Tarte Citron
Lemons really are a staple in most kitchens now. Wether they are used as a seasoning like salt and pepper or as an ingredient in their own right. I love them in a lemon curd or one of my favourite dishes as a child, good old fashioned Chinese lemon chicken. But this is one of my go to tart recipes the fabulous Tarte Citron.
Sift the flour and icing sugar into a large bowl.
Add the butter and rub together until the mixture looks like crumbs.
Turn mixture onto the bench and make a well in the middle. Add the yolk and iced water and combine the mixture until it becomes a dough.
Then flatten out into a disc shape, wrap with plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Roll out and place on a 20cm pie dish then place in the fridge for another 10 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 175’c.
Blind bake the pastry for 10 minutes.
Place the caster sugar, eggs and lemon zest and juice in a bowl and whisk to combine.
Add this lemon mixture to the baked pastry base and return to the oven.
Bake the tart for 20 minutes or until filling is set.
Remove and set aside to cool. Once cooled sprinkle the powder sugar on top and serve
Citron Tarte Recipe
120g plain flour 60g cold unsalted butter cut into small cubes 25g icing sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp iced water 1 1/2 cups of caster sugar 3 eggs Zest and juice of three lemons Powder sugar to sprinkle over the top
My husband is obsessed I would say with anything tangy and citrus. You know those people that would eat a lemon whole, yep he is one of those. So the balance on this recipe is probably more on the tart side so if you find it too much then halve the lemon amount to the recipe.
You can use any kind of stencil to make a pattern on top. Cut something out, use an old doily or even a mesh strainer upside-down.
"Yep he's one of those"  -- Andrew Prior
Love lemons? Then you should check out my videos on Nice and the Cote D’Azur including Menton, France’s home of Lemons on Travelling Fabulously on YouTube.
Check me out and follow some fabulous food on Instagram here.
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White Chocolate Pavlova
A pavlova is practically an Australian national dish. This is a perfect way to use up any leftover egg whites from when you’ve made ice cream with the yolks. It’s also a party favourite, my French neighbours just love it. You can use any type of fruit on top that’s seasonal and I only recommend good quality white chocolate.
Preheat the oven to 150’c. Turn a piece of baking paper over and with a dinner plate draw a circle on it. Line a baking sheet with the baking paper pen side down. Beat the egg whites in your stand mixer until soft peaks form. Then add the sugar gradually one tablespoon at a time until well combined and glossy. With a spatula gently fold in the vanilla, lemon juice and cornflour. Place mixture within the circle on the baking paper and bake in the pre-heated oven for an hour making sure that the top doesn’t brown to much and that you don’t open the door at all through-out the process. After an hour turn the oven off leave overnight to cool down. The next day whisk the cream to soft peaks. Thinly slice the red plum and cut the strawberries and grapes in half and roughly cut the white chocolate. Place the cream on top of the meringue and then scatter over the fruit and chocolate and serve.
White Chocolate Pavlova with Berries Recipe
​4 egg whites – room temperature 1 cup caster sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp lemon juice 2 tsps cornflour 300ml whipping cream 1 red plum 1 punnet of strawberries 1 punnet of blackberries 100g seedless grapes 250g white chocolate bar
Make the meringue the day before for best results.
Really all I need to say here is yum, because really a pavlova or pav as I like to say is just that, all kinds of yum. 
"Crowded House sang that they always take the weather with you, me I always take a pavlova. Same thing right!"  -- Andrew Prior
Coming to France? Then check me out in Paris on Travelling Fabulously on YouTube.
Check me out and follow some fabulous food on Instagram here.
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Corn and Lime Soup
Corn and lime are a match it seems made in heaven and my corn soup will certainly highlight both flavours. I highly recommend taking the effort to make this soup from scratch and make the stock from the husks as this just adds layer on top of lay on top of layer to the flavour in this soup.
Cut the corn kernels off the cob and then place the corn cobs into a large saucepan and fill with 3 litres of water.
Bring to the boil and simmer for at least an hour, the longer you simmer the more taste you will get in the stock.
Once the stock is ready heat in another large saucepan the oil on medium heat, cook the onion until translucent.
Add the garlic and spices and cook until the aroma comes out of the spices. Place the corn kernels, lime juice and the stock then bring to a boil and reduce the heat and simmer for an hour
In a fry pan cook the bacon then set aside, after five minutes (this gives the bacon time to really go crispy) chop into 1cm pieces.
When the soup is ready then blitz with a hand mix master food processor until nice and creamy.
Serve in bowls and top with bacon and coriander.
Corn and Lime Soupe
4 corn cobs 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion finely chopped 1 garlic clove finely chopped 1 tbsp coriander powder 1 tbsp cumin powder 1 tsp white pepper Juice of three limes 2 bacon rashes Hand full of fresh coriander finely chopped
If it’s hot weather outside then place the soup in the fridge to chill, if cold weather then serve the soup warm.
