trella-gw2 · 7 years
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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She paced around the small room she had rented in Lion’s Arch overlooking the water. A pile of gold coins was strewn across an end table in front of her, ill-gotten gains, payment for “services rendered.” Really she had robbed the man she had healed in the street. He was some pirate she had recognized from an earlier meeting in a bar. It wasn’t her place to ask who had stabbed him or to even care, but she had healed him and then taken everything she could find on his person. A small glass eye whose iris was made of diamonds was promptly pawned for a fraction of its worth, and now Mikaela possessed more gold than she could remember having in a very long time.
The question was what to do with it. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to buy her weight in drugs and smoke the profit, but a nagging voice in the back of her head kept her from doing that, although she had clearly spent some of it to celebrate.
Finally she grabbed a dirty piece of paper and scribbled out a quick note.
You’re the only person I know who’s not total shit with money. All the stuck up noble chicks I know just inherited a bunch of gold and run around spending it, but you have a business and stuff. I’ve come into a bit of money and am looking to not screw it up. I’d like to talk investment and making money. Maybe we could talk?
Before she could lose her nerve she sent the letter off with a small air elemental to be delivered to Mani’s shop in the Arch.
( @manizeh )
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
Every time you guys tag embroidery as cross-stitching it makes me twitch a little :< #pedant (ilu all)
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delphil__ via Instagram
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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Adora tucked the shimmering letter into a much more demure envelope before sending it off with an owl for delivery. Despite her best efforts there was probably a trail of glitter from sender to recipient. When the envelope was opened, the paper it was written on would appear to be an almost translucent pink, although the woman had been careful to use an ink that would still be legible.
Dear Minister Cavalli,
I hope that you are doing well in these trying times and that your family is also well. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to work under you. I learned much from the experience. I was hoping perhaps we could meet for tea or coffee. I would love to pick your brain about the current political climate and to express my gratitude in person.
Please find enclosed something I think you may enjoy.
Six guide your steps,
Adora Glass
Enclosed would be a small jar of pastel pink glitter.
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
Adora’s short blonde hair had grown out quite a bit since her return to what was left of her home. She pressed a thoughtful finger against pale lips as she read and reread the letter. Nothing in it stood out as being an obvious trap, although the Six only knew what had transpired in her family since she had been preoccupied with her concerns about being caught up in the Ministry drama.
Truthfully she had been so preoccupied with her own guilt or innocent, or rather of anyone’s declaring her guilt by very brief and tenuous association, that she had only recently learned of the more major events. Still, this letter was not something she expected.
Adora grabbed a thing piece of parchment and penned a response before sending it off with a small dark grey owl to be delivered.
Lady Alessia,
I look forward to seeing the direction the House takes under your faithful guidance and leadership. Please let me know at what time and date you would like for me to be present at Parliament Hill and I shall be sure to attend. I look forward to hearing more from you regarding your plans.
May the Six guide you,
Adora Glass
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A Letter of Summons
The following note made it’s way by owl to Auric, Alivia, Alexandria, Astrid, Aldous, Adora, and Alaina.
Dearest family,
I thought it was about time we had a discussion regarding what is going on with this house. With Aurora officially on maternity business, and as it is my birth right to claim the title of the House, I will be claiming the headship; effective immediately.
If you have received this letter, you are officially eligible to become Heir Apparent to the title once I relieve myself of the duties either by way of death or voluntarily, or… you are the guardian of someone who could receive said title.
Meet with me at Parliament Hill, we will calmly discuss the goings-on of our family and what it means to us here on out.
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@rynbadger @jmariegw2ooc
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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( @luxelen Mika wearing Bulletproof Belle? XD )
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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The scene at Lake Doric had been far worse than Adora could have imagined. Seeing the destruction wrought by the Mantle and the vicious responses people had to them in turn only hardened Adora’s resolve to remain hidden. Between basic training and her immediate deployment she hadn’t really thought any of this through.
“Glasser!” barked the commanding officer on duty. “Quit makin’ eyes at the medics and get yer ass back where ya belong!”
Her feminine features had brought her more attention than she expected from a few of the female enlistees, and the blonde was more than happy to scurry back to her post. On her way to the other side of the camp she saw a cleared area behind one of the tents where some of the White Mantle prisoners were being kept. Soldiers had beaten the prisoners and dressed them mockingly in Ministry Guard uniforms. 
“For the queen!”
Adora winced, kept her eyes fixed on the dirt, and walked as quickly as she could. How would they react if they knew she had worked for the Ministry and ran away after the attacks? Teeth worked her lower lip raw with her concern. 
It wasn’t until it was too late that she realized the guard stationed next to her didn’t look familiar at all. Pulled out of her own melodrama she frowned at her new partner.
“Who are you? Don’t think I’ve seen you bef-” was all she got out before the other man punched her in the stomach, leaving her winded and on her knees as several more Mantle appeared on the ridge to free their companions.
@thehouseglass @fieldmedicvarro
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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Talia turned the carved seashell over in her hands several times before finally folding it up in a silk handkerchief. She sent the entire package addressed to Lord Orpheus Robespierre.
Lord Robespierre,
Please accept this small pin as a token of thanks for the lovely evening the other night. I hope that Dwayna watches over you - your business and your personal pursuits. I have always found the thought of her presence to be a comfort and a guide for me. I do hope I’m not too forward when I say that I hope to see you again sometime. Perhaps we really could arrange a tour of one of our ships.
