traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5 - A Horror Mystery?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tsumugi: Mido-san, congratulations on the release of Sugao!
Tsumugi: I learned a lot from that interview article!
Torao: Oh, you’ve read it? I hope that it was helpful.
Option 1: I loved the part where you talked about your charms!
Torao: You mean that part of “know yourself first before knowing how to charm”? I think there are many people in the world who don’t realize their own charm.
Option 2: Your interview about your sex appeal was wonderful!
Torao: If you have confidence in yourself and stand tall, it will come out naturally. My manager told me that he would like to try out what I was saying.
Option 3: You look wonderful on the cover!
Torao: Thanks. Come to think of it, Izumi Mitsuki also sent me a Rabbitchat with his impressions. It’s typical of him to compliment me straight up, saying that I was really cool.
Torao: You also have good charm.
Tsumugi: How do you mean…?
Torao: You look like a small animal, but you’re actually bold and unpredictable. 
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Tsumugi: Can you read what’s on my face?
Tsumugi: Everyone in IDOLiSH7 says it’s easy to understand because it’s often on my face, so if that’s the case, I would be happy about it!
Torao: It’s just that they don’t understand. 
Torao: Even if I can read simple emotions, I feel like I’m caught in your pace before I know it. 
Tsumugi: Me!?
Torao: It’s my first time with such a woman (laughs)
Torao: You can be proud. It’s because I’m praising you. 
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Torao: Does the fact that you messaged me mean today is your day off?
Tsumugi: Yes, I have a day off in the afternoon today!
Torao: I see. I got a call during my long-awaited break; Touma scheduled himself to come to see a movie with me in a little bit.
Torao: It’s a pity that we just missed your schedule. 
Tsumugi: Ah, that’s wonderful…! There’s something different about watching at a movie theater and watching at home!
Torao: Well, we do have a theater room.
Torao: Touma said he wanted to see it on the big screen anyway, so I had no choice.
Tsumugi: That sounds like a lot of fun! What movie are you watching?
Torao: It’s a mystery story recommended by Minami. He said that the audience can also speculate about the culprit as they watch. It seems that it gained popularity from the drama and was derived into a movie. 
Tsumugi: Oh, I think I know that movie!
Tsumugi: It was advertised with the catch phrase, “In which scene will you find out who the real criminal is?”
Torao: Oh, that’s right. Minami figured it out in 32 minutes. Touma is excited about surpassing Minami’s record. 
Torao: I’ll tell you what time he got after. Please look forward to it.
Tsumugi: It’s going to be a hot match…!
Tsumugi: I’ve never seen it myself, so I’m curious, but I heard that it has quite a few horror elements!
Torao: Eh
Torao: Is that so?
Tsumugi: It seems that it was once talked about as a horror mystery with thrilling elements; I remember vaguely that there were some haunted parts that appeared.
Torao: Isn’t the mystery the main thing?
Torao: I see
Torao: That sounds like a totally different story
Torao: It looks like Touma came
Tsumugi: Please enjoy it!
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End of Part 5
TL notes: Please contact me if there are any mistakes with the translations! (Remember I’m not a professional translator).
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 4 - Altruism
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Torao: I was happy to talk to you.
Torao: This time, it seems like you guys didn’t hesitate to call out to me.
Tsumugi: Thank you very much for allowing us to visit your magazine shoot! Last time, he asked me if he could talk to you, so this time he said hi.
Torao: I’m glad I got to talk with you both, too. It’s been a while since I talked to Izumi Mitsuki. 
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san also seemed happy to be able to visit! 
Torao: Ah, that little chat with him was nice. I don’t mind being impressed by a man though. 
Tsumugi: That goes without saying, when I saw a female staff member who was getting a drink she was recommending I drink it, and I told her that I was glad for her consideration!
Tsumugi: I’m sure the staff must have noticed that I was sweating and having a hard time.
Torao: Does that count as consideration? Rather, I’m more concerned about how I treat women.
Torao: Did you watch me during filming?
Tsumugi: Of course, I was allowed to see it!
Tsumugi: I also respect your ability to quickly sense what the cameraman is looking for and your ability to respond, as well as your ability to charm people!
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Torao: Well, that’s what I do.
Option 1: Did you discuss anything else with Mitsuki-san?
Torao: He praised me a lot, but Izumi Mitsuki’s charm is in a different place from mine. I hope that is being conveyed.
Option 2: Are there any things you pay attention to when shooting for magazines?
Torao: Nothing in particular. It’s better to be who I am than become someone that’s a stranger to me.
Option 3: Do you have any tips for noticing details? 
Torao: If you look at them, you will know what the other person is looking for. It’s easier for me to do that though because of my experience.
Torao: Why did you come here alone with Izumi Mitsuki?
Tsumugi: After recording a variety show, I had some free time. Mitsuki-san also wanted to go observe the shooting since I was talking about it!
Torao: He often appears on TV. I can understand why he’s so good at it and is treasured.
Tsumugi: If Mitsuki-san heard that, he would be happy!
Torao: I talked about him when Nikaido and I went out drinking together. 
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Torao: He was surprised because he looked like he was about to cry, but…he was not saying anything strange, was he?
Tsumugi: When someone in the same industry says something like that, I think that is something that really makes him happy.
Torao: He put his arm across my shoulders and also patted me on the back…when he drinks, he becomes a strange character, right?
Torao: At the end of it all, the two of us laughed at each other’s funny faces. I’m on pretty good terms with him. 
Tsumugi: We get along with everyone in Zool!
Torao: That’s correct.
Torao: It’s a strange feeling, I don’t know whether to feel happy with this praise, but it’s not a bad feeling.
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End of Part 4
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traynslations · 2 years
thank you for translating touma's 16 idol album, i really enjoyed it ❤
Of course, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the message 💖
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma 16 Idol Album - Chapter 3: In the place where I live my life
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Touma: The people around me praised me a lot and pampered me. My song was out of tune, and it was only just child’s play…
Touma: Around this time, it may have been the first time I was aware of idols. 
Touma: When I was scouted by the school, there was no way I could do it. I tried to refuse at first. 
Touma: …But, somewhere in my heart, the memory of that time has always stuck with me. I thought I’d give it a try.
Cut to present time
Torao: …A word from your parents changed your life.
Minami: This time…you may be able to judge that you have changed for the better.
Haruka: Yes…the first fan of Touma’s was also a family member.
Haruka: Also , after listening to the story, I realized that you’re easy to make happy!
Touma: Ehh!? What makes you say that!?
Torao: Oh, it’s easy. An example is with a former member.
Minami: I agree. The other day, when Osaka-san praised you, I got really depressed.
Touma: Deredere!?
Minami: The muscles in your cheeks were relaxed after being praised for the NO_MAD songs. 
Haruka: What the hell, I didn’t know about that!
Touma: Why are you guys judging me there! Anyone would be happy to be praised, right?
Torao: Isn’t it too straightforward to accept everything? At least, that’s the case with former members.
Touma: Well, you kinda have a point…
Haruka: It can’t be helped. We can be desperate too. 
Haruka: Just like the praise that Touma got from his parents, us four members, want that too.
Touma: …Haru…
Haruka: …Sorry. Compared to your house, I don’t want to be servile. 
Touma: Yeah. I know.
Minami: I would like to be more motivated by your words, Inumaru-san. 
Torao: Fu..now, even with the cheapest words, it might make us do something.
Touma: You mean, not from a fan, but in my own words…?
Minami: Please understand who should be told.
Torao: It doesn’t have to be a shiny gold trophy. A big flower circle drawn in a red pen can be important to us. 
Touma: …Haha, that’s right! We are all together!
Touma: You guys and I, we are all the strongest and the best! We will continue to love Zool forever! Yay!
Zool: Yay!
Haruka: Hmph, don’t forget these words!
Minami: Fufu, that was like a little stage.
Torao: Speaking of stages, do you still have the video of where you were proud of your singing and throat?
Touma: Oh, I think so. Why?
Haruka: Eh!? Really!? I wanna see it!
Minami: I’m also interested in Inumaru-san’s first stage.
Touma: No, no, no, it was at the level of a children’s playground performance! It’s not a thing to make a big deal about!
Haruka: I’m not looking for quality. I want to see a video of you as a child. 
Minami: I’ll swing the penlight in Inumaru-san’s colour.
Torao: Want a fan too? I’ll do the calls. 
Touma: I’m getting really embarrassed…! Well, it’s not a song that needs that kind of call or any penlights!
Haruka: Is that so? What song is it?
Touma: It’s an enka* song that grandpa and grandma loved. I used to listen to it a lot when I was little!
Touma: I wasn’t as good at singing nursery rhymes that I learned in kindergarten, but they were more happy when I sang enka. 
Haruka: …Ah…well, that’s right. My grandma did the same thing.
Haruka: It’s more difficult than nursery rhymes, like the pitch wise. 
Touma: I see, so Haru also made his grandma happy with his enka songs…haha, I can’t imagine that!
Touma: The audience gave me a lot of applause and called my name. When I was talking on and on about my throat, the audience kept cheering. 
Minami: Inumaru-san, you seemed very likable to the people of that generation.
Torao: A little mischievous and also obedient, but even when he was little, adults liked him. 
Haruka: He seemed friendly, and he seemed to get sweets from his neighbors. 
Touma: H-how do you know…? And also the neighbors and people in shopping districts, we were mostly friends, but…
Haruka: Wow, what a sunshine…if we were in the same school, we would never have been friends.
Touma: Was it that terrible!?
Haruka: He was definitely the center of attention in class. 
