample, Jordan's success rate in the 95-96 season was higher than Reggie Miller, who recorded 41%, but Miller shot 5.4 times compared to Jordan's 3.2. In other words, it is difficult to compare Jordan's success rate, which has only two statistically significant samples, with other players who recorded similar figures throughout their careers.
In fact, it is also true that there is a limit to persuasion as long as it has only been two seasons to satisfy the condition of a meaningful number of attempts + a normal three-point line. There are only 89-90 and 92-93 seasons that can be the "base" to estimate that Jordan will take about 35% of 3-point shots in the current era, so what can be estimated with this? This is all the more so considering that even players who were ordinary or below-average three-point shooters in their careers sometimes take 33-35% success rate of three attempts in one or two seasons. However, it is not an appropriate comparison because most of the players whose success rate increases in this way are role players, and most of them raise their success rate by shooting open shots while the opponent's defense is driven by our team's ace. Bruce Bowen was not a good shooter, but Tim Duncan took a pass after bringing in the defense and scored a three-point shot of 40%, and Jordan had never played with a teammate who dragged the double team in that way.
Jordan's three-point shooting ability is above average among shooting guards of the time, with an average of three attempts and 35-37% of the season, considering the two seasons mentioned above (normal line/significant number of attempts). What is pointed out here is not that Jordan's three-point shot was very good, but that he was not a poor outer shooter at the level implied by the "career 20% except for the short line." Anyway, that's the level of significant statistics, and there are two points. First, he consistently recorded a consistent success rate in the season when he threw a significant number of three points (i.e., used as an option). In general, three points are said to be inversely proportional to the number of attempts and success rates, but it suggests that this formula may not work for players who have taken very few attempts. Second, it is also true that "there are only two such seasons" if limited to the normal line. Bird was mentioned as an example above, but it is also true that there are significantly fewer "seasons that attempted meaningful three points under normal conditions" compared to the bird, and Jordan is not a player recognized as having excellent outer shooting skills like Bird in the first place, so the case is different. Bird has attempted six statistically significant three points in 13 seasons, Jordan is only twice, so Bird is not on the same line in the first place, and the reason why Bird is mentioned in this document is not at all intended to compare both, and the point is that their shooting skills are not accurately reflected in their success rate.
How to interpret it with this is actually up to each person, and there is a lack of records that clearly state conclusively, "Jordan's three points were to some extent." In other words, it can be said that it is not known whether the figure has been consistent throughout his career or how many seasons it will be. This is why I can't say "Jordan's three-point was at a decent level" or "Jordan's three-point shooting ability is poor." In short, If Jordan had a normal line/significant number of attempts several times like Larry Bird, it could be said that Jordan was that much of a shooter based on this. But with only two, Jordan can't be said to have been a decent three-point shooter. If Jordan had ever recorded a low success rate of less than 35% during the season when he had a normal line/significant number of attempts, it could be said that "Jordan's three points were his weakness." But that has never happened. Therefore, on the contrary, it cannot be concluded that Jordan's ability to shoot three points is poor.
Jordan had a number of offensive options throughout his career, of which three-point shots were the least preferred option. Therefore, it is not known whether he refrained from "relatively weak" three points for a highly likely attack or excluded them from the beginning because his "absolutely" three-point shooting ability itself was insignificant. This is because he can't even simulate shooting more than three shots per game throughout his career. Jordan spent his school days in the absence of a three-point shot and learned it from the professional, and he has never used this option throughout his career. In addition, the triangle offense is basically a tactic to make mid-range shots, and in fact, most teams in the 90s went back to mid-range shots. There was no team tactic to create a three-point opportunity, such as Steve Kerr, John Paxon, and Craig Hazzys, who were the best shooters in Chicago at the time, and they only threw open three points with a kick-out pass when Jordan or Scotty Pippen was defended. This is why Jordan's number of three points is jagged. Basically, Chicago's attack strategy itself is not a tactic that creates three points, so when Jordan throws a three-point shot, he usually throws it to provide a way out when the attack is blocked or when he is poked. Because of this, Jordan's three-point figure may have been underestimated or overestimated. This is because tough shots may have been underestimated because they were rarely thrown stably as mentioned above, or on the contrary, they may have been overestimated because they were mainly thrown only when they had a good sense of shot.
The point is that Jordan's three-point ability is at a decent level, and on the contrary, Jordan's three-point ability is poor. In that case, it would be reasonable to describe it from a neutral position and leave the judgment to each person rather than forcefully concluding. None of those who contributed to this paragraph claim that 'Jordan is a great three-point shooter." Based on the two seasons when Jordan met the meaningful number of attempts and the conditions of the normal line, it is possible to predict that Jordan can actually record a 35-37% success rate, and on the contrary, Jordan's two significant attempts were especially high at that time, not that level of shooter.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Michael Jordan's defensive prowess
Michael Jordan's defensive prowess
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Jordan's defense, along with Gary Payton, is recognized as the best guard position ever.
In addition to winning the DPOY (Defense King) in the 87–88 season, he has been selected as the All-Defensive First Team Guard for nine consecutive seasons (87–936 consecutive and 95–983 consecutive) except for the first retirement and return seasons. There was also a saying. "Don't worry about stopping Jordan. Jordan's blocking you is also because you have to worry about it." All of the defense methods that Guard has to have were good. Low and stable defense is a given The sidesteps were also so-called crazy. Not only did he take simple steps, but he took steps well enough to completely block the breakthrough by taking a big step considering the distance and speed from the opponent. In addition, the overwhelming first step and horse stamina were the same in defense, so the perimeter defense ability was also the best ever.
His steal ability is also excellent. He pressed the guards carrying the ball with his unique aura and athletic ability and stole it as soon as he saw a little gap. If the guard loses the ball to Pippen/Jordan's defensive combination, what follows is a quick attack by two wild horses and a light two-point tribute… Both players are neck and neck in defense, but in the case of Pippen, they have a significantly better size than Jordan, better ability to prevent large players such as power forwards and better team defense. However, Jordan is better at blocking interpersonal defense and guards. Jordan was a match-up with Izea Thomas in his heyday.
Michael Jordan's defensive lesson video tells us about his defensive style, which shows why he is the best man-to-man defender of all time. Basically, in basketball, an attacker has three options (from an individual perspective). A player who shoots/passes/breaks and all of this is called Triple Threat. However, looking at Jordan's defensive stance, it is a way to check all three at the same time.
In the case of a breakthrough, Jordan induces a breakthrough in an undesirable direction depending on the opponent's striker's breakthrough tendency. Usually, when checking a breakthrough, defenders pose wide on both sides to facilitate side steps (when viewed from the front), but Jordan rather puts one foot forward (when viewed from the front), leaning to either side or right. The advantage of this is that if the striker breaks through Jordan's biased direction, he can follow faster, but if he breaks through the other side, he can be late because he has to change his stance. But Jordan changes this stance really quickly. For this reason, the penalty caused by being attacked on the other side while keeping only one side in check is minimized. Of course, it is not a way to try unless you are a player who is as quick as Jordan and has accurate steps. The right hand in front of the opponent's striker is used to check the breakthrough and pass with both hands at the same time. This right hand constantly moves and interferes with the striker's sight and upward pass. On the contrary, the left hand is placed underneath and tries to steal at the same time while checking the downward pass. Jordan pointed it outRefereeers usually hit from bottom to top because they are generous with the steel from bottom to top, although the steel from top to bottom tends to blow fouls. Finally, the case of shots is more of an additional thing, and many defenders have both hands down when checking the breakthrough, but Jordan has an advantage in opening the block because one hand is basically almost always at the face level.
As such, it was the highest level ever in the Perimeter Defense and showed good defense from the inside with good size, height and strength for a guard, but if there is anything inferior to other all-time defenders, such as Kawhi Leonard, Scotty Pippen, and Dennis Rodman during Deet, there is a limit to defending relatively larger players. The aforementioned players are not only strong defense, but also versatile defense players who can defend any position and match-up with a larger body standard than Jordan On the contrary, Jordan's ability to cope with the outer defense and the fast guard is superior to them, but the big man defense is relatively inferior to them, who will be able to use their main position as the fourth. In other words, those players have something in common in that they are "swing man-sized players with all-time skills," but the style itself is subtly different. If Jordan is a defender who shows strength in defense 1st to 3rd, Leonard or Pippen, and the young Rodman is a defender who shows strength in defense 2nd to 4th. For this reason, small players like Isaiah Thomas had better upper hand, while big players like James Warden and Magic Johnson had better upper hand. 파워볼게임
In Washington, he was no longer a first-class defender because his athletic ability was so low, but even then, he showed a good defense level using his unique high basketball understanding and sense. In sum, he was an overwhelming defender who won the DPOY despite the burden of attack with overwhelming athletic ability, fighting spirit, understanding tactics, and proper size and strong strength in defense. To add a little more detail on Jordan's award as the defensive king, DPOY has an unexpectedly short history of awards that began in 82-83. The first winners were shooting guard Sydney Montcliffe for the second consecutive year, followed by 224cm giant center Mark Eaton, Steele master Alvin Robertson, Lakers six-man shooting guard Michael Cooper, and later the 80s with Eaton winning one more. In other words, Jordan is the sixth winner and is a fairly early winner. In the 90s, the era of Dennis Rodman and the four major centers opened for the second consecutive year, and Ben Wallace will be the winner except Gary Payton, followed by Alonzo Morning and Dicembe Mutombo in the 00s. Rather, the phenomenon of center bias worsened in the 90s and 00s, and in the 80s, the guard received more years. What's great about Jordan is not that he received it as a guard, but that "a player with a huge proportion in the team like Jordan received the defense king." Moncreep was an outstanding player and the top scorer in the team, but there was also a player named Marquise Johnson who scored a similar score (1 point difference) as Moncreep. Eton and Cooper were defensive specialists, Robertson and Peyton were high-scoring players but not an option in scoring. However, in 1988, Jordan's share was absolute. The Bulls also had three more double-digit scorers except Jordan, but they were all 13 points or less, and the three scores were similar to Jordan (35.5) when combined. In other words, they all relieved the burden because they had players similar to them or more aggressive in the team, but Jordan was the only player who could attack properly at the time, so he ranked first in the offensive burden and even grabbed more than five rebounds. Robinson was an option to score 23 points when he became the defense king, but All-Star assistants Sean Elliott and Terry Cummings scored 16 and 17 points, respectively, and only Hakeem Olajuwon of the 93-94 season and Janis Antetokounmpo of the 19-20 season, who won both MVP and DPOY.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Michael Jordan, the basketball emperor, attacking style
Michael Jordan, the basketball emperor, attacking style
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To sum up Jordan's style of attack: a scorer with terrifying power that no one in history can match in the range of 20 feet (6 meters) from the bottom of the net.
