travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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More space invaders in Paris!
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
piggy back ride
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
All of the amazing things that Oktoberfest offers, I get with the convenience of a 20 minute SBahn ride. Volksfest is the local "Oktoberfest" for the residents of Stuttgart. It is much less touristy and filled mainly with students and locals.
The first trip to the fairgrounds was made after class so we got there right when all the lights were turning on. It was so fun to see the carnival at night. The Ferris Wheel or "Riesenrad" as it is called in German, is the iconic feature of this fair. You can get t-shirts or hats from the festival and most likely they will either have a giant beer stein, or the Riesenrad.
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Once we had made our way through the rides, we headed straight towards the beer tents. We landed upon Göckelsmaier and were not disappointed. People were dancing on tables, drinking massive Liters of beer and singing to the live band that was performing.
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The tent was filled with students and college aged people, but the environment wasn't unfriendly towards families. Heck, I saw kids dancing on the tables that could boogie better then about half of the people in that tent.
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We had a pretty great table next to the stage...
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The atmosphere was so completely different to that of Oktoberfest but still amazing. Definitely a must see when traveling to Stuttgart during the last part of September.
Naturally since it was so amazing at night, we HAD to go back during the day to see what all the fuss was about.
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We picked today, the "4th of July of Germany", to go back to Volksfest so it was just a teensie bit crowded.
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Had to take a picture of my Dallas Mavs. Even though Dirk is German, he belongs in Dallas! Woot GO MAVS!
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This was one of the many stands that was selling all sorts of delicious fruits dipped in chocolate...Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, blueberries, just to name a few.
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We sampled both the chocolate covered banana and the strawberries. Delish!
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We walked around munching on our delicious treats and discovered that getting into the beer tents on the weekend, on one of the most crowded days of the weekend, entails hours of waiting in line before you get to see the inside of a tent. Without are reservation or getting there right at opening time, the chances of getting into a tent are slim.
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So what did we do when our efforts to get into a tent failed? WE ATE! We found a place that served XXL Brats in Baguettes and knew we had to try it out.
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They seemed to love theirs!
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And I couldn't go to the fair without getting the closest thing to funnel cake...
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I also had to see what the fuss was all about with the giant ears of corn that were all over the place. The fuss was over an amazing piece of corn on the cob, smothered with butter and sprinkled with salt. Soooooo good.
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
Its that time of year right before the leaves start to change and the weather gets too brutally cold....OKTOBERFEST. Thousands of people take the train to Munich to partake in the legendary drinking fest that is Oktoberfest. I was one of those people this year. A group of friends and I took the train from Stuttgart to Munich at 5:17 in the morning and already the train was full of drunken and rowdy people on there way home from drinking or possibly just starting early. Once we got to Munich at 9:30 we went straight to the fair grounds and immediately (and extremely luckily) got into one of the best drinking tents "Augustiner". We got a table all together and then started to order the Maß beers...yes that is one full Liter of beer.
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Inside the tent there were hundreds of people eating, drinking, singing German drinking songs and some were dancing on the tables. It was absolutely an amazing experience.
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After roughly 5 hours of drinking and singing, we went outside to explore life outside of the tent. People were EVERYWHERE.
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Another beer hall to choose from.
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One of the coolest things I saw though, were the roasted fish that were being sold. Beds of hot coals were set up along some of the tents, and skewers of fish were lined up and then turned every so often to insure even roasting. It smelled amazing!
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Oktoberfest is definitely and experience that everyone should have but be prepared for lots of drunk people, and more crowds then any place you have ever been. Its worth it though to say you have had a Liter of beer!
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
In the Augustiner Tent at Oktoberfest in München, Germany
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
(by barilynn)
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
My friend just started this website called "Derg Blerg" and its super fantastic! Everyone should check it out and try to support them in any way you can!!
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
Welcome to Stuttgart
I finally made it! After a 7 and a half hour train ride, a 30 minute Ubahn ride into campus, then hauling about 150 lbs of luggage to my dorm and up three flights of stairs, I have made it to my new home for the year!! Phew that's exhausting just thinking about it again. The campus is gorgeous, the people are friendly and I cant wait to explore a new city!! I got to explore a bit already and discovered that Stuttgart is in the middle of its traditional "Weindorf". It is a festival where local wineries set up booths to showcase their new wines. These are small labels that don't reach many stores and especially none make it across the big lake.
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People sit down and eat wherever they fancy and try the locals new batch of wine.
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Isn't it just the cutest!?!?
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A little sweet stand...for those looking for something other then wine and bratwurst's.
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Luckily I will still be in Stuttgart when I comes back next September!
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
Pizza Pretzel Bites look good. (via Sweet Pea’s Kitchen)
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
too cute
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travelingpans-blog · 13 years
The Final Cooking Class
This past Monday was the last cooking class that I would be able to attend in Vienna. We did the tradition right though and had a spectacular meal nonetheless. This dinner was an assortment of wok style vegetables with grilled chicken, noodles, mixed salad and an option to have either apricot or plum dessert.
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The chicken was cut into thin strips and then breaded and seasoned.
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Sauteed with mountains of butter and onions...the vegetables were added in next
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The other stations were busy chopping and peeling vegetables for the salad
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And my favorite station of all...dessert...
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After the batter was spread out onto the pan we placed halved apricots (or plums) onto it making sure to cover as much of the batter as possible.
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mmm...hot out of the oven
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The final meal...
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I hope they have a cooking course like this in Stuttgart!
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