Touma: That’s a good thing, isn’t it? I just want to get along with everyone…
Torao: Well, you don’t understand Haruka’s feelings. The one that’s the center of the class is generally noisy. I tend to not like them either.
Minami: A child who likes to be alone is likely to feel sorry for him and call out to him out of a sense of justice.
Touma: H-hey, aren’t you all being too strict on me…?
Haruka: Ahaha! Sorry sorry. I’m happy to be able to say all this without hesitation, so I’m trying to do that on purpose.
Minami: I’m just spoiling you, Inumaru-san.
Touma: I-I see…everyone is just pampering me.
Torao: Oh, I’m on board now.
Touma: Pick it up and drop it!?
Zool: Ahaha!
Touma: …Well, come to think of it, we’re all the type of friend that others don’t necessarily have.
Torao: I’m not really the type of guy to laugh at jokes like this.
Minami: Yes…honestly, that’s a person you wanna face.
Touma: …But, we’re not at that level of friends, we have become good friends. 
Haruka: …Mmm…
Touma: It’s not a refreshing relationship, and it’s not like I had a good impression from the beginning. 
Touma: We were told that this group would only last for three years, anyway. 
Touma: Still, everyone wanted to change themselves, and wanted to cling to that little hope, so we all sang songs throughout this all.
Touma: Zool is my life. I’m going to be Zool’s leader, putting everything I have on the line. 
Touma: That’s why you guys should also put your lives on the line for all four of us, let’s keep singing forever…!
Minami & Haruka & Torao: Yeah!
Touma: …It’s strange. Now this is where I feel the most comfortable.
Touma: Thank you, Ryo-san, for giving me the name Inumaru Touma of Zool. I am also grateful to you. 
End of Chapter 3
TL Notes:
Enka: Japanese music genre that is considered to resemble traditional Japanese music stylistically 
(I am unsure of some translations in this chapter. I please dm if you find any mistakes!)
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma 16 Idol Album - Chapter 2: Memory Appreciation Party
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
Touma: Welcome! Grandpa, grandma!
Grandma: Fufu, Touma. Long time no see.
Grandpa: How are you? Grandpa is happy to see you, Touma. 
Mom: It’s difficult for you guys to see each other because of the long distance. Thank you for coming all this way. 
Grandma: If I can see my grandchild’s face, I’ll come over here anytime. 
Grandpa: Even if I’m at home, I’ll just be sleeping. Playing with Touma is much better. 
Touma: Grandpa, you’re staying here, right!?
Grandpa: That’s right! Let’s stay together during the holidays!
Touma: Yay! 
Grandpa: Hey now, if you jump too much, you’ll fall.
Touma: It’s okay! I’ve grown up a lot! I’m strong!
Grandma: Oh, you’ve certainly grown taller. When you don’t see someone for a while, they tend to grow up quickly. 
Touma: Oh no. In kindergarten, I fell behind a bit.
Grandpa: Isn’t it amazing? I hope you’re eating a lot of rice.
Touma: Yeah! I can even eat broccoli now!
Grandma: Well, before you didn’t want to eat it because you didn’t like the way it looked.
Mom: Fufu. You can’t eat big ones, but you can eat them when they’re smaller.
Touma: Oh, even the big ones will become edible after a while…!
Grandpa: Yes, Touma you will be a good man. You can conquer any weakness you have. 
Touma: Conquer?
Grandpa: Hmm…simply put, you’re trying to be strong. It’s not something you can easily do. 
Touma: Ehehe…! Grandpa praised me!
Touma: I was planning on telling you guys a lot of things once you guys came, so I wrote them down!
Grandpa: On paper?
Mom: He put together on paper what he wanted to talk to you two about.
Touma: Um…first, I can play karuta* now!
Grandma: Great! You can read hiragana properly now.
Touma: That’s right! When I played with dad and mom, I was the best. 
Mom: Touma would find it right away, so I wasn’t able to get it at all. 
Grandpa: Well then, let’s play karuta together tonight!
Touma: Let’s do it! Grandpa, don’t cry when you lose!
Grandpa: You’re right. Grandpa must be strong too!
Touma: Also, I can jump rope!
Touma: Even in kindergarten, as a teacher, I was told that I was kind and popular!
Grandma: Fufu, you’re really kind to everyone. You’re splendid and great, Touma.
Grandpa: Grandpa is happy about that, too.
Touma: Ehehe.
Mom: Look, Touma. I made tea for grandma and grandpa, so please come help me.
Touma: We’re drinking tea? But I want to show my jump rope to grandpa!
Mom: Grandpa and grandma are a little tired from coming from far away by train, so let’s let them rest a bit.
Mom: Besides, before you go jump rope, isn’t there something you wanted them to see?
Touma: ……! There was! I’ll show grandpa and grandma my singing!
Grandpa: Oh! You did say you were in the festival’s singing contest. Show it to your grandpa!
Grandma: I don't know how to start this, please help me.
Touma: Um…mom, how do you start it?
Mom: Press this button!
Touma: Hmm…ah, I got it!
Touma (in video): “Nice to meet you! I’m Inumaru Touma! I’m going to sing a song!”
Grandma: What a nice greeting you did, Touma.
Grandpa: You’re so bold and polite. Were you nervous?
Touma: I wasn’t! It was a lot of fun! Everyone smiled and listened to me!
Grandpa: That’s great…I can’t believe you’re 5 years old, you’re so confident. 
Touma: Hehe, listen to me too!! I practiced a lot.
Touma (in video): ~♪
Grandma: Amazing, you’re good at it! Just like the idols you see on TV these days!
Touma: Idol?
Mom: It’s someone like Touma who sings songs with a lovely smile and makes everyone happy.
Touma: Wow! That’s amazing, idols…!
Touma: …I wonder if I can be that!
Grandpa: Oh, isn’t this time good? You can do anything.
Grandma: Yes, you will become popular.
Touma: Really? Hehe, if everyone says so, then I can do it!
Touma: I will make everyone smile and make them happy! I will become an idol that makes everyone happy!
Mom: Great! Then, Touma, can you sing the song from earlier in front of us again?
Touma: I’ll do it right from the greeting!
Touma: …Nice to meet you! I’m Inumaru Touma! I will now sing a song!
Touma: Everyone, listen to this with a smile!
End of Chapter 2
TL notes:
Karuta: Japanese playing cards
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma 16 Idol Album - Chapter 1: 16 Idol Album
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Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Shiro: Everyone, please be happy. I got an offer for a new project.
Touma: Huh, what is it…?
Torao & Minami & Haruka: ……
Touma: What’s wrong, you all are making funny faces. 
Haruka: I’m not making any faces.
Torao: Yeah, my face is perfect.
Touma: That’s not the point. 
Minami: No…if it’s Utsugi-san asking me to be happy, I don’t know if I should be happy about it. 
Torao & Haruka: Right.
Shiro: Why is that?
Minami: You might have a different thing in mind. 
Shiro: Believe me, I don’t. It’s my job to fulfill the wishes of your fans and you all. 
Haruka: He said it.
Torao: He did.
Minami: He really did say that.
Touma: Utsugi-san, what does that mean?
Shiro: My job is to make the most out of Zool’s cool and amazing charm.
Haruka: He praises us a lot.
Torao: Hmph, not bad.
Minami: There is definitely something else to this…
Touma: Zool’s cool and amazing charm… Utsugi-san, what’s this new project about?
Shiro: It's the “Welcome to the Kids Room�� sequel. The viewers have seemed to like it a lot. 
Touma: Ah, that special program!
Torao: The staff on another program has asked me to talk about it. Especially about my childhood photo. 
Haruka: So, it seems like all of us had a time that we would take for granted. 
Haruka: But, I don’t remember that there was a time there to show off our cool charm…?
Minami: Rather, that program was showing our warm and cute side…
Shiro: Well, this time, while keeping the goodness of the program, they will be digging into the roots behind your current selves.
Shiro: In other words, it will be the origin story of the cool unit, Zool.
Touma: I-I see…?
Torao: Weird…I don’t really get it.
Minami: Why would the current cool and amazing Zool’s origin story be also cool and amazing?
Haruka: Right! Gosh, I almost got fooled…!
Shiro: It’ll be fine. The four of you must’ve been cool ever since you all were born.
Haruka: Uwahh, what a cool thing to say.
Shiro: It’s not that cool. I just thought it was a good way to show your charm.
Shiro: Besides, your past selves are also in your current selves. One of your fans’ dreams is to get to know you all better, so this would fullfill that wish. 
Shiro: Everything will be fine, so would you guys like to participate?
Haruka: Ummm….
Touma: Okay, sure! Utsugi-san has already insisted a lot about it! I don’t know if it’ll turn out well, but let’s do it!
Touma: I’m also interested in all your younger selves! I would love to know what you guys liked and disliked and what anime you guys liked to watch. I want to know all these things!
Touma: I want to know Idolish7 and the other guys’ stories too. 
Minami: I agree, it’s good to know those weak points of dislikes and likes. 
Touma: Ahaha, weak points!
Touma: Haru, Tora! You guys in?
Haruka: I’m not saying I won’t do it. 
Torao: Of course, I’m not going to cut corners on this if you guys are doing it.
Shiro: What a reliable guy. 
Shiro: I’ll give you all the information for the project, please read over it carefully. Show them Zool’s charm with a bang bang!
Zool: Y-yeah…?
Touma: Tsunashi-san’s dressing room should be around here.
Minami: Yes. …Is it the room at the end? There seems to be others there. 
Touma: Is that…Sougo?
Touma: Hey! Sougo!