He was good at both face-up and post-up, and his ability to shoot a jumper at any time or switch to a breakthrough immediately in that state was great. In fact, although his shooting distance is relatively short compared to modern shooting guards, he boasts the highest accuracy ever in mid-range shooting, and the accuracy of pull-up jumpers during Faderway or high-speed movement is also unparalleled and accurate. He was also good at faking to the point where he often saw other players looking at him without even jumping, and according to players and experts, he can't even react because he instantly breaks the balance by combining small motion fakes that ordinary people don't feel at all. It is even said to put a fake in the post-up state. In the end, if you try to block it, you'll induce Andrew.
And he was the best slasher/rimrtacker in the guard position to match the breakthrough ability mentioned above. He broke through based on speed, power, height, and the first step, which is called the best ever, and was good at high-level play, running at full speed thanks to his incredibly powerful ankles and lower body, then stopping immediately, throwing a faderway after spin, or throwing a pull-up immediately. The difference between Jordan and other superstars is this strong ankle, and the momentary movement.
Once he reached the bottom of the net, he was able to lay up with both hands, double clutch, scoop shot, powerful dunk, and even hook shot. In the case of a double clutch jumper that jumps and shoots out of the air, Kobe Bryant is the only player who follows similarly. The double clutch jump shot, which Jordan used well in the first place, is a play that is out of common sense in basketball, almost 100% when played in games such as 2k. There are often double clutches under the net, but most of them do this 15 to 20 feet away, like James Harden, to get a free throw or shoot in urgent situations, but no one shoots with their main weapon for real like Jordan. A case in point is "THE SHOT" in Game 5 of the Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round of the 1989 playoffs.
Among Jordan's frequent plays, there is a play where he breaks through, steps strongly around the axial ball, spins lightly to the opposite side, and then lay-ups/dunks depending on the distance or shoots Faderway. In fact, the spin move following the breakthrough is the basic, and few NBA players are bad at this play itself. But Jordan's difference is that he can step on that staff really big and drop the defender with just one step. Then the reason why other players are so bad is that stepping so big is burdensome for their ankles, and running at full speed like Jordan and stopping immediately and stepping in the opposite direction is incomparable to when the load is just spinning. What makes this play possible and plays a lot like Jordan is that his ankles are really incredibly strong. Jordan changed his basketball shoes every game, and if he had worn several games like other players, his basketball shoes might have been crushed during the game like Manu Ginobili.
Also, the biggest difference between black cat and three-fit Jordan was post-up. Black cat Jordan could also use excellent post-move, but if his main skill was face-up, Jordan, who steadily increased post-up after the weight was completed, enjoyed using post-up to the point where it was difficult to treat it as a second option. It is no exaggeration to say that he boasted the best post move in guard position history with Magic Johnson, but if Magic used the "Big Man" post-up with the body of a power forward and enjoyed a hook shot, Jordan showed a more dynamic and flexible move instead of as heavy or high as Magic. In particular, as will be described later, Turnaround Faderway is the first to be mentioned for his signature move following the post-up.
Not only is it difficult to prevent, but he has rarely suffered from defense. Few of the backcourt defenders (or more than Jordan) were as agile as Jordan, but none at all, and such fast and sleek players used to be robbed of Jordan's post-up due to the limitations of strength and height. On the contrary, when dealing with bigger or stronger members than Jordan, it is a simple follow-up move following a short post, which is done with a face-up or a pull-up jumper without showing its back. There have been several attempts to attach a forward in consideration of Jordan's strength and height, but Jordan was meaningless in the first place because he was an extremely good player when dealing with a player as big as he was dealing with small players. In fact, Dan Muller, who was really a few players stronger than Jordan in the second position, was once hit by a breakthrough when he was matched up in the final in 1993.
In fact, Shaquille O'Neill or Charles Barkley are ahead of each other in terms of under-the-goal, and Magic, which has more powerful post-ups and hook shots among guards, is also ahead of under-the-goal attacks. Of course, Reggie Miller is ahead on the outside. What's scary about Jordan is that he has the ability to shoot extreme mid-range shots, but he also has the ability to reach the bottom of the net with just two steps, and he has the ability to attack under the net right away when he catches the ball under the net. Because of his comprehensive offense, he reigns as the strongest scorer ever.
In the case of Barkley, which was exemplified above, he has excellent shooting power for a big man, but if he fakes at a distance of 20 feet, the defense does not respond well. Barkley is a fielder under the goal, so it would be better if he could allow a mid-range shot. However, in Jordan's case, he reacts unconsciously even though he knows that the breakthrough is scarier because he can score a mid-range shot from that distance. In Miller's case, on the contrary, breaking through is not so scary, so you can mainly check the outside. This is why Jordan's fake is scary. Jordan is scared of both breaking through and shooting inside the three-point line, so he can't stop it. This is because even from that distance, you can quickly take a step and enter the distance of 20 feet, fly a pull-up jumper, or if you keep a distance, it accelerates and tears it down to the bottom of the net.
This is why Jordan's fakes work so well. Jordan has endless options from left/right breakthroughs, passes, shots, and post-up Faderway (left/right) if he catches the ball anywhere near the three-point line from the bottom of the net. Of course, this is basically the case for star-class swing men, but Jordan's difference is that all of those options have a high success rate. In the end, the defense has no choice but to go in the direction of being less robbed, not blocking Jordan. Jordan was especially strong in a clutch situation because swingman was able to do everything he could with a high success rate. In the clutch situation at the end of the game, the ball is handed over to the ace swingman in the team and the player handles it on his own. Jordan has a good ball handling when he is holding the ball, making it more likely to succeed in jumper or breakthrough, and even if he has a double team.
Jordan's field success rate was very high in the 1980s, when he decided to sleep with a crazy breakthrough and a relatively short short-distance short-mid jumper, with an average of 32 points at 53.9% and an average of 35 points at 53.5% the previous season. Considering that the more shots you throw and the lower the team's offense, the lower the field throw rate, you can see how fraudulent Jordan, who took that stat in the 80s when he was a one-man team, had.
When playing in Phil Jackson's Triangle Opens, he used post-ups and fade-away as his main weapons to compensate for the weaknesses of existing plays that relied heavily on athletic ability and manage physical strength. Post-play was the key operation, with the original name of the Triangle Opens being triple post-play. Therefore, a high-quality big man was essential to take up space with a post-up, and instead of a high-quality big man, the Bulls were able to perform effective tactics thanks to Jordan's post-up being excellent as a top-level big man. Jordan is 198 centimeters tall as a shooting guard and has a great physique like a forward thanks to his enormous muscles, which allowed him to play post-play with tremendous muscle and become the axis of the triangle opens.
Fade-away is known as the best ever with Dirk Nowitzki. Basically, Fadeway has a high level of difficulty in the technology itself, and if the defense is close, the success rate will be lower, and if it is a turnaround shot that does not even properly identify the rim position, the hit rate will be infinitely low. However, Jordan has an excellent shot hit rate as well as an overwhelming sense of stability as he runs backward enough to be a tough shot for most players. Therefore, Faderway, who appears in Jordan's highlights, is often a bed selection without any hesitation if it was other players. The fact that these shots are used as the main option and the success rate is very far from normal play.
First of all, there are quite a few players who use Faderway, but most of them have a preferred direction when they turn around and throw Faderway in a post-up state. However, Jordan's form was almost the same and his success rate was the same regardless of which way he turned. The reason why this is a big advantage is that based on the back of the net, if you turn only to the right when you post-up from the left baseline, you are likely to face a dense opponent's defense in the center of the court. However, if you can turn left and shoot stably, you can make a fool of the opposing defender who comes to the double team and shoot with ease. However, this is easy to say, and Faderway itself corresponds to a tough shot, so it is not something to use as a main weapon. But Jordan used this as his sleeping habit
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travel9090 · 2 years
Michael Jordanba is the most famous man in history
Michael Jordanba is the most famous man in history
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American basketball player, former baseball player, and current basketball administrator. When I was a player, my position was shooting guard. He is the owner and business owner of the NBA team Charlotte Hornets and the NBA G League Greensbro Swarm.
His nicknames include GOAT, MJ, Air, His Airness, Black Cat, and Black Jesus, and he is called the best small man in history and a shoe seller.
His back number was 23. It is so famous that even if it is not basketball, the Jordanian generation sometimes calls the number 23 Jordan Number. As basketball players implicitly consider No. 23 more than a symbol of No. 10 in soccer or feel a burden at all, it is vaguely clear how great Jordan has made such a achievement that he gave meaning to a certain back number that didn't mean anything. His signature basketball shoes are Air Jordan.
The fact that he is the greatest player and superstar in the history of basketball, which is indisputable, and the number one athlete in the history of the United States, speaks volumes for his position. For your information, Babe Ruth came in second and Muhammad Ali came in third. A player who represents basketball itself. Considering that one of the two people who put the NBA in its current position is David Stern, who served as commissioner, his influence as a player is absolute.
His pure skills and career itself are at the top, but he was truly a "for the love of the game" in the contract, saying, "I can play a few games other than the games mentioned above without getting paid." He also knew how to pack himself in the media, and showed his natural talent in image making, that is, Jordan's star and marketability were excellent. At the end of the Rivalry era of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, he was able to naturally emerge as the NBA's representative star in early 1990, and he was lucky to be able to broadcast live games on satellite broadcasting at a relatively low price in the world. Furthermore, it was not a time when information was actively exchanged with the Internet or smart devices as it is now, but an era when it was more convenient for image making. Of course, Jordan's image-making alone is beneficial to be far less exposed than current stars due to differences in media development, and Jordan has continued to boast overwhelming popularity among basketball players since 2010, after his timid and terrible winning streak was revealed.