"To quote one of my favourite female Australian singers, nothings fine I'm corn....."  -- Andrew Prior
Looking for something to watch whilst eating this delicious soup? Then why not one of my videos on Paris on Travelling Fabulously on YouTube.
Check me out and follow some fabulous food on Instagram here.
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There’s nothing better here in France, then rocking up in the early morning to your local Boulangerie and picking up a delicious buttery croissant. But unfortunately not every one can do this. So I’ve got one better. Here is my recipe for delicious croissants that you can make at home yourself.
Day before take the butter for the turns and between two sheets of plastic wrap roll it out to a square shape at least 10cm wide, place in the fridge until the following day
In a large bowl place the flour and make a well in the centre of the bowl Put the yeast and a little of the water in this well to dissolve the yeast as you mix it lightly together
Add the rest of the water then the butter, salt and sugar and mix together until well combined. Take this out and roughly whack this against the bench a few times to release the glutens then form into a ball
Place this on a lightly floured surface and roll out to a rectangle shape and then fold in on itself from one end to half way and then the bottom end over this.
Wrap with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 25 min. Take out of the fridge and roll on a lightly floured surface to form a large rectangle or square, make sure this is twice as large as the butter that’s in the fridge.
Place the butter in the fridge on top of this and fold over the edges of the pastry Roll this out into another rectangle and the fold again. Top to the middle then the bottom over this. Press down three times once at the top, once in the middle and once with the rolling pin then press your thumb into a corner once and wrap and put in the fridge for 20 minutes.
Take this out and roll again to a rectangle shape and again repeat the process on no 10. This time press your thumb into a corner twice, wrap and put in the fridge for another 20 minutes.
Finally take out a third time and repeat the turns above and press your thumb into a corner three times, wrap and put in the fridge for at least 20 minutes or until you need to use.
Preheat the oven to 170’c. Take the pastry out of the fridge and roll out to a large rectangle. Cut off the sides to make straight and then diagonally cut triangles Stretch slightly the bottom larger end of the triangle then place on a counter and roll this end towards the tiny pointy end. Place on a baking tray At this stage if you aren’t cooking all of them today then place any left over croissants in a ziplock bag or freezer airtight container and place in the freezer Mix the egg yolk with a tablespoon of water then lightly brush the tops of the croissants. Bake until golden brown, around 10 minutes depending on your oven
Croissant Recipe
250g all purpose !our 7g dried yeast 140ml water 25g unsalted butter 6g salt 25g sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp water 150g unsalted butter
There are a lot of steps to making croissants but nothing as delicious as this was ever going to be easy. It’s one of those raining day cooking away all day kind of things to make.
Freeze them before baking and then all you need to do is the night before take however many out of the freezer to defrost that you want the next day and then when you get up in the morning pop them in the oven. Delicious.
"It’s one of those raining day cooking away all day kind of recipes"  -- Andrew Prior
Check out my best croissants in Paris videos on Travelling Fabulously on YouTube.
Check me out and follow some fabulous food on Instagram here.
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Ratatouille Tart
Last September I had the absolute pleasure of showing a group of five amazing Australians (well actually two were Americans pretending to be Australians, hehehe) around the Cote D’Azur on my Dazzling Cote D’Azur tour. We had so much amazing food on the tour, especially in Nice. My main inspiration from the trip came from the delicious ratatouille that I tried. So I’ve created for you today a delicious Ratatouille Tarte recipe to try. Hope you enjoy it.
To start either butter and flour or spray with non stick oil the pie tin. In a large bowl combine the flour and salt and whisk together.
Cut the butter into small cubes and combine with the flour/salt mixture by rubbing together with your fingers until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Start to add the water 1 tbsp at a time until the mixture starts to form into pastry. Knead slightly on a lightly floured bench and form a disc. Wrap this in cling wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. Prep your vegetables by blitzing the sun-dried tomatoes in a food processor until they resemble a course crumb. Slice thinly either with a mandolin or carefully with a knife the vegetables. Take the pastry out and roll out to about 1/8 inch thick and place over the tarte tin. Push lightly into the sides being careful not to tare the pastry. Then with a knife cute off any edges. Place back in the fridge for another 20 minutes. Preheat the oven 180’c. Blind bake the pie crust for 15 minutes then remove the beans/rice that you’ve used to blind bake and bake for another 5-7 minutes until the crust is lightly browned. In a spiral pattern add the vegetables starting with the eggplant, zucchinis, carrot, more zucchini and then finish with the capsicum in the middle. Make sure you pack them in as they will shrink a little when cooking. Then sprinkle over the thyme and salt and pepper. 
Place back in the oven and cook for at least 30 minutes or until the vegetables are all cooked. Take out of the oven and crumble over the goats cheese. Remove carefully from the tin and transfer to a plate and serve.