Sougo: …Ah, Touma and Natsume-kun. Good to see you both here.
Minami: Hello to you too. Osaka-san, are you here to say hello to Tsunashi-san?
Sougo: Th-That’s right. I was here recording for another program, and the dressing room was nearby so I decided to come and say hello.
Touma: …? What’s wrong, Sougo? You’re acting funny. Your hands are shaking, too. 
Sougo: S-sorry…! It’s been a while since I’ve come to say hello to Tsunashi-san by myself, so I’m a bit nervous…
Minami: Oh dear. Well then, Inumaru-san, keep holding his hand. That can help relieve some of your stress. 
Touma: Well alright… Sougo, it’s okay. Come say hello to him with us. 
Minami: …It appears he might be talking to someone else. 
Sougo: T-Thank you…! That’s right, the two of you are appearing on the same sports program as Tsunashi-san. 
Touma: Yeah! I’m looking forward to seeing Tsunashi-san play sports up close!
Ryuu: Huh, who’s out there?
Sougo: Wah! Tsunashi-san! Sorry for being so loud!
Touma: Sorry! It’s me, Touma!
Minami: We thought of greeting you. Do you mind if we come in?
Ryuu: Ahaha! Those are the voices of Sougo-kun, Touma-kun, and Minami-kun! Come in!
Door open
Sougo & Touma & Minami: Excuse me.
Ryuu: Welcome! Thank you for coming all the way here to see me.
Touma: Tsunashi-san, good work with today’s recording! This episode, you were really active, I’m looking forward to seeing you do it with Mina!
Sougo: Hello, I’m so sorry to have disturbed you! I was near the dressing room, so I thought of saying hello…
Minami: He was frozen at the front of the door, so I asked Inumaru-san to hold his hand. 
Ryuu: Sougo-kun, are you still nervous about being alone with me…?
Sougo: Y-yes. It’s because Tamaki-kun is always here for me, so I can’t handle it on my own… It’s been a long time since I’ve done this by myself…
Sougo: This time, Touma and Natusume-kun joined me. I don’t have anything to do with your program, I’m sorry.
Ryuu: Don’t apologize for that. I’m happy to see you.
Touma: It would be nice if Sougo could appear on the show with us!
Minami: I agree. Like when we did basketball the other day, he would have made a good addition.
Ryuu: Oh, the basketball one! On that day, I was in better shape than usual, partly because my shoulders were warmed up from sports club the day before that.
Sougo: It was a real hot topic! Especially at the moment you dunked, Tamaki-kun said that you were number 1!
Touma: Awesome…! So detailed, Sougo.
Sougo: It’s only natural! I was also talking to Idolish7 about him being Tsunashi-san the world best. 
Ryuu: T-Tsunashi-san the world best!?
Minami: Fufu, what a nice nickname. 
Touma: Well then, I’m looking forward to Tsunashi-san the world best’s success today!
Ryuu: Th-Thank you…I’m happy, but also a little embarrassed.
Minami: Tsunashi-san, are you good at sports?
Ryuu: Ah…! When I was a student, I would help out at various clubs, so I can do sports to a good extent.
Touma: It’s cool to be a helper!
Touma: How nice… When I was a student, I was busy with school, so I couldn’t do club activities, so I yearn for youth.
Sougo: School…?
Touma: Ah, I went to an actors school from middle school onwards! I was scouted to go there.
Touma: That’s why, after school, I only had lessons, and I wasn’t able to participate in club activities or events.
Ryuu: Well, that really sounds amazing, Touma-kun! Club activities are, of course, important, but it’s not easy to go to lessons like that and put in so much effort. 
Touma: Right…hehe…
Minami: When I was a student, I had an image that I would get along well with everyone and get excited about events, but it was different from that.
Touma: I see, didn’t I tell you about this Mina? That I was exempted from the lesson fee because I was an honors student, I was that serious about it! Sougo: I see…that’s why you have a solid foundation in singing and dancing.
Sougo: In the days you were in NO_MAD, you were the only one on a different level than the others.
Touma: Did you listen to our songs…!?
Sougo: Of course. I will never forget the shock I felt when I heard your powerful singing voice.
Touma: Sougo…! If you don’t mind, could I listen to your first impressions in detail later!?
Sougo: Haha. I don’t mind. 
Touma: Well, it is you Sougo! I’m curious to know what people with the same taste in music think about them!
Minami: …Huh… You look happier about this than when Zool’s songs are praised.
Ryuu: Mi-Minami-kun? Your face looks a bit scary…
Touma: No, I’m really happy when Zool’s songs get compliments! But, when I was in NO_MAD, I didn’t have much of an opportunity to talk to people in the same industry.
Minami: …Well, even I can at least praise you for that time.
Minami: …It was that group that abandoned you, but I don’t think that their music was bad.
Touma: Mina…hehe, thank you!
Touma: I have been good friends with them since school. For me, NO_MAD was my youth.
Minami: …Then, how about now?
Touma: Eh?
Minami: What is it for you now?
Touma: Now…
Ryuu: Is it still youth…?
Touma: …Hmmm…I don’t think it’s that refreshing now.
Touma: …It’s like life. I’m here with everyone on the line.
Sougo: Life…yeah, that expression fits me too.
Ryuu: Certainly. Now is our everything.
Minami: …Well, that’s fine.
Minami: It got all of us involved and together…I would be in trouble if it didn’t.
Touma: Yeah. Now and in the future, I’m going to dedicate it to Zool, because this place is everything to me. 
End of Chapter 1
TL notes:
Hi I’m back! I’m sorry for being ia for over a month I had personal business to do. I’ll be back and ready to resume translations! (I will continue Torao’s sugao then move on to Haruka’s sugao after finishing Touma’s 16 Idol Album)
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 3 - Torao and Chain Stores
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Torao: Hello. I went to the store you mentioned. It was delicious.
Tsumugi: Hello! Are you referring to the gyoza chain store?
Torao: Yes, it wasn’t bad there.
Torao: The meal ticket system was great.
Torao: All the French and Italian courses I know are served while I am thinking about how long I will take to finish eating it, but I was surprised that here, the food comes out right when I sit down. It’s really interesting that they do that.
Tsumugi: It really comes in handy when you don’t have much time or if you’re hungry, and that makes me happy!
Tsumugi: Did you go to the store alone?
Torao: No, I went with Nikaido and Tamaki. We met by chance in the studio after we were finishing recording.
Torao: When I told them about the store, they enthusiastically took me there saying that if I hadn’t been there before, they would take me.
Tsumugi: I see! Those two often go there, so they know a lot about it…!
Torao: It seems so. I was recommended the standard version at first, but then they changed the spiciness and toppings and arrangement of it.
Torao: It was a real pleasure to try the various arrangements and find the best one. It was fun chatting with them while we ate. The stories about life in the dormitory are fresh and interesting.
Tsumugi: Everyone in ŹOOĻ lives alone, right? Anyways, what did you guys talk about there?
Torao: There was a story about Nikaido eating the pudding again. Tamaki was angry because he was looking forward to eating it.
Torao: Well, it’s true that it’s a little horrible to eat something that someone was looking forward to.
Tsumugi: So that’s what you guys were talking about…!
Torao: The lunch was on Nikaido. We treated it as a treat from him to us.
Option 1: Were there times when the members of ŹOOĻ accidentally ate each other’s food?
Torao: Yeah, it happens sometimes. One time, Touma ate Haru’s melon bread by mistake. Haru noticed and got mad at him, and Touma tried to give back half-eaten bread to no avail because Haru was too pissed off. Afterwards, Touma bought him bread from a popular store to make up with him.
Option 2: Did Nikaido-san mention anything else?
Torao: He did ask me a lot about my private life because he can’t imagine me just lounging at home doing nothing. Well, I told him that I do relax at home.
Option 3: Did Tamaki-san talk about anything else?
Torao: He talked about school a lot. Haru doesn’t like to talk about his school life much. It was refreshing to hear that those three eat lunch together and spend time with their friends.
Torao: They also told me stories about you.
Torao: Managing 7 guys sounds like a lot of work.
Tsumugi: Everyone is pretty self-reliant, so I never once thought it was hard!
Tsumugi: Rather, I receive a lot of help from them and receive gifts from them too…!
Torao: They also looked very happy while talking about you, so I was just curious.
Tsumugi: Thank you…! Utsugi-san and everyone else, I’m very close to them, and I think it’s wonderful that there are things that only you guys can understand!
Torao: No, that guy has been too close to me ever since we first met!
Tsumugi: Well, I envy you more and more!
Torao: I don’t know what you’re really thinking, even though you look so good on the outside. Unexpectedly, I don’t think much. Recently, I’ve been getting more thoughts though.
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Torao: The other day, while I was humming, Touma joined in with me.
Tsumugi: Wow! Sounds like fun!
Torao: It’s strange! It’s because the air was frozen for a moment.
Torao: “It’s a good song, isn’t it?” he laughed, but sometimes I can’t tell if he is joking or is serious! He’s such a hard guy to read.
Tsumugi: But while we were at the New Year’s party, he practiced Mitsuki-san’s part with all his might, so I thought that he was a very serious person.
Torao: Well, I guess he’s serious… And I guess we all take care of each other well.
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End of Part 3
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traynslations · 2 years
Hi! Thanks for the translations! I've been looking for accounts that translate the sugao cards after searching for it for so long!! I'm happy that I came across your account! If you can, can you translate Haruka's sugao cards as well? Its fine if you can't. And again, thanks for the translationsss ^^
Yes, of course, after I finish translating Torao’s! I do not have his card, but I’ll look on rabbit library for it and do it.