Regardless of his overwhelming skills and the background of the times, his life itself is so dramatic as if it were salty, which is also contributing to his popularity. There were many good players, but there was no basketball player with a lot of dramatic and dramatic elements in his basketball life as he wrote the script.
In high school, he was eliminated from the school team selection, and after that, he improved his skills to become the best prospect in the country When I was a freshman in college, I made a come-from-behind winning shot in front of the largest paid audience in basketball history and won the team In his second year of professional career, he scored the most points in the playoffs (63 points) against one of the best teams ever and the strongest team of his time just after returning from injury For the first time in NBA history, the losing team came from behind to win the series with buzzer beater He made his debut in the league's lowest-ranked team, grew one step at a time, and advanced to the finals by sweeping Detroit 4-0, the defending champion, with 2 wins, 4 losses, and 3 wins and 4 losses His first final, which coincided with the final final of the Magic, which dominated the 1980s, won his first victory by playing better than the Magic in a way similar to the Magic as if it were a coronation Second win against Clyde Drexler, who was a rival in the same position, outperforming him in every way, even on a three-point shot that was considered a weakness For the third time among his peers, he overwhelmed his best friend Charles Barkley, who beat Jordan in the MVP vote The tragedy of my father's murder, which came the same year when I achieved everything, retired from the top position without regret, and fled to a sport called baseball with memories with my father Returned to baseball strike, but first year of frustration The record for the most wins in NBA history in a season after overcoming frustration, winning his fourth championship on Father's Day since his return The match, which was tied 2-2 on the final stage again, led the team to victory after overcoming a bad physical condition that made it difficult to walk properly due to food poisoning In the last game of the final stage of his career, the second-in-command's injury recurrence, and his teammates' group slump, followed him with a one-man show, and then a steel + reversal winning shot at the last minute Retired from the top again after winning the title as the best player in the league
Most players were also the main characters of a huge drama, with dramatic events that occurred several times in their careers almost every season. Having experienced something so dramatic that I wondered if he had planned it, contributed to making his career a legend, but he also suffered a lot of losses purely in terms of his sports career. Jordan is a player who has had a relatively short career compared to his reputation. In particular, at the age of 30, when his father was killed at the peak of his body and skills, he suddenly retired and wasted one and a half seasons and almost two years adjusting to other sports. In addition, the MVP, who maintained the league's best performance in the 1997-98 season, retired at the age of 35 due to the owner who wanted to disband the team over money. He had already lost two chances to add something to his big career.
Because of this, many fans think his return to Washington is bad. Of course, there were many memorable moments in Washington, including 51 points to calm criticism after scoring career-low, the only player in his 40s to score more than 40, and the commentator's "Michael Jordan, the greatest player of all time!" after the buzzer-beater game winning shot. Both 51 points and 40s and 40s are very dramatic in terms of performance, but this kind of dramatic event is quite common. What made Jordan more special was that Jordan's own personal history and sports were also dramatic. There are often players retiring from the top, but how many are retiring from the killing of their father? Also, how dramatic is it to come back to the top on Father's Day when you have overcome the tragedy? There was no such drama in Washington that distinguished Jordan from other "all-time good" players.
Also, the Chicago Bulls were a weak team that only went to the playoffs for two seasons in the previous nine seasons, and Jordan was selected by the Bulls and declared, "I will make sure to advance to the playoffs as long as I go to this team," and really kept that promise. Throughout the previous season, when Jordan played for the Bulls, the Bulls advanced to the playoffs. (13 seasons, 1984–1993, 1995–1998) Team and number of times Michael Jordan won the playoffs: five New York Knicks, four Cleveland Cavaliers, three Miami hits, two Utah/Charlotte/Philadelphia/Atlanta, two Milwaukee/Seattle/Lakers/Phoenix/New Jersey/Detroit/Washington/Land/Indiana The number of teams Michael Jordan lost in the playoffs with: 3 Detroit, 2 Boston, 1 Orlando/Milwaukee
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travel9090 · 2 years
Roadman's mental and psychological warfare
Roadman's mental and psychological warfare
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In the first leg of the final against Seattle, Rodman was declared a technical foul, when he provoked Rodman into sending in a player named Brickowski to pull out one more technical foul and send him off. Rodman did not lose a bit of his mind, but rather drew two technical fouls and a flagent foul from Brickowski and sent him off. Brickowski, who was sent off, put it behind his back and say, "Bang!"
In fact, Rodman is considered a strong player in psychological warfare. James Wardy of the Lakers, who had to face Rodman, recalled: "Denis was the most athletic player I've ever faced. But the reason Dennis was even scarier was because he knew how to distract people," he confessed in an anecdote that Rodman pinched his butt and distracted him by making him think, "What the hell is he doing?" The Rodman, who heard it, said, "I learned it from Rick Mahone," and it was excellent.
It is an image that often hits a mess during the game and seems to receive technical fouls, but rather, it is a style that stimulates the opponent to ruin the play on its own.In the 1996 final, there is a famous scene where Kemp does not come down immediately after a dunk, but intentionally drug Rodman across his legs, but rather shows a generous appearance that slightly pats Kemp on the back. You can see how much this player thinks about the team and aspires to win. The eccentricities were when they left the championship team Pistons and began to dye and tattoo excessively to survive competitively. They are actions that are fully understandable if they are showmanship that has already been famous and is intended to increase their value.
However, Rodman is not the type to tease his opponent like a fox like Bill Raimbeer and avoid being sent off by keeping the right line. Rodman also often got technical fouls and fought without controlling his emotions and ruined the game, and in the 96 final mentioned above, he was suddenly furious and was sent off after being kicked back by the referee. When the Bulls lost their second leg of the Eastern Semi-Final home game against the Atlanta Hawks in 1997, then Rodman was publicly criticized by Scotty Pippen, who was already frustrated with receiving a total of seven technicals in the first five playoff games.
In fact, Roadman ranks fifth in history with 212 technical fouls, one in 4.3 games. The above-mentioned lamevier is much less frequent because it is one in 121 career games, one in 8.8 games. Even if he leaves, Raimbeer plays 685 consecutive games without disciplinary action, which is different from Rodman, who has been absent from disciplinary action for quite a while.
The point is that Rodman was strong in psychological warfare, but he was not a player who "never fought and was never sent off in the playoffs." Rather, he was a player like Charles Barkley who expressed his emotions intensely and protested quite a lot. As mentioned above, he is a strong player in psychological warfare, but his personality itself is sensitive and delicate, so he often loses his temper. It was close to the middle between Raimbeer and Barkley, but Raimbeer was actually more of a hit than a direct hit (of course, he hit the opponent secretly), and Rodman is good at psychological warfare and showmanship provocations, but his personality is not goodAs it turns out, there were times when we fought openly.
He was an unusually strong and weak player, but he did not shake well when the opponent provoked in terms of the game. As shown in the Don Nelson category, Dallas calmly succeeded in 9 out of 12 when he intentionally fouled him throughout the game, which was unfamiliar to him during the 97-98 season, and even caught 27 rebounds. However, as mentioned above, when the other party had a quarrel (in his opinion) or was judged unfair, it often exploded suddenly. His personality itself was very sensitive and emotional, but he was a player who could play stably without being shaken in an environment where he could focus only on basketball itself. This is also why leaders who lead strong minds and colleagues who never falter outside the court, such as Isaiah Thomas, Michael Jordan, Chuck Daley, and Phil Jackson, fit well with him.
As a four-legged man, he has a bad boy image and there have been several cases of physical clashes, but he was not particularly strong. In fact, few of the Bad Boys had a "fighter" image except Rick Mahone and Ijaa Thomas, and Charles Barkley, an NBA-renowned fighter, once commented on the retirement Open Court that Thomas, Joe Dumas and John Sally were the only ones who could fight properly. Thomas and Dumas, who know how to fight, are probably short-built, and Mahone has a short career in Pistons, so the Pistons did not have fists like Oakley, Barkley, or Larry Johnson, apart from their rough image. Rodman also had a temperament for ssamdak, but his height or weight class was clearly inferior to Big Man, and it may have been difficult to have fun because he was behind in size and strength against Big Men, who usually have a quarrel with him.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Rodman, the bad boy on the court
Rodman, the bad boy on the court
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an American basketball player
A power forward of 201cm. The big players dominated the rebound under the NBA's goal. He has been the rebound king for seven consecutive years from the 91-92 season to the 97-98 season, and has already been explained that he has recorded an average rebound of 18.7 in the season. There are six seasons alone with an average rebound of 15 or more.
His defense was so strong that he was selected as the second defending player of the year (90, 91), the seventh defending first team (89-93, 95-96), and the first second team (94). It became the motif of Kang Baek-ho's character from the source slam dunk, and showed that the scorers or high-fliers are not the only basketball players with husks throwing themselves at the ball, tight rebounds, and sticky defense that sticks like earthworms.
He had an extremely biased talent for defense and rebounding, and was one of the best players in NBA history in those two categories. During his time in Detroit, he won Defoe twice, going back and forth between No. 3 and No. 4, and became more famous as the king of rebounds after settling in No. 4.
To indirectly see Roadman's rebound style, you can see Kang Baek-ho's awakening mode in the second half of the Slam Dunk Sanwang Technical High School. A style of catching the ball by hitting it briefly through quick and short jumps and persistent physical fights. What's interesting is that Dennis Rodman's play in reality was much greater than Kang Baek-ho's play in the cartoon. Kang Baek-ho's rebound play led to three times, but Dennis Rodman does this four times as shown in the GIF below. Including the mid-range jump, it is a total of five times.