Ratatouille Tarte Recipe
340g all purpose flour 2g salt or 1/4 tsp whichever works for you 170g cold unsalted butter 90ml ice cold water
100g Sun-dried Tomatoes Aubergine x 1 Green Zucchini x 1 Yellow Zucchini x 1 Carrot x 1 Red Capsicum x 1 1tsp dried thyme Salt and Pepper to taste 50g goats cheese
Time needed: 1 hour and 10 minutes. Utensils needed: Large round non stick springform pie tin
"There is absolutely no rats in my ratatouilles tarte I swear your honour "  -- Andrew Prior
Check out my series on Nice and the Cote D’Azur on Travelling Fabulously on YouTube.
Check me out and follow some fabulous food on Instagram here.
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Dancing in Paris streets - Free things to do in Paris  Calling out around the world are you ready for a brand new beat. Summer has gone but there was lots and lots of dancing in the streets it seems. Check out my latest video to see what I’m talking about. 
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Where to find Paris street art | Free things to do in Paris
If you love street art then you should check out my latest Travelling Fabulously episode to see where to find some of my favourite spots in Paris. Along with the street location noted for each I've also given you the name of the artist so you can look up more about them. I might sometimes have my head in the clouds but at least I'm not the only one in Paris by the street art I've found in Paris. Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed find the street art for you. Share me around with anyone you know that might be interested. Merci and à bientôt.
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Where to find Paris street art | Free things to do in Paris
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It’s a dog life here in Paris. Finally it’s all about the food. No not only does he get treats at home after resting on cushions and running along red carpets but @lennyinparis gets to go to Japanese restaurants and use intimidating tactics to get what he wants most of all #treats #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverparis #lennyinparis (at RICE and FISH) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2V-QQxIF4i/?igshid=1pbdj5wn0380y
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It’s a dog life here in Paris. So if @lennyinparis isn’t lying around the apartment he’s out on the town hitting the red carpets. He seems to get more red carpet invitations then I do. #redcarpetparis #goldenretrieverparis #goldenretriever #lennyinparis (at Galerie Vivienne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2V98BzoaiJ/?igshid=qaks7ah3xutx
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It’s a dog life here in Paris. You see apparently the cushion doesn’t belong on the lounge it is meant to be on the floor so @lennyinparis can lay himself on it. #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverparis #lennyinparis https://www.instagram.com/p/B2V9tCYozms/?igshid=1qqxlx5nzvjpa
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Well if there is one thing I know for sure you will have to have in a French country house it’s silver ware. Oh and didn’t I find them today at this brocante in Paris. When is your silver anniversary? My first anniversary is in October. Is that too soon? #brocanteparis #brocanteur #frenchbrocante #brocante #instabroc #brocanteparis #parisbrocante #silverware (at Place des Vosges) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2JOFdVopos/?igshid=1xq2mk6jhkj4f
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You really don’t know who you might bump into when at a Paris brocante. When I was younger I used to have people tell me I looked like tin tin but I never quite saw the similarities. But today I sure did. Lenny thought so as well. #brocanteparis #brocanteur #frenchbrocante #brocante #instabroc #brocanteparis #parisbrocante #tintin #lennyinparis (at Place des Vosges) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2JNrLdIW4v/?igshid=1l6izan6i73e5
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This weekend at Place des Vosges is one of my favorite things to do in France. A brocante. Think antique market. You can find some perfect things that you really didn’t think you needed. I mean I would love a country house in France and I think this thing because to be honest I don’t actually know what it is. But i think it would be great in a country house. #brocanteparis #brocanteur #frenchbrocante #brocante #instabroc #brocanteparis #parisbrocante (at Place des Vosges) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2JNI5UotKl/?igshid=1vhdh5976gj0
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Père Lachaise Cemetery - Free Things To Do In Paris - Latest vlog uploading and can I say I love researching about these places in Paris. Who'd a thought that a cemetery could be so interesting. Fascinating place so check it out. I found the most touched up man in Paris, I thought it was me but alas I was wrong. There's the writer of the movie Gigi and a famous composer who's buried without his heart. This and so much more at a place that's the perfect free thing to do in Paris for me. 
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A dogs life in Paris is filled with lots of sniffing around the smells of the city, meeting new people, yummy treats and for some lucky dogs great shops that let you inside to buy yummy things like @moustaches_fr But last night @lennyinparis was meet with some disappointment. He had a fabulous night out, eating at a French bistro, walking along the Sienne and then when he realised he was near his favorite store he picked up his pace. Then the disappointment, the moment he realised that the store was closed.... #goldenretriever #parisdogs #dogsofparis #travellingfabulously #parislife (at Moustaches) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vcfN4nG6D/?igshid=rriajyt5sy0b
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Rue du nil is one of my most favorite streets in Paris. It’s filled with a fabulous butcher, poissonnière, bakery, fruit & veg, coffee shop, wine store, wine bar and of course Frenchie and F2GO. But wait now there’s more, just before the holidays a new fromagerie opened. Then there’s renovations going on at the bakery and the butchers and a brand new chocolate store coming soon as well. Rue du Nil I love you. You make me want to food shop until I drop. #ruedunil #parisfoodguide (at Rue du Nil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YzNn2IFIj/?igshid=1tondo9xp90bl
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