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 2 - Specialty
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Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Mido-san, thank you for your hard work! Thank you for letting my idols participate with you in the idol quiz competition today!
Tsumugi: The Sudden Death Battle at the end was really heated!
Torao: Oh, you’re very excited. I never thought a quiz could get me so pumped up like that.
Torao: Izumi Iori was a tough opponent! Also, talent. It really is a talent that Tamaki is able to answer so accurately with just intuition.
Tsumugi: Even Tamaki-san didn’t think he would win that much, so he was also surprised.
Torao: When I heard about that, I didn’t really regret losing too much since he seemed to be really lucky.
Tsumugi: Everyone in ŹOOĻ had different specialty genres, and even then they still did a good job!
Tsumugi: Especially you, you were amazing at answering the difficult questions about English and the specialities of each country!
Torao: Well, I got a decent education, that’s why I could answer them.
Torao: I generally remember the culture and specialties of the countries where our hotels are located.
Option 1: Is there a particular product that has left the biggest impression on you?
Torao: Marmite that Haruka gave to me as a souvenir from England. I heard it was good for my health, but the smell was so strong and it shocked me in many more ways.
Option 2: Which countries did you often go to?
Torao: I’ve been going to Dubai and the Caribbean a lot since I was a kid. It’s customary to relax while watching the sunset in the desert or at the sea.
Option 3: Do you have any memories of traveling abroad?
Torao: When I was little, I got lost while watching street shows because I was obsessed with them. In a panic, my father got the local police involved and a large-scale search was conducted. That was the first time I was looked for by so many people.
Tsumugi: The episode from overseas that were told in the program were full of interesting stories, and the quizzes were answered one after another…!
Torao: Oh, I meant…
Torao: No way, I was caught by a common sense problem, I can’t believe it… Is that really common knowledge!?
Tsumugi: Is there a problem of arranging the number of famous chain stores in descending order…?
Torao: Oh, Touma asked me that too. Why don’t I know about domestic chain stores even though I know so much about overseas affairs?
Tsumugi: When you asked what kind of restaurant it was, I remember the MCs and the audience shouting, “Eh!?” ><
Torao: I think I’ve seen the billboards around town, but is it really that famous…?
Torao: Have you ever been to a store like that?
Tsumugi: Of course!! There is a gyoza chain store near my office, so I often go there when I have spare time!
Tsumugi: I recommend the signature gyoza dumplings, and the fried rice and almond tofu are also delicious! Mido-san, if you don’t mind, please go and try it!
Torao: Gyoza or fried rice? If you were asking me out on a date then that isn’t sexy of you.
Tsumugi: That sounds a bit greedy than sexy ><
Torao: Huh. No matter where I go, I’ll show you how to go on a proper date.
Tsumugi: I see. I think that’ll be wonderful! After all, I can learn a lot by talking with you!
Torao: Really…I’m also finding this exchange to be quite interesting.
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End of Part 2
TL notes:
Translations for this was done fairly quickly, there may be translation errors, contact me if that’s the case (through twitter or tumblr)
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traynslations · 2 years
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 1 - “Sugao” Idol Feature
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Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Mido-san.
Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7 will also be involved in the planning of “Sugao”. Let’s work hard!
Torao: Seems like it.
Torao: I hear that Re:vale and TRIGGER will also be working on this. I look forward to working with you.
Tsumugi: Yes! It’s a great pleasure to be able to make the cover of “Sugao” together with you all…!
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Torao: Touma also said something similar to what you said. He was making a big fuss about how amazing this opportunity was.
Tsumugi: It really is amazing! It’s a magazine that usually features celebrities such as cultural figures and entrepreneurs.
Tsumugi: It’s unusual for idols to be featured, so at first, I couldn’t believe that each of the idols would be featured on the cover…!
Torao: Come to think of it, you mentioned that your father was also mentioned in an interview with Sugao.
Tsumugi: I saw it when I checked back in the issues! That was a special issue of the managers who move the world!
Tsumugi: Would someone be happy for you if you got published in the magazine?
Torao: I wonder. I’m not enough of a child to be happy when my parents praise me.
Torao: I’d rather be praised by you. Is there anything you would like me to do for you?
Tsumugi: You seem presumptuous to praise, but after hearing the theme, I’m looking forward to reading your “Sugao” issue more and more!
Torao: Ah, “wearing sex appeal” is the title. I like that too.
Tsumugi: Yes…! You have a mature sex appeal and are very relaxed, so I heard from Utsugi-san that you will be featuring how to charm others and build your self-confidence!
Tsumugi: I would like to take this opportunity to learn the secrets of your self-confidence, the one that is always proud of himself!
Torao: What the, I thought you were a woman who had confidence in herself.
Torao: When you are with IDOLiSH7, you have a great aura and are very proud.
Tsumugi: Oh is that so…? Thank you. I’m very happy if that’s the case.
Tsumugi: I always try to be confident while working, but there are times when I’m not sure if I’m still there with my idols or not.
Torao: If you have anxiety, you will surely grow more when it is resolved.
Tsumugi: Thank you…I would like to learn more about your way of thinking by reading Sugao.
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Torao: Are you buying it to learn how I think? You’re funny.
Torao: You said that before and sent me a note.
Tsumugi: The section called “it’s time to plan your bridal party” helped me a lot! You answered a lot of questions…!
Torao: It was fresh and varied. Have you ever been asked questions like that in a magazine?
Tsumugi: I’m sorry. Those types are hard to answer…!
Torao: Everything was in-depth, such as how I choose my clothes every day, my taste in food, and how and when I come up with sweet words.
Torao: It was so detailed that I felt like I was writing a medical certificate.
Tsumugi: I’m sorry! That must have been a lot…! When I started thinking about the questions, the number of things I wanted to ask you increased…
Tsumugi: Thank you very much for all your kind answers!
Torao: Don’t worry about it. I was the one who said that I would answer anything.
Torao: I never thought you would want to know that much about me. I am glad. It’s a rare experience to simply be interested in me.
Tsumugi: Thank you very much. When it comes to talking with the idols, sometimes I lose sight of my surroundings, so I’ll be careful!
Torao: I welcome anything you have to say.
End of Part 1
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traynslations · 2 years
Ogami Banri “The Best Present” RabbitTV Part 3 - The Best!
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Part 1 | Part 2
Tsumugi: Banri-san’s water gun battle is really exciting!
Kaoru: It seems that no matter how old you are, you will never forget that you’re a child at heart. Although it is only playing around, I was careful not to cut myself. …Ah, look, Ogami-san is being targeted.
Banri: Uwah!?
Shiro: Don’t let your guard down, Ogami-san. It seems you let your guard down since you were aiming at Okazaki-san.
Rinto: You had splendid water gun handling…! I couldn’t help but admire it.
Banri: Ahaha, I really let my guard down! No way that I lost like that.
Shiro: It’s because this is a battle. I will have no mercy for the both of you.
Shiro: Forget about all the fun we had together yesterday. Today, I will go all out.
Banri & Rinto: Tetrarchia of madness and destruction…!
Banri: Kuu, you have a good catchphrase…! Well, I’m carrying IDOLiSH7 and MEZZO” on my shoulders, so I’ll finish you off beautifully!
Shiro: …tch! Shooting while dodging is something I can do!
Rinto: Utsugi-san, your back is open!
Shiro: Woah…! As expected of a king…!
Rinto: Whether sweet or sour, Re:vale has experienced everything, and you’ll be fully able to enjoy and see it…!
Kaoru: Ah, those people are just managers, aren’t they?
Kaoru: It looks as if these are the idols playing around…
Tsumugi: It’s said that if you’re together all the time, you’ll start resembling each other…?
Tsumugi: Ah…! Okazaki-san just got shot!
Rinto: Wah, it hit my face! How salty…!
Banri: It’s sea water. Okazaki-san, are you okay?
Rinto: Ogami-san, watch out for my vengeance…what the hell! What a surprise…!
Banri: Huh…!? If so, I’ll go from here too and get you!
Shiro: Fufu… Watch out for me!
Tsumugi: Hey, everyone! Why don’t you take a break soon? The owner has prepared cold juice for us!
Shiro & Banri & Rinto: Thank you very much…!
Shiro: …No way to complete this now. How about a temporary truce?
Banri: I agree. Let’s complete the game later.
Rinto: Thank you! …Haa, I feel like I’ve come back to life!
Kaoru: Wait a second, Utsugi-san. Where did you learn how to handle that water gun? You looked like you were an action actor.
Shiro: I tried to imitate a scene from a movie I saw a long time ago.
Tsumugi: Was that something that you can do by just trying to imitate it…!?
Shiro: Ogami-san’s actions were also amazing. Rather, that was more like an action actor than me?
Banri: No, not really… Okazaki-san’s surprise attack was so sudden that I wasn’t able to dodge it anyway.
Rinto: I remembered playing with water guns with my brother, it was really fun!
Banri: Haha, I was sweating so much, I haven’t played since I was a student.
Rinto: Ah! Come to think of it, Momo-kun told me to take a picture of you. Could I please…?
Banri: Sure. If it isn’t a big deal, how about the three of us men strike a pose?
Rinto: Eh, me too?
Banri: Isn’t it more lively with everyone in the picture than just me alone? Hey, Utsugi-san.
Shiro: Um, I don’t mind…
Banri: Well, Tamaki-kun taught me how to make cheek hearts! You make half a heart and place it on your cheek.
Rinto: So…like this?
Kaoru: Fufu, looks good. How about holding a water gun with your other hand?
Shiro: This will really look like men who really enjoy Okinawa.