Rodman was a more specialized player in catching offensive rebounds in style, although he had much more defensive rebounds than offensive rebounds, similar to other top-class rebounds. As explained in the rebound item, each offense and defense rebound requires a little different techniques, but since defensive rebounds are rebounds that protect them from an advantageous position, factors such as physique and strength are more important, and offensive rebounds are more important such as agility and activity. However, Rodman was an agile, small rebounder, and very active, so his talent as an offensive rebound was overwhelming. When Rodman rebounds, once the ball flies, he fights with the defender, sneaks one foot inside, digs inside like a rump, and at the same time, blocks the ball through a trick, such as putting one arm on the defender's arm, and catches it with one free hand. Strong and big players such as Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neill, and Carl Malone were better at "the ability to secure rebounds in an unfavorable position," but there was no player to follow Rodman. Of course, basically Rodman also had a screen hanging from the outside and basic checks when attacking (although the score/assist participation was minimal) (Rodman rarely post-ups at low posts) It is the same that it is placed in the structure of goalpost, defender, and striker, so the ratio of offense and defense rebounds was a little over 1:2, and of course, the defensive rebound was the top of the league, but he boasted more overwhelming ability in offensive rebounds.
In addition, Roadman often catches a rebound with an over-run movement like a cartoon, but it is not a performance, but to secure the ball for sure. Rodman holds the ball strong enough to make a "slap" sound so that he does not miss the ball when catching the rebound, and at the same time, he firmly protects it by putting the ball inside the body once. It is a movement that is faithful to ball protection, the basic of basketball, and shows Rodman's tenacity for the ball. For this reason, he is a player who catches the rebound "tastily" from the standpoint of watching, so he is definitely fun to watch even though he puts aside his travel. Instead, the offense is poor (average score of 7.3 points). At one time, he topped the field goal success rate season, but since the early 90s, he gave up the attack and almost turned it to his team members unless it was a no-mark chance under the net. In fact, when you look at his game, it's very hard to see that dribble or shot is that of a professional. However, it is ironic that this point was very positive for Michael Jordan and the Bulls. He doesn't even try to shoot at all, and all he scores is an easy chance under the goal, a footback dunk, and a tip. However, he rarely missed shots like this. However, I threw three points in the first half and somehow went in, but I remembered it and tried again in the second half and became an airball. Some fans may remember shaking their heads as if they were pathetic after the shot. A very unusual player whose biggest barrier to triple double is scoring anyway. He only recorded a triple double once. He also recorded an average of three assists in the season even though he had a very short time with the ball due to his wide field of view and good ability to read the game flow.
Unlike his appearance, he is well-known as a player with good BQ (basketball IQ). In fact, it is already widely believed that he mastered the difficult Triangle Opens in one day in his first practice after moving to Chicago. Even in Jackson's interview, he is considered "a very smart player who helped the team a lot." Jackson brought him in because, as recalled, he was a member of the Bad Boys. The former Bad Boys fought hard with Jordan's Chicago, which was a big obstacle to their victory, so they thought it would be easy to perform because they would understand the Triangle Opens to some extent to destroy them. Among them, Roadman, who was smart, easily melted into the Triangle Opens as soon as he came. John Sally, a former Bad Boys player at the time, was also recruited in a similar vein.
He is also one of the best defenders of all time. He was able to mark from guard to center as an almost all-round defender because he had strength, muscle strength, speed, quickness, and steel strength. In Detroit, he was an ace stopper who exclusively marked Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan in a small forward position, not a power forward, and in Chicago, he played big man roles and blocked players such as Carl Malone and Shaquille O'Neill.
When blocking players larger and heavier than him, such as Marlon and O'Neill, he kept his body as close as possible to the opponent and pressed the second move to make it difficult to take even after the ball was put in, and immediately entered the box out after shooting to prevent the opponent from participating in the rebound. The height itself was relatively low, but he could make the opponent uncomfortable because he had the sense to jump several times at the moment of need by making the most of his quickness and body balance. Also, to match the nickname "The Worm", he kept his body close to the opponent's rhythm He induced an open-ended foul or continued the movement in an unstable posture. It is a bonus that he mixed the subtle foul play he learned from Bill Raimbeer and Rick Mahone, and used his arms well to avoid the referee's eyes.
In particular, O'Neill was devastating Chicago's paint zone (all other clubs) before Rodman defended, and as soon as Rodman defended, his score slowed down. He even blocked better and showed better offense than center Rook Longley (218cm, 120kg), who blocked Shaquille O'Neill at the time. It reminds me of Kang Baek-ho, who was defending Shin Hyun-pil in the slam dunk.
However, Look Longley was never a good defensive center. One can be mistaken for this because Defensive winshare is higher than Offensive winshare, and Longley's defensive winshare rises sharply during the Bulls' third consecutive loss and falls sharply for the rest of the season. At this time, the big men who were dealing with the Bulls had more trouble with Ron Harper, Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippen, and Dennis Rodman's hellish help defense than Longley's defense. Longley's defensive performance was high because he was a member of the Bulls, the strongest defense team. Even so, elite centers often performed better than usual when dealing with the Bulls. Longley was a player who could not properly defend one-on-one against other teams' top centers in a situation where regional defense was still banned, except for huge block shots (but never exceeded 1.5 per game). The strength to endure was not that strong compared to his size, and above all, he was too dull. On the contrary, unlike the image, it had surprisingly high BQ, medium-range shots above average, and passing ability. Thanks to this, he is a big man who is the core of the Triangle Opens, and his contribution to the attack is not small even though his post-up ability is very low. Secondary stats selected by statistics in basketball are often inaccurate, and credibility is also questionable. This is because basketball is a sport with a lot of "unrecorded contributions."
When he played in Chicago, the Seattle SuperSonics and Utah Jazz, the opponents he met in the final, were the teams with outstanding power forwards named Sean Kemp and Carl Malone, who were able to beat them three times, and Roadman's contribution is not small.
In particular, I heard that Michael Jordan is the real MVP of the 1996 final, which was blocked by the Seattle backcourt. He effectively blocked Sean Kemp throughout the series, and in Game 2, he succeeded in free throws while being chased by three points to lead the game to victory.
In terms of record, he topped the NBA's rebounds for seven consecutive years from 92 to 98 and won the Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY) in 1990, 91, and 10 consecutive NBA All-Defensive Team (1st 7 times, 2nd 1 time, 3rd 2 times).
Rodman's rebound ability may be relatively underestimated because Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell ate an average of 20 rebounds per season, but it is difficult to evaluate the stats of the time as today's NBA in the 60s and 70s has different rules and court standards. Rodman is the only player who has played since the 7-80s, when today's rules and court standards became common, with an average of more than 18 rebounds per season. And his physical condition is close to below par for a post-up player. This is especially true for defense and rebound, not scoring.
If Jordan's prominent part of his body is a powerful ankle that enables ridiculously fast change of direction and instantaneous movement, then the part that stands out in Rodman's physical condition is the powerful lower body. Rodman has a light body of less than 100kg throughout his career, but his lower body has been so strong since his early professional days that he was able to match up with players who were bigger and stronger than him. He was slimmer than he was in Chicago when he was in the Pistons, but he used to match up with power players such as Magic Johnson and James Wardy, who are bigger and stronger than him. Both Johnson and Wardy were strong post-ups, with power at the level of helplessly relegating not only most small forwards but also power forwards. Unlike Adrian Dantley, who was the main player when the Pistons and Lakers joined for the second consecutive year, Rodman was able to withstand their post-ups based on his strong lower body, which allowed him to gradually expand his position in the team.
As he switched to the big man in the second half of his career, his overall athletic ability was lower than in his heyday, so his ability to block outside players decreased a lot, but on the contrary, his power was reinforced enough to cover even the center. As mentioned above, he even endured Shaquille O'Neill's post-up. Naturally, this powerful lower body also helped the box out, and this lower body power was crucial to Rodman's ability to reign as a powerful rebound. In the case of an offensive rebound, it is a rebound that reads the direction and moves quickly, but in the case of a defensive rebound, it is necessary to box out and protect it from an advantageous position, but Rodman was also strong as a big man.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Yao Ming's weaknesses and comprehensive play style
Yao Ming's weaknesses and comprehensive play style
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Yao's scoring stats were always relatively low compared to his power, with only three times in a season that averaged more than 20 points. There is also the influence of playing with guards who have a lot of ball possession, such as Steve Francis and Tracy McGrady, but the decisive reason was their weakness, physical strength.
Yao, who is huge, consumes a lot of physical strength every time he moves. Because of this, he had to be managed throughout his career, and until his first and second seasons in all games and his third year in 80 games, he only had 29 minutes, 32.8 minutes, and 30.6 minutes. In addition, if he ran out of physical strength while playing, he had to shoot Faderway without being able to push into the low post, which naturally causes a drop in the field pitching rate.
Naturally, these physical problems were bound to get worse as the season went on. In fact, he boasted a success rate of 64% in the first month of the rookie season and 57.1% in the first 30 games, but ended up with 49.8% because of the poor performance caused by exhaustion of physical strength in the second half.
It is this physical strength problem that has hampered Yao throughout his career, and in fact, Yao recorded more than 50% and 52.4% of his career every time, except 49.8% in the rookie season and 48.6% in the last 10-11 season of his career in five games. However, when I watch Yao's game, I often feel like it should be higher than this, because shots within 10 feet of the overwhelming height are rarely missed and the Faderway success rate is extremely high. The problem is that Yao's performance differs between when he has physical strength and when he doesn't, so the longer he runs, the less efficient he is. In fact, when Yao played 37.2 minutes in the 07-08 season when he recovered from injury, the field pitching rate was only 50.7%, and the field pitching rate was 54.8% and 77 games in the following season, excluding the playing time of 33.6 minutes. In this regard, he was clearly a superstar, but he was not enough to be a player who dominated the times, and if Yao had a little better stamina, he could have risen to the MVP level. 안전놀이터
Yao's biggest problem was endurance, but overall, his athletic ability was poor. Of course, Yao's athletic ability was the strongest ever in the 226-230cm mega-center, but the entire NBA centers fell short of the average based on the rookie season and were one of the slowest and lowest-jumping centers in NBA in their heyday.
