January 21, 2017- I'm grateful to have spent my saturday with Tita Jane! Happy Birthday Tita Jane! Thank you for welcoming me in your family ❤❤ And props to me and Sam - we made pad Thai (salty pad Thai 😂😂😂😂)
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January 23, 2017 Today was a tiring day and I felt so disorganized because of my terrible management skills. I went out during the weekend cause I didn't want to work 😵. In the morning , I woke up late and I forgot to do my biol 2070 materials and methods. So I had a rush morning. Then I had a class representative orientation! It went well but I was so nervous when I presented in front of everyone. 😭 but props to me! I DID IT! I PRESENTED INFRONT OF people- NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOWW. Then I went to eat ramen with Anthony . We went to this ramen place in little Italy! Wow the layout of the restaurant tho 👌🏼👌🏼 it was so nice. I ordered chicken ramen and he ordered chicken wings and Takayoki! The chicken wings was so AWESOME!! It was like fluffy and the takoyaki was on point. The ramen was so good and their soup was so warming . *drools* But we spent in total $50 😂 rip Anthony's wallet . And then we went and adventured around the area or somewhere . I wanted sweets so bad but like CHA TIME closed the minute we got there . I was so sad ): but all in all today was a good day! 😊
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Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
New Year
New Year’s Resolutions How to actually achieve those resolutions Highlights of 2016 Things to look forward to in 2017 Reflection of 2016 How you can make 2017 better Things you did in 2016 that you shouldn’t in 2017 Favorite pictures of 2016 Memorable quotes from 2016 Achievements in 2016 Favorites of 2016 (e.g. music, movies, books, art, food, new activities) New things to try in 2017 (e.g. hobbies, food, places to travel) Upcoming releases in 2017 (e.g. music, movies, books) How you want the world to change in 2017 Important dates in 2016 People you met in 2016
Stress-relieving activities Curiosity page (questions you want the answers to) What if? Page Happiness page Things to do when sad (or any negative emotion) Sleep tracker Mood log Dream log Gratitude list Self care activities Un-do list (stop doing) Unexplainable emotions page (e.g. that feeling when…)
Grade tracker Vocabulary Achievements list Plan for the school year Revision schedule and progress Things to self study
Long term goals Short term goals (e.g. this week/month) Travel log Bucket list Reflections (daily/monthly/yearly) Places you wish to visit Friend lists + about them
Spendings tracker Savings tracker Financial goals Wishlist
Inspirational Stuff
Brain dump Favorite quotes Recipes Pieces of writing (e.g. news articles, poetry, etc.) Favorite words Story ideas OC ideas
DIY and project ideas Handwriting experiments Color swatches/palettes Bullet journal page ideas Doodle page Testing stationery/washi tapes Six word stories A sentence a day Blog post ideas
Playlists (e.g. playlist of the week, song of the day) To read To watch Already read Watched Hobbies to try Favorites list (e.g. movies, albums, songs, books)
General observations (e.g. people, places, things) Overheard conversations Music/melodies you heard Things you see Different textures/things you touched Things you tasted (could be food, drinks, or inedible things) Interesting/foreign smells
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A Really Fucking Vulgar Guide to Not Losing Your Shit in College (Condensed Version)
Bitches love to put things into lists. Moreover, bitches love numbered shit. Here’s some numbered shit in list format to help you not suck in higher education. You’re welcome.
1. Go to class. Like 210% serious. I don’t give a shit if you’re a get by on nothing, A+ slacker. You’re fucking paying for this crap so you might as well get the services owed to you. Take your ass to class even if you zone out 99% of the time. You know 1% more than you did when you walked up in there. Congrats, asshole.
2. All that free time you have during your first week of classes? Make it your bitch. Don’t just print the goddamn syllabus and be like all done. No motherfucker. Take a good fucking look at that assignment list. What’s due next week? Yeah, do that shit now bc I know you don’t have anything else to do. Then when you’re coughing up a lung six weeks into the semester and don’t feel like getting your ass up to do that calculus homework, you’ll remember this week. You’ll remember that you’ve been a week ahead this whole damn semester. Pat yourself on the back, ass wipe.
3. Prepare yo self. No seriously. You got notes to print for class? Sure you could be like all those other bitches and just shove them into your backpack, or you could actually /prepare/ for class. I’m talking looking that shit over, identifying key concepts, getting a decent grasp of the material before your ass is even in class. You a STEM major? Yeah, make this kinda shit your life because now class is like one bomb ass group review session. Again, you’re welcome.
4. Snack like a motherfucker, but save that junk food shit for the weekends. From now on, you are a fucking health guru during the week or if you’re a slacker like me, at least on the days you have class. Fruits? Hell yeah. Pack some of those. Mind wandering in class? Snack on some apple slices. Can’t stay awake? Keep eating some almonds or some shit, but don’t be that bitch with the potato chips. Just don’t.
5. Read. Yeah, you heard me. Read and I’m not just talking assigned reading. I bet my left butt cheek that your campus library has /something/ of interest to you. Commuting and don’t want to drive out there? Library databases bro. We’re in the digital age, motherfucker. I’d bet my other butt cheek that the shit you want is in a nice little PDF somewhere. But na man, you thinking maybe you want to go into computer science? Check out computer science books and eat them up bro. You don’t like reading them? Probably not the field for you. You a biology major in your second year? Yeah dumbass. Time to break out the bio books and not the ones your professor is shoving in your face. Amaze your friends and teachers with your out of class knowledge. Be a fucking star.
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November 28,2016: Korean night out eat at OWL with selsabil and Vithuran
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November 28, 2016 : pho after midterm with sunshine
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November 26, 2016: calcavade of lights with Vuong and Raquel and sunshine
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learning to control impulses in order to achieve more valued rewards is a big step toward maturity. 
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what a beautiful quote
Sonnet 60; "Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, so do our minutes hasten to their end"
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November 22, 2016. Forgot to take a photo but my day started off with a bowl of chicken pho with my beastieee :p Pretty good start so far
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November 21, 2016. Hanged out with a friend that I haven't seen in a long time . Thank you Bonnie for coming downtown to hang out with me 😘 had lots of fun talks with you at Cafe Balzac - sipping our fancy toasted almond latte ;)
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November 20, 2016. forgot to take a photo but today was a good night ; many laughs with the church youth was shared over bowls of nachos and a good game of cards against humanity
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November 19, 2016. Call me crazy but I'm wearing a dress on this 5 degree weather XD the Christmas spirit has finally arrived in Toronto and I was so excited to visit the Christmas market today. Makes me really feel like back home . Thanks Christina for coming with me 😘
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November 18, 2016. Good food is shared with good friends. Something about ramen really comforts you . And Also, happy 20th birthday to Raquel :)
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