Tsumugi: Ah, I’ll take the picture…! Alright, cheese!
Banri: Does it look good?
Kaoru: Fufu. Ogami-san looks good, but the other two are kind of like they’re troops in a squadron.
Shiro: As expected, you’re used to this thing.
Rinto: Very much so!
Banri: I’m not used to it, I’m not used to it…!
Banri: That’s right. Let’s take one more picture! The two of you join us this time.
Tsumugi: Is that okay…?
Banri: Of course! I think everyone in IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER wants a picture with you guys in it.
Kaoru: …yes. Well then, let’s do this.
Shiro: Well then everyone. Shall we use the camera timer?
Tsumugi: I put it for 5 seconds! 5, 4, 3, 2…
Everyone: Cheese!
Cottage owner: Sorry for making you all wait. This is today’s special BBQ course, meat and seafood with assorted vegetables and fruits.
Banri: Is it okay for us to have this much…!? The meat is beautifully presented, so gorgeous…
Shiro: As expected, the seafood is also excellent. This lobster is pretty big.
Tsumugi: Pineapple, mango… The fruit also looks delicious!
Kaoru: Oh, I can’t believe we are able to have such a wonderful barbeque… In order to not waste these precious ingredients, you have to cook them well!
Rinto: I’ll go grill the meat…!
Kaoru: It’s alright, you’re tired from the water gun battle, right?
Tsumugi: I’ll help you, Anesagi-san!
Shiro: Ah, it seems that you can roast the meat quickly. 5 seconds for each, right?
Kaoru: This thin piece of meat… It looks delicious!
Kaoru: This meat was cooked first, here Ogami-san, taste it.
Banri: Eh, is that okay? If not, I won’t hesitate to try it…
Banri: Woah…! It’s been a while since I’ve tasted such delicious meat! Yum!
Tsumugi: I’m glad! I’m sure everyone will enjoy it then!
Banri: Eh…? Everyone?
Tsumugi: In fact, each of these ingredients are from everyone in IDOliSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ŹOOĻ!
Banri: Eh, all of this…!?
Tsumugi: The members of IDOLiSH7 consulted with the owner to celebrate your birthday with this surprise!
Tsumugi: TRIGGER-san, Re:vale-san, and ŹOOĻ-san preparead all the ingredients with the managers…
Kaoru: You’re very loved, you know that… The three of us worked hard to get you some good seafood.
Rinto: Momo-kun and Yuki-kun prepared the recommended meat!
Shiro: On our side, we prepared the drinks for you. I have a message from everyone wishing you a good vacation.
Banri: W-why did you all keep this a secret from me…?
Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7 asked for it to be a secret. Because they wanted to give you this special thing…
Banri: Special…?
Cottage owner: This is a cake made by the request of IDOLiSH7!
Banri: Eh!? A-amazing…! There’s a cookie with my face and everyone else’s face drawn on it…!
Tsumugi: Also, I’m on a video call with them all! I’ll put it on speaker.
Mitsuki (on call): Hello! Are you enjoying Okinawa?
Tenn (on call): Wow, what a great cottage! The location is nice too.
Momo (on call): Uwah, it looks so cool! Looks fun too…! Momo-chan wants to go there and hang out too!
Banri: T-thank you…! Thank you all for making me so happy today…!
Yamato (on call): I’m glad. We are also happy to see everyone having fun.
Yuki (on call): How nice. Okarin, you have the air of a man character.
Rinto: Thanks to Yuki-kun’s magic, I’m able to make the best memories here!
Torao (on call): Eating on the beach at dusk? Nice location.
Touma (on call): Nice! I’m glad you didn’t have to use the rain gear!
Shiro: Fufu. Thanks to you all, I feel very refreshed.
Gaku (on call): Anesagi, I’m glad that it was sunny today. You’re a sunny girl, after all.
Ryuu (on call): The photos they sent me looked like they were having a lot of fun, and I felt like I was sharing the vacation with them!
Kaoru: Thank you! I’m having a good vacation.
Nagi (on call): I also saw the picture. I fell in love with you two princesses.
Riku (on call): It was cute to see everyone in the same pose!
Iori (on call): Ah…it’s trendy these days. Or rather, everyone is talking all at once, but are the managers able to hear you all?
Tsumugi: Yes! I can hear everyone's lively voices properly! It feels like we’re all together, so it’s a lot of fun.
Sougo (on call): There are a total of 21 people on the call. Should I prepare some kind of tag, hold it up when I want to start talking, and wait for the right timing…?
Minami (on call): Osaka-san, that is quite amusing.
Haruka (on call): It’s okay for you to not do that. This is kind of like a party, that’s pretty fun.
Tamaki (on call): Hey! It looks like we’re in Okinawa together. Hey, Ban-chan! How was the cake?
Banri: It was the best…! I was the only one who didn’t know anything about this and was surprised!
Mitsuki (on call): Sorry about that! This was with everyone’s cooperation.
Riku (on call): Alright! Let’s say what we got to say! We were preparing for this moment!
Haruka (on call): Okay. Who’s leading?
Tenn (on call): Leave it to me.
Momo (on call): Well then, to our managers… 1, 2…!
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER & Re:vale & ŹOOĻ: Thank you as always! You all are the best managers ever and will always be!
Managers: ……!
Shiro: …Thank you. Vacations are nice, but I do want to spend time with everyone. That is the most exciting.
Kaoru: Fufu, thank you, you guys. I will support you guys as you stand in the spotlight.
Rinto: I received the best present today. Until now and from now on, you’ll be the strongest champion…!
Tsumugi: From now on, please let us all move on together…!
Banri: Thank you all so much! After all, everyone is the best idols…!
End of part 3
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traynslations · 2 years
Ogami Banri “The Best Present” RabbitTV Part 2 - Obsessed with Clownfish?
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Part 1 | Part 3
Banri: Waa…look! The sea is beautiful!
Tsumugi: Amazing, it’s emerald green…! You can even see the fish swimming!
Shiro: That’s right. The water is so clear that you can see them even at this distance…
Rinto: I’m glad that we were blessed with good weather! It seems that it was raining until yesterday.
Kaoru: There was a forecast that a typhoon was going to come, but it missed us. I’m glad, since today is the perfect day for traveling.
Rinto: Fufufu, it might be all thanks to Momo-kun and Yuki-kun’s magic! Yesterday, they were doing a fascinating spell.
Kaoru: Fascinating huh… It looks like you’re having fun as always. Gaku gave me the stamp of approval that I’m fine because I’m a sunny woman, so maybe it’s because of that, you know?
Tsumugi: Everyone in IDOLiSH7 made a teru teru bozu!*
Banri: Yes. It was displayed in the office, and I think that power was used! After all, it was made by seven people.
Shiro: I see, each group has its own personality. I had four types of rain gear on my desk because my group assumed it would rain.
Kaoru: 4 types… Are there that many different types of rain gear? Your bag was really big because of all of them.
Shiro: Since everyone went through the trouble of getting all of that, I thought I’d bring them all.
Shiro: ...Ah, I can see the cottage.
Kaoru: Wow, so nice! Look at that white building…! It’s nicer than I expected!
Rinto: Amazing…! There’s also a pool, and even a splendid terrace…!
Banri: Oh my god, the tension is rising…
Tsumugi: I informed the owner of our arrival time, so let’s first go say hello…
Cottage owner: Everyone, we have been waiting for you!
Banri: Ah, could that be the owner of this place…!?
Cottage owner: Yes, that’s right. Thank you very much for coming all the way here!
Tsumugi: Hello there, thank you for inviting us! I’m sorry that my father couldn’t come…
Cottage owner: It’s fine! It’s an honor to meet you. Everyone, if you don’t mind, leave your luggage there and come with me!
Kaoru: Thank you for your help. …First things first, if you go sightseeing, the first thing you should go to is an aquarium, right?
Shiro: Sounds good. This place is where I put a sticky note on the magazine.
Rinto: W-wow, that’s an amazing amount of sticky notes… When you think of Okinawa, you think of this!
Banri: Let’s go! I want to see a clownfish.
Rinto: Clownfish…!? Not dolphins or penguins?
Kaoru: Man, you are quite different.
Shiro: Clownfish are cute, aren’t they? I want to meet a grouper fish too.
Rinto: Grouper…what?
Tsumugi: Hehe. Well then, let’s head to the aquarium first…!
Everyone: Yeah…!
Banri: Everyone, looks like there’s a whale shark over there! Let’s go look for a minute, come on.
Banri: …Oh, it’s dark in here. Be careful not to fall.
Rinto: …Hey, I’m used to it…
Kaoru: I’m used to escorts…
Shiro: Ogami-san, are you the kind of person who always fascinates people unconsciously like that?
Tsumugi: U-um…?
Kaoru: A little while ago, he was having a blast playing with the clownfish and thought they were cute. …As expected, he’s not an ordinary person.
Banri: ……? Everyone, is there something wrong?
Shiro: Ah, no. You know about the location in advance from the pamphlet, and you don’t have to worry about where to go, since you’re used to it here, so Ogami-san, tell me how you know this place.
Banri: U-used to the aquarium…!? Maybe it seems that way because I went to a different aquarium for work with MEZZO”...
Rinto: Certainly, most people come to date spots for work.
Kaoru: It’s the same with popular tourist spots and popular shops.
Tsumugi: That’s for manager business, right?
Banri: That’s right! Thanks to that, I feel like I’ve become more aware of the trends. Tamaki-kun also teaches me a lot.
Shiro: Since I’ve started working as ŹOOĻ’s manager, I’ve also started to care about them. Back in the day, I wasn’t interested in fashion at all.