The reason why not only Yao Ming but also the super-tall centers in the NBA are not very successful is because of these athletic ability and physical strength problems. This is because the advantage of the giants is greater than the advantages of the giants due to the three-second rule of defenders, crazy speed of other players, and fast pace of play. A case in point is Boban Marjanovic, the Serbian national center. Boban was considered a basketball-savvy technician with a height of over 220 centimeters and power centers such as Stephen Adams, but he only played for about 10 minutes on the bench due to his limited mobility and lack of strength to keep up with the NBA's pace.
Of course, as mentioned above, Yao has an unrivaled athletic ability among these super-tall centers, so he is ahead of Boban in all categories such as mobility, physical strength, jump power, and speed. In fact, Yao played an average of more than 30 minutes when he faced the Phoenix Suns, which set a policy of "attack for less than 7 seconds" at the time, and played for 40 minutes at the most (November 2007, 31 points, 13 rebounds and 2 blocks). The point is that in the case of centers so large, the actual power is lowered by a notch compared to their skills due to the limitations of mobility. Marjanovic, who may have become a star-class player, became an ordinary bench member because he could not play for long, and Yao, who may have become a league leader in terms of skills, had to be a normal superstar (?).
In fact, he was so tall that he boasted the highest height in NBA even if his jumping ability was low, but his agility and speed were certainly a problem, which played a part in the decline in defense mentioned above. As a result, he was weak against big men who had mid-range shooting skills and were agile. Carlos Boozer, who was robbed by meeting in Plop.
Due to this mobility problem, in the second half of Yao's career, the Houston Rockets set up Yao, the team's tallest player, in the center of the court, where guards usually stand, without participating in the rebound battle, allowing him to quickly backcourt. In this case, the probability of an attack rebound will be lowered, but it is more important not to lose the team's tallest player in defense than that.
In terms of his career as a whole, not his style of play, the problem that caught him the most was durability. For the first three years, he played 82,82,80 games, but at this time, his business hours were adjusted to 29 minutes, 32.8 minutes, and 30.6 minutes on average. However, he increased his playing time to 34.2 minutes, making 57 appearances due to injury in the 05-06 season, 48 games the following season, 55 games in the 07-08 season, and 77 games in the 08-09 season. And Pina succeeds in rehabilitation after efforts and returns in the next 10-11 season, but he retires after five games due to a ridiculous recurrence of injury. As mentioned above, Yao at this point had already run out of durability of his body, with stress fractures in various parts recurring several times, and his life as an athlete had ended.
As explained in detail above, this low durability had a decisive adverse effect on Yao's player value and overall career. For example, Yao's record was 26.8 points, 9.7 rebounds, 2.3 blocks, 2.1 assists, 52.3 percent, and 86.5 percent free throws before he was injured in the 06-07 season against the Clippers. There were only four players in the NBA who scored higher this season, all of whom were outsiders. Dirk Nowitzki's record, who was the MVP of the season, was 24.6 points, 8.9 rebounds, 3.4 assists, 0.8 blocks, 50.2% free throws, 90.4% free throws, 41.6% free throws, and even Tim Duncan had 20 points, 10.6 rebounds, 3.4 assists, 2.4 blocks, 54.6% free throws, 63.7%.
Even with Yao's season record of 25 points, 9.4 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 blocks, and 86.2%, the big man had only Kevin Garnett's 22.4 points, 12.8 rebounds, 4.1 assists, 1.7 blocks, 47.6% free throws, 83.5% free throws. In short, Yao in the 06-07 season was clearly a player who could compete for MVP in terms of personal record and skills, but due to his low durability, he only received one fifth-place vote in the All-NBA Third Team and MVP voting, let alone MVP. Yao was a player with clear strengths and weaknesses due to his characteristics, but considering his weaknesses (low physical strength and poor athletic ability), "Healthy Yao" was an MVP-class player. The tragedy is that Yao has rarely been healthy.
Despite his height, he had the best mobility on the stretcher. At least a player who was denied comparison with Georg Muresan or Sean Bradley. He had a wide range of shots, good post-up skills, and had good lower body strength, so there were few players to stop him when he pushed in. Especially in the 2000s, it was even more so because there were few centers that combined power and technology. He also had excellent passing skills, so he could use various attack options under the goal. His defensive skills were not highlighted much, but he had the strength to endure based on his solid lower body and his block ability was high.
Throughout his NBA career, he suffered a lot from referees, but nevertheless, his offense was at the top of the NBA, so he competed with Dwight Howard for the best of the center. Since the height of the NBA centerline was lowered overall in the 2000s, it has been a disaster for centers under 7 feet (213 cm).
Dwight Howard, the best defender of the time, was robbed whenever he met Yao even when he swept the Defender of the Year award. Yao, who has strong offensive power, and Howard, who has strong defense power, were in the middle of the game, but Yao showed that he overwhelmed Howard in the match-up. Looking at the specific record, Yao scored 23.5 points, 10.4 rebounds, 1.2 assists, 0.7 steals, 2.1 blocks, and Howard scored 12.2 points, 9.8 rebounds, 0.8 assists, 1.3 steals, 1.7 blocks, showing Yao's dominance in all categories except for one still. Even in the rebound and block, where Howard was clearly superior to Yao, Yao was ahead, and the score was only half. For reference, the period between the two faced off was from the 04-05 season to the 08-09 season, during which Yao recorded 21 points, 9.6 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 0.4 steals, 1.9 blocks, and Howard recorded 17.3 points, 12.5 rebounds, 1.4 assists, and 0.9 steals. In short, when Yao met Howard, he did better than usual in almost every field, and Howard was worse than usual in almost every field.
In fact, Howard was weak in a one-on-one matchup with a player who was much bigger than him, because he couldn't post-up and didn't have a midrange. Therefore, it would have been particularly difficult to prevent Yao, who is nearly 20cm taller than Howard and has excellent skills, and it was even more difficult to pierce.
Alonzo Morning struggled a lot with Yao in his prime, even though he was a player who matched up with seven-foot centers on par and played in his later years with certainty. Ben Wallace also allowed Yao, who was in his second year, to score more than 20 points and 20 rebounds for the first time in his career. In the first place, Ben Wallace has a 6-9 profile, but his actual height is 6-7 (201cm), almost 30cm difference from Yao Ming, and his defense is meaningless.
There was no match on the international stage. There was also a time when he scored a quarter point for China alone. Of course, there was a level difference from other Chinese players, but after Adiljan's retirement, the Chinese national team, which had been robbed by Korean guards, was also destroyed
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travel9090 · 2 years
The first Asian to have a permanent nba, Yao Ming!
The first Asian to have a permanent nba, Yao Ming!
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Chinese basketball player and former NBA player, current chairman of the China Basketball Association (CBA). He is the first Asian player in NBA draft history to join the Houston Rockets as the No. 1 pick in the first round.
He weighed 5kg at birth and was over 180cm tall at the age of 13. And at the age of 13, he joined the CBA Shanghai Sharks' junior team and became a basketball player
The NBA's interest in Yao Ming has been very hot since before. Yao Ming, who participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics as a backup center for the Chinese national team, showed impressive performance by scoring five blocks against the U.S. national team with Alonzo Morning and Bean Baker in a short time despite being sent off for five fouls. At that time, U.S. national team officials saw Yao and said that he was a player who could aim for the top spot in the NBA considering his age, height, and footwork at the age of 18. Considering that an Asian had never been nominated at the draft site, Yao's evaluation at the time was very unconventional. NBA began working to get Yao to participate in the draft, and the Chinese Basketball Association had to fight a tight fight not to lose Yao. Initially, Yao could have appeared in the 2001 draft, but after being delayed due to opposition from the Chinese Association, he was finally allowed to participate in the 2002 draft. There was almost a craze for covering LeBron James-class media outlets in the U.S. ahead of the draft. And he will be named to the Houston Rockets as the No. 1 player in the first round, which will never be with Asians again. What was unique at this time was that Yao could not even participate in the draft site and connected to the draft site at his home in Shanghai through satellite relay. This shows how much the Chinese Basketball Association fought not to lose Yao Ming.
Yao had a strong desire to advance to the NBA. The Houston Rockets, who had the right to nominate first place in the first round, also had Yao in mind. In the middle, the Shanghai Sharks, a member of the CBA and Yao Ming, tried to prevent Yao from advancing to the NBA, but this was resolved somehow. Yao himself went to the U.S. at his own expense, and the day after arriving in the U.S., he had a free draft camp and a workout with the Chicago Bulls. However, the workout without jet lag was poisonous and did not show impressive performance.
Even on the day of the draft, the evaluation of him was even. However, the Houston Rockets nominate Hakeem Olajuwon as the No. 1 player, dreaming of rebuilding his era. Steve Francis, who initially disapproved of Yao's nomination, welcomed him on his first day on the team and became a close friend. Charles Barkley, who was broadcasting the draft at this time, said, "If I had the first-place nomination, I would have nominated Karen Butler or Jay Williams." Barkley was one of the experts who underestimated Yao's rookie season, and praised him when Yao proved everything with his skills.
Basketball is a sport where physicality is so important, and tall centers are such a scarce resource, so centers with great physicality tend to be highly regarded as prospects regardless of their skills. For this reason, even players who have not shown much are often nominated. Even Pavel Ford Colzine in 2004 was once mentioned as one of the top 10 picks, and was eventually selected as 21 picks, despite his inconspicuous performance in the Italian league in Europe. Ha Seung-jin was once mentioned as the first round and was selected as the second round, even though he played for a while in the Korean university league, not even in Europe. However, when he actually played, it was clear that both of them were not NBA-class skills, and they were released after only minor performances. Unlike the two, Hashim Tabith, who showed performance in the U.S. university league but showed limitations in terms of skills, was also selected second in the 2009 NBA draft, beating James Harden, Tyric Evans, and Stephen Curry, who had much better performances on the university stage. What they have in common is that their physique was enormous. Ford Colzine was 226 centimeters tall, Ha Seung-jin was 221 centimeters barefoot (actually 223 centimeters in NBA style), and Tabith had 221 centimeters long arms. The problem is that their skills were never NBA-class. Nevertheless, if they adapt, it will be great, so they will nominate them with a half gambling mind. Even Tabith was a small, fast center who was better at team play than a one-on-one post-up, and was named second in 2009. In the case of Yao Ming alone, despite the fatal drawback of being the slowest player in the NBA, he had a reputation as a top player until the 2008-09 season, and the league's destruction would have lasted longer if his feet hadn't collapsed. Roy Hibbert smashed the Miami Heat's small ball, which the Big Three endured, even though he was 10cm shorter than Yao and was embarrassed to compare. In other words, the value of a super-large center with skills in basketball is great. And the temptation of a super-large prospect that is likely to be so great is just as strong.
