treadventuretrail · 5 years
Made it to Connecticut... Called it Quits
Made it to Connecticut… Called it Quits
Well I got back on the trail after getting checked out in the ER. I hiked a 19 mile and a 18 mile day from that point. Yesterday the 18 mile day I was not feeling it. I was tired and lethargic. My hernia was bothering me and I got a call from the Radiologist at the ER informing me that there was an issue I may want to follow up on regarding the CT scan. All in all a pretty shitty day.
I decided…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
All Clear to Continue
All Clear to Continue
I left the ER yesterday after a few hours of waiting and a CT scan. As I had said in my last post my inguinal hernia was confirmed. It is not strangulated so as long as I can manage the aggravation of it I can continue. I’ve made it to about mile 1411. The goal for this week is to be past 1500 by Saturday. If I can manage that pace I’ll be submitting Katahdin on my birthday August 23. That…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Hiking into the Hospital
Hiking into the Hospital
That title got your attention didn’t it. Yep I am sitting in the ER at New York Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital. I’ve been struggling with a hernia that’s been getting more and more painful. I had planned on gutting it out and having the hernia cared for when I completed the trail, however I ran into Petri today on the trail and we were talking about it. She is a Physician Assistant and said…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Lumbering Through NY
As I wrote in my last post I had to take a zero day yesterday to exchange some broken gear at REI. I headed out this morning with my new pack and a little lighter since I sent home about 10 pounds of gear. I had a tarp that was convenient but not necessary, extra first aid and tape, too many changes of clothes and an extra rain cover. That stuff was slowing me down. More than that it was adding…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Sitting At The Drive In Theater
Sitting At The Drive In Theater
I started writing this post while sitting at the Pennings Farm Market Cidery and Beer Garden. I was having a couple local beers then walking back across the street to my tent. My tent happened to be set up at the Warwick Drive In Theater. They allow hikers to camp and watch the movies, use the restrooms, get water, and of course patronize the concessions. This town Warwick NY is pretty small so I…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Killing Time in PA
Killing Time in PA
As of the time I wrote this post 6/18/19 I was at mile 1225 with about 70 miles left in Pennsylvania. My wife Bonnie came out and hiked the last 30 miles with me from the 501 Shelter to Reservoir Road. We hiked that section South because it worked out better for a ride back to my wife’s vehicle on Saturday evening. Upon returning to the 501 shelter we got a ride back to Hamburg PA and our car. We…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Harper's Ferry on and into Pennsylvania
Harper’s Ferry on and into Pennsylvania
Well I made it past the half way point in PA as of 6/7. I’m am currently at mile 1135. I had been taking it easy as I got back to the trail after resting my feet and trying to heal up a little from tendonitis. I started back in the trail trying to keep my miles under 15 per day. I did my first 20 on 6/7 and I did another 20 on 6/8. Today 6/9 I did a short 12 miles and got of the trail at about…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Foot Follies, Healing, and Hiking On
Foot Follies, Healing, and Hiking On
Three different pairs of trail shoes and boots and I still ended up with banged up feet. I don’t think this was as much to do with the footwear as the terrain and the miles. Since Waynesboro I had made a habit of doing over 20 miles a day with close to a 30 sprinkled in from time to time. The bigger miles combined with a few pretty good rock scrambles when my feet were already dead may have been…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Finished the Shenandoah's
Finished the Shenandoah’s
If you’re following my blogs you probably read my blog about hiking with my d nd know that I’ve finished the Shenandoah’s. There were a couple of note worthy things I meant to write about.
I went home for the weekend toward the end of the Shenandoah’s. I got off at route 211 and made my way home for the weekend. My daughter brought me back to the trail after the weekend home. The first day back…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Tragedy and the Trail.
Tragedy and the Trail.
Over a month ago there was a grizzly act committed on the trail. I had at first decided not to comment or write about this. I did not want to contribute to any sensationalism. What changed my mind was the amount of time I have spent in thought on this sad occasion. I’ve walked many miles pondering what I would have done, wondering and fantasizing all the different scenarios and how they could…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Hiking with Pups.
My wife came out on Saturday May 25th and hiked with me from route 7 in VA. We did a total of about 19 miles to Harper’s Ferry. We covered 14 miles on Saturday and 5 on Sunday, with the dog. It was a good reminder that while I really wanted to bring my dog Nugget with me for more of the trail, I’m glad now that I didn’t.
Having Nugget on the trail with my wife and I was great, with a few minor…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Waynesboro, Slack Packing, and Another Weekend Home
Waynesboro, Slack Packing, and Another Weekend Home
There’s not much to say about the hike from Glasgow into Waynesboro. Eighty miles, a couple snakes and lots of hills pretty much sums it up. As I came within thirty miles of Waynesboro I was looking forward to tenting at the Devil’s Backbone Brewery campground. About twelve miles from the campground it started raining. The rain became gradually harder until the hiking was fairly miserable. I…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Turtlethumps Back On The Trail.
Turtlethumps Back On The Trail.
As you know if you’re following my blog updates I broke for a bit. My back seized up about twenty miles outside of Daleville on Sunday the 28th of April. I ended up calling my wife after debating whether or not to try and gut it out. In the end coming off the trail for eight days was the best decision I could have made. My back feels like I’m going to be able to make the miles I need to now and…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Quarter Way Inn and Woods Hole
Quarter Way Inn and Woods Hole
As I wrote in the last blog Finnish Line did catch up with me at Quarter Way Inn. It was because I took longer to get there then planned. Remember from my earlier blog Accidents Will Happenthat I fell and knocked myself silly at one point. Well this is the one point. On my way from Marion I was planning to hike almost to Quarter Way Inn at mile 555 and camp then walk in to the hostel the next…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
How To Get Pizza Delivered to the Appalachian Trail
How To Get Pizza Delivered to the Appalachian Trail
Well, the walk from Hurricane Mountain shelter to Partnership shelter was pretty much uninterrupted footsteps without any ah ha moments. Finnish Line and I hiked at our own pace and agreed to complete the day at Partnership shelter where we would spend the night. It was on a main road that led into Marion Virginia and the town had all the amenities that moderate sized towns have. This includes…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Out of Damascus
Finnish Line caught up with me at Saunders Shelter at mile 480.1, about ten miles out of Damascus.
I was glad she caught up after Pantry had to head back and heal up. Finnish Line and I don’t really hike at the same pace, but we normally end up at the…
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treadventuretrail · 5 years
Accidents Will Happen
This entry is out of order and I have about six other articles in progress, but I wanted to get this down and posted while I was still hot about it. I’m currently at a hostel with good WiFi about 575 Miles into the trail.
I don’t know when I got so clumsy, but it’s happened along the trail somewhere. I have had a few instances of slipping in mud or wet leaves like everyone does on the trail.…
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