Kaoru: …Utsugi-san is the type of person who unconsciously hurts and makes women cry…
Rinto: Eh, we’re just talking about trends, don’t you know?
Kaoru: I know. I can see the shadows of many women he has made cry…
Shiro: Ah, yeah. During this time, I drank warabi mochi latte* for the first time because of Isumi-san’s recommendation.
Tsumugi: Waa~! Sounds good! I want to drink that, but I don’t have time to stop by…
Banri: Drinks are becoming sweeter and sweeter. You will be amazed by the many ideas!
Shiro: Well, it was delicious, but I wanted to have them both separately.
Rinto: Ah, there are many such things. Understood.
Kaoru: That’s what you guys are saying…
Kaoru: …Okay. Let’s go around with only us girls, Takanashi-san.
Kaoru: Let’s go to the jellyfish corner over there!
Tsumugi: Jellyfish! It’s soothing, I want to see them…!
Rinto: Ah! If it’s jellyfish, then I’ll escort you!
Banri: Are you familiar with it?
Rinto: When Momo-kun and Yuki-kun decided to live on that uninhabited island, I heard that jellyfish were quite dangerous despite their appearance. So I researched and studied what kind of jellyfish there were.
Tsumugi: It’s true, they look cute, so I might let my guard down a bit…
Rinto: Yes. As for the dangerous sea creatures and plants, I told them to be extra careful.
Kaoru: It’s a dangerous job… It’s only reasonable.
Rinto: In the end, Yuki-kun was the most excited.
Shiro: That’s surprising…
Shiro: …Wah! Wow, look! It’s a sea cucumber, it looks like you can touch it.
Tsumugi: It’s true! Cute…!
Kaoru: C-cute…is it really…!?
Banri: Utsugi-san, would you like to touch it?
Shiro: …… …Yes, I’ll touch it and you watch.
Banri: W-well, if you say so, but…
Shiro: Everyone in ŹOOĻ is also taking on many dangerous projects without hesitation. I have to do my best too…!
Kaoru: You’re just touching a sea cucumber…
Shiro: …… Now!
Rinto: …H-how is it…?
Shiro: ...It’s harder than I thought…
Shiro: Haa… With this, like everyone in ŹOOĻ, I think I was able to raise my masculinity.
Kaoru: Oh, you can’t lose if you’re manly. My group also caught tuna that put fishermen to shame on a program.
Kaoru: …Right… Ah! It was just as big as the tuna swimming over there!
Tsumugi: That’s amazing…! You caught such a big tuna!?
Kaoru: Well, we also had Ryuu. The sea was on our side too, I’m sure.
Rinto: As expected of TRIGGER! You look good no matter what you do.
Banri: Uh, we can’t lose either! We all made the dolphin show a success!
Tsumugi: Y-yes! I was very impressed with how beautifully the 7 dolphins jumped in succession…!
Kaoru: …Wait, just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I’m weak when it comes to warm conversations with animals…
Banri: Ahaha. Even when we come to an aquarium, we just end up talking about the kids.
Tsumugi: Is that so… The days with you all have become quite ordinary, rather, I can’t help but continue talking…
Shiro: My life with the four of them has become the center of my life.
Shiro: …However, all of them sent us out here to the aquarium. Let’s enjoy it more.
Banri: Alright! Let’s hurry up and go see the whale sharks! And the dolphin show too!
Tsumugi: It seems that there are also events where you can interact with penguins!
Kaoru: If it happens, let’s go to them all! So that our kids’ feelings won’t go to waste!
Rinto: If you decide to do so, get all the schedules of the aquarium into your heads and let’s move on!
Banri: Ahaha! That’s our area of expertise! Alright, let’s go!
End of part 2
TL notes:
teru teru bozu: A doll that is made and hung in the window to wish for nice weather
warabi mochi latte: What it sounds like; it’s warabi mochi but drinkable (click here for visuals)
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traynslations · 2 years
Ogami Banri “The Best Present” RabbitTV Part 1 - Surprise Okinawa Trip
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Part 2 | Part 3
Door open
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work! Um, what is this consultation?
Riku: That’s it! Why don’t you put all the food that was on the gift plan onto the cake!?
Tamaki: That sounds good! Rikkun is a genius!
Iori: …Wait a minute. Among all the proposals, from fried chicken to minced meat, there are some things you shouldn’t put on a cake, don’t you think?
Sougo: Hmm… Well then, how about making chocolate in the shape of fried chicken…?
Nagi: Then, how about tori soboro*. Is it possible for that to substitute for the chocolate? A little lacking in entertainment, but…
Iori: Don’t expect this to be entertaining!
Mitsuki: Ahaha, that’s right! The idea is interesting, but I’m sure Banri-san would be surprised if we gave him a cake like that.
Yamato: As Ichi said in the beginning, wouldn’t it be best if we made a decorated cake together? Let’s talk to manager…
Tsumugi: If only I could be of help…!
IDOLiSH7: Waah!?
Riku: Manager, you’re already here…! Sorry, I was so absorbed into the conversation that I didn’t notice…!
Tsumugi: I’m sorry for surprising you all. I didn’t call out to you all at the right time…!
Tsumugi: You all seem to be very excited, but about the consultation, is that what you were talking about just now?
Iori: No, it’s about traveling to Okinawa.
Tsumugi: Are you guys traveling to Okinawa…?
Door open
Otoharu: I’ll be talking about that.
Tsumugi: President! So you were there listening.
Otoharu: Originally, it was something I consulted with everyone in IDOLiSH7 about.
Tsumugi: What do you mean…?
Otoharu: Actually, I was invited by a friend who runs a cottage in Okinawa to commemorate the reopening.
Otoharu: I have work that I can’t miss out on that day, so I want you and Banri to go instead.
Tsumugi: Eh, just the two of us…!?
Otoharu: No, I won’t let you do that!? I’ve already reached out to the other managers and they’ve given their consent to go!?
Tsumugi: I-I was just surprised… So the five of us are going to Okinawa…!?
Otoharu: Right! On Banri-kun’s birthday, you want him to take it easy, right? So I thought that this was the perfect time for you guys to go.
Otoharu: …But, please, don’t overdo it there…
Yamato: O-okay okay, president. After all, it’s just a vacation with the five of them.
Mitsuki: That’s right! It’s not just for Banri-san, it’s a president for all the managers…
Tsumugi: Everyone…
Riku: But this time, I’m going to keep this a secret from Banri-san that this is a celebration. …So, um, don’t take it too far and tell him…
Iori: What are you talking about? …Well, even though it’s a celebration, please enjoy it while keeping it in moderation. Keep the secret a surprise for Ogami-san.
Sougo: Then, with the cooperation of the cottage staff, we will prepare a cake for him. I want to deliver it to Banri-san directly.
Tsumugi: Amazing…! To Okinawa!?
Tamaki: Yeah! That’s why I want to make a great cake. One filled with lots of entertainment.
Nagi: If fried chicken and minced meat are not acceptable, then there is no choice but to make a cake like this…?
Mitsuki: You’re the only one who’s happy about it!
Tsumugi: …Um, let me do something too! At this rate, right now, I’m just the person on vacation with him.
Riku: Ah, we’ve already thought about that.
Yamato: You’re on a very special mission.
Tsumugi: Eh…?
IDOLiSH7: You are enjoying a relaxing break in Okinawa!
Tamaki: Manager, you haven’t gotten any rest at all! So you are going to have fun too. That’s your mission!
Tsumugi: ………!
Tsumugi: President, everyone… Thank you for your concerns, I will accept this and carry out my mission!
Riku: Yes yes! Eat a lot of delicious food while you’re there!
Mitsuki: You’re at the sea, so go play watermelon splitting, beach volleyball, and more!
Tamaki: Manager, can you swim? Do you have a float with you?
Tsumugi: I’ll take it with me just in case! It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the sea…!
Tsumugi: That’s right, I need new beach sandals…!
Iori: It is inevitable. I’ll put together a checklist so you don’t forget anything.
Sougo: Well then, I think I’ll put together a bookmark of nearby sightseeing spots.
Yamato: Nice. I think I’ll look for a restaurant that serves good food. Eating while walking is one of the real pleasures of traveling.
Tsumugi: Well, it’s okay if you guys don’t do that much…! You all are busy after all!
Riku: No manager. Don’t be shy. We just want to do something for you.
Nagi: YES! I am happiest when you and Banri are happy.
Nagi: And a picture of you as a seaside princess, please send that to me only.
Otoharu: Well then, how about I become Nagi-kun’s only lifesaver…?
Riku: Ahaha! Anyway, take care, have fun!
Kaoru: …And that’s why I was invited on a trip to Okinawa.
Kaoru: However, if the schedule seems full, I’m thinking of not participating…
Gaku: Why would you not go! Come on, Anesagi, you haven’t gone out in a while.
Tenn: That’s right. Summer vacation hasn’t started yet this year, right?
Ryuu: If it’s them, you’ll be fine! Besides, this time of year in Okinawa is the best!
Kaoru: Well…if that’s what you guys want.
Gaku: Of course. If you don’t take our opinions into consideration, we’ll be mad at you.
Kaoru: Alright, understood, thank you. Well then, I’ll take your word and participate.
Kaoru: If any problems arise, call me immediately.
Ryuu: Understood! I have a lot of shops that I recommend that you go to, so once you’re there, I’ll contact you about them!
Tenn: Fufu. This is where Ryuu grew up. There will be many bookmarks.
Kaoru: Alright, you guys…! …But, okay. Let’s go have fun.