Yao, who was named first, will participate in the Busan Asian Games in September of that year. The Chinese national team, which showed the dignity of the Asian version of the dream team from the preliminary round to the semifinals, finished second in the final with an unexpected blow from South Korea, which has home court advantage, and Yao may want to forget the 2002 Busan Asian Games. In addition, two future world-class sports stars participated in the 2002 Busan Asian Games, one being Yao Ming and one being living boxing legend Gennady Golovkin.
Despite his excellent scoring record throughout his career, his powerful offense is not well revealed as a starter.
First of all, in terms of technology, he is a player who has all the attack skills necessary for the center. Technically, his biggest strength is his sense of fingertips. The shooting touch is quite soft, so the shot is not only stable, but also the hook shot that is placed with one hand is very accurate. For this reason, in his heyday, there was little way to stop him if he caught the ball near the rim. The general centers were divided into players specialized in 1. physical-pushing dunks, second shots after rebounding, and Alive, and 2. layup/fingerroll players with non-big-manlike ball-handling skills, but Yao was good at all shots from a distance.
Yao was a big man with a high level of technical perfection, but it was his enormous physique that gave him wings. Although his wingspan is narrow compared to his height, he is a ridiculous super-height of 228cm, but his RBI is so high that it is almost impossible to block unless he suddenly sets the timing well. In fact, even though Shaquille O'Neill is 216cm tall and has long arms, Yao attacked his block without paying much attention, and short centers such as Alonzo Morning and Dwight Howard were almost robbed by him.
It is also his power that can never be ignored. In fact, Yao's upper body was not strong for the NBA center. What continued throughout his career was the pattern of thinning his arms a little after the off-season bulk-up → opening, and no matter how hard Yao tried, NBA's harsh schedule was not strong enough for him.
But he had a huge lower body that he was born with. At one time, few Big Men could head-on stop Yao pushing into his thick calves, such as strong hips and tree trunks, which Chinese doctors once said would be "hard to make a big hit as a basketball player." Shaquille O'Neill was the only opponent Yao could not deal with with with this backdown, and Yao Ming was the player who could face at the low post to some extent.
Yao not only had great destructive power under the goal, but also had a wide range of attacks. In addition to the aforementioned under-the-goal finish/hook shot, he was also equipped with a turnaround faderway at a distance of 10 to 15 feet and a mid-range shot at a distance from a distance. In terms of shooting ability, Yao was not comparable to the centers of his time.
In fact, basketball players, especially big men, are tall and being able to move smoothly compared to their large bodies is the top requirement, so there are many players below the general public who are good at basketball in terms of their "fingertips." Among the four major centers, Patrick Ewing was famous for his soft shooting touch, but his free throw success rate was 74.0%, slightly ahead of Hakeem Ola Joo-won and David Robinson. Carlos Boozer, who is known as a big man with excellent mid-range shots in the same era as Yao, also had a free throw of only 72.2%. On the other hand, Yao's career free throw success rate was 83.3%, which was as good as a professional shooter. As a result, he was the tallest in the team and was once in charge of technical foul free throws at the Houston Rockets.
He wasn't a player who shot up to three-point shots, but at that time, both the centers and I were not in the era of throwing three points, so he only made two successful throws with 10 pitches throughout his career. The most thrown is two in a season, and most experts believe he would have had a three-point shot if he had played now.
Yao's offense was at the level of being able to run the top except for Shaquille O'Neill among the centers in the 2000s, but in fact, he played only 33.8 minutes in the 08-09 season, which was used as an option, scoring an average of 25 points.
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In addition, he was also a player with excellent double team coping ability and ball handling. This is also in common with Shaquille O'Neill, and Yao and Shaq are both very powerful and slow, so it was common for them to be surrounded by two or three people quickly when they caught the ball. However, the two players were so overwhelming in size that it was difficult for defenders to reach out and hit the ball, and because of their good visibility, they quickly found their teammates and pulled the ball out even when they were surrounded. Yao was not as powerful as Shark, so his ability to crush and squeeze defenders fell, but he was used to throwing shots or taking passes over defenders without being embarrassed by a double team because he had a wider scoring range and was taller than anything else. If you look at Yao and Shark, you can see that they look around first whenever they catch the ball at the low post, but they read the opponent's defense and decide whether to attack or take the ball out.
Second, Yao was also one of the biggest pillars of the NBA, with a hand width of 11 inches to match his huge size. Thanks to this, various ball handles were possible without missing the ball well, and he had the ability to catch the ball immediately even if he missed it due to his good sense. I'm generally slow His palm was longer than his finger, so he had excellent ball catching ability. It wasn't the so-called glue hand because it was dull, but the ball handle was pretty good. Yao's defense concentration was high because his partner Tracy McGrady was frequently injured and Houston's offense was poor when he played, and it would have been impossible to show his power as a main scorer without such excellent double team coping and ball handling.
In terms of defense, Yao was not particularly outstanding. Due to its oversized size, the side steps, which are very important for defense, were very slow. When he was switched with Stephen Marbury in the rookie season, he was humiliated by shooting his butt properly. Even if it wasn't a side step, there was no ability to move quickly in either direction. If he came near the three-point line, the defense could have been considered a failure.
Still, he looked good in the sweatshirt defense, thanks to his size. Yao, who is tall but weighs more than 140kg, was the heaviest player in the NBA except for Shaquille O'Neill, and no one could easily push him to a post-up. Seo Jang-hoon once described Yao's pressure as "like a car wiper wiping the backboard." His block figure was about two at the highest, and he was not a special blocker considering his business trip time, but his presence was sure to make him hesitate to break through or make excessive shots.
However, it was difficult to prevent the big man with fast feet and good skills because he was slow due to his big ball, but he was typically robbed in the playoffs by Utah Jazz's Carlos Boozer.
Overall, it is a downgrade version of Shaquille O'Neill in terms of defense. Or it's a significant downgrade version of Dicembe Mutombo. Both O'Neill and Yao were not able to defend if they moved away from the bottom of the net, and the team defense was not particularly good, but they were the best rim protector and had excellent man-to-man defense. However, O'Neill (based on his heyday) was much better than Yao, who had an athletic ability below the NBA center average, so O'Neill was much better as a man-to-man defender, and O'Neill was above the overall defense.
Yao's better than O'Neill's height and active will. He was a player who tried to block until the end even if he was humiliated because his will to defend was much better than O'Neill. O'Neill was an outstanding defender in the defense second team, and his block itself was better, but he hated being humiliated, so he had a bad habit of giving up his defense when he was about to be dunked or just stepping back under the net when he was about to be switched with the guard. Therefore, despite his tremendous physical ability, he did not succeed as a defender.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Charles Wade Barkley Somebody has to be the hero. It might as well be me.
Charles Wade Barkley Somebody has to be the hero. It might as well be me.
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an American basketball player He made his debut with the Philadelphia 76ers in the 1984–85 season and recorded an average of 22.1 points, 11.7 rebounds, and 3.9 assists in 16 seasons. He is a forward who has been inducted into the NBA MVP, 11 All-Star, and the Basketball Hall of Fame in the 1992-93 season, combining speed, high-quality scoring ability, and technology. Although he is far short of an NBA forward with his official height of 6"6" (198cm), he even won the rebound king in the 1986-87 season, boasting a huge under-the-goal dominance that he did not miss a double-digit average rebound in the remaining 15 seasons except for his debut season.
He was selected twice in the first and third terms of the dream team and won gold medals, but he eventually retired without a winning ring on the NBA stage, and is also famous for being the king of no crown. Common nicknames are Round of Rebound, Sir Charles, and Chuck.It has been introduced to Korean fans as "the bad boy on the court." He was named to the Philadelphia 76ers in the first round of the 1984 draft.
His best friend Michael Jordan's final match against the Chicago Bulls in the 1992-93 season with the Phoenix Suns is still talked about by NBA basketball fans. He was one of the most loved players by the public, showing off his unique star and talent in the position of a power forward who was usually far from "star" regardless of his outstanding skills, including Tim Duncan and Carl Malone. He is also famous for his strong pride and ego, as well as his tracy talk and physical fights with players and referees, arguments, and gossip.
After retirement, he has been active as a basketball commentator and host with Shaquille O'Neill with his brilliant talk skills.
If you look at the play, you can see that the power is very good. Based on this power, it has the upper hand in the rebound position fight and makes it easier to break through the net. The shot, which was pointed out as a disadvantage, was followed more than expected, and the ball handling and pass sense were also good.
Charles before the injury was really athletic, though his strength was great. Ball handling is also very good compared to the position, so it's amazing to see him dribbling open court with that big size and running alone and finishing with a dunk…
It is called cost-to-cost to catch a rebound from the defensive camp alone and start dribbling and finish it yourself, but this kind of scene often appeared because both dribbling and rebounding were good.
Defense was also excellent in the early days of his debut. Although he was short, he had very high jump power and long sleeves, and thanks to him, he showed good performance in defense. The timing of the sudden appearance and blocking was really good. Let's remember this human nickname was a flying refrigerator. I didn't express it as flying for no reason. As my career got longer, I couldn't control my weight well, and as I was injured in my back and knee, I started to throw away my defense, but I showed a warm class at an important moment.
However, even in his heyday, he was not an all-defensive team-level defense. For reference, Barkley indirectly said, "As long as Larry Bird is there, I'm not the least defensive player in the league," and Barkley was selected three times for the defense team that Barkley never held. The one-on-one defense was okay, but he was not very sensible in the team's defense, and above all, there were many gambling defense aimed at stills or blocks. Larry Bird had a winning shot while attempting a steal in Philadelphia, and in the 1992-93 season, Pippen allowed Pippen to break through while trying to force a steal before the famous John Paxon 3-pointer during the Chicago Bulls' win. At the time of his heyday, Barkley's defense was superior to the man-to-man defense and the team's defense was lower than average compared to the position, but considering that players of that height usually showed weakness in defense due to height restrictions. However, because it was a defense that relied heavily on athletic ability, the defense fell significantly from around the 1993-94 and 1994-95 seasons when athletic ability began to decline noticeably.
