To the one I love ,
I thought that day would be our last meeting ,but we both had something else written in our destiny.
Choosing you among those 7 billion people in the world never had been a tough choice for me. Everytime you say that we should count all possibilities, my heart skips it's beat a little faster and everytime you say that you ain't a guy to be insecured of, I take a deep breathe and believe that we have the imperfectly perfect love story.
I was safe in my cocoon and oblivious to many aspects in life. Expressing myself was never a plus point for me.. Love never did make much sense or rather the idea of one person filling up all your voids in life. Then you came along with your comfort and sensibility.
You made me stand on my toes and made me curious. Curious to the question which goes this way somewhat " Why do lovers understand love after falling in love? " Okay this might be absolutely stupid one for you but if we reverse back to the start, we really didn't know what love was. Being kids with those exceptionally fantasies describing love of where Prince Charming came to rescue his princess, love never suited me.
I almost lost hope on people to understand my way, just when God blessed me with you. Not that we are similar but enough different to experience another life of different thoughts with some other human. I had thousand reasons to die but you became one enough reason got me to live.
You have been that fairy godmother, on specific God father or just someone who knew that my ideas weren't stupid but they were just my ideas. You took my scars of embracing me with love ,you took my sadness away and made my heart smile and what more could I even ask from a little boy.
You know you might have many people to cry upon but I just have one, You. A shoulder that gives me a feeling of belonging and someone who never fails to support me. For me you remain a person who can't be replaced. Someone who listens to my nonsense at 2 in night without complaining , I can't thank God for blessing me with you.
After all those I wrote I can never forget to mention our fights. Now when I look back to those times I really wonder that how intelligent we actually were that we fought and how cooly we are back together .
Trust me today I am nothing with out you. I want to be loved by you and every part of me wants to feel you. I know I have got you and I know that I ain't ever losing you. The only thing i realised quite true is that love turned me into a writer I never planned to be.You are a sudden and best gift.
From my little immatured understanding ,being in love is nothing but turning into someone better . Life is been the most uncertain until you popped up and trust me I never get tired writing about love. I never knew that boring binomial theorem could genuinely change all the permutation and combination of my life. My phone writingpad is filled with my love for you and I wish someday I can give all these letters to you and express how much I love you because yes I genuinely got the best man in my life.
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