Kaoru: We seem to be staying in a rented cottage with an ocean view! Maybe I should buy some clothes for the stay.
Gaku: Well isn’t that nice! Say, wouldn’t it be nice to have a barbecue while looking out at the sea from the cottage?
Ryuu: Right! I’ll make a note of the recommended butchers!
Tenn: Barbecue huh…
Gaku: Oh, Tenn is starting to want to do it too. Shall we have a barbecue too? We did it before, and it was a lot of fun!
Ryuu: Wah! Let’s do it…! I want to eat yakisoba made on an iron plate again!
Tenn: …I was just thinking about how it would be hard to stop Ryuu from wanting to put soy sauce on everything and kept bringing vegetables and meat even though I hadn’t finished eating yet.
Gaku: What the heck!? The best shellfish that I had ever grilled, it was delicious, wasn’t it…!
Ryuu: H-hey, hey! I’m sure you’ll get used to it and we’ll have a smooth barbecue next time!
Kaoru: Fufu…! One day, let’s all go to Okinawa privately together.
Momo: Ah, hey hey! How about this!? A cake-shaped hat and an oversized cracker!
Rinto: It’s for Ogami-san’s celebration! I think the hate and the happy faces are cute. Something like this…with a face that seems to be holding back while being tickled.
Momo: Right, it’s so cute! The crackers also have heart-shaped confetti.
Momo: Then, you’ll all swim in the ocean… I need to prepare a floatie for you! Ah, can you get a float for Ban-san?
Yuki: Alright, how about this one?
Rinto: Ehh!? A flamingo float…! What a good find!
Yuki: It came up when I searched up “beach floaties for protagonists”.
Momo: It’s true that with this float, you’ll be able to be the center of attention at the beach! …But, I wonder, does it suit the handsome Ban-san…?
Yuki: It’s okay. Well, surprisingly, Ban likes these kinds of things.
Momo: Ahhh!! Now, Ban-san has been exposed!
Yuki: Huh!? I just told the truth! All you just wondered was if the float suited Ban or not!
Momo: I just thought that it might be necessary while preparing Okarin for the trip!
Rinto: Wait…you guys, stop quoting yourselves and stop arguing…
Yuki: …If we use this, Okarin will become the main character in the float. Ban won’t get any attention.
Momo: Yeah, stand out from the crowd! Wear this hibiscus pattern aloha shirt!
Rinto: I-I don’t know what any of this means, but with the aloha shirt and float, I’m going to be the star of the beach…!
Shiro: This is sudden, everyone, but I will be going on a short break on vacation in Okinawa.
Minami & Haruka: Okinawa...?
Touma & Torao: Vacation…?
Shiro: It seems that a friend of Takanashi productions’ president runs a cottage in Okinawa. He invited me to join them.
Shiro: I didn’t mean to take the break so suddenly, but it will be bad if I don’t use my paid vacation soon. I thought that this would be a good opportunity and decided to participate.
ŹOOĻ: ………
Shiro: …Um, should I not go?
Shiro: Even if I take this short break, with the current state of ŹOOĻ, I thought it would be fine.
Haru: N-no, no, no, go ahead. It’s fine with us.
Touma: The other managers are also going, aren’t they? It sounds like a lot of fun! So go have fun!
Minami: Utsugi-san, you’ve been working all the time. I think it is necessary for you to have the opportunities to interact with women on this vacation.
Torao: Haha. Don’t take it too far, alright? It’s easy to get hot overnight at a resort.
Touma: H-hey hey. It’s perfectly fine to go on the trip, but don’t get all hot and moody there!
Haruka: Ah, eh!? Vacations are like that!?
Shiro: Hahaha. What are you guys saying, I prefer having fun with my friends rather than having love affairs.
Touma: Ah, good… Tora has been calmer and more open recently, and I want manager to be happy and healthy.
Minami: …Really, Utsugi-san doesn’t have any interest or the shadow of getting a woman… This is not worth teasing about.
Torao: I don’t think he would go play in the ocean, but how about drinking cocktails at Sunset Beach?
Haruka: He’s pretty positive… I wonder if he’s going to wear a swimsuit or something. I can’t imagine that though. I’m curious, but I don’t think I wanna hear it either…
Touma: But, Utsugi-san, can you even swim?
Shiro: Yes. I can do the crawl, butterfly, and more.
Haruka: Butterfly!? Are you a positive person, or someone who just likes the ocean?
Shiro: I don’t know if I’m a positive person, but I don’t really swim in the ocean. Right now, I’m just planning to go to the beach to play beach volleyball.
Minami: That’s what I call a positive character.
Torao: You’re the type of person to move around quite a bit. Swimming, beach volleyball…
Shiro: Yes, to some extent. Next time, let’s play sports with the five of us.
ŹOOĻ: …Looks like it’s gonna be fun…
Shiro: Ah, yes. Do you guys have any requests for souvenirs? I’m thinking of trying to buy some travel magazines…
ŹOOĻ: He has a lot of sticky notes…!
Shiro: Chinsuko* and red sweet potato tarts seem to be orthodox. The shisa* stuffed animals are also charming and cute.
Touma: Ahaha! It’s been a long time since you’ve had a day off, so rather than focus on us, go do some research on sightseeing spots. 
Haruka: That’s right. You have to prepare a lot, right? I always think about myself when I’m on vacation.
Minami: The weather in Okinawa changes a lot, so it’s a good idea to bring rain gear.
Torao: Our hotel is also flexible, so if you have any questions, just let us know.
Shiro: …Thank you very much! If I have any questions or if anything happens, I’ll ask you all.
End of part 1
TL notes:
Tori soboro: Minced chicken/beef Chinsuko: Traditional sweet made in Okinawa; often sold as a souvenir Shisa: Guardian lions (statues found all around Okinawa)
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5: Cooking Party
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Touma: Takanashi-san!
Touma: Sorry for the late reply!
Touma: Thank you for contacting Yuki-san about the oligosaccharides!
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Inumaru-san.
Tsumugi: Yes! When I saw you at the TV station, I gave you a quick glance. And then you contacted me…!
Tsumugi: I was going to tell you right there, but I’m sorry for saying it late!
Touma: No, thank you for taking such good care of me!
Touma: I was surprised when Yuki-san suddenly sent me a Rabbit chat. We talked about various things and I even got some tips on cooking!
Touma: It seems that there are dishes that can be cooked not only in the microwave, but also in the toaster.
Tsumugi: Is that so! Not only toasters, but also recent new home appliances are convenient, depending on how you use them, you can use them for various things.
Touma: Heeh. I’m not really interested in cooking appliances, so I didn’t know they were useful for so many things.
Touma: Come to think of it, I was surprised to hear that there is a way to make soda at home!
Tsumugi: It’s a carbonated water maker…!
Touma: Right, right! It seems that Yuki-san has one, and it’s cool that he also has an automatic mill too.
Touma: The one that automatically grinds salt and pepper in a stylish way.
Tsumugi: I adore automatic mills! It’s very nice and cool to use while cooking, it gives you a good image..
Touma: I understand. Well, I’ll start with cooking, but…
Touma: It might be a good idea to use a toaster for breakfast.
Tsumugi: You also talked about breakfast in the interview for Sugao. There are many considerations regarding nutrition after a morning run, you say…!
Touma: I just talked about a protein bar ww
Touma: Did you also buy the magazine? Thank you!
Option 1: The interview about ŹOOĻ was wonderful!
Touma: I’m happy to be praised so straightforwardly, but that makes me embarrassed ww. In a good way, I’ve grown to naturally want to talk about this. If my members read it, I’m afraid they’ll tease me about it…
Option 2: The story about being challenged by intestinal activities was interesting!
Touma: It was a good opportunity to talk about my bias towards eating out and bento boxes, so I wanted to review it. Mina always flaunts his fried food and ramen to me, and I am always tempted by it ww
Option 3: The picture of you on the cover was wonderful!
Touma: It still feels like a dream to be on the cover of “Sugao”. I sent you a picture of Sougo lined up at the convenience store this morning. I was happy he came to get it.
Tsumugi: After watching your interview, I realized that there are many things I can learn from you, and I really did learn a lot!
Touma: Isn’t that compliment too much?
Tsumugi: No! It’s amazing to be able to be natural without embellishment at any time!
Touma: It’s not like I’m doing it consciously, so I don’t really feel it ww But I’m happy to hear that!
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Tsumugi: Come to think of it, how was the cooking party at Mido-san’s house?
Touma: Oh, that’s right! It was so much fun!
Touma: They said it was dangerous to let me cut the meat and vegetables, so Haru and Mina did most of that.
Touma: Tora and I just adjusted the heat and stuff.
Tsumugi: Seems the work was shared by everyone. The heat is important for cooking…!
Touma: Oh, I remember what medium heat is. The one where the fire barely touches the pot!
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Tsumugi: What did you guys make?
Touma: Nikujaga!
Touma: Cooking with them was unimaginable in the past, so I was deeply moved.
Touma: Well, it’s kind of cool to say that my bad cooking skills are the reason.
Tsumugi: But it’s wonderful that you all gathered there since they were all worried about you!
Tsumugi: I can tell that you are loved as their leader.
Touma: I’m loved??
Touma: The guidance was pretty spartan ww
Tsumugi: Isn’t that also do to worry…!
Touma: If you ask them, they’ll say no ww
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End of Part 5
Translator’s note: That’s the end of Touma’s Sugao! It was so fun to read and I hope you all had fun reading it too! 
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 4: Explosion…!?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Touma: Takanashi-san, are you available right now?
Tsumugi: Inumaru-san, thank you for your hard work. Yes, I’m available!
