travelling-massacre · 9 years
Movie Marathons
Title: Movie Marathons Pairing: Blaine x Reader Rating: PG Word Count: 1357 Summary: Blaine finds out you’ve never seen the Star Wars movies and is determined to change that.  Movie marathons are planned and then you get sick. Author’s Note: So uh...first foray into writing this stuff so I’m just going to leave this here and go hide and idk what I’m doing at all but this just popped into my head and I recently jumped on the Blaine trash brigade, so uh...yeah.  Here. - Ren
It started almost two weeks ago.  When you had gotten dragged onto the Podcast the day after the new Star Wars trailer came out.  With Blaine, of all people.
“So, how did you feel about the new trailer, guys?”  Burnie had asked.  You swallowed nervously, knowing there was about to be a shitstorm of questions coming your way in about thirty seconds.
“Oh god, I cried,” Blaine admitted.  Which didn’t really surprise you.  Star Wars was his favourite thing in the history of ever, after all.  You smirked and shook your head, looking over at him from where you sat on the other end of the couch.  The two devolved into a conversation about it while Gus jumped in every now and again you...well, you just kept your big mouth shut.
“What about you, (Y/N)?” Burnie asked.  You sighed and scrunched up your face.
“I didn’t watch it,” you admitted, a bit reluctantly.
“Oh god, how?!  How have you not seen it!?”  Blaine demanded.  You flushed and looked at him sheepishly as you leaned toward the microphone, your voice going soft.
“I’ve never seen the Star Wars movies,” you admitted.  It was complete silence that followed for about thirty seconds.  Blaine stared at you, incredulous and appearing to be personally offended.
“What did you just fucking say?” he demanded.  Burnie and Gus exchanged looks as you sighed and forked a hand through your hair.
“I’ve never seen the Star Wars movies,” you said again, louder this time.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Blaine said.  “How fucking dare you?” You giggled nervously and could feel your face heating up.
“I’m sorry!  I’ve seen the first one and the third one...of the new movies, not the original three.”  You shrugged helplessly as Blaine threw his hands up in the air in disappointment.  Gus and Burnie were chuckling at your sad attempts to fend of Blaine’s incessant defense of his favourite movie franchise and how you were a disgrace to anyone born in the early nineties for only seeing two of the Star Wars movies.
“That’s fucking it, movie marathon at your place next weekend.  Fuck this and fuck you,” he demanded.  And you agreed because who wouldn’t decline getting to spend more time with Blaine?  Especially when you had been developing more than a little crush on him in the few months that you had been working for Rooster Teeth.
And then two days before you were supposed to have that movie marathon, you got sick.  Terribly sick in a “I am incredibly uncute and cannot bother to get out of bed to shower or move from this disgusting sea of used Kleenex” way.  You took Wednesday off from work and then slowly sunk more and more into that aforementioned sea of Kleenex and disgusting germ-infested bed.  Slowly, ever-so-slowly over the next two days, you had started to feel better thanks to DayQuil.  But you were still in no mood to go out or get out of bed or make any sort of effort on looking cute.
Your phone buzzed from it’s place next to your head and you reached for it, staring bleary-eyed at the screen.
From: Blaine Hey, hope you’re ready for a movie marathon and some Emergen-C!  Be there in fifteen!
You cringed.  He could not see you like this.
From: Y/N Nooooooo!!! You’ll get infected!
That was a good enough excuse, right?  It had to be.  You were not about to let your very good friend (and no, you certainly did not just insert ‘looking’ between ‘good’ and ‘friend) see you like this, let alone get close enough to you to also get whatever horrible flu it was you had.
From: Blaine Too bad.  I’m immune because I take supplements, unlike you. ;)  I’ll be fine, don’t worry.  I’m coming over whether you like it or not so get ready for the ultimate movie marathon!
Great.  So there was no changing his mind, was there?  You should have fucking known.  Sighing, you kicked your way out from under your blankets, sending crumpled up tissues flying to all corners of your bedroom.  At the very least, you had to make an effort to look halfway decent.
You wound up just sitting on the bathroom counter because standing up in front of it was too much of an effort with the dizziness that had plagued your skull.  You managed to brush your hair enough to pull it back into a messy ponytail and put a little bit of concealer under your eyes in an attempt to make them look not as puffy and sickly.  You also managed to change out of the clothes you’d been wearing into your cuter pair of pajamas.
The knock at your door came when you were dragging one of the blankets off of your bed into the living room.  “Door’s open!” you called as best you could.  A second later and you were plagued with a coughing fit.  The door opened and closed again as you came out of the hall, Blaine appearing in your apartment.
“Hey (Y/N)!” he said, his eyes crinkling as he grinned at you.  “Wow, you look -” he paused and you waited for the ‘terrible’ to come out of his mouth.  “- great for being sick,” he finished, catching himself.  “How’re you feeling?”
“Gee, thanks.  And I feel like butts,” you deadpanned.  He smirked at you.
“Awwww…I’m sorry.  Go get settled and I’ll get everything set up,” he instructed.  You nodded numbly and went to go curl up on your neglected couch, wrapping yourself up in your fuzzy blanket like a burrito of sickness.
Blaine navigated your kitchen easily, finding where you kept your glasses and mixing you a cocktail of orange juice and orange-flavoured Emergen-C. It helped that he had been in your apartment multiple times before for video game sessions and hang outs with your fellow Rooster Teeth employees.  He came out of the kitchen and handed you the glass, watching as you took a sip of the drink after you thanked him.
Once you had taken a long drink to appease him, he turned and dug into his messenger bag to grab the stack of movies he had brought.  You turned on the television while Blaine turned on your PS4, navigating the menu to start the first of the movies.  He came to sit next to you on the couch after he got the movie to start, controller in his lap and a well-muscled arm draped on the back of the couch behind you.
You enjoyed watching the movie, even if it had to be paused frequently due to you erupting into coughing fits or having to get up and blow your nose in a terribly unattractive way.  Somewhere along the line, you wound up scooting closer to Blaine, though you remained in your cocoon of blankets.
And, honestly, watching the movie with him made it more enjoyable because of how excited he got.  Sure, the first three weren’t his favourite by any means, but his love for the franchise was clear when you periodically glanced over at him.
By the end of the first one, though, you were pretty tired again and yawning up a storm.  Blaine got up to get you a glass of water and by the time he had come back, you were fast asleep.  “That was fast,” he muttered softly.  He had to admit, though, you looked adorable.  While yeah, you were sick, you were still one of the cutest people he’d ever laid eyes on.
He hesitated for a moment, trying to decide if he should leave or stay.  He decided on staying and came to sit next to you, wrapping that arm around your shoulders and tucking you into his side.  The two of you had been friends for a while and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t attracted to you - both physically and personality-wise.  Hearing that you had never even seen the Star Wars movies had blown him away and he had been very determined to change that.  Because he could definitely not date someone who had never seen them.
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