May the Six guide your path,
Lady Talia Maslak
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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The rough cotton fabric of the shirt she was given chafed against her skin like all the recruits before her and surely all the ones after her as well. She hadn’t quite expected everything to happen as quickly as it had, although a wiser person would have realized the accelerated rate of training and the need for bodies during a time of war. Most of the other recruits paid her no heed. There was a small group that jeered at her when she failed some feat of physical prowess or another. They scoffed at the blisters forming on her hands that had never held a greatsword before. Their feet somehow got tangled up in hers as she was running her morning laps, resulting in her eating dirt and having to wipe the blood from her nose.
But overall she was... adjusting. She had gotten used to rising long before the sun to bathe where no one could see her. If she spoke little aside from a barked “yes, sir” at the orders given by the drill instructors then no one could notice that her faint tenor hid her natural soprano voice.
Adora - “Adonis” - kept to herself and made no friends and no true enemies. She delighted in the physical exhaustion each night that dragged her quickly into a deep slumber. It was such that she barely even noticed two weeks had passed until she received a letter.
Adonis Glasser. You are certified to serve as a recon unit in Lake Doric. Report to Lieutenant Harrison for duty immediately.
( @thehouseglass )
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
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Adora hadn’t been seen or heard from since the attack on Divinity’s Reach. The chaos in the city had likely made her disappearance less notable, but as days passed and turned into weeks the fair haired woman still did not re-emerge. Rumors began to swirl that perhaps she had perished in the attack or that she had fled like so many others and was among the unaccounted for refugees in Ebonhawke or the Arch.
The attacks had made something clear to the young blonde. Her family’s work at the school was noble, of course, but she wasn’t really a part of it. She wasn’t old enough to be an instructor or smart enough to help with administration. She had enjoyed learning about the Ministry under Minister Cavalli, but she didn’t really want to spend her time sorting donations and begging people for money. Even if she did the queen’s dissolution of the Ministry would have prevented that from happening anyway.
She wanted to experience the world. To learn about what was really out there and to be a part of it. To do something good. She wanted a chance to escape the responsibilities of nobility and of her family. 
And it was with that in mind that the blonde cut off her long flaxen locks and appeared at a Seraph recruitment station in an overly large shirt and a loose pair of slacks. The recruiter appeared to be in his early 20′s. Resentment flashed in his eyes and he moved awkwardly around the table, balancing on one leg, to eye her up.
“Guess everyone wants to help now. Don’t know where you all were before it got popular.” He grunted but shoved some paper work at her. “You gotta name? May as well know it before they bury you. Don’t hardly look like you’ll even survive the first fight.”
“Ado--nis. Glass...er. Adonis Glasser,” she answered before focusing on the forms. 
( @rowboat-gw2 )
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
🔍 - An Acquaintance for Carsyn
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“Miss Mika is lovely woman.” Carsyn smiles. “We met in the Sun, I think.”Falling silent in her inner musings, Carsyn’s silvery eyes grow glassy as she thinks of the dark-skinned beauty. “She’s exotic and though I find myself concerned for her wellbeing after a choice incident, it is not my place to extend my help or try to fix things. Something haunts her dark eyes but we are not close enough for me to ask what, exactly. I think she’s very lucky to have Mr. Huart caring for her.”
(( @mikaelabotha ))
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
((Yay I caught up on asks so I can do this one for Mika now <3 Would also be willing to do it for Adora although those responses may take a little bit longer!))
Meet the People in My Muse’s Life
Send a Symbol, and they’ll tell you about:
🌻 - Their Father 🌷 - Their Mother 🌟 - A Different Family Member 🐶 - A Pet 👊 - A Best Friend 👋 - A Friend 🔍  - An Acquaintance 🍼 - A Child (Theirs or Not) 🎭 - A Former Friend 👿 - An Enemy 📪 - A Neighbor 💘 - A Love Interest 👻  - Someone They Don’t See Often 💀 - Someone Deceased ☀️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemons into Lemonade” ☔️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemonade into Lemons” 🍀 - Someone Lucky 🍰 - Someone who Loves Food 🍜 - Someone who’s A Great Cook
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
9. Describe your perfect mate
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It had been some time since she had spoken to Chris, and she was glad to see his focus on relationships had not changed.
“My ideal mate? That’s easy. Someone who won’t leave.” Her voice held a sadness to it that she tried not to show, looking at the man. “Anything else?”
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trella-gw2 · 7 years
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
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Mika hesitated for a moment, giving the woman speaking to her a strange look. She couldn’t quite place the voice or the woman’s face, but mentally she chalked that up to the fact that her vision was a bit blurry and she was pretty sure there weren’t actually two women asking her at the same time. The Wintersday party was in full swing, and Mikaela was eager to get back to it rather than spending her time soul-searching with a stranger against the wall.“Last person I hugged?” she asked incredulously. Using the nearby keg as a distraction while she thought about the answer, Mika filled three different containers with alcohol.. “See that blonde over in the corner? Wearing that see through getup that doesn’t leave anything to the imagination? Her. Don’t know her name but if you find out make sure you get it to me.”
The Elonian flashed a grin and a wink before threading her way back into the throng of people.
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