Touma: What manufacturer produces the yogurt with the oligosaccharides in it?
Tsumugi: I am eating the one that was recommended by Yuki-san. I’m more than happy to send you the product link!
Touma: Really!? That would be very helpful!
Tsumugi: So you’re also eating yogurt!
Touma: Ah, I just so happened to be on the phone with my parents, and I was talking about intestinal activity.
Touma: It seems that my mom tried to make homemade yogurt and asked me if there was a recommended way to make it. I told her that oligosaccharides are good.
Tsumugi: It’s amazing that your mother is making it herself…!
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Touma: It seems like she’s been making a lot of things lately from watching all those TV specials.
Touma: Umeboshi or pickled lemon.
Touma: Takanashi-san, are you interested in that sort of thing too?
Tsumugi: I would like to try to make homemade yogurt…!
Tsumugi: When Yuki-san recommended it to me, I was really thinking about whether or not to try, but it seemed like it would be difficult, so I gave up ><
Touma: Come to think of it, I think she said something about bacteria or something difficult on the call.
Touma: If you don’t mind, would you like some tips?
Tsumugi: Thank you for asking. But I think that’s going to be a nuisance for you, so it’s okay!
Touma: No, she seemed to want someone to hear about her success making it, and I think she would be happy to talk about it.
Touma: As long as you don’t mind, Takanashi-san.
Tsumugi: I don’t really need it…!
Tsumugi: Well, since you don’t mind, I’ll ask whenever I need any tips…
Touma: Don’t feel embarrassed about asking ww.
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Touma: In IDOLiSH7, Mitsuki-san is a good cook.
Touma: Does he always make things like this?
Tsumugi: Well, MItsuki-san has done many challenging things!
Option 1: The other day, he was challenged to make homemade pickles.
Touma: Making pickles is a lot of work. He said that he also cooks meals for the members in the dormitory, and that means he also thinks about the meals while working, right?
Option 2: They also have a home garden.
Touma: IDOLiSH7’s dormitory has such a thing!? I used to grow cherry tomatoes for a school assignment. I wanted to grow it quickly, so I watered it all the time, but that ended up ruining them ww
Option 3: Yamato-san and Sougo-san are also good cooks.
Touma: Come to think of it, even though we were in different groups when we were working on “Shining Rainbow Kitchen”, they did a good job. I remember Nikaido doing lobster I think… I wonder what kind of food Sougo cooks. Maybe I’ll ask him for tips next time.
Touma: Everyone is so talented. I will follow their examples.
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, did you try the microwave cooking we were talking about before?
Touma: Oh, well…
Touma: When I talked about it with Haru, he laughed at me because he thought it was stupid of me to try to cook a steak in it.
Tsumugi: Well, I think it’s possible because it can be done depending on the cooking method…!
Touma: Actually, once I heated up a potato in the microwave and it exploded…
Touma: When I told him that I was going to try cooking with the microwave, he was worried that I might explode something even before cooking ww
Touma: I’m scared to try it alone, so this time Haru will be there to teach me the simple things.
Tsumugi: I’m glad…
Tsumugi: Please be careful not to get hurt…!
Touma: Don’t worry, we’ll all be going to do it at Tora’s ww
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Tsumugi: Are you all going to cook together…!?
Touma: For the time being, it’s just so Haru can teach me. We’re going to Tora’s because I wanted to do it in a big kitchen.
Touma: At first, I was thinking about doing it in my house and calling a chef to be my instructor ww
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Touma: Then I realized that getting together with the members would be nicer.
Tsumugi: Please enjoy yourself!
End of Part 4
Translator note: I would like to say that I was expecting Touma to blow something up in the microwave and I did not expect that it was a potato.
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 3: A Side I Want You to Know
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Touma: Good work, Takanashi-san!
Touma: Thank you for yesterday! It was fun to be able to perform with IDOLiSH7!
Tsumugi: Inumaru-san, thank you for your hard work. In fact, I’m the one who should be thanking you!
Touma: The guys from IDOLiSH7 were insanely energetic. The moment I met with them, I was surprised to hear them say, “Wow! It’s Touma-san!” ww
Tsumugi: It was the first time in a while that all the members were together for a recording, so they must be more excited than usual…!
Tsumugi: Were they making too much of a ruckus…?
Touma: No, not at all! Our members seemed to be enjoying themselves too.
Touma: I was also able to talk with Sougo and talk about “Sugao”. I was so happy.
Tsumugi: Well then…!
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Touma: But even though they all see each other every day at the dormitory, do they always get excited when you all are together at work?
Tsumugi: Recently, they have had a lot of solo work, so it seems like there isn’t much time for everyone to get together in the dormitory.
Tsumugi: Also, there is a sense of security when working with your own members, and their mood will be better.
Touma: Ah, I think I understand that.
Touma: I used to think that I was more comfortable alone, but now I feel restless without my own members. 
Touma: I like being together with all four of us, it’s comfortable. 
Tsumugi: Having someone you can trust by your side can make you feel more at ease.
Touma: That’s right.
Touma: Actually, recently, they’ve been more and more interested in talking with me.
Touma: They’re showing sides to them I’ve never seen before – or rather, I’ve been discovering more about them!
Option 1: What is Isumi-san’s new side?
Touma: While he’s sitting next to me on the sofa, and while he’s tired, he sometimes leans against my shoulder! He probably does this unconsciously, but I’m happy and it feels like a stray cat is snuggled up to me… It’s like he doesn’t want to be all up in my space, but he’s just leaning there.
Option 2: What is Natsume-san’s new side?
Touma: It’s pretty simple, he laughs more. He’s more affectionate where he shows a face that’s actually smiling instead of the fake smiles. Also, he did small pranks on me where he used whoopee cushions on me. I get scared every time, but I forgive Mina since it looks like he’s having fun…
Option 3: What is Mido-san’s new side?
Touma: He’s surprisingly more honest. When he was little, he always believed in the superstition that if thunder struck, his belly button would be taken away ww. Until he was in middle school, he would hide during thunderstorms. That’s so cute!
Tsumugi: Such a different personality…! Showing that so suddenly, it shows that the gap between you two closes and you feel more relaxed.
Touma: Ah, if they knew that you said this about them, they’d be embarrassed ww
Tsumugi: Was it okay for me to know such private information…?
Touma: No, I’m glad to be telling you this!
Touma: There are so many good things about them, but I think it’s a waste if only my relatives know about it. 
Touma: Just my opinion…
Tsumugi: I get it!
Tsumugi: I work because I want people to know more about the goodness and charm of the people I love. 
Touma: It’s like that when it comes to someone you love ww
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End of Part 3
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 2: Touma’s Morning Activities
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Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work Inumaru-san! And thank you for watching today’s music program!
Touma: I've been looking forward to it for a while! Thank you!
Touma: Hey, Takanashi-san, it’s still early in the morning.
Touma: Have you been working all this time?
Tsumugi: I had work in the morning today, so I’m up earlier than usual.
Tsumugi: Oh, could it be that I woke you up!? I’m sorry that I did not consider the time >< 
Touma: No, I got up early today too, so it’s okay!
Touma: I was off this morning, so I went on a run in a nearby park. I thought that I should do that for a while in the mornings!
Tsumugi: Is that so…!
Tsumugi: The weather is nice today, so that sounds nice! IDOLiSH7 also said that it was a good day for walking and running!
Touma: That’s right! The sun isn’t too strong and there’s a nice breeze, which is nice.
Touma: Also, there are a lot of people who come here to walk their dogs, so that’s cute and soothing. ww
Option 1: Have you eaten breakfast yet?
Touma: Before I went on the run, I ate a light protein bar. On the way home, I plan to get a take out sandwich! This feels like a good breakfast, I feel like I’m living a privileged life, which kind of embarrasses me ww
Option 2: How long do you plan on running?
Touma: So far, I’ve been running for an hour, so I’m going to finish up soon. Sometimes it’s nice to run while listening to your favorite music!
Option 3: Have you talked to ŹOOĻ about your morning activities?
Touma: Actually, I started doing this because Haru recommended it. Light exercise in the morning improves metabolism throughout the day. It seems like he goes on a light run before school. It’s cool…
Tsumugi: That’s a wonderful morning!
Touma: Well, I didn’t get many compliments on the food part.
Touma: If you eat out all the time, even if you’re careful, your nutrition will become unbalanced.
Tsumugi: If recordings overlap with one another, you have to eat bento boxes one after the other ><
Touma: That’s right. Deep-fried bento boxes and rice bowls are delicious, but I’m quite biased.
Touma: Are there any dishes that even I can make?
Tsumugi: Hmm… How about dishes that are cooked in the microwave?
Tsumugi: Recently, there are many sites that are introducing simple recipes, so there seems to be a lot of them.
Touma: Seriously? In the microwave?
Touma: It can cook for me?
Tsumugi: So, if you put seasonings and the ingredients into a container, you can cook it just by heating it up in the microwave…!
Touma: So, if you add meat and salt, it can make steak!?
Touma: Amazing! It’s like alchemy!
Tsumugi: The meat is transmuted using the heating function of the microwave, so it doesn’t burn, but…!
Tsumugi: But, if you have a good microwave, you can also grill it!
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Touma: Is it different grilling a steak?
Tsumugi: Grilling is a method of cooking, so if you grill it, it can become a steak!
Tsumugi: I don’t think I explained it well…! >< I’m sorry…
Touma: No, I just didn’t understand!
Touma: Thank you anyway! I think I’ll try microwave cooking now!
Tsumugi: Do your best!
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End of Part 2
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