He was very thick and had a solid lower body, so he was able to withstand under the hoops of tall people, and his enormous power and flexibility to take down Shaquille O'Neill, and his very long arm for height was the secret to win the rebound king in the NBA.
In addition, it is a great advantage of his play that he was able to use both hands freely and reverse dunk, block, and dribble. It is a great advantage that both hands have excellent skills in that there are sometimes players who choose left and right among most top technicians.
In a sense, he is the type of player who is hard to come back out like Larry Bird. These days, NBA fans often pick Alan Iverson as a unique player, but in fact, the short offensive guard is constantly coming out in terms of style, excluding his ability. However, Barkley, who played full-time as a big man position in the NBA, where the world's best basketball talents are gathered in a short distance of less than 2 meters, and showed his talent in scoring and rebounding based on his all-aroundness, can be seen as simply unique. To compare him to a recent player, Dwayne Wade gained weight and saw the big man.
For now, among the current players, Draymond Green is sometimes compared to Barkley. However, it is similar in that it is a versatile undersized big man, but the style itself is quite different. Green's offense is poor, but he has DPOY-class defense and tremendous vision, and his rebound is not outstanding at the level of 8,9. On the other hand, Barkley has tremendous scoring power and strength in rebounds, while defense is extremely normal. Contrary to his prejudice against undersize, Barkley is a player who can score under the net by crushing his opponent with tremendous strength and athletic ability, but Green is much lower than Barkley in strength and agility and is short, so he is less able to score himself and enjoys three spot-ups.
However, in the shooting range, Green is ahead even considering the era. In addition, the fact that the shooting "range" is ahead does not mean that the shooting ability is ahead. Barkley was a player who had a shot touch and could play from outside the three-point line. Barkley, who used the jabstep jumper or the Faderway jumper as one of the main scoring routes, is a good shot player. In terms of shooting "range," Barkley is not familiar with three points because he was a forward when three points were not important, but Green is at least more familiar with three points. However, since the 2015-16 season, Green's three-point shot is not enough to significantly put Green up.
Both passes are excellent, but Green, who also serves as a control tower at the top, leads Barkley, the main scorer, in assist. Of course, at the overall level, Barkley, the MVP, is far ahead. In fact, what's unique about Barkley is that he is an undersized big man, but he is a scoreer big man who is strong in scoring and rebounding despite being undersized. Undersized big men such as Green, Ben Wallace, and Chuck Hayes tend to develop to other sides, such as digging defense or increasing shooting ranges, because of the disadvantages of height. However, even though Barkley was at the guard level, he had the hotness to crush his opponent by playing head-on under the goal, which led to a lot of fans. Perhaps that's why more and more fans are looking forward to a second Charles Barkley after seeing Duke University forward Zion Williamson, who was nominated as the No. 1 overall pick in the 2019 NBA draft. It is evaluated that there are expectations of Barkley's level in terms of physique conditions and athletic ability.
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travel9090 · 2 years
Scottie Maurice Pippen, Michael Jordan's helper?
Scottie Maurice Pippen, Michael Jordan's helper?
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an American basketball player He won six NBA championships with Michael Jordan and two gold medals as a member of the Dream Team at the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.
Scotty Pippen was born in Hamburg, Arkansas, the youngest of 12 children. His family was poor. His father worked tirelessly to feed his family. Pippen dreamed of success as a basketball player, but when he attended Hamburg High School, he was only 5 feet 9 inches tall. That's why I get rejected in the athletic department. Even in the basketball team that barely made it, he didn't stand out much. It may be hard to imagine for now, but at that time, he was short and weighed very little, so he was almost like a pencil, and he did not show any distinct talent. Graduation approached and the university had to offer scouting, but there was no place for Division 2 and Division 3 universities to pay attention to such Pippen, let alone Division 1 universities.
At the time, director Donald Wayne finally appealed to his university teacher to accept the Pippen. The university was the University of Central Arkansas, a college league team called NAIA, not the NCAA, whose presence at the time and now is incredibly important. Central Arkansas was also a university with a presence in the NAIA, and only one player in history went to the NBA after graduating from this university. In addition, he appeared in the NBA 2K20 and told the story with his own mouth, saying that he did not go as a player but joined as a team manager.
However, he didn't stand out much in his first year. In my first year, I only had 4.3 points and 3.0 rebounds. He was only 6ft 1in tall. As it is, Pippen almost became such a player in college, but a surprising twist came.
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In his second year, he gained eight pounds and grew six inches (about 15 centimeters) in height, when Pippen began to gain confidence. He scored 18.5 points and 9.2 rebounds in his sophomore year, 19.2 points and 9.2 rebounds in his senior year, 23.6 points and 10.0 rebounds and 4.3 assists in his senior year, respectively, and was selected as the NAIA All-American for the second consecutive year in 1986 and 1987. However, he did not receive much attention because his college basketball team was a third-rate NAIA team. Coach Don Dyer, a teacher, began to inform NBA leaders of the existence of Pippen. The first person to find him was NBA scout manager Marty Blake (1927–2013).
He showed Pippen's Portsmouth Tournament to Chicago Bulls leader Jerry Kraus, who watched the game, and asked agent Jimmy Sexton to "please don't show Pippen to other teams," while suggesting "the team will pay the full fee, so don't attend the draft pre-camp and go on a two-week vacation to Hawaii." There was even an anecdote that the Sacramento Kings couldn't sleep well at night, wondering what would happen if they noticed Pippen. At that time, the Bulls had the right to nominate eighth and the Kings sixth.
For your information, Kraus was a bit of a thinker, so he made a suggestion to another player that didn't work, and he gave Dan Muller (a white player nicknamed Thunder Dan) who was certain to be nominated in the first round ahead of the 1988 draft, saying, "We'll nominate you in the second round, so you won't be able to work out with other teams." Marley was so obviously saying, "I refuse. "You have to be selected in the first round to get more money," he replied. Regardless of the money issue, it is foolish to refuse to work out by believing in only one team's lack of confidence to protect it. A workout rejection is usually interpreted as a refusal to nominate the team.(Of course, in the case of super-large prospects who are certain to be nominated, there are cases where they do not work out at all) It is polite and unwritten to not openly say, "I don't want to go to your team." In fact, if Muller did this and Chicago did it, there would be no way that a big prospect would not be selected, but it would have been a little awkward with the nominated team.
By the way, even if you are selected by a team you hate and push for a trade, you pretend to be happy on the outside. In fact, Steve Francis, the second nominee in 1999, who publicly refused to go to the Vancouver Grizzlies, was heavily criticized. However, Kraus was afraid that the other team would steal Pippen, and Pippen confirmed through a workout that he was an NBA-level player. Krause's anxiety escalated, eventually negotiating with the Seattle SuperSonics, and Pippen was named fifth overall to Seattle and traded to Olden Polinis, who was named eighth overall that day to wear the Bulls uniform.
He is also considered a player who popularized the concept of a point forward in modern basketball.He is a well-rounded forward who is also considered the top-class defense, game reading, ball distribution, and excellent rebound ability. Size, strength, athletic ability, and BQ can all be defined as a player who had many things to like.
In fact, Pippen was the vertex in the triangle, mainly positioning himself at the high post (around the free throw line) and turning the ball. For this reason, Pippen had the longest ball possession time and the most assists during the first and second three-fits at the Bulls. Point guards such as John Paxon, BJ Armstrong, and Ron Harper, who were with Pippen, are all hard to see as typical point guards who are capable of leading the attack at the top. Paxon and Armstrong are 3-pointer specialists and Harper was Swingman's original position. Due to the nature of the triangle system, No. 1 does not lead the game at the top, but it can be said that he was in charge of actual match coordination because of the excellent view and passwork of the Pippen. Now, in the 2020s, forwards often come out with reading rolls, but at that time, this style was really innovatively accepted.
What's unique is that the ball handling is very good enough to see the role of a point guard, but the position of the ball is very high when dribbling. Although tall PGs are common, the Pippen is more severe, so the ball often comes up to the head when it flies fast. The height of the Pippen is in the early 2 meters, but its arms and legs are so long that it feels a little floundering when dribbling. However, few errors occur when carrying a breakthrough or ball, and handling stability is sufficiently guaranteed.
However, it was a weakness that mid- to long-range shots and free throws were weak. With a 32.6% 3-point shot success rate and 70.4% free throw success rate during his career, he is a player with poor mid- to long-range shots as of 2022 as well as by swingman. When I went in, I went in fine, but on days when it didn't work out, the shot missed the rim. According to Steve Kerr, director Phil Jackson described Pippen as "sometimes a shooter." Of course, according to Horace Grant, who was with him, Michael Jordan is a player who bullies his teammates with an attacker, so you can think of it as a word of similar credibility. Pippen's shot distance was very long, so once he got the feel, he showed that his shots went in. Because of this, he held a record of seven three-pointers in a game for more than 10 years (Kenny Smith and Thailand), and when he burst, he burst like a superstar again. The problem was that it wasn't stable. That's why he became an option 1 and there was a limit to leading the attack. However, it is hard to say that Pippen lacked the ability to shoot outside, just as some domestic Jordan believers said that Jordan had enough three-point shots with seven three-point shots in just one game. According to their logic, Jordan is also a player whose outer shooting ability was greatly reduced.
Based on his heyday, Pippen was a player who scored mainly with a height of 203cm, a solid muscular body, a hook shot following a breakthrough and post-up using long arms, and a short-distance jumper. In this regard, it was similar to the small forwards who played in the 80s, but Pippen even had mid- to long-distance jumper skills. The advantage of Pippen is that it has excellent spatial penetration ability due to its enormous athletic ability, excellent physicality, and understanding of team play, and based on this, it has excellent ability to cut in the back door or pass through the screen.
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On the other hand, he was a player with poor shot creation, that is, the ability to remove defense or secure space through individual skills, and the shooting touch itself. As can be seen from the free throw success rate, his shooting touch, which was in the late 60% range when he was with the Bulls, was rough for three times at the time, and the open was scratched better than usual on the day of the shot, not the type that threw a defensive pull-up/faderway like Jordan. In addition, Pippen was very fast on full court, but he was a player who did not have the ability to move quickly and take off the defense like Jordan. For this reason, the team's attack was blocked like the fourth round of the conference semifinals in 1994, and it was completely blocked when the ace had to squeeze out the score.
In any case, he was with Jordan except for the 1994 Flop, which faced the above mentioned limitations during the Bulls, so he maintained a decent field pitching rate in the late 40% of the season until the 96-97 season. However, this style had its disadvantages. First, when Pippen's physical condition was bad or his physical strength decreased (i.e., when the proportion of mid- to long-range shots increased), and second, his offense dropped sharply in the playoffs (because he couldn't easily take off the defense). Jordan, the former postseason ruler, has never dropped below 45% except for the rookie season and the third year, but Pippen has only fallen over 45% since his sixth year, 92-93 season. He has fallen to .300 twice, once 32.9% in 98-99 and once 39% in 95-96 season.
In other words, since Pippen lacks the ability to remove defense and secure space in view of him as an ace scorer, his power as a scorer in the playoffs tended to drop sharply even if he maintained a good field pitching rate in the regular season. Securing space is the key because most players who score more than 20 points at the original NBA level are putting in open shots as if they were natural. For example, Michael Jordan's post-up seems to use force to push the opponent away, but after a dribble or two, he lightly hits or fakes with his shoulder to secure space, penetrates into the space, makes an up&under (scoop shot or layup finish), or turns to the less defensive side and finishes with a faderway. If you don't get enough space in the post-up Faderway, Jordan's Faderway is a tough shot, and the reason why Jordan's Faderway was so accurate is because his shooting touch and Faderway completion were mostly separated from the defender through the process described above. There is a problem here, and since Pippen is stronger than Jordan, he is not capable of breaking through with various fakes, staff, and quick instant movements like Jordan, even if he is good at pushing out. As a result, defenders with a large difference in physique and strength will push out, secure space, and finish with shots and other hook shots, but their power is limited due to limited options. In the end, the stiff shooting touch restricts almost all attack options as well as medium and long distances. Even Pippen played with his striking teammates for most of his career.
There were many excellent things such as versatility and second-in-command mind, but the best thing was defense. After 90–91 seasons, he joined the All-Defensive First Team with Michael Jordan for eight consecutive seasons from 1991–92. In addition, there were three people including Rodman in the second three-fit. This is like a wall. Phil Jackson claimed that Pippen, who was faced with the enemy during the playoffs between Portland and the Los Angeles Lakers, is skillfully playing the Illigal defense. In fact, it was very important to keep big men from receiving passes at all from the post because it was difficult to focus on postmen at a time when regional defense was banned until 2001.
Anyway, the reason why it was hard for Chicago to go to intensive defense for Big Man was that the Bulls had never had an all-star or higher center. Bill Cartwright was a good defender during the first three consecutive losses, but he was not a good player to compete with power centers such as Patrick Ewing and Shaquille O'Neill, and in the second round, Look Longley was below average among the NBA's main centers. That's why the help defense of Pippen, Jordan, and Ron Harper was important later, and Pippen, the highest peak in the field, was absolute. Pippen was unrivaled in Dinai, as well as his ability to lock down his 1:1 opponent.
If Jordan was the highest peak of the man-to-man defense, Pippen was the highest peak of the team's defense. The 6-8 long-sleeved Pippen was then a defensive player who blocked from point guard to center intermittently, which allowed him to block anyone. This ability was highlighted in the 1998 Utah Jazz and the final, when Stockton and Malone's 2-2 play was the best weapon. Theoretically, if Stockton was free with Malone's screen, he could shoot or break through immediately, and to prevent it, a defensive power forward or center had to be attached to Stockton. Of course, NBA big men switch and cover it because they have excellent mobility, and in this case, the point guard blocks Malone, so it was enough for Malone to simply score using a mismatch with a small point guard (which he couldn't stop Malone. But what if there is no change even if it is switched? Chicago Bulls have long arms between 88-203cm, and they were players who can stop power port guard from the point guard. In this reason, Peter and Rodman, the attack of the Ppman, the attack of Jae-in's attack, because Peter could withstand the power of the power.
At the time of the eastern fighting against Mark Jackson. Jackson, who was the time of Facebook attack was slow as the point of 191cm, but it was a powerful post-up and wide viewing their colleagues with strong post-up and wide viewing. However, Jackson was much larger than him, Jackson played a turnover show. However, Michael Jordan, who was a defender of Dong-class defender, who was Dong-class defender. P Peniel made almost a day in the 96 Playoff, which was his main store, and Haerway played much higher when Jordan was blocked.
However, the best point of Pp pen's most excellent points, and Jordan. Pp pen was filled with a double team whenever necessary to check their sales. Peter, who blocked explosive attacks such as Haint Hill, and graphene Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill, and he was forced to pressure on the outside. As a result, it boasts a wide defensive scope than anyone else, and it was just the strongest league in the league.
Michael Jordan, who ate the defense king, who ate to defend against the defense king of the first defense, and it is also a strong opponent's ability to make a strong opponent's passengers. The opponent team could not only have been able to be pressed because of the powerful Dipper. Jackson knew this, and it was very possible to see the media play in the referee call. Among the director of the director who plays this style of media play, but the bullpen, led by the bullpen and nickname led by the two consecutive years in the stadium. If Jackson complaining that Jackson complaints are rough, Rale is a super star.
Also, Pippen actively defended, but he always tried to steal whenever he could see a gap. Sometimes he intentionally blocked the point guard, but he pressured his opponent to make it difficult to even cross the half-court, and even after crossing, he moved his hands constantly to make it difficult to pass properly. Even during post-up defense, he tried to steal or caused a turnover by preventing it from coming inside. A figure that disproves such a fact that the all-time P.O.P.'s No. 1 steel. The defense aimed at Steel is called a gambling defense in that it is difficult to respond in case of failure. However, Pippen's ability is that he maintained his defense like an iron fortress while exhibiting pressure and steel. Still, if the underdogs Philadelphia and Toronto had advanced to the playoffs at the time, the Bulls would have completely overpowered 3-0 because they were so ahead in basic power. Of course, once the overall record itself is ahead of Bulls, and once it is not settled, Jordan can come forward instead of Ron Harper, who usually plays defense against them. Jordan is overwhelmingly superior in agility, defense sense, and physical strength, leaving the big short-guard defense, which is burdened by the physical arrangement of Jordan, who is burdened with high scoring burden and a lot of help, to Harper, who has little role in scoring. In fact, Jordan was already the most important defender along with Pippen in the team at the time of his third consecutive loss in the second half, and he was like a final weapon in a man-to-man defense that blocked Harper when there was a scorer he couldn't afford.
Of course, he is one of the best defenders of all time, including Bill Russell, along with Kawhi Leonard in the small forward position. As seen in the episode of the clever Illigal Defense, it naturally has the highest level of team defense ability ever, and the sweatshirt defense ability is also the highest level in the small forward position and the highest level ever. Defending Magic Johnson in the 1991 final is a case in point. At the time, Magic Johnson was at the forefront of his 31-year-old career and made it to the final by going from strength to strength in the Western Flop, where Pippen and Jordan's man-to-man defense had great difficulty coordinating and eventually conceded the championship to the Chicago Bulls.
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In addition, he not only exclusively marked legendary ace players such as Kobe Bryant, Reggie Miller, Clyde Drexler, Charles Barkley, and Carl Malone in the final and playoffs, but also played an all-round role as a team defense. In his late career in Portland, he gained a reputation for defending then-winning Lakers' Kobe Bryant in the playoffs, playing a rock-down defense against Corby, and simultaneously serving as an all-out defense commander as an anchor for the team's defense, which gave the invincible LA Lakers a big crisis at the time. The fact that he went to the upsets against the strongest team as the core of the M2 and Team Defense is due to his defense, which is invincible only with a skilled defense that does not rely on physicality, even though he has lost his athletic ability due to consecutive injuries.
For some time, his defense was not even comparable in the position, and among the forwards, Hall of Fame forward Bobby Jones, who played in the '70s and '80s. It is difficult to compare with other players because he is mentioned as one of the best defenders in all positions. Pippen was good at all existing defense techniques as a team defense, and he also mastered both horizontal and vertical defense, as he was also ranked No. 1 in the playoffs with his fast hands. Above all, his clutch defense in big games was perfect, not only against the Lakers at the end of his career, but also the clutch defense in his heyday was the driving force behind Jordan's six-time victory over the Chicago Bulls, who had a relatively small market and a stingy owner. Kawhi Leonard, who has received two consecutive DPOYs in the small forward position since 2014, has appeared and is considered an all-around defender comparable to Pippen.
However, this is largely due to changes in the method of selecting defensive teams and defensive kings, which have changed since 2014. Previously, coaches selected defensive teams from reporters and media, but from the 2014 season mentioned above, all existing defensive kings and defensive teams have also been changed to voting in journalists and media. It may be controversial which method has been more objective and verified, but it is difficult to say conclusively who was better among Dicembe Mutombo, who won the defense king four times, David Robinson, who won the defense king once and twice, and Hakeem Ola Joo-won, respectively. It means that the defense king is not everything. Also, unlike attacks with some objective figures, the defense is subjective, so it is very difficult to say that a player is a special defender, but who is better between special defenders A and B. Basketball is an absolute advantage for strikers, so even top defenders can lose a lot of points, have good defense that is not revealed as a steel/block (typically, Dennis Rodman's steel/block is only one level) and are influenced by teammates, so it is difficult to judge only by +/- figures. Therefore, it is easy to say that Pippen is a much better defender than Larry Bird, but it is very difficult to say that who is better than Pippen or Leonard, who is equally the best.
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